Barack Obama “Promise Zone” Comes To Palmetto State
DESIGNATION COULD MEAN MILLIONS IN FEDERAL GRANT MONEY … || By FITSNEWS || Progressives in SouYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
|| By FITSNEWS || Progressives in Sou
The Czars new 5 year plan will be called the “Broken Promise Zone” at it’s end.
“Promise Zone”?? As in a promise to the Chinese?
(See FITs = Chinese buying SC real estate.)
The way to help those people out – bus tickets to another place where there is economic growth.
Texas would be good fur ’em.
Wrong Indians running the casino?
“… The best way to lift people out of poverty? Economic growth …”
And the best way to economic growth? A whooping big permanent federal income tax cut.
Fits, you confuse libertarian with couch-potato-anarchist. the government of a sophisticated country can’t just sit around hoping for things to happen.
Exactly, since Nikki won’t let the ‘libertarian precious private sector business’ come in, what are the people supposed to do? Sit around waiting because the politics involved won’t get Nikki to the White House?
This seems like a meddling of the Chappelle Show’s Reparations episode, and the classic “SC As Viewed From Charleston.” state map.,d.cWc&psig=AFQjCNGpN1kDBkuy6XfwT92xptLByRPcUQ&ust=1430337623848502
Perhaps T-Rav can work with these folks to include them in his show.
OOPS..!! Lil’ Barry found a wrinkled note in his desk in the Oval Office — it was dated March 15, 1933 and initialed ‘FDR’
What about that little hole in the middle of the “Promise Zone”? That little guy…don’t worry about that little guy…must be where the white people live….
That may be a republicrat stronghold … You know, the guys in the senate that just voted you two new tax increases … And it ain’t to buy votes for democrats.
Does that mean the riots he is responsible for…are coming here, too…???
Why you ctying, Hoss? You’re already getting Medicaid, so why not milk some more off that teat?
I just can’t wait to miss him.
Just remember…’free’ federal money isn’t free!
Can Nikki block this in any way? You can bet she’ll try. And her cronies in the legislature will be looking to steal as much as they can.
Maybe if she gets their money first…
For Dan Ruck…