Hillary Clinton’s Emails Will Be Released … Eventually
STATE DEPARTMENT WANTS UNTIL JANUARY 2016 … || By FITSNEWS || Hillary Clinton was required bYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
|| By FITSNEWS || Hillary Clinton was required b
OCR (Google can help them here using their Google Books project) them put the in a database, do a keyword search for what State and Gowdy need, then put the database online so everyone can access them. Why this would take longer than two weeks is really baffling.
not to defend hillary – who will be a forgettable prez – but who the fuck cares about her emails? what’s going to be in them (i mean other than conspiring with al quaeda to murder the libyan ambassador – but that’s already been widely reported).
“who will be a forgettable prez”
nice try sliding that in there. shell lose the democratic bid as soon as they have a viable alternative who isnt drunk uncle joe, or commie uncle bernie
Ashley Judd should run. Just coz I like to look at her.Plus she’s smart. And she likes to flash her boobs to the press every now and then. That would be refreshing.
and bill clinton should still live in the white house with her
No, that’s just creepy.
It would be better for her if they were released now. If there’s anything embarrassing in them, voters would have months to forget it. January 2016 will be right at the start of the primaries, so even a drummed up scandal could really damage her.
Of course, Repubs will pretend the gov is doing her a favor or something.
Just more Liberal BS!
Better, What is she hiding and not want the people to know?
Yep, you proved me point.
BJ secrets from Monica
excellent point
She just took a lesson from Haley. Haley deleted her emails and no body gave a darn. What was in her emails? Inquiring minds want to know?
Emails between she and Will Folks?, Larry Marchant? Raj Mandena? Danny Frazier?
Mark Sanford? Peeler? Lap Dancers? Joan Jett?
Coverups, coverups by the “Royal Class” and “Peasant Class” (the taxpayers) cannot know what misdealings, criminality, or unethical and immoral activities have taken place?
Horseshit.Haley and Sanford just keep kicking your fuckin asses and you bitches just can’t stand it.
You people lie because you are morally bankrupt and can’t compete in the arena of ideas.
You illiterate bastards would turn your own mothers over to the Gestapos for an upvote on fits.
I say I’m a Christian but I swear so much a sailor would blush! Tax us more Haley! Take all my money! Oh my! LMAO!!!
knock knock
GrandTango’s knocking at the back door. Should I let him in? LMAO!!!
oh shit…it is dss
????? Meet your Dreams:4 hours daily Work@mi32//
To: Bill Clinton
From: Hillary
Subject: Dinner
Can u pick up a roasted chicken at Fresh Market? I’m famished. Just finished call with Biden – he never shuts up.
To: Bill
From :Hillary
Just landed you a speaking engagement in Russia $500,000!!!!
All we need to do is help the Ruskies corner the uranium market! You advise and I will handle the State Dept. Don’t worry about future Nuke Wars and the Russians sending our uranium to build Iranian Nukes, I’ve worked a side deal for us to be housed in their shelters when it all blows.
To: Hillary
From: Bill Clinton
Subject: RE Oh Hill NO!!
Don’t worry. Russia can’t even build highways and bridges – let alone figure out how to sell Uranium to Iran, who will threaten them. Even Putin isn’t that Stupid. Remember Romney in that last debate with Obama – now that’s dumb!!
To: Bill Clinton
From: Hillary
Subject: Glasses
These thick glasses really make me look like a dork. I understand using them for sympathy, but I’m afraid someone will think there really is something wrong with me. DId you hear that dork Rove on Fox?
To: Hillary
From: Bill Clinton
Subject: Home From Work
Back from office early. Working with Juanita on plans for next trip. What time do you expect to be home.
Haha! You got “BJ” in there in the intitial, when you coulda gone with “WJC.” Funny.
Mention of “Juanita” … perhaps prescient. Juanita Broaddrick’s name is bound to come up a lot when the campaigns get going good — as will Kathleen Willie’s.
Or the maid.
— ??? —
“Juanita” is apparently the maid’s name. I guess.
oh, somehow that part of the drama I’ve missed…
Gowdy will get to the bottom of it – I’m sure.
For Hillary hopefully before ISIS releases em.
wipe the ass and get rid of the COCKROAChes… before they show up!!!! LMAO!!!!ISIS I mean. HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To: Hillary
From: Chelsea Clinton
Subject: Late
Mom, I’m late. I might be prego? Is Dad home today?
To: Bill Clinton
From: Hillary
Subject: Hearings
Christ, that Gowdy guy has like the funniest looking hair. He reminds me of that Saturday Night Live character. PS – Palin keeps leaving me messages. She’s such a moron.
That Secret Service guy has a vaguely Sic look about him. But look at the bug-eyes in those shades. Freaky. I think it’s some kinda new high-tech death ray projectors that look like protruding eyeballs, and they are functional as “super-eyes” as well, and include telescopic lenses with high-precision sites. One wrong move and that baby is vapor.
Noticed that, too, but let’s hope he isn’t eye-balling the kid – the way it’s been going with them….. who knows?
10 articles today.About 80 comments even with the sure fire subjects of TWO T Rav articles and one with Fits mocking pro lifers.
How sad.It appears GT ownd this place.
Hillary claimed she never conducted business regarding classified topics through her email. Why, then, is State reviewing her emails to redact classified information?
So we don’t see Chelsea’s sonogram.
Or DNA results?
To: Hillary
From: Bill Clinton
Subject: Polls
Hey, as of May 19, 2015, you’re RealClearPolitics average is still up over Jeb and Marco by 8, and Walker by 10. Nice job Honey. We’ll be back in the White House in 18 months. Just think of the new china we can get.
To: Hillary Clinton
From: James Carville
Subject: Barry’s Birth Certificate
I just had a dandy brainstorm, email me from your super super secret account.
To: James Carville
From: HIllary Clinton
Subject: RE: Barry’s Birth Certificate
OK, just one second. I’m trying to delete Jeb’s private email account he used as Governor of Florida, and Colin Powell’s private email account he used as Secretary of State, and Karl Rove’s private email account he used as a Senior White House official. God, the guys from the Bush administration have been calling all day asking me to delete their private accounts. What’s up with that?
Bullfuckingshit .All politicians do this.If you can’t get anything more credible and indicting/interesting than this,you make yourself the voice of the rusty shitter…
Looks like one Irishman for another … O’Bama for O’Malley … ;-]
No they won’t. Not the really serious criminal emails.
Oh Eddy . . . . did you attend “special” schools?
Not really. A College Prep High School my senior year, 1962. You?
SC Public Schools Grades 1 – 12 so I guess that would quality as a “yes” as to whether I attended “special” schools . . . .