
Ron Paul: Iran Deal Boosts Peace

DEFEATS NEOCONS … || By RON PAUL || Last week’s successfully concluded Iran agreement is oneYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

DEFEATS NEOCONS … || By RON PAUL || Last week’s successfully concluded Iran agreement is one
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Tom July 20, 2015 at 9:31 am

On this rare occasion I agree with Ron. If only his idiot son was as honest on this point, instead of towing the Fox News/NeoCON line; that if Obama did it, it must be bad. The war drums from the right are strong.

Tazmaniac July 20, 2015 at 9:39 am

Just when I start warming up to some of Paul’s positions he goes off the deep end. About the only thing I can agree on is we are demonizing an entire Country for the actions of a few religious whack jobs. It is comparable to having Fred Phelps as our POTUS and the rest of Westboro in his cabinet. I do not believe the BS about sanctions being an act of war.

Bible Thumper July 20, 2015 at 10:33 am

…but rather 52 years ago when the US CIA overthrew the democratically-elected Iranian leader Mossadegh and put a brutal dictator into power. Our relations with the Iranians are marked by nearly six decades of blowback.

2015 minus 1953 is 62 years not 52. I would chalk it up as a typo if not for the “nearly six decades” error also. This is not a mistake Paul would make, given he has spoken on this issue many times before. This leads me to believe that this article is primarily the product of an assistant. That is not that unusual, but he should at least carefully check and approve the final draft.

Paul is very selective on his history. Everything that was wrong, of course, is America’s fault. No mention of the British. How can such a synopsis of Iran’s recent history not include the hostage taking of our embassy staff by Iranian “students” and support by the government. Paul conveniently leaves out Iran’s support of terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah.

Paul uses technicalities of the Non-Proliferation Treaty to obscure the universally held opinion that Iran had a nuclear weapons program and the fact acknowledged by Iran that they are hiding details of it’s nuclear program.

With reservations, I agree that we must support the deal with Iran, because even though this deal doesn’t remove the possibility of war or Iran getting the bomb, regecting this deal makes one of those outcomes more likely.

Rocky July 20, 2015 at 10:38 am

He’s correct. With the lifting of sanctions, Iran will see a boost in economic growth and integration with the West. The biggest winners in Iran will be the growing middle class, which are decidedly more moderate. That’s Israel’s greatest fear. If Iran moderates even more, the strategic value (which is negligible now anyway) of Israel will decline further, and Iran’s strategic importance will increase. Ask yourself this – who’s fighting ISIS with use besides the Europeans. Iran or Israel?

Lone Ranger July 20, 2015 at 6:20 pm

Sticks and stones may break my bones but now this one thing
we all universally know

Ron AND Rand Paul and Obama are proof that the Indians slept
too close to the buffalo !!!

idcydm July 20, 2015 at 7:51 pm

Bet one of Paul’s heroes, Neville Chamberlain.


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