Nikki Haley Signs CDV Reform

BUT WILL IT ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING? || By FITSNEWS || After months of contentious debate, S.C. governor Nikki Haley signed a so-called “criminal domestic violence” (CDV) reform bill into law this week … although we have doubts as to whether the new law will do anything to stem the tide of deadly…


|| By FITSNEWS || After months of contentious debate, S.C. governor Nikki Haley signed a so-called “criminal domestic violence” (CDV) reform bill into law this week … although we have doubts as to whether the new law will do anything to stem the tide of deadly violence in the Palmetto State.

The bill – championed by S.C. Senator Katrina Shealy and attorney general Alan Wilson – is widely viewed as a half-measure, doing little to actually strengthen penalties and merely allowing judges to “consider” certain factors in doling out punishments.

In a statement hailing the bill’s signing, Wilson acknowledged its shortcomings.

“While the bill is not perfect and is not the last measure of domestic violence reform needed, it is a giant first step in combatting domestic violence,” Wilson said.  “I look forward to working with Gov. Haley and members of the General Assembly in the future to take the additional steps necessary to further combat this heinous crime in South Carolina.”

Wait …

A giant first step? 

Ummm … okay.  So says the guy taking “steps” to higher office …

Curiously, the most contentious issue attending the CDV debate this year was the right of convicted offenders to possess firearms – which is a totally superfluous issue seeing as federal law already bans firearm possession by any CDV offender (a ban we view as unconstitutional).

In other words, state “leaders” wasted tons of time on a totally meaningless issue …

The CDV debate at the S.C. State House was nasty this year – as we chronicled in this exclusive report.  It was also a source of repeated embarrassment for the “Republican” party (see HERE, HEREHERE and HERE).

Was it worth it?

We think not …

There’s an easy solution when it comes to discouraging men from savagely killing women or – in some cases – women savagely killing men.

We call it “Ready. Aim. Fire!

This law?  It’s an excuse for a political circle jerk … yet another example of “reform in name only.”


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Tazmaniac June 4, 2015 at 11:47 am

Well now that it is against the Law to smack your wife I’m sure it will stop immediately.

The Honeymooners June 4, 2015 at 11:51 am

One of these days, Alice, one of these days…

You Know My Name June 4, 2015 at 1:48 pm

No doubt, man! They need to pass laws making cancer and heart disease illegal next. Once these maladies are oit of the way, more problems can be targeted. Ain’t legislation wonderful!?!?!?

Tazmaniac June 4, 2015 at 1:57 pm

I can’t wait for them to come out with “thou shall not kill” so the murder rate will go to zero.

You Know My Name June 4, 2015 at 6:15 pm

You called it, man! We’re just a few strokes of the Governor’s pen from being able to live forever. Nobody need ever die again, for any reason. God, I love our government!!!!!

Mike at the Beach June 4, 2015 at 10:56 pm

Dude…while you’re at it, could you a pass a law that makes it illegal for young college girls to address me as “Sir?”

Tazmaniac June 4, 2015 at 11:01 pm

Consider it done. I feel like I have to warn you, the criminal ones will still call you that. Even under the threat of capital punishment.

Mike at the Beach June 4, 2015 at 11:07 pm

True, indeed. If only I weren’t twice their age I would have a better shot at rehabilitating a few.

Arresting Carcinomas June 4, 2015 at 2:37 pm

“They need to pass laws making cancer and heart disease illegal next.”

That’s what they call “socialized health care” sonny.

a face in the crowd June 4, 2015 at 11:54 am

Takes attention off the fact that the Volvo loans have now been approved by state government, requiring, I believe, 7 years of interest-only payments from the taxpayers.

ted June 4, 2015 at 12:15 pm

Not trying be sound mean, but look at how big she’s gotten.

You Know My Name June 4, 2015 at 1:51 pm

Thousands of sheets of tp passed between those butt cheeks over the last few years have really stimulated that butt and those hips on a growth spurt.

…. or could it be all those spurting penises in proximity to same?

linds June 4, 2015 at 3:38 pm

Some people actually enjoy anal sex.

Buddy Miles June 4, 2015 at 1:10 pm

Shannon Ericson, chairperson of the last committee appointed by Bobby Harrell, had her interest injected into the bill (see her bio). The gun control klan made their appearance in matching t-shirts. The most interesting testimony came from a retired FBI agent… law enforcement always has their guns taken away. Also, LEO’s and judges are lax. Even Alan Wilson let it slip that “training” is needed in the LE and judge arena.
Let’s see… 36,000 domestic disturbance calls. Not enough judges. Court system backlog. Cop doesn’t want to go to court and state that “he said that, and she did this”, so to help the system (and himself), he makes left handed threat and leaves. Call to coroner shortly thereafter.

10-60 June 4, 2015 at 3:34 pm

10-60 en route. Generally clears up the problem. In most of these cases it’s the best thing that can happen to both parties.

You Know My Name June 4, 2015 at 6:17 pm


Buddy Miles June 4, 2015 at 1:26 pm

Governor Niki Haley wouldn’t respond to a letter addressing a stalking incident committed by someone under her command. Then there was the rigged summary hearing by Major Michael Barrett. Just toss evidence that isn’t agreeable and act as counsel for the “sex hobbyist” (a person that by law, “can be considered an officer of the peace”). It speaks volumes about the hypocrisy of these individuals.


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