
Consumer Comfort In Holding Pattern …

MEASURE UP MODESTLY THIS WEEK …  || By FITSNEWS || Bloomberg’s Consumer Comfort Index (CCI) clocked in at 41.1 this week – up from last week’s 40.7 reading.  The index “has halted a July decline, but lacks upward momentum, and is now 2.4 points below its 2015 average,” according to…


|| By FITSNEWS || Bloomberg’s Consumer Comfort Index (CCI) clocked in at 41.1 this week – up from last week’s 40.7 reading.  The index “has halted a July decline, but lacks upward momentum, and is now 2.4 points below its 2015 average,” according to the release (.pdf here).

The CCI measures consumer comfort on a scale of zero to 100.

Here’s its latest progress in chart form …


Published weekly since December 1985, the CCI records Americans’ views on three key items: The national economy, the buying climate and their personal finances. Produced by Langer Research Associates, its data is based on 1,000 national random-sample landline and cellular telephone interviews, 250 per week (in a four-week rolling average).

What do we make of this data?

It’s middling … more evidence the “everything is awesome” propaganda which was intended to spark a consumer renaissance isn’t working.


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erneba August 20, 2015 at 11:18 am

Got to remember, this is what the Obama economy looks like, so relatively speaking, “everything is awesome.”

Rocky Verdad August 20, 2015 at 12:29 pm

” but lacks upward momentum” – I know I might not be the sharpest knife, but that’s not what your tend line says.

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