Jasper County Bleeding Money On Lawyers, Credit Card

BUT DON’T QUESTION OR CRITICIZE THEM! || By FITSNEWS || South Carolina’s worst-in-the-nation government run school system is holding tens of thousands of children back each year, but the school district in Jasper County is a special kind of hell. The district is the state’s worst-performing academically … and one…


|| By FITSNEWS || South Carolina’s worst-in-the-nation government run school system is holding tens of thousands of children back each year, but the school district in Jasper County is a special kind of hell.

The district is the state’s worst-performing academically … and one of its most corrupt.

And as much as we’ve done our best to shine a light on the ongoing debacle …. no one really cares.

“No one will look into the voluminous amount of money that is being sucked out of this district when these children are failing,” one concerned local resident told FITS. “But this (district) wants more money? Where the hell is it going?”

Good question … we know nearly half a million dollars has gone to the district’s legal fees over the last nine months, though (most of it to Columbia, S.C.-based law firm Childs and Halligan).  And we know it’s American Express bill for the month of March was more than $23,000.

Sheesh …

Of course God forbid anyone question these expenses … because the liberal State Senator who runs the county has control over electoral boundaries, and will literally wipe dissenting voices off the map.  Also, S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley had a chance to investigate this district back in 2013 but took a pass – part of her ongoing devotion to the Palmetto State’s failed status quo.

It’s a simple question: Is there anyone in South Carolina willing to stand up for these kids?


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Corridor of Shame April 23, 2015 at 11:09 am

Jasper County, where all kids are left behind due to corrupt democraps like Vashti K. Washington.

CNSYD April 23, 2015 at 11:15 am

I am sure that carpetbagger Davis whose district includes some of Jasper County will get right on this situation. Right?

easterndumbfuckistan April 23, 2015 at 12:29 pm

Jasper County has to be the most godforsaken place in South Carolina. Three major bridges leading in to Savannah, Located between the Bluffton/Hilton Head area and Savannah this place should be full of bedroom communities and resorts. Instead it full of nothing but crappy school, shitty government, and Ridgeland, SC the worlds largest interstate speed trap. If anyone could figure out how to fix this place they’d be exceeding wealthy in no time.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 23, 2015 at 12:39 pm

Send lawyers, guns and money. The sh! t is in the can.

The Ghost of Mike Brown April 23, 2015 at 1:46 pm

Do black lives really matter?

Frank April 23, 2015 at 8:31 pm

The only color that matters to the Preachers and the Politicians is GREEN!

nitrat April 23, 2015 at 4:36 pm

So, four years of Mick Zais – who apparently just wasn’t particularly interested in the job once he got it – as state superintendent of education accomplished exactly what for Jasper County or any SC public school district?

Mike April 23, 2015 at 8:44 pm

That id true. He did not seem very interested once he got the job.

Good way to put it.

Lobeco April 24, 2015 at 8:11 am

Mick went to Jasper County and stayed in a rat hole motel for 3 days in an attempt to meet with the Superintendent of Education. She was too busy to fit him into her schedule. He received no help from the local politicos. Of course, no one has ever heard from the Democrat controlled South Carolina U. S. Attorney’s office or the FBI and their alleged investigations.

Its Time To Kick Ass April 23, 2015 at 7:19 pm

Its coming to the point that the only way criminals in government are going to be punished is for their faces to end up looking like US Senator Harry Reid’s. Nobody – and I repeat – nobody in law enforcement wants to touch any of these white collar criminals because those in the FBI and other law enforcement offices are either corrupt to the core themselves or they will end up jobless if they start really doing what they swore under oath to do. Now with that said, EVERYBODY knows there are felonies being committed inside the Jasper County School district and even at SC State University. But again, nobody in law enforcement will touch it under the threat of losing their own jobs if they do – just as investigation prosecutors might lose their jobs if they went in to clean it out. The worst thing to do is absolutely nothing about it, just like is happening all around us. When you ignore the problem for so long, history tells us that is just keeps growing and growing and growing till finally, it is too big a problem – too widespread a problem to combat and take down. Unless, of course, you have someone in power with the courage and the balls to stand up to it and take it down.
Can we use the Federal False Claim Act to dismantle these criminal tax payer money sucking regimes within our own government? A good team of lawyers can do it. And the False Claim Act, from my understanding of both the wording of the Act and relevant case law gives plenty of incentive to do just that. Rewards can be had in percentages of the money illegal taken and recovered. And believe me when I say, the money stolen, abused, wasted, mis-used, whatever, a whistleblower filing a False Claim Act federal suit, stand to get rich off of these corruption infested school systems that receive federal funds through programs dished out by the SC Dept of Education.

Lobeco April 23, 2015 at 11:13 pm

I am sure your Hugh Leatherman butt kisser, Glenn McConnell Disciple, Jean Toal loving Senator Tom Davis – who represents a portion of Jasper County is all over this situation…..NOT! Hold him accountable, Sic.

Pamela M. Williams April 24, 2015 at 10:10 am

In 2012 I was the incumbent for District 8 in Jasper County. I had been asked numerous times to support the Superintendent and the Board – I refused (I am an educator from NY, was an Assistant Dean of Students at a NY college, taught freshmen and etc) because I saw first hand how the lack of elementary and secondary education would harm the student later in life. A group (Randy Horton, Barbara Clark and myself – Pamela Williams) of us went to the Secretary of Education with documentation and I appeared before the Ethics Commission in Columbia where I told about the conditions in the school.
In July 2012, as an incumbent and the only person running for School Board in District 8 I filed my petition with the Election Commission in Jasper County.
On August 3, 2012, I received a letter from the Elections Commission stating that I was not in School District 8 but was in School District 9 – therefore, I could not run for the school board in either District 8 or 9 because it was too late to file a petition. The redistricting lines were drawn in 1999 and not applied until 2012 in my District therefore removing me as the incumbent in District 8. This tactic has been used on numerous occasions to remove those who disagreed with the status quo.
Randy, Barbara and I went to every legal entity available to no avail. We later learned that Dr. Zais’s hands were tied until the State Board of Education reacted to what we had presented. To date, you know, that their worth and response has been silence.
To most people’s dismay, I was appointed to the Jasper County Voter Registration and Election Commission in August 2013 (over vehement discussion) and have been re-appointed until December 2016.
I vowed that every and anything I could do, within the legal constraints of the law, would be done to ensure that the voters’ rights are protected at every booth.
My letter of complaint against the school board and prior elections were sent to the State Voters’ Registration and to the Federal Department of Justice, Elections Board, to date there has been no answer from either.
Under the Williams Act in California the parents and students can bring a law suit against the Jasper County School System for the “mis-education of students.” Please someone look at the Act and take action.
I will offer any assistance necessary to sue for the right to become educated and live a quality life.

Pamela April 24, 2015 at 10:23 pm

You interested in having some fun? :) What’s your email address? I think I can help with this Jasper County situation.

FastEddy23 April 25, 2015 at 10:50 am

Names should be named and reported to media (like FITs, et al).

Good Show to you all.

FastEddy23 April 25, 2015 at 10:50 am

Good on ya’ …

Pamela April 24, 2015 at 11:24 pm

Looks like we got ourselves a mess, boys and gals.

FastEddy23 April 25, 2015 at 10:43 am

As long as suits are brought generally against the school district, the legal bills have to be paid by the district.

Investigative journalists should be naming specific names or specific participants in the scams, mis-use and, face it, outright theft.

(If it is a small group within the district admins, then, since the district is being deprived of better spent fed resources, the FBI can apply RICO statutes … And prosecute the cadre’ … Fiduciary Irresponsibility is a crime when it is deliberate.)


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