SC State: Zero Accountability, Zero Transparency
SCHOOL SHUTS OUT PRESS AS FINANCIAL STRUGGLES CONTINUE … || By FITSNEWS || We get that S.You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
|| By FITSNEWS || We get that S.
Investigative journalism is racist, didn’t ya hear?
But FITS “Likes” SC State. And he watched Mississippi Burning to form his intellectual base for the modern-day politics of race…….that’s gotta count for something, doesn’t it???…LMAO…
Give those guys a grant! And see if they have a road to nowhere DOT can pave.
We President now!!!
we BE president now!
Wonder how the VAST majority of anyone and everyone associated w/ SC State votes????…then compare that w/ the Corridor of Shame…
Why keep doing the same thing, when such disaster results????….That’s not insanity (as the cliche erroneously denotes)…it’s IGNORANCE…
Leatherman owns the school. Lock stock and barrell. What he will do with it, no one knows. But he will use it for his benefit.
Given I have had experience with both SCSU and Clemson, I am of the opinion the Administrators at SCSU are better. However, my college student likes Clemson better. I don’t think it has more to do with school climate? I can tell you Clemson has it’s own issues.
Yeah, but all the other state schools have board members who are much, much more effectively politically connected.
You must be joking! Maybe you are really Jim Clyburn!
Hmmm….interesting, but way off base.
In the words of Reggie “Lightning” Lloyd, ” It is a sweepstakes!!”
“The latest example of the school’s lack of transparency?”
“This is not a public meeting,” school officials told the paper.”
“The school also stated that “no schedule
of the on-site evaluation will be provided to media and media interviews
(with the SACS) team will not be granted.”
Dealing SCSU leaders is evidently not getting anywhere. The entire leadership should be replaced by people who will at least start to expose the problems and are amendable to financial and political solutions. Hiding behind secrecy will only perpetuate the problems and engender more public distrust.
Time to stop dealing with SCSU leadership if they want to keep everything as secret as the dark side of the moon and it is also time to stop throwing money into this political/educational black hole.
SC State has always considered “accounts payable” as something to be shoved to the bottom of the priority list. It’s probably futile to expect that to ever change.
Their time has come. Enough of their entitled let-somebody-else-take-responsibility-for-our-idiocy mentality. Shut it down.
Or let Magic, Shaq, Hank, etc. pay off their debts. I’m okay with that.
But like FITS says, this crap has gone on long enough.
Subsidies create dependencies… true for all our state colleges.