National Politics - 2016

(New) New Hampshire Polling

NON-POLITICIANS RANK 1-2-3 … || By FITSNEWS || Non-politicians rank first, second and third in the latest poll from early-voting New Hampshire … According to the latest WBUR survey, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump leads the way with 22 percent, followed by retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 18 percent and former…


|| By FITSNEWS || Non-politicians rank first, second and third in the latest poll from early-voting New Hampshire …

According to the latest WBUR survey, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump leads the way with 22 percent, followed by retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 18 percent and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina at 11 percent.

“He’s not politically correct,” one Trump supporter told the pollsters. “He says what he means and does what he means.”

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush and Ohio governor John Kasich are the first two politicians on the list – drawing the support of nine percent of likely Granite State GOP voters.  That puts them in a tie for fourth place.

No other candidate polls above five percent …

Of interest?  U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is making headway in New Hampshire … at least among those candidates receiving less than one percent support.

Graham is backed by 0.9 percent of New Hampshire “Republicans,” putting him ahead of Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal (0.4 percent), former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania (0.3 percent) and former New York governor George Pataki (0.2 percent).

WBUR surveyed 404 likely primary voters between September 13-14.  The poll’s margin of error is plus or minus 4.9 percentage points.


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House Always Wins September 16, 2015 at 2:56 pm

The GOP is being made into a joke by the influx of outsiders. They will be crushed going into the general election though.

Conservative "values" September 16, 2015 at 3:39 pm

They will not nominate either Trup or Fiorina as they don’t possess Conservative “values.”

erneba September 16, 2015 at 3:23 pm

There seems to be a consistency from state to state that there is a universal appeal of the top three; Trump, Carson, and Fiorina.
Early trends at this point are a clear indication that the Republican electorate has had it with ‘career’ politicians.
Is it deep-seated and will it last?

Rocky Verdad September 16, 2015 at 3:41 pm

Well I think it suggests a fundemental shift within the GOP demographic. And not a good one. In late 2004 when W won re-election, some 38% of Americans identified as Republican. Today that number is 27%. That suggests that about 28% of the GOP members are gone. We see that number really slide in 2006 down to about 32%. When the Tea Party zealots really take over the conversation in 2010, the number falls again down to 30%. By 2012 it’s 28%, and as we said, now it’s 27%.

So in 2004, if 100 people stood in a room, 38 were Republican. Today only 27. But who make up that 27. It’s quite possible that in 2004, of those 38, 10 were rthe zealots. Well, 12 out of 38, that’s about 26%. Let’s assume for the moment, the zealots have remained. Well 12 out of 27, that’s about 45%, which is pretty much were we are if you combine Trump and Carson. So what that means, is to a large extent, the GOP is much more radicalized than in the past. And those radicals teahadists have been allowed to push the more moderate voters out of the party. And so to quote a great movie line, “So you get what we had here last week, which is the way [they] wants it. Well, [they] gets it. I don’t like it any more than you men.”

flip September 16, 2015 at 4:04 pm

1.Republicans have the senate and picked up 11 seats since 2008
2.Republicans have the house and have picked up 75 seats since 2008
3.Republicans control 34 of 50 governorships
4.Republicans control 69 of 98 state legislatures (BOTH CHAMBERS) and have gained 1500 seats in 2008.

You really make a fool of yourself Rocky.Read the facts and weep!Without Amnesty the Democrat Party can’t survive.Won’t happen.Obama destroyed the Democrat Party and ALL his LEGACY will entail is queer marriage (<2% of country). All his E/O's on immigration will be gone and NO Amnesty, Obamacare taken apart,Iran deal revoked etc….

Rocky Verdad September 16, 2015 at 4:26 pm

And Republicans haven’t won a national election in over 10 years.

Manray9 September 16, 2015 at 4:36 pm

2012: Obama received 3.50 million more votes than Romney.
2008: Obama received 8.50 million more votes than McCain.
2000: Gore received 547 thousand more votes than Bush.

Kinda blows your point, doesn’t it?

Rocky Verdad September 16, 2015 at 3:44 pm

It’s deep seated with the zealots, and it will last. And it will cripple the party, and allow Uncle Joe to slide into the White House easy.

flip September 16, 2015 at 4:08 pm

PRINCETON, N.J. — Conservatives continued to outnumber moderates and liberals in the U.S. population in 2014, as they have since 2009. However, their 14-percentage-point edge over liberals last year, 38% vs. 24%, is the smallest in Gallup’s trends since 1992. The percentage of U.S. adults identifying themselves as politically conservative in 2014 was unchanged from 2013, as was the percentage of moderates, at 34%, while the percentage considering themselves liberal rose a percentage point for the third straight year.

Chasing Rocky’s lies is a full time job.

Rocky Verdad September 16, 2015 at 4:28 pm

I didn’t say Conservative versus Liberal Flip, I said identified as Republican. Please try and keep up. As an attorney, I know you have the ability to do that.

erneba September 16, 2015 at 5:31 pm

Or you could try ignoring him. I must confess, I do read some of his comments, not all of them.
Republican/Democrat/Independent are labels that mean something to me. If they are meant to classify your beliefs only in the political realm.They can classify your political persuasion without revealing your social, spiritual, and personal beliefs.
The labels of Conservative/Liberal/ Independent signify a certain lifestyle adherence more than a strict political adherence, to me. In the part of the state that I live in, there are people that proclaim themselves to be very Conservative, but usually vote a straight Democrat ticket. They are socially and spiritually Conservative and lead a very conservative life outside of the world of politics. I have relatives that are very Conservative, go to church every Sunday, never break any laws, stay married forever, never curse, etc. etc., and vote a straight Democrat ticket.
The two sets of labels mean entirely different things to me, Usually the two align by party affiliation, but not always.

Your Editor September 16, 2015 at 3:27 pm

“Graham is backed by 0.9 percent of New Hampshire “Republicans,” putting him ahead of Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal (0.4 percent), former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania (0.3 percent) and former New York governor George Pataki (0.2 percent).”

You could strike this entire paragraph as meaningless.

Crooner September 16, 2015 at 3:48 pm

Lindsey: Just quit already! Nobody cares about ISIL. It’s like black-on-black crime.


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