
Cozy, Cozy Washington DC

LOBBYIST + LAWMAKER = LOVERS || By FITSNEWS || While the rest of us struggle to make ends meet in a souring economy, the Washington D.C. elite continue spending our money like there’s no tomorrow … And no, “Republican” control of the U.S. Congress has done absolutely nothing to restore…


|| By FITSNEWS || While the rest of us struggle to make ends meet in a souring economy, the Washington D.C. elite continue spending our money like there’s no tomorrow …

And no, “Republican” control of the U.S. Congress has done absolutely nothing to restore fiscal sanity to our nation’s capital … although that’s not surprising given the GOP’s track record during the first half of the last decade.

One of the poster “Republicans” for excess is Bill Shuster – a liberal “Republican” from Pennsylvania who serves as chairman of the influential U.S. House transportation and infrastructure committee.

Well guess what … according to Politico reporters John Bresnahan, Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman, Shuster is “dating a top lobbyist for the leading U.S. airline trade association, an organization that spends millions of dollars trying to influence his panel.”

Shuster and his wife divorced last year.  No mention was made of the relationship status of his lover, lobbyist Shelley Rubino.

Shuster claims Rubino “doesn’t lobby (his) office,” but he has accepted more than $20,000 in contributions from her organization – which spent nearly $7 million lobbying members of the U.S. Congress.  And his committee is in the process of overhauling the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

U.S. Speaker John Boehner‘s officer refused to comment to Politico … although that’s hardly surprising considering his nocturnal habits.

We tend to eschew reporting on personal relationships … of late, anyway … because we’re libertarians and we believe consenting adults should be able to have sex with whomever they wish (assuming we’re talking about other consenting adults).  And we understand how proximity can cause certain relationships to blossom.

Also based on the picture (above) provided to Politico, Shuster and Rubino appear as though they’d be hard-pressed to earn any affection outside of that which they share for each other.

But as much as we’d love to give the “green light” to this ugliest of “ugly-bumping,” there’s a brazen conflict at work here … no matter what steps Shuster and Rubino say they’ve taken to legitimize their relationship.  And no matter how many Washington “ethics” officials look the other way.

Of course our guess is hundreds if not thousands of such illicit relationships exist in our nation’s capital … driving public policy to a far greater degree than we will probably ever know.


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Diogenes April 17, 2015 at 10:44 am

“…because we’re libertarians and we believe consenting adults should be able to have sex with whomever they wish.” So it was you as his press secretary and advisor who put that idea into Mark Sanford’s head, along with the usual libertarian drivel. By the way, how does your wife feel about that statement?

Rocky Sinatra April 17, 2015 at 10:52 am

Come fly with me, let’s take off to Peru, in llama land, there’s a one man band, and he’ll toot his flute for you, come and fly with, let’s take off, to the blue. When I get up you up there, where the air is rare-ified, we’ll just fly, starry eyed, when I get you up there, you’ll be lobbying me, so hard – with new cars – and a brand new condo on the Potomac – come fly with me……..

Manray9 April 17, 2015 at 11:02 am

I read the AP story which stated Shuster is the top recipient in the House of airline “contributions” (AKA, bribes) with $128,500 last year. If Ms. Rubino, head of the lobbying department of “Airlines for America” isn’t lobbying the committee chairman, then what is she doing for her $460,000 annual paychecks? I think I know, but thought that was illegal — then I remembered David Vitter.

Buz Martin April 17, 2015 at 12:19 pm

“… ugliest of ugly-bumping …”

Oh, rest assured, there is far uglier.

mamatiger92 April 17, 2015 at 12:51 pm

With the possible exception of Rubino, that is one unattractive looking bunch. Yikes.

snickering April 17, 2015 at 3:27 pm

Washington D.C. is like Hollywood for ugly people.

Soft Sigh from Hell April 17, 2015 at 1:18 pm

DC should be turned into an agency and museum city and all the politicos and their staffs (with the possible exception of the president’s) should be transferred to a working capital somewhere in the depopulating wheat belt of the bleak upper far midwest, to exile the scum and boost the economy of the failing western heartland.

Squishy123 April 17, 2015 at 10:19 pm

Is that what you get if you become a politician in Washington… a sixty or seventy year old bag or a 3 on a scale of 1-10 if she’s younger than that?

Toyota Kawaski April 20, 2015 at 8:19 am

those lizard skins are so dam ugly they would draw a blister on a slop jaw!!!!


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