
Tax Day Scandal Brewing?

DID THE WHITE HOUSE GET BACKDOOR ACCESS TO RECORDS IT SHOULDN’T HAVE? || By FITSNEWS || Today is tax day … when tens of millions of Americans bend over and take it collectively, squarely and firmly where the sun doesn’t shine.  It’s an annual exercise in oxygen depravation for the U.S. free…


|| By FITSNEWS || Today is tax day … when tens of millions of Americans bend over and take it collectively, squarely and firmly where the sun doesn’t shine.  It’s an annual exercise in oxygen depravation for the U.S. free market – and for what?  So that increasingly unwieldy, unaccountable federal and state governments can continue pouring money into unsustainable entitlement obligations, dependency-inducing welfare statism, ill-conceived global interventionism and market-distorting corporate cronyism?

Yup.  That’s it.  So … what do we get out of all that?  Easy: The shaft.

Anyway, on this tax day there could be a major scandal brewing – one involving the administration of Barack Obama and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which was exposed two years ago for its discriminatory persecution of limited government groups.

(And which continues discriminating to this day).

According to the national advocacy group Cause of Action, the IRS scandal may be ongoing … and may have resulted in sensitive tax information being improperly obtained by the Obama White House.

Specifically, the group claims to have “uncovered an ongoing practice at the Department of Justice whereby Tax Division attorneys, some of whom have worked directly on IRS targeting matters, are assigned to the White House to provide legal advice to the President.”

Hmmmm …

Why is this important?

“This ongoing practice raises ethical and legal questions because of these attorneys’ access to confidential taxpayer returns and return information,” the group’s president Dan Epstein said. “The public deserves to know whether ethical and legal safeguards have been in place to prevent taxpayer information from getting into the wrong hands — especially when those who access that information work in the White House.”

That’s true …

Cause of Action will be filing public records requests in an effort to uncover more information on the alleged practice – with the goal of preventing “confidential taxpayer returns and/or return information … from being unlawfully accessed or disclosed.”


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Fly On Wall April 15, 2015 at 3:41 pm

Anyone who is an adversary of Obama and his cronies, Obama and the same have clear access to their tax records and returns. Just like how Harry Reid taunted Mitt Romney over his tax records when he refused to release them to the Obama campaign. Why do that when Obama had his IRS directors released them to his own office? Valarie Jarrett saw them.

Rocky April 15, 2015 at 3:49 pm


Proof Not Positive April 15, 2015 at 4:21 pm

Conspiracy nuts don’t need proof, they are allergic to evidence.

idcydm April 15, 2015 at 5:11 pm

Sounds like Harry Reid.

Get Off Your Knees Reps April 15, 2015 at 7:40 pm

These Republicans are all excited because corporate CEOs compensation increased by 13% last year.

Now if they can insulate them from Estate taxes AND get them a tax cut ?

Their work will be done!

idcydm April 15, 2015 at 5:01 pm

Do you mean proof like Romney didn’t pay taxes for ten years?

GrandTango April 15, 2015 at 3:41 pm

One thing for sure…if FITS predicts it…it AIN’T going to happen…

And another thing: If anything, this will end up being some Bull-$#!t the media dreamed up to attack Republicans, and of course…FITS will incorporate Nikki Haley…and all the ignorant people of SC that he hates so much, for not being brilliant (and unpredictable-LMAO) like him..

When it’s Obama: there ain’t no such thing as scandal….the only question from the media is: Why are yall racists attacking Obama for being so right about everything…and having to suffer a country that Bush ruined…LMAO…

Rocky April 15, 2015 at 5:01 pm

Try this one – ROTFSMP – rolling on the floor s$#ting my pants.

GrandTango April 15, 2015 at 5:33 pm

Nah!…only a bona-fide F*#king idiot would do that….Never mind….LMAO…

how many more? April 15, 2015 at 3:42 pm

Look up “scandal” in the dictionary and see Barack Obama’s picture. This is never-ending and so unacceptable. What a discredit to our country and to our citizenry.

GrandTango April 15, 2015 at 3:43 pm

Problem is: We’re at a point if the media says it’s not a scandal…all the idiots voting for Obama are clueless…Same w/ FITS, and his minions…

WW April 15, 2015 at 3:43 pm

If you’ve been on the wrong side of power here in SC, as I have, it is no different!
Believe me!

GrandTango April 15, 2015 at 3:45 pm

You’re a Conservative????..my sympathies…

That racism they talked about of LONG ago, has been repackaged…and if you are anti-liberal…your @$$ must pay…The media makes sure of it…

say no to scandal April 15, 2015 at 3:57 pm

Is anyone who they say they are? Rhinos = Dems. Family value types = Jesus Cheaters. We need a foolproof litmus test based on ethical actions and adherence to the Constitution. One misstep and you’re outta here. Integrity is a derivation of integration: you’re a private scumball? Sorry, studies show it’s very likely that carries into your public life too. TERM LIMITS. We don’t need no stinking, entrenched, dynasties here.

Get a New Line April 15, 2015 at 7:37 pm

And of course,YOU decide who is “adhering” to the Constituion,

Bible Thumper April 15, 2015 at 4:03 pm

I would rather have the NSA gathering up all the internet traffic, (I expect Google and Facebook are already doing it anyway.) than the WH using the IRS for political purposes.

Big Brother is Watching April 16, 2015 at 9:05 am

“I would rather have the NSA gathering up all the internet traffic, (I expect Google and Facebook are already doing it anyway.) than the WH using the IRS for political purposes.”

I suppose it’s too much to hope that neither happens.

tomstickler April 15, 2015 at 4:24 pm

Everybody fill in your Use Tax on Line 26? Did you include all the Amazon stuff you bought between when they sent out that email in October and the end of the year?

Rocky April 15, 2015 at 4:38 pm

In anticipation of those who will claim people are having to pay on average $5,000 in extra taxes because of their ACA subsidies – ” for most low-income filers, the subsidy repayments will only reduce their refunds rather than require them to pay additional taxes, according to a report by the Tax Policy Center, a joint project of The Urban Institute and Brookings Institution.” Another “myth” proven wrong. Continue now – and thank you for your attention.

Manray9 April 15, 2015 at 5:01 pm

C’mon, Sic: “the national advocacy group Cause of Action… ?” Let’s have some of that transparency about which you belabor Nikki and Barack. Who and what are Cause of Action? Cause of Action is a right-wing attack group funded by fronts of the Koch brothers. Its director, Dan Epstein, is a longtime stooge for the Kochs’ activities. Cause of Action’s website won’t even reveal the identities of the group’s staff or board. Its so-called “investigations” consist of every hare-brained delusion of the right-wing blogosphere. This is one of your sources?

shifty henry April 15, 2015 at 6:54 pm

Lil’ Benito is STILL a piss-ant..!!

Ringmaster April 16, 2015 at 5:52 am

Be anything, but don’t be boring darling. Look at the number of “reads” and comments on FITS postings lately. People are as tired of the use of terms like “Republicans” (trying to define a “real Republican”) and “government run schools” and “broken first by FITS” as they are of GT and his a$$ dollar signs etc. It’s become a predictable clown show

atwaters poltergeist April 16, 2015 at 1:54 pm

compared to accusations that Nixon and Karl Rove were looking up Billy Carter’s mama’s background in FBI and CIA’s files after Jimmy announced, this IS kinda small potatoes to MSM. So you expect the corrupt to play by Marquis of Queensbury rules, have another toke.


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