Tim Scott, Jeff Duncan Honored
AND ONE OF THEM ACTUALLY DESERVES IT … || By FITSNEWS || U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan and U.S. SenatoYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
|| By FITSNEWS || U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan and U.S. Senato
I must admit I was a little disappointed with Sen. Scott on the trade deal vote. But we can’t have everything. He is so much better than that other senator.
They take only as much as they think they can, and still get elected so they can take more.
All politics is loco.
The crazy thing about it is – Republicans (who are all scum) actually believe the scum they elect are altruistic!
Sure thing, Joe Bob! That pastor/businessman/lawyer truly loves America and will represent you faithfully when he gets to Washington – he’s just like you… he wants to stop taxing you, and he’ll spend every dime he has to, to see that it gets done.
Oh btw, did we mention there’s a war or three we need to fight before we can get around to that whole “no more taxes” thing? Damned liberals, right? Right.
Well, we’ll give the corporations another tax break and bail some more bankers out, and … then we’ll get right around to not taxing you… but for now, here’s 500 bucks back for being so good about paying your taxes… don’t worry about where it came from – that money would have gone to some wasteful thing anyway… and we’re sure that any money we give you back from taxes will increase revenue…
Did we mention that Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter?
Well, we have to go now, we’re all millionaires thanks to your support… but if it’s any consolation, we didn’t let Obama improve education, the infrastructure, or healthcare… we’ve got him all tied up just like you wanted.
Oh, one more thing – elect us again… surely you’ve forgotten how we fucked up the last two wars, and bankrupted America by now, and of course, Obama owns that fuckup now… so… we’ll run our sons and brothers again – they need a bunch more money, and we know you – you won’t be jealous of success!
GET A BEST TOP257-CAREER ::: @1md08.
You may think Scott and Duncan are “Super Taxpayer Heroes” but the oil/gas industry considers them something else.
Scott has received over $360,000 from the industry in his short congressional career, with $293,001 in 2014 alone. Duncan started on their “payroll” while still in the SC House with $500 in 2008, but since has moved to the big time with $50,600 in 2014. No one should be shocked that both are advocating for drilling off our coast.
Lawyers give 85% of their donations to Democrats,Unions about 95%.So what should this tell you?
That the Republican Party is run by big business and insurance companies?
Both parties are on the take, and the news media keeps them in office by lying for them. So what else is new? But Hey! What’s going on in the coliseum tonight? Politics is so boring. Let’s see what new entertainment we have.
Ummmmm…Kemosabe…you mean it took Will Folks this long to
finally discover PC Airhead Scott is a Haley appointment that’s unfunny?
Why yes, Tonto—it DID don’tcha know—and Tim keeps serving
ONLY black folk and whites who are sending him wheelbarrows of money !!!
Whoa, Pale Face who speaks with fork tongue. Tim Scott DOES NOT serve “black folks” as they see him for the sell out, skinnin’ and grinnin’, Uncle Tom that he is. If it weren’t for the mirror, Tim Scott would deny that he was black.
Mirror, mirror on the wall – who’s the fairest of them all? (And yo, it better be me or I’ll crack you up!)
Makes you wonder how strenuous this scorecard is…
South Carolina
GrahamLindsey 85
ScottTim 100
ClyburnJames 5
DuncanJeff 100
GowdyTrey 98
MulvaneyMick 99
RiceTom 96
SanfordMark 96
WilsonJoe 94
And Mulvaney and Duncan both voted against TPA.
“We’re happy to applaud Duncan, however Scott has been a big disappointment this year. In addition to supporting the crony capitalist U.S. Export-Import Bank, he was on the wrong side of last month’s big U.S. Senate vote on “Obamatrade” – president Barack Obama‘s crony capitalist Pacific Rim trade deal.”
In addition, Scott was a CoSponsor of HR-25, the FairTax bill when he was in the U.S. House, but has refused to cosponsor the Senate version, S-155. If there was any bill that would create jobs, attract investment capital back to our shores and get the economy moving… it would be this proposal that COMPLETELY untaxes income, wages and business profits while shifting the tax paradigm over to consumption. In other words, you would be free to earn and profit without any involuntary ownership claims placed upon that which you produce, create or earn. You only pay your taxes when you CHOOSE to purchase goods and services in amount beyond basic needs. Senator Scott has abandoned the principal of Freedom to own one’s labor and instead imposes a paradigm that claims an arbitrary part of what we all produce.
In addition, Scott was a CoSponsor of HR-25, the FairTax bill when he was in the U.S. House, but has refused to cosponsor the Senate version, S-155. If there was any bill that would create jobs, attract investment capital back to our shores and get the economy moving… it would be this proposal that COMPLETELY untaxes income, wages and business profits while shifting the tax paradigm over to consumption. In other words, you would be free to earn and profit without any involuntary ownership claims placed upon that which you produce, create or earn. You only pay your taxes when you CHOOSE to purchase goods and services in amount beyond basic needs. Senator Scott has abandoned the principal of Freedom to own one’s labor and instead imposes a paradigm that claims an arbitrary part of what we all produce.