More Jasper County “School” Shadiness …

IT’S ALL ABOUT “THE CHILDREN” || By FITSNEWS || Jasper County’s government-run school system is the worst in South Carolina … which is saying something when you consider South Carolina’s government-run system is one of the worst in America. Of course when you look at the district’s “leadership” – or the…


|| By FITSNEWS || Jasper County’s government-run school system is the worst in South Carolina … which is saying something when you consider South Carolina’s government-run system is one of the worst in America.

Of course when you look at the district’s “leadership” – or the way its students are treated – it’s not surprising.  But then again the Jasper County school district doesn’t exist to educate children, it’s a government employment program – nothing more, nothing less.

Anyway, speaking of employment in the district we noted Hardeeville Elementary School recently hired one Johnny Williams to be its physical education instructor.

Who is Johnny Williams?

According to a report appearing in The Savannah Morning News last April, he’s a former athletics director at the East Broad Street K8 School in Savannah, Georgia.  One whose tenure did not end well …

From the report:

The problems began when a female volleyball coach complained that Williams kissed a female player on the forehead after a tough loss and allowed another girl to rest her head in his lap before a game. She also said he had allowed girls to use his office to change clothes. Williams was cleared of any wrongdoing and allowed to resume his regular duties. But before his return to the classroom administrators warned him that he would have to set clear boundaries, refrain from any inappropriate contact and make sure that he was never alone with a student. However, one month later he was accused of roughing up a male athlete who was skipping class.

What happened there?

The boy, who had recently been in trouble for skipping class and stealing cafeteria food, snuck into the gym during Williams’ first period class so he could shoot baskets. When Williams told him to return to band class the boy refused. Both accused the other of using profanity during their verbal exchange. Williams then marched the boy across the hall to the band room. But instead of leaving him there, he told the band teacher he would handle the situation and took the boy into his office. The boy said Williams “jacked him up,” shoved his head into the wall and threatened to kick him off the basketball team. The boy said he threw down the jersey and announced that he quit and claims Williams tackled him onto a couch in his office because he refused to sit down.

Williams claims to have tripped over some boxes in his office and fallen on the child.

Hmmmm …

Look, we’re all for giving people second chances, but it sounds like this guy is on his third chance.  Oh, and we’re talking about allegations of inappropriate conduct and violence involving children.


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Nölff August 11, 2015 at 10:04 am

Here’s a haiku:

government-run schools
government-run government
government-run schools

skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet
skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet
skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet

shifty henry August 11, 2015 at 10:42 am

***** ????? *****

Jackie Chiles August 11, 2015 at 12:11 pm

this made no sense but I love it

Armpits are of which party? August 11, 2015 at 10:17 am

For which party does Jasper County vote?

And for which party does ALL backward school districts vote?

CNSYD August 11, 2015 at 10:19 am

Not to worry. Carpetbagger Tom Davis has parts of Jasper County in his district, so I am sure he is on top of this, right?

Ridgeland Speed Traps August 11, 2015 at 2:28 pm

May I have your attention please?
May I have your attention please?
Will the real Jasper Shady please stand up?
I repeat, will the real Jasper Shady please stand up?
We’re gonna have a problem here..

Anonymous August 11, 2015 at 6:12 pm

First Steps to School Readiness is another “all about the children” program that exists mostly to employ the otherwise unemployable. It is headed by failed director Susan DeVenny and her sidekick “Dr. Dan” Wuori. Study after study, audit after audit show abysmal performances for this “results based” agency that pays its director more than any other education agency. When will the governor take action and truly help little children be prepared for school?

Ted E Bear August 12, 2015 at 11:02 am

not really surprising. they are hiring teachers right out of college they are so desparate.

Lobeco August 13, 2015 at 12:54 pm

Bull crap. They are hiring teachers right out of college IF THEY ARE OF THE RIGHT RACE and if the can perceive they will not talk about what they see.

Qualified teachers have applied – and were not even given a cursory interview. Ask Tom Davis if you don’t believe me.

Allendale and Estill (Hampton District 2) are no better. They don’t WANT better teachers.

Ridgeland Rat August 13, 2015 at 12:57 pm

Where is that “Republican” Molly Spearman? Molly is a Jean Toal Democrat and we all know it. Molly has done nothing to help down here. It appears Clyburn and his crowd have told her hands off until all the cover-ups are complete and sealed air tight. Sen. Pinckney was trying to help. He really was.


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