Katrina Shealy Hopes To Block Higher Ed Pay Raises

SENATOR: IT’S THE PRINCIPLE THAT COUNTS || By FITSNEWS || Proposed pay raises for South Carolina’s “higher educrats” don’t even constitute a drop in the bucket of the state’s $25.7 billion budget, but State Senator Katrina Shealy says “it’s the principle” that counts. Accordingly, Shealy is filing an amendment – much to the…


|| By FITSNEWS || Proposed pay raises for South Carolina’s “higher educrats” don’t even constitute a drop in the bucket of the state’s $25.7 billion budget, but State Senator Katrina Shealy says “it’s the principle” that counts.

Accordingly, Shealy is filing an amendment – much to the chagrin of her “Republican” leaders – which would zero out these raises in the upcoming state budget and return these salaries to their existing levels.

As this website exclusively reported earlier this week, state lawmakers are attempting to give several “higher educrats” at government-run colleges and universities pay raises – including University of South Carolina president Harris Pastides.

Pastides – who has presided over skyrocketing tuitionplummeting academics and failed command economic boondoggles – would see his state salary climb from $286,200 to $297,648 unless Shealy’s amendment is approved.  In addition to his state salary, Pastides also makes more than half a million a year from a USC foundation – pushing his salary above $800,000 annually (with huge bonuses in store in future years).

Shealy told FITS if Pastides wanted a $10,000 raise, the school’s foundation should pay for it.

Good for her …

Again, this isn’t a drop in the bucket of the state’s spending plan but Shealy is absolutely right – the principle does count.  And last time we checked every dollar counts.

Several of Shealy’s “Republican” colleagues have urged her not to file the amendment (they apparently don’t want to be embarrassed by this vote), but she is having none of their arguments.

This website has consistently maintained that South Carolina’s bloated, duplicative, inefficient and ineffective college system should be immediately privatized – as  higher education is simply not a core function of government.  We have no problem giving these institutions a ten-year grace period regarding taxes on the property they’ve been given, but after that it’s “sink or swim” time.


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Taylor Brown May 7, 2015 at 9:50 am

Boondoggles is a fun word.

That’s all.

shifty henry May 7, 2015 at 9:57 am

flapdoodle/ piddleposh/

Taylor Brown May 7, 2015 at 10:00 am

Smock / plod / charcuterie / kerfuffle

shifty henry May 7, 2015 at 10:45 am

“charcuterie” — a new one for me!


If the soul cannot snoop at the gigglesome cart seeking surcease in gluggety-glug it is useless to say to the pulsating heart, yankee-doodle ker-chuggety-chug.

Squishy123 May 7, 2015 at 5:55 pm


shifty henry May 7, 2015 at 11:27 am

“If the soul … ker-chuggety-chug”
Taylor, that is an affectionate note to show you how I feel when you speak to me…..

Supper is Ready May 7, 2015 at 12:34 pm

Charcuterie – The art of curing meat.

Rakkasan May 7, 2015 at 10:07 am

It’s not in the interests of the State to have an educated electorate and citizens with knowledge and skills to lead–and be entrepreneurs? Really? Moving more toward the Know-Nothing Party all the time.

You Know My Name May 7, 2015 at 10:19 am

Yeah, so we do what SC has done and failed at for decades with regard to lower education, throw money at it. If these greedy shits can’t work on what they are already getting (over)paid, I’m sure there are plenty of qualifed people out there who can and will.

Rakkasan May 7, 2015 at 1:37 pm

No, you haven’t thrown money at it. You starved it, and then blamed the ed system (and gov’t in general) on the predictable and immoral failure to adequately education ALL the children. Then you want say you had nothing to do with the failure, but are happy to hate the people who got the inadequate education.

You Know My Name May 7, 2015 at 8:10 pm

You obviously don’t live in LexCo. We don’t build new schools. We build fucking palaces. Also, there seems to be an almost universal practice in SC of over paying administrators, quite a few of whom may be totally unnecessary, while not adequately compensating many of the front-line teachers who do the real work of educating our kids.

Come to think of it, this practice is really statewide, through all levels of government and all functions.

Kathy May 7, 2015 at 10:14 am

More power to her! When USC can hire former Budget and Control Bd. people and pay them $250,000 to $300,000 for pie do little jobs.
Clemson plays to the same tune and treats Trustees to LAVISH visits and perks.
Then they all constantly raise tuition on families trying to provide educations for their children!
The all throw money around like it grows on trees!
And, the General Assembly turns a blind eye!

You Know My Name May 7, 2015 at 10:21 am


Anonymous Figure May 7, 2015 at 10:21 am

thats what the little arrows are for. use them

You Know My Name May 7, 2015 at 10:40 am

Dick-us took away that option for unregisyered posters.

Squishy123 May 7, 2015 at 11:43 am

The B&CB has hired 3-4 USC employees at salaries in the 160,000 – 170,000 range in the past year.

They’re giving the six figure state employees raises, but there’s no money to give any other state employee a raise.

RogueElephant May 7, 2015 at 9:41 pm

Like those 2% pay raises. 2% of $20,000 is $400. Whooptee. 2% of $150,000 is $3000. The guy making $20,000 is just getting by as it is. The one at $150,000 is upper middle class and most likely a pencil pusher. My wife has been a state employee for 30 + years. I have watched as those less qualified have time and time again gotten the adequate raises while she hasn’t. I say merit pay for everyone. If you can’t document what you do don’t expect a raise.

Squishy123 May 8, 2015 at 11:40 am

“Merit” isn’t for “everyone”. Merit means you did something to earn it, COLA is for everyone.

If your wife has been a state employee for 30+ years, she’s 2+ years past being eligible for retirement and should move out and let someone move up into her position. Most post-eligible retirement employees are about as worthless as they come because they know they can leave at any moment and are just there to pad their retirement calculation.

fc May 7, 2015 at 11:46 am

I just can’t figure out why liberals and RINO’s always worry about what other people make?

Who cares? If you are really worried about ‘public’ money and tax dollars why don’t you all advocate deporting the 20,000,000 illegals that drain our public services of money (schools etc…) and Medicaid?

Kathy May 7, 2015 at 12:34 pm

I agree with stopping Obama’s and Hillary’s amesty and securing our borders. I know the people who are making these outrageous salaries and they are worthless!
Their incompetence has cost the taxpayers and parents trying to educate their children thousands, my two are getting screwed, one at Clemson, the other Carolina.
I’ve personally seen these, so called, trustees wined and dined and catered to like their special. Trustees, are worthless waste of the taxpayers dime too. They are in the positions, not because of their capabilities; but, who they are, or related to.
The entire system is a joke and a rape of the little person, struggling to make ends meet!

fred farkel May 7, 2015 at 1:07 pm

Kathy me thinks a pie pan fell from your kitchen cabinet and hit you on the noggin??? Why is Barack Obama and Hillary brought up in this discussion. I note your reference as “OBAMA” not Barack or the President. My your racism really shows. Of course “your two” are getting screwed, but hey with a mom like you and the gene pool perhaps they lucky to get in to these football factories. What are their majors? Communications and or Special ED????? Kathy “obamacare” is working!!!!!!!

fc May 7, 2015 at 1:55 pm

It is.ER visits are up 75% and we will have a shortage of 25,000 doctors by 2020 because of Obamacare.

Really unfair to call Kathy a racist for referring to the American hating Muslim pResident, currently occupying the wHite House and destroying this nation ,’Obama’.

Rakkasan May 7, 2015 at 2:18 pm

ER visits are NOT up 75%. Reread the story–or read something credible

fred farkel May 7, 2015 at 2:30 pm

Rakkasan the reply fc made is typical of an ignorant redneck. Clowns like him sit behind their computers and spew lies, mis-statements and hatred. Just lonely looser.

fred farkel May 7, 2015 at 2:21 pm

fc you are the epitome of a classic ignorant product of South Carolina. My suggestion to you is get a life and talk to your “preacher’. FYI there is a most interesting situation going on in Alabama a “sister state” of Carolina. The Indian reservation/casinos have offered to help bail out good Alabama’s financial problems, and the good old boys are going to do it! The deal is Alabama is going to give the reservations exclusive gaming rights in the state? So my much for your conservative values, policies and politics. So back to your trailer and play with your self.

Mom May 7, 2015 at 7:32 pm

As long as you’re nitpicking she called the female politician by her first name and the male politician by his last name. Isn’t that sexist?

fred farkel May 7, 2015 at 10:33 pm

Sorry Mom. Not “nitpicking”just brought a valid point, and asked a question why bring up “Why she brought up “Obama’s and Hillary’s name? Perhaps a Mr. or President would suffice rather than Obama. With regards to Hillary being a true “southern lady” as you and Kathy want us to believe, how about Miss Hillary? Mom go join Kathy in the kitchen or maybe a hotel room as well!!! Thanks yawl.

Mom May 8, 2015 at 6:27 pm

Son, you obviously have your dad’s dorky sense of humor.
love, Mom

fc May 7, 2015 at 1:56 pm

I apologize.You made some good points.

Mom May 7, 2015 at 7:30 pm

Don’t forget about the really cool license plates they get that say “USC Trustee”, or “Clemson Univ Trustee” or “Coastal Carolina Trustee”.

Betty May 7, 2015 at 8:06 pm

They do hide those tags or remove them when having affairs with their women, I’ve noticed! Too easy to be noticed in hotel parking lots and parked in hideaway places. Those special tags draw too much attention.

Limbaughsaphatkhunt May 7, 2015 at 8:30 pm

You should be more concerned with Bank CEO’s making 500% more than average workers at their own company then getting golden $25 million parachutes when they resign because of knowingly trading in troubled assets…

Randall May 7, 2015 at 9:24 pm

They are not preventing many kids from being able to afford and education!

Limbaughsaphatkhunt May 7, 2015 at 9:33 pm

That is until their corrupt “free market” enterprises become insolvent to the tune of…all the money on earth…and taxpayers are forced to bail them out b/c lawmakers stripped away our protections over the years and mommy and daddy have less money to pay for their kids’ schools b/c it’s going into a loan package designed to save greedy capitalists but really they appropriate the money for their bonuses…

You Know My Name May 7, 2015 at 10:14 am

On this case, Katrina is absolutely correct! The obscene salaries and benefits paid to these people is not much different from the greedfests of corporate CEO’s and their associates.

While I have lost a lot of the respect I once had for Katrina, she has this one right and should be supported on the issue.

Same ol' Same ol' May 7, 2015 at 10:35 am

$11,448.00 is a lot of damn money.

Squishy123 May 7, 2015 at 11:44 am

It is, when you consider what Pastides does to deserve it.

Soybeanwind May 7, 2015 at 1:36 pm

Damn, the soybeanwind is strong with this one today, must be from the storm off the coast pulling a wind over the mountains.

Never miss an opportunity to put down THE University of South Carolina, and make sure to bitch complain whenever Pastides, Spurrier, Ray Tanner get a raise or spend one red cent.

Of course Tater College does the same thing and then there is Sir Soybeanwind’s Recruiting Plane. I wonder of that will be on Pimp my Plane anytime soon?

Squishy123 May 7, 2015 at 5:54 pm

All that talk and not one word defending the need to give Pastides an $11k raise.

BTW – You could just type USCe, it’s easier.

Soybeanwind May 7, 2015 at 9:40 pm

Ok, here. He’s not the President of Clemson. As long as he continues to battle and put the fucking Clemtards like you in their place pay him 50 Million a year. I don’t fucking care. Raise Spurrier’s Salary to 100 Million a year. Until THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA takes over that godforsaken cow pasture and makes it THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA Pickens Campus, I could not care less. BANKRUPT SC if you have to but FUCK UP THE CLEMTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Squishy123 May 8, 2015 at 11:32 am

I’m not a Clemson graduate, there’s not one school in SC that I’d brag about graduating from… the only reason I’m here is for the paycheck and because apparently nobody else in this state can do what I can do otherwise I wouldn’t have been recruited and brought in.

How is Pastides fucking up Clemson and putting them in their place? The last I checked Clemson as a whole outranked USCe in every poll. Seems to me that Dabo the Cheerleader had Slurrier the Drunk’s number last year and all estimates this year. Slurrier the Drunk will likely go out with a loss to Clemson. I think USCe would spend $100 million more wisely, like building their next stadium outside of an industrial park and somewhere that is actually near the campus. Walk around the USCe campus, outside of the Horseshoe you might as well be walking around any 1970’s architectural low rent business district.

B. Felicia May 7, 2015 at 12:53 pm

Are you kidding? This is the same Senator Shealy that is allowing two of her Lexington County magistrates (Magistrate Gary Reinhart and Magistrate Becky Adams) to “retire” for 30 days so that they can double dip their salaries – all the while not resigning from their jobs as judges – so they keep their positions while they take a 30 day vacation to return to jobs of $100,000 plus – the ones we the taxpayers pay for – Why is the Lexington County delegation allowing this??? Enough is enough – its time to take action – call Katrina (the one worried about Pastides $10,000 raise) and ask her why she’s going back to the good ol’ boy system she ran against – make her keep her promises – (803) 530-8787

You Know My Name May 7, 2015 at 8:03 pm

You make a very good point! Thank you forvthat information!
The more we know…

Jakes Gone But May 7, 2015 at 8:25 pm

Is there ANY clean politician, I sadly ask?

Limbaughsaphatkhunt May 7, 2015 at 8:32 pm

Kathy…what say you?

RogueElephant May 7, 2015 at 4:14 pm

Put the money saved from these excessive salaries and bonuses toward lowering the tuition of normal everyday students. Katrina is , as usual, right on target here. More power to her.

Mom May 7, 2015 at 7:45 pm

Let’s be honest, the main job of Pastides is to bring in donor money to EDUCATE SOUTH CAROLINA kids for an affordable tuition. Otherwise known as “fundraising”. He has failed. USC is top heavy with “paper pushers” which drives tuition up.

Limbaughsaphatkhunt May 7, 2015 at 8:29 pm

And this dump of a state wonders why we can’t attract talented professionals…

B. Felicia May 7, 2015 at 8:32 pm

“Are you kidding? This is the same Senator Shealy that is allowing two of her Lexington County magistrates (Magistrate Gary Reinhart and Magistrate Becky Adams) to “retire” for 30 days so that they can double dip their salaries – all the while not resigning from their jobs as judges – so they keep their positions while they take a 30 day vacation to return to jobs of $100,000 plus – the ones we the taxpayers pay for – Why is the Lexington County delegation allowing this??? Enough is enough – its time to take action – call Katrina (the one worried about Pastides $10,000 raise) and ask her why she’s going back to the good ol’ boy system she ran against – make her keep her promises.

Noncents May 9, 2015 at 9:39 am

If these guys are serious about stopping pay raises why don’t they look at the Small Business Development Center waste of money? This group operates under USC, Clemson, SCS and Winthrop (in other words under the radar) and have lavish retreats at the Westin in Greenville and Edisto with side excursions to Charleston and SBDC people themselves know this is a huge waste of money. But they get away with it because nobody investigates these people. One person tried to complain about the waste of money and was fired. Hey Katrina–if you want to find waste and mismanagement convene an investigation of this group and I know you’ll find money that you can cut while keeping this group.’s mandate if you want, which is to help small businesses get SBA loans. Wow. A whole bureaucracy just to help young entrepreneurs file for SBA loans. There are a dozen other groups that do the same thing. End the nonsense!!


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