Jon Kasich: Flag Should Come Down
|| By FITSNEWS || Mere minutes after S.C. governor Nikki Haley called on her former colleagues in thYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
|| By FITSNEWS || Mere minutes after S.C. governor Nikki Haley called on her former colleagues in th
Do the people of SC really give a shit what the governor of Ohio says?
Well, since most of his loyal subjects live here now……………
Kasich is well liked in Ohio.Until the expanded Medicaid under Obamacare bankrupts the state.
Awe – you didn’t like that?
Hey Flip – even your governor wants it down. What say you?
Think it is a good idea before you lying,liberal.racist socialists that hate America, burn down and loot Charleston and Columbia.
Columbia. Ain’t nothin’ worth lootin’ in Columbia that ole Sherman didn’t get yet. No, we were thinkin’ more like Dayton, Akron and of course, Columbus. We’d loot in Cincy – but the lynches people up there.
Speaking of Cincinnati…a cop was murdered by a black thug this weekend on duty.Another cop was killed in New Orleans by a black thug.
I know how much you liberals,Obama and the Democrat Party hate cops…figured this news would bring a smile to your face.
Attention John, nobody in South Carolina gives a flying flip about what you think about the Confederate flag. That goes for you to Hillary and also Rand, Jeb and all the rest.
Hell No!
He ain’t Forgettin!
You’re so pissed about this you can’t stand it,all your historical mumbo jumbo and faux “support” for removing that worthless rag notwithstanding.
Who do you think you’re kidding with this act?
Nope, I’m adamant that it come down – maybe we can’t get to roads and education after this is squared away.
South Carolina has become home to many an Ohioan. I suppose he’s speaking to his lost tribe….he’s done such a great job that they’ve all moved here.
I saw the paycheck which was of $7147@mk3
Impeach Scalawag Haley
I don’t like that Ohio governor,I like this one.He’s handsome.