National Politics - 2016

More “Foundational” Warmongering From Hillary Clinton

THIS TIME … IT’S CHEMICAL || By FITSNEWS ||  A week after the first round of explosive You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

THIS TIME … IT’S CHEMICAL || By FITSNEWS ||  A week after the first round of explosive
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flip June 3, 2015 at 2:22 pm

Of course it will be a miracle if Clinton is ever held to account for this by America’s increasingly left-leaning fourth estate.

Home run Fits!

erneba June 3, 2015 at 2:33 pm

This is almost becoming comical. Using her Secretary of State position and the State Department to coerce foreign government and foreign leaders to pay bill Clinton’s exorbitant speaking fees and make contributions to The Clinton Slush Fund( The Clinton Foundation.)
Don’t tune in to the MSM newscasts tonight and expect any anything about this, they will be too busy trying to dig up dirt on her opposition.(both Democrat and Republican)

Marie Barf June 3, 2015 at 2:37 pm

What are you doing criticizing Her Royal Majesty, the Queen HiLIARy, the Annointed One, the Champion of the Middle class, the One we have all waited on to save the Little People??? Go to the end of the line!!

Jack June 3, 2015 at 6:47 pm

Exactly. If you want the same thing as everyone else, stand in line like everyone else. Don’t expect who you are to get you in front of other people who have patiently waited their turn.

Republicans don’t understand that concept. They are use to breaking in line,a dn bullying people. After all, money should get you ahead of the commoners. You know Romney’s 42% of the population we can ignore. I mean, lets say you are a Koch Brother making a phone call to the Governor of Wisconsin to talk about union busting. You can’t be expected to wait your turn like the little people. Thats obvious, right..

Marie Barf June 3, 2015 at 8:02 pm

Jack – you’re so funny. Ignorant as hell like most loony leftists but funny nonethless. Why can’t you stick to the subject at hand, which is Her Royal Majesty HiLIARy? You know…the entrenched, DC establishment, ultra supreme rich 1 percenter who hasn’t driven her own car in 20 years, won’t answer questions, lied at the coffins of those who were killed in Benghazi as to how they died, illegally kept a private email server while (supposedly) working for the taxpayers and then deleted said emails when things got hot, the one responsible for the disastrous “Russian Reset,” and the one who granted favors to foreign governments in exchange for billions flowing into the coffers of the Clinton Slush Fund?

All I see from you is the typical Dumbocrat drivel: Koch brothers…blah, blah….Romney…blah blah…Fox News…blah blah blah. Tell me you’re going to pull the lever for the most incompetent, unqualified, dishonest, malfeasant, unserious, not genuine and untrustworthy candidate of my lifetime. Who isn’t worthy of being the local dog catcher – much less the POTUS. Is HiLIARy your candidate?

Jack June 4, 2015 at 10:09 am

And ail I see from you is typical Fake News, Rush, Drudge, Beck drivel, repeated over and over in right wing echo chambers. Blah, blah, blah. You people never discuss facts. You just throw out accusation you can’t prove. You never discuss policy, because you don’t know what the policy positions of the idiots you support are. Why, because they won’t tell you. If they tell you you may not vote for them (Mitt Romney),

As for the most corrupt politician, we have a lot of choices, and I don’t think there is any shortage among the ranks of the “corporations are people, money is speech, so show me the money” Party.

As for changing the subject; to you Repugnuts the point of this article is to bash Hillary Clinton, so that is the only thing that should be discussed. It is not changing the subject to explain why your little right wing talking points sound bite is stupid. You people are not only ignorant as hell, you are totally duped by these right wing echo chambers you live in.

As for who I will vote for. It will depend on whose running. But do I think Hillary Clinton is a better than Dubya’s Brother, the Canadian weasel from Texas, Ron Paul lite, Scott “yes sir Mr. Koch, whatever you say Mr. Koch” Walker; Marco Rubio, etc. etc. You bet I do. And I can discuss the policy reasons why. But with you Repugnuts, discussing policy is not an option. You prefer name calling, and I can do that too.

ImpaledNazarene August 12, 2015 at 4:33 pm

Hilary Clinton does know how to pull a ‘Watergate,’ with everybody knowing she shredded those ‘certain’ files that could land her without a political career. Brainwashed liberals are responsible for the idiocy that can only come from Amerikkkastahn.

Also, Marie Barf was right about you ‘loony leftist’ bitches. You can’t stay on the subject at hand. Marie Barf just listed (factual) unattractive qualities about your Royal Queen, and you still have the audacity to vote for the rotten bitch! You ‘loony leftist’ scum truly are something else. I await your response that will be filled with nothing more than idiotic and rehashed liberal jargon.

RogueElephant June 3, 2015 at 2:42 pm

Hillary and Grahamnasty, a match made in Washington. LOL

Neoconapalooza June 3, 2015 at 3:07 pm

A Hillary & Graham ticket would be puuuuurrrrfect!!!!!

We could wage war on the world while championing gay & lesbian rights. Reaching around/across the aisle would become common place. No more partisan bickering.

War and welfare could rise to new heights in the spirit of gay love & feminine masculinity.

We could change the national anthem to Freddie Mercury’s “We are the champions!” after their election.

MassMan June 3, 2015 at 5:43 pm

Just when I thought a new scandal was not in the cards this week. You gotta appreciate the Clinton’s reach.

Clintons are Scam Artist June 3, 2015 at 5:55 pm

Remember ——– 1.5 Billion Dollars of YOUR Money was giving to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood by the Obama administration. Some of it most likely was funneled right back into the Clinton Foundation.

Jack June 3, 2015 at 6:36 pm

Remember THREE TRILLION dollars of your money disappeared into the desert of Iraq under Bush and Cheney. A significant portion just accidentally fell into the pockets of Halliburton, and most likely their former CEO.

Accidentally June 3, 2015 at 7:38 pm

Just like the bank robber accidentally pointed his gun at the teller and ran out with a bag of cash. Whoops!

Jack June 3, 2015 at 6:24 pm

What a load of crap. More rumor and innuendo from the far right rags. So now we are to believe that Hillary Clinton arranged for the sale of $66 million in weapons in exchange for a $250,000 speaking fee. You have to be kidding. This reminds me of Dr. Evil demanding one million dollars not to blow up the world in the first Austin Powers movie. You guys just can’t stop the blind hate. It has to be true its Hillary. She must have done something wrong.

Now on the other hand, Dick Cheney lands a no bid contract for Halliburton, whom he worked for and held significant stock in. They make SEVERAL BILLION dollars in WAR PROFITS which they hide in Dubai so they won’t have to pay US taxes on the money the taxpayers paid them and we are to believe that is a coincidence. Dick did nothing wrong. There is no reason to believe he profited along with Haliburton. You are totally ok with that. What dumbass hypocrites you are.

If the Clinton’s are corrupt, they need some Republican tutors on how to make money. You guys are a riot. Is this the best you got? What a total joke..

Bible Thumper June 3, 2015 at 7:20 pm

Jack, I’m right wing, but I agree with your first paragraph. There is nothing illegal about the use of tear gas for riot control. It’s not a weapon. It can be bought from many countries. Pepper spray is a type of tear gas. You can easily buy. Why do countries even have to get state department approval to buy it?

Tom June 3, 2015 at 6:51 pm

This is who controls the International Business Times.

Marie Barf June 3, 2015 at 7:57 pm

Jack – you’re so funny. Ignorant as hell like most loony leftists but funny nonethless. Why can’t you stick to the subject at hand, which is Her Royal Majesty HiLIARy? You know…the entrenched, DC establishment, ultra supreme rich 1 percenter who hasn’t driven her own car in 20 years, won’t answer questions, lied at the coffins of the Benghazi victims about why they died, illegally kept a private email server while on the taxpayers dime and then deleted those emails when things got hot, the one responsible for the disastrous “Russian Reset,” and the one who granted favors to foreign governments in exchange for billions flowing into the coffers of the Clinton Slush Fund?

All I see from you is the typical Dumbocrat drivel: Koch brothers…blah, blah….Romney…blah blah…Fox News…blah blah blah. Tell me you’re going to pull the lever for the most incompetent, unqualified, dishonest, malfeasant, unserious, not genuine and untrustworthy candidate of my lifetime. Who isn’t worthy of being the local dog catcher – much less the POTUS. Is HiLIARy your candidate?

shifty henry June 3, 2015 at 9:34 pm

The brain really is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you are born and does not stop until you decide that you want to be a politician… .

euwe max June 4, 2015 at 12:35 am

to be a Republican…
fixed that for you

shifty henry June 4, 2015 at 7:56 am

comment deleted because it is offensive to “you will be busted”

euwe max June 4, 2015 at 2:20 pm

In “the professional,” when the DEA guy realized he was up against a serious hit man, called the precinct and said “Send everyone.”

RINO Starkey June 4, 2015 at 7:33 am

You would need chemical weapons to get the taste of Yoko’s pussy out your mouth.


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