National Politics - 2016

Out Of The Frying Pan …

… INTO THE “REPUBLICAN” PARTY || By FITSNEWS ||  Nevada is a critical swing state in national elections.  In 31 of 38 presidential elections, it’s picked the winner – including a streak of nine presidential races in a row.  Not only that the state has maintained its bellwether status despite…


|| By FITSNEWS ||  Nevada is a critical swing state in national elections.  In 31 of 38 presidential elections, it’s picked the winner – including a streak of nine presidential races in a row.  Not only that the state has maintained its bellwether status despite huge demographic shifts.

(For more on that, click here).

Anyway, former Florida governor Jeb Bush is one “Republican” presidential candidate who’s been working Nevada hard – hoping to capture the state’s “First in the West” 2016 GOP caucus as well as lay the groundwork for a general election campaign.

In fact he’s working the Hispanic vote especially hard … hoping to prove “Republican” candidates can win over a demographic that voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama in the previous two elections.

Bush has done well with Latinos in the past – pulling 61 percent of the vote in the 1998 Florida gubernatorial election.  But most of those were Cuban-Americans.  Bush’s challenge (and the challenge of other would-be “Republican” candidates)?  To win over Mexican-Americans and Latinos who hail from Central America, the Caribbean or South America.

Over the weekend Bush’s campaign released a video from a town hall appearance in Nevada in which a Hispanic man stood up and told Bush he had recently switched parties to become a Republican after being a Democrat for half a century.

Bush responded by hugging the man.

Take a look …

(Click to play)

(Vid: Via)

Sweet, right?

Sure … until you remember that aside from their rhetoric, there’s virtually nothing distinguishing the two major parties in Washington, D.C. right now.

If poor, lower-middle class and middle class Americans (white, black or Hispanic) truly want to improve their job prospects, their income levels and their individual freedom – they will ditch both major parties.


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Not Sure Anymore June 29, 2015 at 9:28 am

Could somebody clearly state what a “republican” is anymore? Anybody?

FastEddy23 June 29, 2015 at 9:29 am

Not Sure: … either.

Quietus June 29, 2015 at 9:43 am

“Republicans” have pet elephants, and “Democrats” have pet donkeys.

TontoBubbaGoldstein June 29, 2015 at 9:43 am

Could somebody clearly state what a “republican” is anymore? Anybody?

A bought and paid for corporatist/socialist/statist shill who differs only from a Democrat in rhetoric, but not in practice.

When a Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton is elected; their governance surprises no one. Yet most Republicans are shocked when their electees govern the same as the Democrats. Usually, their shock is short lived because they have to rally around the flag, as the GOP leaders go send troops abroad in search of monsters to destroy…

guest June 29, 2015 at 10:56 am

They do? Funny.I don’t recall ONE Republican voting for Obamacare.
Get your facts straight.

TontoBubbaGoldstein June 29, 2015 at 11:47 am

They do? Funny.I don’t recall ONE Republican voting for Obamacare.

Get your facts straight.

They didn’t have to for it to pass.

TBG hopes the GOP sweeps the coming elections. They’ll throw Obamacare on the ash heap of history just like they did the New Deal and the Great Society, don’tcha know?

Reality is…they’ll strengthen and expand it (See Bush and Medicare).

RogueElephant June 29, 2015 at 1:09 pm

TBG. Good description of the establishment Republicans . They have sold their souls to the highest bidder. Like Democrats always do. The difference is there are still a few Republicans that still believe in the Constitution and what this country was founded on. Not many but still a few. If we fail to elect a conservative Republican this coming election, it is over for the USA. Four or eight more years of what we have now and the USA will cease to exist as a country and will become just another third world shit hole. Look no further than Europe.

guest June 29, 2015 at 10:53 am

Control of senate
Control of house
34 governorships
Control of 70 (out of 98) state legislatures


FastEddy23 June 29, 2015 at 9:31 am

Still … The only question of any relevance:

“Mr. Candidate, what part of the Constitution do you want to change?”

SickOfAholes June 29, 2015 at 9:42 am

Hey Bush! Explain Iraq!

Bible Thumper June 29, 2015 at 9:46 am

Hey Hillary! Explain Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and that reset bottom with Russia.

Tazmaniac June 29, 2015 at 11:44 am

You left out Egypt.

Yellow Cake June 29, 2015 at 9:49 am

Here you go. They had the YELLOW CAKE!

vicupstate June 29, 2015 at 10:52 am

Floridian Cuban-Americans have been reliably Republican voters since the Bay of Pigs invasion unto well into the 2000’s, so Bush getting that level of support from them back then is not unique.

guest June 29, 2015 at 10:54 am

Hispanic vote matters NOT.Gay marriage decision has destroyed the Democrat Party.

Tazmaniac June 29, 2015 at 11:15 am

“Over the weekend Bush’s campaign released a video from a town hall appearance in Nevada in which a Hispanic man stood up and told Bush he had recently switched parties to become a Republican after being a Democrat for half a century

Translation: I’m no longer a loony commie useful idiot, I see the money running out, so now I want to be a crony capitalist pig. Uh, when can I quit paying taxes?

Squishy123 June 29, 2015 at 11:52 am

I fail to understand why this country can only have a Bush or a Clinton for President? It just goes to show you how much our country sucks now that only previous president’s family members truly want the job.


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