National Politics - 2016

Chris Christie: Hatin’ On Liberty

“REPUBLICAN” SUPPORTS DOMESTIC SPY STATE, BLASTS EDWARD SNOWDEN || By FITSNEWS || We’ve written a pair of posts in recent weeks showing some love to New Jersey governor Chris Christie … who is absolutely not among our favorite “Republican” candidates for the 2016 presidential nomination. What has Christie done?  Well, he’s…


|| By FITSNEWS || We’ve written a pair of posts in recent weeks showing some love to New Jersey governor Chris Christie … who is absolutely not among our favorite “Republican” candidates for the 2016 presidential nomination.

What has Christie done?  Well, he’s come out against U.S. president Barack Obama‘s crony capitalist trade push … and indicated his support for tax relief.

Good for him. X2.

Unfortunately, Christie reminded us last week of his contempt for liberty: One of the (many) reasons we cannot in good conscience support his presidential aspirations.

In a speech in New Hampshire, the rotund “Republican” offered his support for the National Security Agency (NSA)’s domestic spy network – while assailing courageous whistleblower Edward Snowden.

“When Edward Snowden revealed our intelligence secrets to the world in 2013, civil liberties extremists seized that moment to advance their own narrow agenda,” Christie said. “They want you to think that there’s a government spook listening in every time you pick up the phone or Skype with your grandkids.  They want you to think of our intelligence community as the bad guys, straight out of the ‘Bourne Identity’ or a Hollywood thriller.  And they want you to think that if we weakened our capabilities, the rest of the world would love us more.  Let me be clear – all these fears are exaggerated and ridiculous.”


Then explain this.  And this.

Christie’s anti-liberty push comes as U.S. Senator Rand Paul – who is also seeking the GOP presidential nomination – has been stepping up his pro-liberty advocacy.  It also comes as a key appellate court has ruled the NSA domestic spy network unconstitutional.

Christie’s having none of that, though …

“Too often, the loudest voices in the debate about how to keep our country safe are driven by some purist, theoretical vision of how we should manage our intelligence efforts,” he said.

Purist?  Theoretical?

Um, no.

It’s simple: “Just follow the damn Constitution.”

“Another day, another round of embarrassing authoritarian nonsense from would-be Republican presidential candidates,”’s Matt Welch wrote in response to Christie’s comments.

Welch also blasted U.S. Senator (and presidential candidate) Lindsey Graham‘s latest threatening outburst, and said he and Christie’s worldview is likely to spell real trouble for the GOP amongst younger voters.

“If party leaders think the key to ever-elusive Millennial hearts is being more willing to kill people and inaccurately dissing Edward Snowden (a man whose revelations were considered plenty worth listening to by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals), then they will keep getting the presidential electoral results that they deserve,” Welch concluded.

We concur …


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Grand Tango & The Druggars May 26, 2015 at 11:45 am

What’s his colesterol level? I mean, he could stroke out in the White House or choke on a chicken wing. Anyway, ya think he could babysit my kids?

shifty henry May 26, 2015 at 12:08 pm

That’s why the current squatters in the WH don’t serve chicken….

Garbage May 26, 2015 at 11:47 am

Christie isn’t my favorite, but he is absolutely right here: “When Edward Snowden revealed our intelligence secrets to the world in 2013, civil liberties extremists seized that moment to advance their own narrow agenda,” Christie said. “They want you to think that there’s a government spook listening in every time you pick up the phone or Skype with your grandkids. They want you to think of our intelligence community as the bad guys, straight out of the ‘Bourne Identity’ or a Hollywood thriller. And they want you to think that if we weakened our capabilities, the rest of the world would love us more. Let me be clear – all these fears are exaggerated and ridiculous.”

Spooky Rocky May 26, 2015 at 12:56 pm

Speak up please – I can’t get all that. Also, we need to speak up on the phone – our recording machines are having troubles.

guest May 26, 2015 at 5:29 pm

What is with the ‘deleted’ posts?

RogueElephant May 26, 2015 at 12:11 pm

The only two “Republican” candidates I cannot and will not vote for are Christie and Graham. But it looks like they are both in single digits any way. Christie is at 4% at best and outside SC Graham is at 0%. Right where they belong.

TroubleBaby May 26, 2015 at 12:38 pm

““Too often, the loudest voices in the debate about how to keep our country safe are driven by some purist, theoretical vision of how we should manage our intelligence efforts,”

God forbid that purity enter the picture.

Nor should we have theory either.

The fat man is candid.

The Road to Irrelevance... May 26, 2015 at 3:04 pm

…is paved with the ideology of purists.

TroubleBaby May 26, 2015 at 4:06 pm

Can’t have ideology without theory, so you have nothing to worry about. Pay up and stop complaining about effectiveness, corruption, etc.

No need to consider other options as they are the road to irrelevance.

Bible Thumper May 26, 2015 at 1:04 pm

Millennials don’t vote in primaries or attend caucuses. They may show for the general election

GinormousTau May 26, 2015 at 1:19 pm

Did a presidential candidate for the party of individual liberties and personal responsibility just use the phrase “Civil Liberties Extremists”. That should tell you everything you need to know

TroubleBaby May 26, 2015 at 4:07 pm


DebraAJanelle May 27, 2015 at 4:45 am

??? $73.. per-hr @mi23//



Go Go Gadget Arm May 26, 2015 at 7:46 pm

I’d pay money to understand how he manages to wipe his ass.

Roberto May 27, 2015 at 6:12 am

Fits (Will),

Not saying I am in favour of the Patriot Act, as I am still trying to determine what it means. For that matter, so is the rest of the country. My questions are:

There are two things pertaining to the way we communicate in 2015: metadata and data.

When the NSA collects metadata on personal communications, provided they do not look at the data, that is the same as watching someone communicate. Is that unconstitutional? If so, is it then unconstitutional for me to stand an watch someone make a call on a pay phone?

Is it illegal to collect data if the content is not viewed without a warrant? I understand that viewing the data requires a warrant, but collecting?

My libertarian leanings say that the NSA should do neither. My technologist leanings say that the law should catch up with the real world.


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