
US Sends 300 Troops To Ukraine

POKING THE RUSSIAN BEAR … AGAIN || By FITSNEWS || File this one under the most needless of “needless interventions.” Not to mention among the most ill-timed and  ill-conceived … The United States has sent three hundred paratroopers to Lviv, Ukraine (a non-NATO nation) this month – ostensibly to “train…


|| By FITSNEWS || File this one under the most needless of “needless interventions.” Not to mention among the most ill-timed and  ill-conceived …

The United States has sent three hundred paratroopers to Lviv, Ukraine (a non-NATO nation) this month – ostensibly to “train its forces fighting pro-Russian rebels.”  So yeah … we’re going be training these guys.

We know what you’re thinking … three hundred troops: What’s the big deal?

Exactly …

Three hundred troops won’t do a damn thing militarily … but you’d better believe they will spark a major geopolitical crisis with Russia.  Which of course is exactly what the warmongering United States government is trying to do.

“The United States and its allies have crossed all possible lines in their drive to bring Kiev into their orbit,” Russia’s defense minister Sergei Shoigu said.

He’s right … which is why Russia is now threatening to “target” nations which host a new U.S.-led missile defense installations, like Poland and Romania (which are NATO nations).

“Nonnuclear powers where missile-defense installations are being installed have become the objects of priority response,” the country’s top general Valery Gerasimov said this week.

What’s got the “bear” so riled up?

Well, the United States helped overthrow a democratically elected pro-Russian government in Ukraine last year … sparking a Russian invasion of Crimea.

“That coup was not only supported by the United States and European Union governments — much of it was actually planned by them,” former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul wrote earlier this year.

Indeed … and now we’re sending in troops to respond to escalate the crisis further.


Good question … 


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SynTwist April 18, 2015 at 7:52 pm

Who is Russia? What do they want? They were once a world power and squandered it. Now they want to be a world player again. They have taken to media – read RT times. They have bashed the hell out of America.

Why? They want to be exactly where we are. They want power, more than they have.

Not a single true American will believe a damned thing they have to say. Don’t they harbor Snowden? Oh I forget he is an American Hero (all sarcasm intended).

Only The Big Cronies Win April 18, 2015 at 8:18 pm

I typically agree with you, but at a debt of trillions of $ because of those Bush boys, we’re going to find out soon WE can’t fight just anybody we like anymore and other countries know this too.

SynTwist April 18, 2015 at 8:52 pm

What is the price tag of liberty?

Agree, not alone, we can’t fight just anybody. That is why our allies are so important.

Bible Thumper April 19, 2015 at 1:32 am

SynTwist, I ???? U

FastEddy23 April 19, 2015 at 6:58 am

… And you and you fan club here have just pointed out how difficult it is to pick up arms and go “over there” again.

It is almost like the warring factions over there would rather see the U.S. shead American blood than their own …. …. Doh! …. …. Mmmmmmm?

Bible Thumper April 19, 2015 at 10:46 am

If you were to study the US history prior to it’s wars, you would fine major cuts in the military several years prior and isolationist foreign policy dominant. That is exactly what Fits proposes.

Lies and the Lying Liars April 19, 2015 at 12:30 pm

A lie.

There was no cut in the defense budget prior to Vietnam,The Persian Gulf War or the invasion of Iraq.

Look I know you Right Wing nuts want to fight everyone in the world but it doesn’t give you a license to lie.

Anyway,Why aren’t you in Church?You know


Bible Thumper April 19, 2015 at 12:59 pm

Scroll down to the chart. Look at spending under Obama.
Church? Guilty. I did enjoy watching Fox News Sunday this morning. I was up late last night and slept in late.

Lies and the Lying Liars April 19, 2015 at 2:00 pm

Who’s Lying?

You are that’s who .

WhAts Obama got to do with your lie that all wars that the U.S. has been involved in have been preceded by defense cuts.

A demonstrably false statement.

SynTwist April 19, 2015 at 2:15 pm

Did you read the article he posted? It links to this.

Secretary Gates remarks to the Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce, Dallas, Texas

“Someone once said that experience is the marvelous thing that enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again. Five times over the past 90 years — after the First and Second World Wars, Korea, Vietnam and most recently after the Cold War — the United States has slashed Defense spending or disarmed outright in the mistaken belief that the nature of man or the behavior of nations had changed with the end of each of the wars, or that somehow we would not face threats to our homeland or would need to take a leadership role abroad. Win, lose or draw, we cut back at those times, not just in Defense but in other vital elements of national power such as diplomacy and intelligence. ”

airman23 April 19, 2015 at 3:14 am

What would a Paid Putinbot who is trying to impersonate an American like you know.,

TroubleBaby April 19, 2015 at 8:28 pm

What’s another trillion on another war front? A limited nuke exchange would probably be good for both countries, you know, lessen the burden of our mutual welfare states.

SynTwist April 18, 2015 at 8:00 pm

300 hundred troops to train, depends on their expertise. If you underestimate the power of America – I don’t care which side of the aisle you stand, all hope is lost.

I hate SC politics, but I love my homeland and I will never support another country as a hostile takeover. RT has done a great job of that. Read the news if you haven’t already. Why do they put those lies out there? Make us distrust each other? Simple: Divide and Conquer.

Does not matter where you stand. This is our homeland. Division is not an option. We have to find a way to work together. Our future, our children’s and generations beyond, will suffer due to our own arrogance. Our own prejudices. Our own hatred. They feed on this and grow fatter by the year.

Please….Let us work together.

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 2:28 pm

“I hate SC politics, but I love my homeland and I will never support another country as a hostile takeover.”

Yeah! Just like Red Dawn!


SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 3:34 pm

I never saw Red Dawn, that I can recall. I must be talking to a male who remember the name of the movie, who directed and who produced ;). I likely have seen it, but my comments do not come from a movie.

Let me ask you a question. Have you ever been anywhere near the Middle East? Ever spoke to anyone from that area? Do you believe you, as an individual, could take on the Government of SC? What about the Federal Government? Or do you require allies to do that?

A lot of questions, but I want to make sure you are considering the full consequences of living as an isolationist. Like it or not, we are part of a Global Economy. Like it or not, the rest of the world does affect us. If you do a tiny bit of reading you will see that by Putin’s own words, he does desire to reunite the Soviet Union.

You may think – big deal? Let him. As long as they leaves us alone? Well, people like that, don’t leave, people like US alone.

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 3:50 pm

“A lot of questions, but I want to make sure you are considering the full consequences of living as an isolationist.”

….and I would hope you consider the full consequences of living as an interventionist.(as the failed wars I posted earlier highlight)

“Well, people like that, don’t leave, people like US alone.”

Pure fear mongering. This country partnered with Stalin for crying out loud! STALIN!

You think Putin is worse than Stalin? lol-no way

Our country is the equivalent of Superman militarily. No nation state wants a piece. PERIOD.

Sure, 19 wackos from Saudi Arabia took a good shot, but the fact remains that you’re 8 times more likely to get killed by a cop versus being killed by a terrorist…and I’m not interesting in burying my kids economic future so a few people can feel “safe” against every bogeyman the world has to offer.

Go watch Red Dawn sometime, it’s kind of funny in perspective today to see what 80’s cold war fear rendered “popular” in cinematic history.

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 3:54 pm

Awwww….I recall you demanded answers earlier. Where are those answers now?

Or is it pure speculation, listening to Congressman Paul who ZERO experience with Foreign Policy. Last I checked his focus was monetary policy. It’s like being a bean counter for a business. They play an important role, but devalue every other role that business plays. A business is a business first, the bean counters come after we can afford them.

SynTwist April 18, 2015 at 9:01 pm

I hear so much about spying, American division, racism, gayism (is that a word?) and so on….the bottom line is. We are all humans, who want a better life, as cheap as possible
The trade off: How much freedom do we give up and at what price?

Other countries hate us, yes, because we are strong. We are superior in every way. I am not an apologist for causes I believe in. I don’t care who is President. I believe in America.

I hope you do too. If not, regardless of party – please explain why we should trash our home, our land, our very being for another country. Do you really think Russia or any other country cares more about US?

We may have our disagreements on inside politics, but together we can stand. Divided, we all fall.

FastEddy23 April 19, 2015 at 6:35 am

If the photo is correct, those troops are not ours anymore, anyway. The U.S. military has handed them over to NATO … thus those stupid Euro-beanies.

The whole deal is that “our boys” are “over there” to fight for the (re)establishment of Euro as currency

Manray9 April 19, 2015 at 4:44 pm

What? U.S. airborne forces wear maroon berets. They have, on and off, since World War II.

Victorious Secret April 19, 2015 at 4:48 pm

Yep…XVIII Airborne Corps, for one.

Fayette-nam, North Carolina

sparklecity April 20, 2015 at 9:32 am

Roger that
82nd. Airborne/Fayette-Nam 1972 – 1974
See above

Victorious Secret April 20, 2015 at 3:37 pm

All the Way!

sparklecity April 20, 2015 at 6:07 pm

“and then some”!!!

sparklecity April 20, 2015 at 9:29 am

You’re talking out your ass as usual – those paratroopers are United States Army paratroopers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade.
*******You don’t know jack shit about those berets – maroon beret signifies PARATROOPERS and Unites States paratroopers have been wearing that “stupid Euro-beanie” since 1973 (I should know I was in the 82nd Airborne in 1973 when we were the first to be authorized to wear the maroon beret)***********

I’ll pay good money to see you even try to knock that “stupid Euro-beanie” off that trooper’s head!!!!!
Tell you what——I’ve still got mine from over 40 years ago and plan to be buried with it….. wnat me to show up somewhere and give you a chance to knock my beret off my old-assed head?????

FastEddy23 April 20, 2015 at 1:19 pm

Ok … Trying to communicate wid yous’ guys is like a test of manhood, but it shouldn’t be.

I don’t keep up with military fashion … But I seem to recall that several US military refusing to serve with UN and NATO “expeditionary” forces because the One Worlders wanted them to wear special patches and hats …

Birch Crazy April 20, 2015 at 2:45 pm

If you’re gonna makes claims about military fashion, then maybe you SHOULD try to keep up a little better. BTW, seems you DO tracks the One Worlder stuff. Busted. Try remembering this: almost 250 soldiers from 18th Airborne Corps died in Gander, Newfoundland in 1985 in the worst military aviation disaster in US history. They were returning from peacekeeping duty with the Multi-National Force and Observers in Sinai, where they wore “those stupid Euro-beanies”. They were doing their duty to maintain stability in the mid-East. Now, STFU

FastEddy23 April 21, 2015 at 11:22 am


SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 3:42 pm

I think the biggest debates about US participation in UN and NATO has more to do with who is footing the bill v. what they wear ;). Some of our UN/NATO friends think we should pay more than our fair share.

Given the fact we have a Democratic President who is far left of me, yet he has kept many of Bush’s policies on military, not all, but many. That in and of itself speaks volumes.

This is a non-partisan issue that threatens our way of of life on a global scale.

FastEddy23 April 21, 2015 at 11:20 am

We talkin’ them fascistic ruskies? Or are we talking’ them “progressive” EuroTrash?

Pick a side and I believe it will be the wrong one in the Ukraine. That’s a civil war and a tax revolt and a racist brew-ha-ha.

Those warmongering fools in that regional arena were what started WWI, WWII and … and …

sparklecity April 20, 2015 at 6:05 pm

It’ s no test of manhood to point out when someone is talking out their ass while insulting a part of the uniform of the United States Army Airborne (not to mention other Airborne qualified units in the US military who proudly wear the maroon beret)
I’ve heard those UN urban legands from dumb paranoid fucks on talk radio for years.
Keep on believing that talk radio & internet bullshit.
And it’s plainly evident you need to learn a lot more about the US military.
But, hey, talk radio claims types like you are the most informed group of populace.
Yep, you sure showed me!!!!!!!!!!!

Birch Crazy April 20, 2015 at 12:44 pm

Yeah, that’s it, STOOPID! Handed over to NATO, that’s the ticket, as part of the ONE WORLD ORDER plan. They will now be flown to Detroit where they will be housed in underground bunkers, awaiting orders to run rampant through ‘Merca, taking all our guns away. The part about Ukraine is just a cover for the ONE WORLD ORDER conspiracy. So, be afraid. Be very afraid. And stop taking the STOOPID pills and go back to your regular psychotropic meds.

SynTwist April 18, 2015 at 10:01 pm

Crickets? Everyone interested in microeconomics, but none in macro? I thought this was the page of “everyone got a game”

I guess I interpreted that to mean I am only talking with the most intelligent. Duh?

Bible Thumper April 19, 2015 at 2:15 am

Libertarians think that if they repeat a lie enough that it becomes the truth. Look at the facts about the so called US lead coup to over throw Yanukovych. The Russians conveniently release a tape phone conversation of a US diplomat prattle away about Ukraine’s future. Ukraine agrees to an internationally brokered agreement that would likely remove Yanukovych from power. The parliament voted to hold election on May 25th. Russia knows the anti-Russian Euromaidan supporters would win.
Russia, realizes the pro-Russian side would lose, decide to partition Ukraine. Euromaidan must have been tipped off. On the day of the “coup” Yanukovych was gone and no one protected his offices. No effort was made by Russia to restore him to power. I don’t believe anyone was even injured on the day Yanukovych left for the Russian border town. Anyway it wasn’t much of a coup. Yanukovych’s offices were undefended.

Then Putin started inserting “green men” into Crimea. If anyone wants to understand Putin’s methods all they need to do is read “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” by William L. Shirer. The same methods Hitler used with Chamberlain to take Checkoslavakia and Austria, Putin is using with Ukraine.

SynTwist April 19, 2015 at 12:27 pm

I have very libertarian views, but I can not get on board with their foreign policy, non-intervention, isolationist or whatever you want to call it. It would be nice if we could just all get along, but that is not rational thinking, because that would assume we live in a world full of rational people and history has proven otherwise, time after time.

I agree Putin’s policy is to restore the Russian Empire. I do not think it a stretch to compare his tactics to those of Hitler.

TroubleBaby April 19, 2015 at 8:21 pm

” I do not think it a stretch to compare his tactics to those of Hitler.”


You see Putin sweeping across Europe, or simply Eurasia, rebuilding the Soviet empire?

Let’s say hell freezes over and that happens, you are then worried about an American land invasion?


SynTwist April 19, 2015 at 9:25 pm

“Who would have anticipated during that discouraging period that the groundwork was being laid, through policies pursued by administrations of both political parties, for the remarkable turn of events that occurred a decade later — the fall of the Berlin Wall, the liberation of Eastern Europe, victory in the Cold War, the reunification of Germany, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the liberation of hundreds of millions of people behind the Iron Curtain and around the world, and an American economy beginning more than a quarter of a century of vibrant economic growth.

There are, I think, two lessons from all this. First, our weariness with conflict, with the setbacks and tragedy of war is understandable and even to be expected. But second, we must not let that weariness cause us to withdraw from the world or diminish our ability to deal with the threats and challenges of tomorrow. There is no way to predict the future, nor can we predict the effect that decisions made today will have a decade or two from now.

One thing is clear, though, from history: When America is willing to lead the way, when we meet our commitments and stand with our allies even in troubling times, when we prepare for threats that are on the horizon and beyond the horizon, and when we make the necessary sacrifices and take the necessary risks to defend our values and our interests, then great things are possible, and even probable, for our country and the world.

A final thought. Our country is troubled and divided by a long and difficult war in Iraq. We want our troops to come home and be out of harm’s way. And yet most know or at least sense that leaving chaos behind us in Iraq will bring dramatically more suffering from — for Iraqis and also disaster for the Middle East and ultimately for us.

At such a difficult time, it is perhaps fitting to close with the words of Winston Churchill, who said of us, “The price of greatness is responsibility.” The people of the United States cannot escape world responsibility. That was true when Churchill said it in 1943, and it is still true nearly 65 years later.”

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 8:50 am

All of the quotes are fine and dandy, but in the end, you never answered my final question.

It is not even controversial(for most) to accept the fact Iraq has been nothing but a waste of American lives & money.

There has been no good from Iraq, ZERO. That you would bring it up as some kind of weird “proof” that we must tough it out seems almost preposterous.

We expended a trillion(at least) dollars and killed potentially 500,000 Iraqi’s(in addtion to our own troops) to kill a former ally and in the process earned the enmity of most of the population that briefly welcome the US as liberators.

It’s impossible to overstate the failure that is Iraq.

We’ve troops in Afghanistan as well still(contrary to press releases), so we’ve already got a wars going in two front.

You want to talk about war weary? A theater in which our already overused, burnt out troops…with record daily suicide levels(25/day) are now going to Ukraine to poke the Russian bear?

I’m sorry, that’s pure madness. Russia is not some two bit middle eastern country with 50 year old technology.

Gates himself, who you quoted, led one of the worst times for intelligence EVER:(maybe with the exception of the Bay of Pigs)

“During a Senate committee hearing on his nomination, former division chief Melvin Goodman testified that the agency was the most corrupt and slanted during the tenure of William Casey with Gates serving as Deputy. According to Goodman, Gates was part of an agency leadership that proliferated false information and ignored ‘reality’.”-Wiki

Even further, this commitment to insanity you suggest we maintain is questioned by the very man you quoted to back up the notion:

“”The attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, opened a gusher of defense spending that nearly doubled the base budget over the last decade. . . Military spending on things large and small can and should expect closer, harsher scrutiny. The gusher has been turned off, and will stay off for a good period of time.”-Gates

Your argument is not compelling, with all due respect, it’s batshit crazy.

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 10:03 am

I have had debate over and over. I think I know where your views come from. Congressman Ron Paul? Who has never served on any intelligence committee whatsoever. I loved his message Liberty Defined. I supported his candidacy until I saw the interview of how he would gut our military. His non-intervention/isolationists policies do not work. History proves that over and over.

To answer your question directly, yes, I think Putin would like to gain as much territory and power as possible.

Intelligence is not perfect, yes, lives were lost in Iraq. We are not privy to intelligence for obvious reasons, it would threaten our own security. I would imagine FAR more lives have been saved than lost, but that is never published. Can’t be published.

Who is NATO? “NATO’s essential purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political and military means.”

IT is also noteworthy that US is not the only one sending troops, UK and Canada as well.

I read some of the information on this page about US spying on other countries or even Israel spying on US. Of course they do, with few exceptions where agreements exist. Who if FVEY?

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 2:25 pm

“His non-intervention/isolationists policies do not work. History proves that over and over.”

We have a different understanding of “reality”. From my perspective, it’s intervention that has failed…over…and over…and over again.

It’s hard to believe we are debating otherwise.

I see your WW2 reference and raise you Korea, Vietnam, & Iraq 1 & 2.

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 3:04 pm

Simply look at Hitler. I quoted the entire piece as not to take anything out of context. Here is what I wanted to post, but did not want to take out of context, like so many love to do – specifically the first paragraph:

“There are, I think, two lessons from all this. First, our weariness with conflict, with the setbacks and tragedy of war is understandable and even to be expected. But second, we must not let that weariness cause us to withdraw from the world or diminish our ability to deal with the threats and challenges of tomorrow. There is no way to predict the future, nor can we predict the effect that decisions made today will have a decade or two from now.

One thing is clear, though, from history: When America is willing to lead the way, when we meet our commitments and stand with our allies even in troubling times, when we prepare for threats that are on the horizon and beyond the horizon, and when we make the necessary sacrifices and take the necessary risks to defend our values and our interests, then great things are possible, and even probable, for our country and the world.”

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 3:53 pm

“Simply look at Hitler. ”

Yea, that’s the problem. You’re “simply” looking at Hitler. Put Hitler in the context of the last 100 years of war making and ask yourself what these ventures have gotten us in the big picture.

Also consider that our “interventionist” policies is what keep the American death count low compared to our European allies. WW2 in effect became a mop up operation by the time we entered.

That’s a much better way to take care of a true national security risk.

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 3:54 pm

It can be, and been argued, that Clinton had the information to avoid 9/11 but did not act. We also see how that turned out….

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 4:14 pm

“It can be, and been argued, that Clinton had the information to avoid 9/11 but did not act. ”

It can? Really?

Look, who knows if Bin Laden was “catchable”, killable, whatever…but that’s completely different in that he was attacking the US of A.

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 4:37 pm

He knew who he was and he knew how to kill him, but was too worried about some 300 people in Afghanistan. He was reactionary in that case. I prefer a proactive government.

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 4:52 pm

“He knew who he was and he knew how to kill him, but was too worried about some 300 people in Afghanistan.”

Are you talking about collateral damage? You can provide a link at your leisure, but the point remains that you are comparing apples to oranges(in that Bin Laden attacked US institutions previously), that would be a justifiable/actionable cause.

Unlike being afraid for example. Generally speaking, it’s not acceptable to punch people you’re afraid of unless they are clearly trying to hurt you.

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 4:56 pm

I’ll provide links after you answer questions. You see, that is how a two way conversation works. I answered you, but you deflect. Answer my questions, and we can continue. If I recall correctly it was Clinton’s own words.

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 5:00 pm

“Answer my questions, and we can continue.”

What questions haven’t I answered?

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 5:01 pm

Btw, I’m leaving work. So I’ll answer whatever question you say I haven’t answered later tonight or tomorrow morning.

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 5:05 pm

Here is the link, can’t copy/paste because shockwave isn’t working (storm), just look for the quote.

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 10:08 pm

“He was reactionary in that case. I prefer a proactive government.”

Having read the article, I understand your viewpoint now, though I don’t agree with it.

Killing 300 in a small town to get him, 300 innocents mind you, seems amoral.

I’m no defender of Bill Clinton nor Dems, but the fact remains that the importance of Bin Laden was a hindsight view Clinton didn’t have.

You can still also have the debate over whether killing 300 innocents is justifiable when going after a murderer of thousands. It’s a good debate.

Framed in the context of governance, I’d argue that that it would only take 10 such events to equal the deaths caused by Bin Laden- and that even if you ignore the quandary of killing innocents to save innocents(which you’d only know in hindsight), you’d definitely eclipse the original evil act as a matter of policy if collateral damage was considered ‘ok’ as routine. (and for all we know, it might be now given 9/11, but that doesn’t make it “right”)

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 10:19 pm

How many American lives did it cost? What was the damage to our economy? Oh, I get it, Bill Clinton didn’t know? But Bush did? Hmm…

Amoral? Amoral by my definition is taking care of someone else at the expense of your own. He had information, he could have avoided it. I don’t fault him, I think he was a good President for the most part. But…let’s be real, would you sacrifice 300 “innocents” that you don’t even know, or 3,000 Americans you do?

Let’s not even get into how much it cost us. If you want to blame anyone for the debt – look back. Look at the culprit. Good grief, don’t blame it on current events. I can’t stand Obama Policies, but I do agree with him in this case. For once the man grew a pair. I applaud him.

TroubleBaby April 21, 2015 at 8:20 am

“But…let’s be real, would you sacrifice 300 “innocents” that you don’t even know, or 3,000 Americans you do?”

H I N D S I G H T.

SynTwist April 21, 2015 at 11:54 am

Yep, we have come full circle. Hindsight is always 20/20, for both Clinton and Bush. Yet, we learn from our mistakes.

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 10:31 pm

In large part I do agree with you, but if I were a military commander, in charge of the US, a country I love – you might understand how I might be a mother hen? A female rooster if need be ;)

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 3:57 pm

Have you ever considered the damage Hitler did? An estimated 2.5% of the entire WORLD’s population died. Roughly 60 MILLION lives. We sat on our arses waiting for him to show up at our doorstep. FDR knew he needed to act, but the American people were not behind him – initially.

How many American lives have we lost? The big issue is money. No?

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 4:13 pm

“How many American lives have we lost? The big issue is money. No?”

The big issue is that if accept that the duty of a government is to protect its people, it’s stops there.

Just like the US gov’t can’t feed the world, nor should it, by taking all of our money, nor should it be obligated to donate American lives to the cause of other people by also taking said American lives(via force).

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 4:44 pm

What do you think the Government is doing? What incentive would our Government have to send troops to another country outside US interests? Do you really think both Obama and Bush were paid off or something?

The US Gov’t probably could feed the world if they would stop paying farmers not to plant ;)

I don’t believe in “donating” American lives, but I do believe in fighting for American. Believe it or not, there is a difference.

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 4:49 pm

“Do you really think both Obama and Bush were paid off or something?”

Of course. Do you realize the top 10 contributors to both Romney & Obama were the same last cycle?

You don’t think the special interests via the MIC has influence? lol

“The US Gov’t probably could feed the world if they would stop paying farmers not to plant ;)”

Better yet, US farmers could feed the world if the gov’t stopped with subsidies.

“I don’t believe in “donating” American lives, but I do believe in fighting for American.”

I have no idea what you mean. It almost sounds like two opposite things.

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 5:02 pm

It isn’t uncommon for corporations to hedge their bets and contribute to both sides.

“I don’t believe in “donating” American lives, but I do believe in fighting for American.”

I am a Desert Storm Veteran. Somewhat naive at the time, at a great cost to me personally. I had a 2 1/2 year old son. I play it out in mind over and over again. What could I have done? I’ve said at some points, I would never have gone had I known the cost. I’ve had years to argue that battle with myself. So I speak from some experience. I was young, nothing more than a pawn and the cost to me was great. I voted against Bush Sr. and for Ross Perot as a result. I was angry. I got over it. Yes, it injured me personally, but I still believe in America and I upheld my end of the contract.

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 10:36 am

Let me ask you a question TB. If you have throat cancer are you going to go to a toenail doctor for diagnosis/treatment or would to an ENT who specializes in that field? Because your validation of Goodman over Gates, would imply you might go to the toe nail doctor ;)

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 2:23 pm

“Because your validation of Goodman over Gates, would imply you might go to the toe nail doctor.”

The problem lies in that you’ve diagnosed throat cancer when all it is, is a hang nail.


SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 3:27 pm

Ha! Nope, I went a general practitioner who referred me ;)

Sorry to take so long in responding but we are having one HAIL of a storm here. Internet in and out.

airman23 April 19, 2015 at 3:20 am

Looks like this website is one of Putin’s web of Lies. Just like back in the old days when they used political front organizations in the west to try to spread their bile, now they are using web sites like this one to do it but the outcome will be the same as before. Failure.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 19, 2015 at 7:06 am

We’re playing a game.

easterndumbfuckistan April 19, 2015 at 2:47 pm

You think Global Thermonuclear War is a Game?

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 19, 2015 at 5:16 pm

Absolutely not.
Just making the point that our clueless Neocon leadership is playing with a “special kind” of fire.

easterndumbfuckistan April 19, 2015 at 5:30 pm

I know. I was trying to put the You think xxx is a game together with War Games.

sparklecity April 20, 2015 at 9:38 am

As a “boomer’ (who vividly remembers “duck & cover” drills) Global Thermonuclear War is definately NOT a game!!!!!
Global Thermonuclear War Would be the ultimate “Oh Shit” situation
I kinda thought those days were over but maybe not. I truly pray that those times have passed.
That is the only war where the living would envy the dead

easterndumbfuckistan April 19, 2015 at 11:16 am

This whole thing looks strangely like the beginning of WWI. Alliances and entanglements atop alliances and entanglements. All it takes is one minor event somewhere and we are off and running with a full scale war. The only difference the main battle implements of WWI were machine guns, trenches, mustard gas and tanks near the end. If the expands in to WWIII the weapons will be bombers, missiles, submarines, aircraft carriers and thermonuclear weapons.

Bible Thumper April 19, 2015 at 11:36 am

I’m not voting for Lindsey Graham in the primary, but he sure made impressive appearance on Fox News Sunday this morning. Chris Wallace didn’t challenged Graham’s policies on Syria and Iraq, but Graham was on a roll as he apparently was also popular in Nashua, New Hampshire at the Republican Leadership Conference against the rest of the Republican field. I think Graham is running for Secretary of State or Defense.

SynTwist April 19, 2015 at 12:15 pm

Graham would probably be good as Secretary of Defense, as long as he doesn’t hold the purse strings ;)

Bible Thumper April 19, 2015 at 1:31 pm

Graham in Nashua, NH “Jeb (Bush) couldn’t be here today and you better be glad, ’cause it would have been $10,000 a plate,” Graham said. “(Ted) Cruz couldn’t be here ’cause he’s building a fence.”

Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan says that Graham lacks Hillary Clinton’s experience with email.

SynTwist April 19, 2015 at 1:42 pm

LMAO – that is funny!

SynTwist April 19, 2015 at 3:02 pm Reply
Some People Believe Anything April 19, 2015 at 1:14 pm

I doubt if Hillary Clinton will be appointing Graham anything.

Bible Thumper April 19, 2015 at 1:16 pm

Or anyone else….

sparklecity April 20, 2015 at 9:42 am

He’d make a pretty good SecDef I suppose but the only thing is he probably would not keep an eye on the DOD purse strings and the DOD has been given carte blanche way too long………..

Tunes'n'News April 19, 2015 at 1:11 pm

Great news. What could possibly go wrong?

Obama is a Pussy April 19, 2015 at 9:55 pm

Russia should just seize supply ships and shoot down a cargo plan to send a message to Obama. Obama will do nothing about it except give a teleprompter speech.

Rocky April 20, 2015 at 12:15 pm

Yeah, because I think 3,000 or 4,000 dead Americans, killed over three or four townships in eastern Ukraine, is a pretty good trade off. I mean, heck, stuff grows better when American kids limbs are buried in the dirt – right? And Russia is such a strong country, with a huge economy. What do they, rate like behind Belgium or something.

sparklecity April 20, 2015 at 9:18 am

Those are 173rd Airborne Brigade paratroopers in the pic……………
Way to go “Third Herd”!!! – Airborne all the Way!!!!!
Only thing is…paratroopers are basically light infantry after they land and would only function a “trip wire” if the case the “big bad bear” shuffles across the border
Back in my days in the 82nd Airborne had the M551 Sheridan (air droppable/air land & the finest,quickest Armored Recon/Airborne Assault Vehicle in the world; well actually the ONLY AR/AAV in the world) but at least we could go toe to toe for a little while if the shit hit the fan………….
Plus we had TOW’s on “mules” (talk about shoot and scoot – the ultimate in mobility!!!
173rd does not have that capability and if the balloon goes up it would be dicey for them.
If Uncle Sugar is serious he needs to have M-1’s & artillery at the border and not just a dozen M-1’s either…………….

Rocky April 20, 2015 at 10:39 am

It’s not so big a deal. Fighting has been mainly a static artillery and aged armour fight. Light trucks and roadblocks. The Russians generally supply only limited armoured forces. Last summer Ukrainian spotters using nothing more than pre-sited artillery and cell phones managed to call in 155mm barrage that resulted in 500 casualties on a Russian airborne brigade at night. The remaining untouched company got spooked and wandered into Ukrainian lines and was captured. Since then Russia has only done a limited left hook to ,keep the artillary further back. Else they just let former military “payed” fighters enter and mess around in Ukraine. Training is about all these guys will do. This is Putin’s little way of saying to the West “we’re here.” If the 173rd can train them to better manage their newly arriving Polish equipment, fine.

ELCID April 20, 2015 at 2:21 pm

Oh God, say it ain’t so!!!!!!

One of the stupidest things Obama has done yet.

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 2:25 pm

Are you saying that he might be jeopardizing his Peace Prize?

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 3:59 pm

Awww….TB I see you on both sides the aisle. “Gates was presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian award, by President Obama during his retirement ceremony.” wiki baby!

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 4:11 pm

lol…I have no “side”. I’m on my own side, I like to call my side “sanity”.

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 4:12 pm

LOL – we have a very different view of sane ;)

SynTwist April 20, 2015 at 4:29 pm

I think my 6 year old has solved this problem for us. We play “My Little Pony.” I informed her today that Dragon’s are coming to Ponyville, but I don’t know what they are yet. She wanted to know what the form of payment was required.

When I informed her it was elements, she put her little hands on my face. Moves close and very serious, “When anything evil is coming, it costs elements! The parasites came, they cost elements! The changlings came, they cost elements! If it costs ELEMENTS, it is going to be very evil!”

Problem solved, save your elements. ;)


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