Thad Viers Sentencing Hearing Rescheduled

EX-LAWMAKER TO LEARN HIS FATE THIS MONTH … || By FITSNEWS || Former S.C. Rep. Thad Viers‘ sentencing hearing on a federal money laundering charge has been rescheduled for this month, according to court documents obtained by The (Myrtle Beach, S.C.) Sun News. Assuming there are no additional delays in…


|| By FITSNEWS || Former S.C. Rep. Thad Viers‘ sentencing hearing on a federal money laundering charge has been rescheduled for this month, according to court documents obtained by The (Myrtle Beach, S.C.) Sun News.

Assuming there are no additional delays in this process, Viers will appear at the McMillan Federal Building in Florence, S.C. at 10:00 a.m. EDT on Wednesday, September 16 to learn his fate.

The former state lawmaker/ congressional candidate is facing up to ten years in federal prison for his role in helping a shady paving contractor hide assets – however he’s confident he’ll stay out of jail.

To read our latest on Viers’ situation, click here …


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pOgo September 1, 2015 at 5:46 pm

Oh my! Has super sleuth Boz Martin been able to connect his latest bizzaro,fantasy land allegation…this one of Tom Kincannon allegedly working for the MBACC…. to Viers and his sentencing? Why the delay? Ramadan? Tropical Storm Erika? The MTV Awards?

Will Elmer Fudd appear on behalf of Viers? What is Tom Rice having for dinner tonight? Boz are you OUT there? :)

Bank Of America September 1, 2015 at 5:55 pm

Did Boz take your candy away? Lunch money?

The Buzzman September 1, 2015 at 6:16 pm

pogo gloms onto blogs and starts shit with people, sometimes at random, if they are not totally in mental lock-step with his warped version of freedom, patriotism, and a Godly life. Since I was familiar to him from another blog, and we’d been at odds with each other, he glommed on to me. And also, like a lost little duckling, he imprinted on Grand Tango. So when GT departed FITSNews comment threads, he chose to emulate his style somewhat. Part of his MO.

pOgo September 1, 2015 at 8:33 pm

And NOW, the rest of the story on “another blog”….

“I am William H. Martin, a long-time SNOB commenter, now banned.”

Ok Boz.

The Buzzman September 2, 2015 at 4:39 am

That was not the real SNOB, just an “alternative” version started by one of the members, after it was discontinued. Yes, I’d been banned from the real one. I’ve never hidden that fact. I’d been banned, along with Thomas G. Davis, the tortured genius turned ugly troll that make threats on people’s lives and did all he could to ruin them, supposedly doing it to avenge his powerful political and business buddies in the MB area that he kept sucking up to. None of whom, btw, are speaking to him now that he he’s a near-derelict, living out of a seedy hotel room in Garden City. Such is life, ya know?

Still, like me, he was soon un-banned by TSN. Since that time, I have not had one single comment on any of its story threads or blogs deleted. They did delete a few from Big T, who started posting there around that time, though, as “Emily Peterkin,” and they banned that fake account. The real Emily Peterkin complained about it, just as she has done on this blog. Likely that was where and when you two connected. Probably makes you all misty-eyed and love-struck, all over again, to think about it.

Creepy Creepy September 2, 2015 at 6:52 am

Flip commenting here is the cost of dwindling mental health funding.

I just think it is really creepy and sad that someone has nothing better to do than to do what Flip does to you, or really, almost everyone else who comments here.

pOgo September 2, 2015 at 7:53 am

Ah horseshit. Unsolicited, Boz attacks me on almost a daily basis. That’s cool. It is a comment section of an opinion blog. Fair game.Boz is ok.He is good,like most liberals, of playing a victim.
Problem you liberals have (incliding Boz) is you don’t want different opinions expressed and when they are you get very angry,while trying to destroy the messenger.Grow a thicker skin.

what a loser September 2, 2015 at 8:49 am

You’re the one attacking people on a daily basis. You don’t even limit it to Boz, your obsession with him is unmatched but you attack almost every single person who comments here. It is really just sad. No one even takes anything you say seriously because of it. You are just a bad joke on this site.

The Buzzman September 2, 2015 at 8:54 am

He’s a majority of the trolls here, now.

flip September 2, 2015 at 9:48 am

You are lying Boz, as usual.

Gene W. September 2, 2015 at 7:31 am

You are lying about Thomas G. Davis.I will pass your comments along at our next business meeting.

The Buzzman September 2, 2015 at 8:43 am

Yeah. Pass that right along. “Business meetings” at the Marlin are, I’m sure “high-level” affairs. How pickled is his brain, now? It was getting bad five years ago. Hard to imagine how far along the damage is, now.

The Buzzman September 2, 2015 at 9:41 am

Has Davis mentioned to you that he is one of the two co-patent-holders on the original technology for all voting machines in the USA? Has he bragged to you, as he did on TSN comments, that he can program any voting machine, anywhere in the world, from his laptop? I know you’re really poGo, but it’s interesting to me that you never mention any of that. It happens to be true. He does hold that patent, with Doug Wilder, the Democrat former governor of Virginia. Funny that you always want to leave all of that out. It’s even more interesting than the fact that he was always able to use other people’s money to get major “developments” built in SC, GA, and FL.

pOgO September 2, 2015 at 9:47 am

I recall all that.Not a fan of Tom. Why you are after that man when he apparently has fallen on hard times is beyond me.Pure evil.

We are done talking.

The Buzzman September 2, 2015 at 11:14 am

Fallen on hard times, my ass! He brought all of it on himself, through his relentless, heartless attacks on others. And I’m not just talking about me.

Karma’s a bitch!

At least, though, he made sure his heirs were provided for before the bottom fell out for him — and his ex-wives no doubt made sure that they got a good cut of his past profits. Now none of them, apparently, are helping him.

I’ll see him soon. Maybe I’ll see if he wants me to lend him a few bucks.

pOgo September 2, 2015 at 8:02 am

lol…that is not the way I recall things on TSN….I recall 5 different contributors that threatened to sue you for libelous comments-including ONE deceased author that served our nation. I also don’t recall Davis making threats on your life all though he was a real ass at times.

Didn’t you say you served as a ‘narc’ for TSN-outing fake accounts and contributors you disagreed with, like this ‘Emily Peterkin’?

narc on Boz-you apparently found your (s)nitch in life.:)

The Buzzman September 2, 2015 at 8:53 am

I believe at least three of those commenters were Davis, after he got banned, using a fake name the way you do. As for the one that is deceased, it’s unfortunate that this is so. Why bring up that fact though? It has no bearing on anything. Concerning him, he’s the one who kept telling me, in different ways, that I should kill myself. Said he’d loan me his gun. Also said that it was too bad a person that got killed on the 501 bridge by truck was not me. Quite similar to Davis’ menacing comments, but I know he was a real person.

pOgO September 2, 2015 at 9:38 am

No. ONE business owner in Murrels Inlet.ONE business owner in Pawley’s Island. Davis.Deceased author/veteran and ONE ‘troll’ as you call em threatened to sue you for allegedly making libelous comments about them and /or their businesses. Old news.

Davis did push the envelope with you, in my opinion.One odd character.

Anyway-no hard feelings.Love Pat Gwinn’s syndicated shows.Better than Charlie Brown’s, in my opinion. Is that little radio station in Fairbluff still on air with a show online?

The Buzzman September 2, 2015 at 9:43 am

I don’t want to discuss any of that with you.

pOgO September 2, 2015 at 9:45 am

ok.How about this. You quit bringing my name up and attacking me and I will quit telling the truth about you. Deal?

The Buzzman September 2, 2015 at 11:06 am

How about THIS? …

Why don’t you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut?

Why don’t you take a flying fuck at the MOOOOOON?

flip el pogo September 2, 2015 at 11:46 am

Na.I am gonna take a break from FitsNews. If Will wants to let you destroy his business, that is up to him.

See ya.

The Buzzman September 2, 2015 at 11:59 am

Gotta go no-go pogo. Same old bullshit line. You never change.

The Buzzman September 2, 2015 at 11:09 am

/// You quit bringing my name up and attacking me and I will quit telling the truth about you. Deal? ///

You don’t have a “name”, flippy/pogo. You have a thousand fake names, and a basic highly dubious story about the one or two that you do publicly identify with. You don’t even have the balls to post with a real Disqus account. It probably would not get deleted by Disqus, as did all of your fake Facebook ones.

Why not grow some balls and at least have a Disqus account for at least one of your fake names and claimed life story, that you actually use for posting here — instead of just the one or two you have for lurking, spying, and stalking purposes?

pOgo September 2, 2015 at 11:40 am

“lurking,spying and stalking”? That coming from KING of projecting “abject terror”? Even at a place of worship, Boz? :)

Golden oldie from Boz! :

“Can you spell RICO, Tom(Rice)Because your role in that “Grand Scam” has reportedly not been ignored in the ongoing the fed probe – along with that of a certain CCU/MBACC lobbyist and real estate associate tied to the clearly-related world-wide pushing of a certain “service” here locally providing “distressed hotel asset relief.”

I remember very well the look in your wife’s eyes when I discussed this kind of stuff with y’all at that event at Mt Olive church back in 2010. You managed to stay cool as a cucumber throughout, and your south end tool Mary Henry was kind of bug-eyed as she hung on every word, but I glanced at Mrs. Rice and she had a look of abject terror in her eyes.

And that was before I even heard the strong and persistent rumor that the two of you WERE there at the bank that day with your late friend & good old Shep “Where’s Shep?” Guyton that fateful day when the “clearing house” checks were cut.

Don’t worry. You can tell us if that last one is true or not. Unburden your soul. It will do it a world of good – even if it might not keep you and/or your cronies out of the slammer.”

The Buzzman September 2, 2015 at 11:55 am

Every bit of that was exactly as I related it. That was long before Wrenzie’s drunken, insane middle-of-the-night attacks on Paul Gable, me, Will Folks, and about a dozen other bloggers, commenters and Facebook friends. I’m sure you remember that. Gonna sic the Capital Police, the Sgt.-At-Arms of the House, and The Secret Service on us. Turns out what we’d said was accurate, though, and has never been disproven. Gable could see that the Congressman’s wife was using different names to attack him on his own blog, because he could see her IP address on the platform’s control panel. And he called her on it. Ruh-roh!

Going back to the Mt. Olive event: Tellers at the bank had revealed to investigators that they had seen the Rices with Shep and David Brittain at the bank the day the checks were cut. This is simply a fact. That was the part that really brought the look of abject terror. It was what it was, she is what she is … and so is her husband. What he is is a total fraud, a tool, a criminal, and a mush-mouthed goober from my old ‘hood — who is in way over his head, just because he’s a good yes-man.

mamatiger92 September 2, 2015 at 9:38 am

I especially love the “Godly life” part given his fondness for bullying & profanity.

flip September 2, 2015 at 9:42 am

How else do you fight evil? Liberals have no morals. They seek to ‘bully’ /intimidate those that have a different opinion than them.
Angry all the time.

Only way to fight you people in the arena of ideas is to crawl in the sewer with ya-something the Republican establishment refuses to do and why Trump is so popular.He don’t take your socialist,American hating bull shit.

Sic Semper Tyrannis September 1, 2015 at 6:00 pm

Spunk, Spunk, a pubs last gasp.Until he is needed again to run the state !!!!

southmauldin September 1, 2015 at 9:08 pm

Can this piece of shit redneck just go to jail already? I’m tired of reading of him and his transgressions over and over.

TroubleBaby September 1, 2015 at 9:17 pm

It’d be nice if he kept a jail house blog though wouldn’t it?

“Day 1: Today I learned that when I’m offered a tossed salad to politely decline.”
“Day 2: Apparently pudgy men with big dongs are a valuable commodity here.”
“Day 3: My pimp tells me that he’ll ease up on the beatings if I can earn 10 packs of cigarettes a day from his clientele.”

flip September 1, 2015 at 9:34 pm

Wow…no wonder NOBODY takes dip shit Libatards seriously.Carry on.

TroubleBaby September 1, 2015 at 9:40 pm

You’re always so angry. Lighten up scro’, or you’ll bust a vein.

Billy September 1, 2015 at 10:11 pm

And I’d like to see the dirtbag PiNson finally get hard time too

sherrijallison September 2, 2015 at 2:38 am

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Orange is the new Black September 2, 2015 at 6:46 am

Thad is the new T-Rav.

The Colonel September 2, 2015 at 6:48 am

T-Vie? (He’s built more like the refrigerator though)

T-Vie Dinners September 2, 2015 at 6:53 am

Sounds like a great prison nickname.

The Colonel September 2, 2015 at 1:23 pm

Came up with a new one, how about Thav…

TontoBubbaGoldstein September 2, 2015 at 8:41 pm

Came up with a new one, how about Thav…


Bernie September 1, 2015 at 10:14 pm

Thad is a pos and he needs to get “the other end of the stick” for a while.


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