National Politics - 2016

Robert Romano: “Work Longer Hours” Gaffe Is Hurting Jeb Bush

FORMER GOP FRONTRUNNER STILL DOGGED BY COMMENT || By ROBERT ROMANO ||On July 9, former Florida Governor and Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush proclaimed that if Americans wanted higher incomes and to get back to 4-percent-a-year economic growth, they need to work longer hours. “[P]eople need to work longer hours…


|| By ROBERT ROMANO ||On July 9, former Florida Governor and Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush proclaimed that if Americans wanted higher incomes and to get back to 4-percent-a-year economic growth, they need to work longer hours.

“[P]eople need to work longer hours and through their productivity gain more income for their families. That’s the only way we are going to get out of this rut that we’re in,” Bush told the New Hampshire Union Leader in an interview.

That’s probably not what most Americans want to hear, particularly if you’re already working full-time or lost your savings in the recession, putting your retirement plans on the skids. Who wants to be told the sluggish economy or their financial struggles are their fault for not working hard enough when they’re working hard already?

Bush has subsequently tanked in the polls.

A Monmouth poll taken July 9 through July 12 had Bush polling at 15 percent versus Donald Trump at 13 percent. It was the last national GOP poll that Bush led.

Now he’s down by as much as 11 points nationally in the weeks since, and has fallen far behind in New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton immediately hit back at Bush, tweeting that “Anyone who believes Americans aren’t working hard enough hasn’t met enough American workers.” She posted a chart from the Economic Policy Institute showing productivity hitting near all-time highs even while incomes remain flat.

Bush attempted to backtrack on the statement, clarifying his position to the Boston Herald, saying, “If we’re going to grow our economy, people need to stop being part-time workers and need to be having access to greater opportunities to work. You can take it out of context all you want, but high-sustaining growth means people work 40 hours, rather than 30 hours.”

There’s only one problem. That was a great talking point in 2009, when the percent of those with jobs working part-time peaked at nearly 20 percent. But that was thanks to the recession and labor markets imploding …

(To continue reading this piece, press the “Read More …” icon below).

Robert Romano is the Senior Editor of Americans for Limited Government.  This piece (reprinted with permission) originally appeared on


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TroubleBaby August 7, 2015 at 1:34 pm

ok…ok….so Jeb is more of a “decorative bush”. Alright?!

Iftheyonlyknew August 7, 2015 at 8:41 pm

Prez Merkin… has a ring to it!

Iftheyonlyknew August 7, 2015 at 8:42 pm

Well,that would be if it was fake… Decorative, yet real… Not sure there.

Slartibartfast August 8, 2015 at 12:00 am

Minikui Bush? ??????

CorruptionInColumbia August 7, 2015 at 1:40 pm

Anything that reduces his viability as a candidate can only be good.


Sic Semper Tyrannis August 7, 2015 at 2:57 pm

I love you. I work 12 hour days now.

euwe max August 7, 2015 at 4:11 pm

I’m glad you found work, man. I’m going to California for 6 months for a temporary contract.

Caring Conservatives August 7, 2015 at 1:47 pm

Single mom working 70 hours to support her family? She should be working 100 hours, at least!

Maria August 7, 2015 at 2:56 pm

I want Mexican citizenship, so I can get a work visa to do room service at a Trump Resort!

Mexican American August 7, 2015 at 3:09 pm

You’ll need a green card.

GOP prosper, Democrat misery August 7, 2015 at 3:48 pm

He’s a Liberal, and the guy most of you like. Not to mention, how many single-moms has Obama devastated with his miserable economy over almost 7 years?

Besos 2 Yo Mama August 7, 2015 at 3:07 pm

Bush is a pussy ass two faced gringo.

euwe max August 7, 2015 at 4:10 pm

Can you imagine? Bush is a bigger pussy than HILLARY!

Hillary would scare the shit out of the Mullahs…. they’d drop trou in front of Bush.

Slartibartfast August 8, 2015 at 12:03 am

She will have a difficult time doing that scaring from the graybar hotel. No wonder she wanted to flip off the Benghazi thingy..

euwe max August 8, 2015 at 4:07 am

She’ll beat that rap.

Still praying 4 Jeb aren't you August 7, 2015 at 3:46 pm

Frontrunner? How far must you have your head up your ass?

euwe max August 7, 2015 at 4:02 pm

If we’re going to grow our economy, people need to stop being part-time workers and need to be having access to greater opportunities to work. You can take it out of context all you want, but high-sustaining growth means people work 40 hours, rather than 30 hour
How about addressing the real problem? That your brother fucked us in the ass, and we’re STILL broke.

dwb619 August 7, 2015 at 5:06 pm


Bible Thumper August 7, 2015 at 5:30 pm

(bP) spilled millions of barrels of oil on our coast, and got away scott free.

$40 billion, $18.7 of it in a recent settlement. The executives may have got of Scott free but not the shareholders.

euwe max August 7, 2015 at 6:00 pm

They didn’t go to jail, and didn’t have to clean it up or change the design of their blowout “preventers,” and they cheated on the number of barrels they estimated were spilled.

…and they didn’t award money to people that they promised to – they got out of it by saying they had to have “proof” that they were damaged, and used lawyers to eliminate claimants on technicalities.

It’s arguments like yours… and Mitch McConnell.. … and Joe Barton..that give them a red carpet exit from hell.

Mitch McConnell

“Well, look, we’re all angry about it. This is a–an environmental disaster of gargantuan proportions, but the president’s spent a whole lot of time pointing the finger at, at BP–and you should point the finger at BP and the other companies involved in it. We’re also interested in knowing what the administration did. Was the Mineral Management Service a part of this administration that approved this site? It also approved this spill response plan. What kind of oversight did the administration provide during the course of the drilling? There are plenty of questions that need to be answered, and there’ll be adequate time for that. But the administration’s involvement in this will be a big part of the inquiry. In the meantime, we need to do everything we can to stop this spill.”

McConnell didn’t stop at just blaming Obama. He also said that the damages cap should not be lifted, so BP should pay, but not that much, “Well, the danger in that, of course, is that if you raise the cap too high, there will be no competition in the Gulf and you’ll leave all the business to the big guys like BP. What BP has said they need to be held to, which is they’re going to pay for this. They ought to pay for it, and they will pay for it. But the danger of taking the cap too high is that you end up with only massive, very large oil producers able to meet that cap and produce in the Gulf. And look, we can’t walk away–and the president’s not suggesting this either–from offshore drilling. As horrible as this is, it’s important to remember that we get 30 percent of our oil from the Gulf and, if you shut that down, you’d have $14 gasoline.”

McConnell was pushing a big lie, because he knows that the oil drilled in the Gulf does not belong to the United States, as per the sweetheart agreement that our government has with the oil industry, the oil extracted from the Gulf belongs to the oil companies that drill for it, and they are free to sell it to anyone on the open global oil market. He is lying to protect the industry, pure and simple. This is what most Americans don’t get. The oil drilled here is not ours. It doesn’t belong to us. It does not help with our energy woes.

Joe Barton

It shouldn’t matter that Barton is often representing the interests of the oil industry. Any sane person would be outraged at the response thus far of BP, as well as the insensitive and asinine comments by company representatives.

In his opening statement, Barton was so over the top that even his fellow Republicans must have thought he bumped his head on his way into the hearing.

“I’m ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday. I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown — in this case a $20 billion shakedown.”

Bible Thumper August 7, 2015 at 6:42 pm

Are u kidding. If you don’t have to prove your lose, then anyone can claim damage. People a hundred miles from the coast were claiming a lose.
BP also hires 84,500 worldwide, 20,000 in the US. Their gasoline is always available within a few miles of my home. I could travel by car just about any where in North America accessible by roads and never stop at anywhere but a BP station. I’m always amazed at that. My grandparents couldn’t do that. They are able to recover oil from the deepest ocean and the frozen Artic. Everyone takes that for granted. We don’t appreciate what they do and the amount work, skill, science, and technology is involved. If you had to spend a month without gasoline or jet fuel, you would be more appreciative.

euwe max August 7, 2015 at 6:46 pm

yeah… right.

Sic Semper Tyrannis August 7, 2015 at 6:49 pm

You r stupid, and ?

Sic Semper Tyrannis August 7, 2015 at 6:48 pm

Republicans at work. Get used to it.

Speak D Truth August 8, 2015 at 11:28 am

More and more companies will hire part time workers to avoid Obamacare.

euwe max August 9, 2015 at 12:59 pm

Who knew companies were altruistic?

Elfego August 7, 2015 at 5:20 pm

Work Longer Hours,
This person must be a nut. Most of the folks that have had their wages raised want to work less hours because it takes away from their Guberment benefits! Where you been?

Native Ink August 8, 2015 at 10:23 am

What about unpaid overtime or half-rate “Chinese” overtime? I worked at a company once where most workers worked 55-70 hours a week and were getting screwed out of OT. I left eventually, but I’ll never forget that place. We started at 5:30 AM and often got home after 9 P.M. How many more workers could’ve/should’ve been hired but the company found loop holes in the labor laws to avoid paying for them?

BTW, “Chinese” overtime comes from a Labor Dept. ruling during Reagan’s presidency. A businessman had the gall to say that time-and-a-half should mean that workers get paid half for overtime. Bush sounds like he loves this kind of thinking. (Of course, Democrats did nothing to correct overtime abuse until recently, so they’re not exactly on the workers’ side either).

9" August 8, 2015 at 11:56 am

I’m no fan of Jeb Bush, but I hate the way media singles out a quote or film clip,and that’s how the politician is judged , defined and remembered .

asstounded August 12, 2015 at 8:21 am

Get a new lie, Jeb. Explain Iraq, asshole.


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