North Charleston Shooting: Updates

INDICTMENTS, INVESTIGATIONS, ETC.  || By FITSNEWS ||  South carolina solicitor Scarlett Wilson will pursue a murder indictment against former North Charleston, S.C. police officer Michael Slager in the aftermath of last week’s fatal shooting of 50-year-old Walter Scott. Wilson’s office is working closely with the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division…


|| By FITSNEWS ||  South carolina solicitor Scarlett Wilson will pursue a murder indictment against former North Charleston, S.C. police officer Michael Slager in the aftermath of last week’s fatal shooting of 50-year-old Walter Scott.

Wilson’s office is working closely with the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) – the agency that’s been tasked with reviewing the case.

“My role is to hold accountable those who harm others unlawfully, regardless of profession,” Wilson said in a statement.  “This office does not dictate nor comment upon police policy, training and procedure. I am, however, deeply concerned when those who are sworn to serve and protect violate the public’s trust.  It is extremely important to me that I be open and transparent with the public about the legal proceedings and the continuing investigation into this matter.”

SLED has already conducted several interviews with officers who responded to the shooting – which was on the verge of being swept under the rug until an amateur video of the incident was made public.

Prior to the release of the video, North Charleston police claimed Scott was gunned down by Slager because he posed a legitimate threat to the officer’s safety – having engaged in a scuffle with Slager which resulting in him obtaining the officer’s taser weapon.  Police also said Scott was fatally shot following a “foot pursuit” and that officers attempted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in an attempt to revive him.

While the video depicted what appears to have been a minor scuffle, the rest of the police narrative turned out to be highly suspect – if not completely fabricated.

There was no “foot pursuit” – nor does it appear as though Scott ever had complete possession of Slager’s taser.

Nor were any attempts made to revive Scott – who died of multiple gunshot wounds to the back after Slager fired eight rounds at him as he fled.

Appearing on CNN early Thursday, S.C. State Senator Marlon Kimpson said “discrepancies” between police accounts and video evidence of shooting incidents was a national problem – one disproportionally impacting black victims.

The video of the North Charleston shooting was taken by 23-year-old Feidin Santana – who was walking to work when he came upon Slager and Scott.  While Santana said he “knew right away” that he had “something on my hands,” he almost didn’t release the clip.

“I felt that my life, with this information, might be in danger,” he told MSNBC. “I thought about erasing the video and just getting out of the community, you know, Charleston, and living someplace else.”

We’re glad he decided not to do that …

As for the investigation Santana’s video has spawned, SLED spokesman Thom Berry told FITS the agency is “interviewing everyone who was there” in an effort to find answers.

That includes the nine police officers who responded “within minutes” to the shooting.

How long will the probe take?

“There’s not any specific timetable we just want to make sure it’s done thoroughly and fairly,” Berry said.

Berry also said reports indicating the imminent release of the dash-cam video of the traffic stop leading up to shooting were inaccurate, and that SLED had not received authorization to release that information.

It’s believed that the dashcam video will provide information about what preceded the shooting – a chain of events which began when Slager pulled Scott over on Saturday morning for having a broken tail light.

In other news, Slager’s new attorney – Andy Savage of Charleston, S.C. – blistered the officer’s previous legal counsel David Aylor, who decided against representing Slager once the video became public.

“As we focus in on the facts, we will probably have more to say, but it is far too early for us to be saying what we think,” Savage said. “Slager’s previous counsel fell into that trap and we have no intention of doing our client further harm.”

Aylor said Savage’s comment was “a deflection.”



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utah April 9, 2015 at 10:42 am

Considering NC immediately turned over handling of the case to SLED, it’s difficult to see how they attempted to sweep this under the rug.

CNSYD April 9, 2015 at 10:56 am

The “sweeping under the rug” is just more click bait from the puerile mind of Folks. The mayor and police chief commented initially based on all the information and evidence they had at the time or was known to exist. Apparently Folks thinks they should have been clairvoyant and therefore known there was a video in existence taken by an unknown bystander.

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 11:50 am

I agree – there is obviously some “…what’d I just say, no I meant…” going on with the PD but there always is after a shooting.

There’s no evidence that the truth would not have been abundantly clear on investigation. The great thing about this is that now it’s out there and we can act like adults and miracle of miracles, so far we seem to be.

Native Ink April 9, 2015 at 11:58 am

NC did the right thing, but I bet at some point, Summey was thinking, “Uh oh, if we have a race riot here, I can kiss the new Daimler plant goodbye.”

CNSYD April 9, 2015 at 4:59 pm

Lets see, Daimler is a German company. Andreas Lubitz was German. It sure is easy to connect the dots isn’t it. I bet all multi-national companies employ Native Ink logic.

black mamba April 9, 2015 at 2:06 pm

Wouldn’t that be the part about the initial report being this was a good shooting and the struggle, and the part about a foot chase, and the part about administering CPR? I guess all these things were given in the initial report and the PD was just going to accept it as is?

Nölff April 9, 2015 at 10:42 am

When people chanting chanting “No Justice No Peace” I got a little confused. Even the sheriff was like “We ARE serving justice.”

Squishy123 April 9, 2015 at 12:08 pm

So does this mean if there’s no justice they’re going to riot and loot?

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 12:22 pm

How often you been to North Charleston Squishy, not much to loot.

Fecal Matters April 9, 2015 at 2:17 pm

They do have Quick Trips right?

Uh huh April 9, 2015 at 10:44 am

“I felt that my life, with this information, might be in danger,” he told MSNBC. “I thought about erasing the video and just getting out of the community, you know, Charleston, and living someplace else.”

A reasonable sentiment.

To all those that might be in such an unfortunate position, I recommend the following:

Go to an internet cafe, preferably one without cameras if you can scope it out ahead of time. Wear a hat and non-descript clothing and pay cash to use a computer.

Use a temporary e-mail service(like throwawaymail) to setup an anonymous youtube channel and upload the video there.

Use the same e-mail to send the link to the video to the victim’s attorney’s and a few major media outlets.

Then erase the video from your phone, if possible get rid of the phone by destroying it and replacing is. Throw it is a lake, whatever. Then disappear and say nothing to anyone, knowning you’ve done a good deed.

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 11:04 am

If I just watched a cop gun someone down in cold blood I’d be a bit nervous too. What surprised me most in the video was the cop didn’t run over to the guy with the phone and try and confiscate it. I bet he was thinking that, but the other cop showed up. Fox has a good story of another time the officer was involved in excessive force incident. Tasing a guy. The scuffle over the taser was probably old Jessie James there had already pulled it to tase the guy, and the guy was trying to push it down to keep from getting zapped. Then he decided to run out of range of the taser, and found that 9mm rounds travel faster. How did they get into the lot? That’s the interesting thing. The guy wouldn’t get out of the car unless the cop told him to do so.

Uh huh April 9, 2015 at 11:10 am

“What surprised me most in the video was the cop didn’t run over to the guy with the phone and try and confiscate it.”

I agree. I was a bit surprised because it seemed he was vaguely aware that he was being recorded, unless Santana was doing a great job of pretending he was just staring at his phone and not recording.

Thing is, even a murdering cop makes mental mistakes under such duress.

Btw, I forgot to add to my post above that you should park blocks away from said internet cafe, trying to pick a route with no cameras(again, scope ahead of time) and walk to said cafe.

guest April 9, 2015 at 1:04 pm

I watched an interview with Santana. English isn’t his first language so I can’t quote exactly what he said, but it was something to the effect that the way he was holding the phone it wouldn’t have been obvious that he was recording.

Native Ink April 9, 2015 at 11:57 am

I saw a media report that there was a passenger in the car. There is also dashcam video that has not been released.

Squishy123 April 9, 2015 at 12:07 pm

I’ve heard of Mr. Obvious, are you Mr. Speculation?

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 12:21 pm

No, Mr. Obvious Speculation.

TSIB April 9, 2015 at 1:13 pm

“How did they get into the lot? That’s the interesting thing.”

I wonder about that too. The witness did describe seeing a struggle between Slager and Scott on the ground – maybe Scott fled from the car to the lot, and Slager chased him, caught him, and tased him?

Just call me Ms. Speculation.

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 11:13 am

“Aiding and Abetting After the Fact” or “Misprision of a Felony” is the charge I think.

Uh huh April 9, 2015 at 11:16 am

“Misprision of a Felony” wouldn’t apply because even if you were found out, you did report it, just anonymously.

I’m not sure how “Aiding and Abetting” would apply, it doesn’t seem relevant.

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 11:20 am

Misprison can be charged with a finding that you “failed to notify authorities” – I don’t think “Youtube” counts as “an authority” – ultimately you’d probably walk though…

“Aiding and Abetting After” is having material knowledge that a crime was committed and failing to disclose it – probably harder to stick as they’d have had to ask him if he saw it.

Misprison is rarely used against an innocent bystander like Santana. You have to give him props for manning up and sharing with someone.

Uh huh April 9, 2015 at 11:22 am

Ok, so given your post, to assure all bases are covered, you should also copy the PD on your anonymous link to the video as well.

Then you should be in the clear even if an investigator got lucky and found you.

Thanks for the point.

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 11:26 am

Finding you ain’t as difficult as you’d think. I have multiple burn emails that I use for ecommerce stuff and I’ve gotten bounces that mysteriously showed up in my normal email later.

Best thing to do is man up and find an AG or a Fed.

Uh huh April 9, 2015 at 11:29 am

“Best thing to do is man up and find an AG or a Fed.”

Yeah, I’d say that that’s the worst thing you can do. It’s pretty obvious that they can’t be trusted.

The reason your burners don’t work is because you’re not using them properly and using your own computer is a big “no no”.

TSIB April 9, 2015 at 1:10 pm

I’m not sure how your video ever gets into evidence if you do that.

Uh huh April 9, 2015 at 2:24 pm

You don’t think the defense lawyers present it eh?

Photo Caption contest April 9, 2015 at 10:52 am

“Hurry up and die you son of a bitch.”

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 11:00 am

“You don’t run fast, do ya’ boy!!”

Mom April 9, 2015 at 10:54 am

So a man is pulled for a broken tail light and is shot dead by the PoPo? What the hell?

Daniel Boome April 9, 2015 at 10:59 am

Stop with the juvenile reasoning. I’ve heard enough of it from Sharpton and the Sharptonites. He wasn’t shot over a broken tail light. He was shot for fighting with and fleeing from the officer. No, I’m not victim-blaming or exonerating the cop. I’m merely pointing out the proper logical connection if you’re actually interested in it.

:) April 9, 2015 at 11:00 am

“No, I’m not victim-blaming”


Daniel Boome April 9, 2015 at 11:04 am

That’s all you people want to do when someone points out a correlation. That’s all I’m doing, BTW. I’m pointing out the correlation. It is what it is. Facts don’t have an agenda, they merely inform. I wouldn’t have needed to even point it out if not for the knee-jerk logic in the original post.

:) April 9, 2015 at 11:06 am

“Facts don’t have an agenda”

Agreed. Thankfully the video was made public.

Daniel Boome April 9, 2015 at 11:10 am

Agreed. Not arguing on that point.

Hands Up, Don't Shoot April 9, 2015 at 11:07 am

I don’t know, Danny. The cop had his name, address, and vehicle. Where did the cop think the victim was going to go? And it was just a tail light violation.

Daniel Boome April 9, 2015 at 11:10 am

I’m not arguing that point. I’m arguing against the ridiculous notion that this was all over just a broken tail light.

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 11:34 am

DB – might I suggest the scuffle occured after the officer pulled his Taser (he is known per Fox News as a taser-happy guy), and if faced with about to be tasered because you a) had a broken tail-light, and b) were behind in your payments to Mama – do you just sit there and subjecdt yourself to excessive force? Or do you have the right to protect yourself. Neither a nor b warrent a taser. And if the intent was to conduct an arrest on the outstanding unpaid child support, would you not instead leave the man in the car, and call for back-up? No, Wild Derp here had the guy exit the car, move to a lot, and then was going to tase him, no doubt. When the guy decided to run – he was shot dead. You don’t run from an outstanding child support warrent. You wouldn’t leave a perfectly good car (except for the tail-light – if in fact it was actually broken) – and run because you’re behind on child support. And you don’t shot a guy for running away from your arrest for child support. There are courts for handing that situation. Wasn’t like he was jumping a flight to Brazil.

Daniel Boome April 9, 2015 at 11:44 am

His brother was the one who said he was running away because he didn’t want to go back to jail for failure to pay child support. He’s the only place that information came from.

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 11:57 am

Ah, thanks for the clarification.

Squishy123 April 9, 2015 at 12:04 pm

Wow, it’s like you were there. Did you get all of this from the cell phone video?

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 12:20 pm

I was camping out in the vacant lot – ever since I got kicked out of the hosue.

TSIB April 9, 2015 at 1:07 pm

Except it was just over a broken tail light. And the fact that the victim was black.

The broken tail light was a pretext.

Daniel Boome April 9, 2015 at 1:18 pm

You can’t be serious. It was “just” over the tail light? No, nothing is ever “just” that simple, especially not this. Also, that this was over “the fact that the victim was black” has about as much substantiation as saying that the victim only decided to fight with the officer because he was white.

You Know My Name April 9, 2015 at 11:48 am

Don’t say “victim blaming” as though it is necessarily a bad thing. Quite often, cvictims” bring about their own misery by various acts of fucktardery and therefore, DO deserve some degree of blame. While the cop here was wrong, yhe decedent’s failure to constrain himself from acts of TNB played a definite part in his own demise.

PoPo FTW! April 9, 2015 at 11:01 am

Yeah, but he had felony warrants for unpaid child support and “no show” court appearances.

He also beat his wife sometime back and probably lived off welfare.

So it’s ok. The cop was just doing us all a favor.

UGAalumni April 9, 2015 at 11:09 am

Oh, and the car that had the broken tail light, a Mercedes. Priorities.

Mom April 9, 2015 at 12:40 pm

I will assume you are being sarcastic.

PoPo FTW! April 9, 2015 at 2:23 pm

You are much brighter than the fellow below.

Perry Masons younger Brother April 9, 2015 at 2:46 pm

Sorry to tell you this legal beagle,but Failing to pay child support is NOT a Felony.Indeed it’s not even a “crime.”It’s contempt of a Family COURT order.

PoPo FTW! April 9, 2015 at 3:09 pm


Well shit. So what was this whole talk about warrants for felonies for?

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 10:57 am

Was the video from an Obama phone?

Torch April 9, 2015 at 11:09 am

Bush gave them out also. Think the program was approved under Clinton. If not mistaken, paid by the phone companies with one of the charges on your phone.

easterndumbfuckistan April 9, 2015 at 11:17 am

Federal universal service charge pays for it. This has been around for years in one form or another. It originally paid to help run lines in to rural areas where it was cost prohibitive to run cable due to low population density and long distances. Since 1996 in it’s current form it’s has paid for low income residents to have access to phones. The “Obama/Bush/Clinton” phones were implemented because basic cell service is cheaper to provide than basic land line service.

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 11:44 am

Nicely said. Thank you for that great synopsis. I did not know all that. Makes perfect sense too – cell phones are cheaper.

Native Ink April 9, 2015 at 11:47 am

Wow. So the phones aren’t given out as bribes to vote for Obama? Man, I really trusted those right-wing emails…

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 11:17 am

Still BLAMING Bush…Dumb@$$…

LMAO…Nov 4 should have told you, that’s PLAYED OUT…idiot…

Torch April 9, 2015 at 11:24 am

I’d tell you to shove it up your ass but you’d enjoy it. Since you can’t comprehend, I said it was started by Clinton. Please see the other reply for a further explanation.

mamatiger92 April 9, 2015 at 11:25 am

Reading comprehension isn’t one of his strong suits.

Squishy123 April 9, 2015 at 12:01 pm

He devotes way too much time to douche-baggery.

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 11:26 am

STFU and admit Obama has been nothing but a TOTAL F*#k Up…

To project to the past is just an attempt to show how IGNORANT you are…

Get off your knees…and own up to the F*#king mess your false-god has made of our country….

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 11:28 am

This thread is regarding the police shooting in North Charleston over the weekend. Please stay on topic, or find another thread to comment on that is relevant to your desired rants.

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 3:27 pm

I do what the F#*k I want and get away w/ it…remember that privilege you always claim I have…So STFU…

I don’t walk in in lockstep, or give a F*#k what you want…

Fecal Matters April 9, 2015 at 2:50 pm

The current state of the Lifeline Program has waaaay more to do with Carlos Slim then it does to do with King Barry.

Fecal Matters April 9, 2015 at 2:49 pm

Lifeline Program was started by Reagan.

Fecal Matters April 9, 2015 at 2:14 pm

Actually the Lifeline Program was originated by Ronald Reagan in 1984, expanded under Clinton in 1996 and then, following the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), under President George W. Bush, modernized Lifeline in 2008 to allow recipients to choose between receiving their benefits through a wireless plan or a landline. I’m no fan of Obama but President Obama has little to do with the program. Actually we can all thank Mexican telecom mogul Carlos Slim for exploiting the program and making sure there are many Americans sucking the gubmint teet as possible.

Native Ink April 9, 2015 at 11:45 am

I doubt it. I saw someone with the same phone as me, which is an old “dumb” phone you rarely see anymore. It turns out they recently got it as government phone. If I had been there, I wouldn’t have been able to film a thing with my phone.

ThreePalms April 9, 2015 at 11:09 am

I don’t know much about Aylor, The Bailer”. Andy Savage. Now he’s s damn good lawyer.

Bring back country lawyers April 9, 2015 at 11:11 am

Yea, even though the cop is guilty as hell, the first lawyer throwing him overboard doesn’t seem like proper lawyering to me….

Old-Timer April 9, 2015 at 11:18 am

Well, if your client lied through his teeth, and he did, can’t blame the guy for walkin’.

Bring back country lawyers April 9, 2015 at 11:19 am

I don’t know, I’m not a lawyer, so I’m really not qualified to answer the question technically, from a legal standpoint…but all I can say is that if every lawyer dropped a client that lied to him/her it would seem like there’d be a lot of shuffling going on.

Old-Timer April 9, 2015 at 11:24 am

Well, you can withdraw from a represesentation pretty much any time, but earlier (like, before any court appearances) is better, because after that you might need leave of court.

Mom April 9, 2015 at 12:37 pm

Wait, is the cop gay? If so, it’s discrimination. Or maybe lawyers (or bakers) aren’t REQUIRED to work for assholes.

Bring back country lawyers April 9, 2015 at 3:06 pm

Gays, bakers, & assholes?

That sounds like a joke missing it’s punch line.

Anyway, I’m just saying that the murdering cop seemed to be dumped in an unprofessional manner.

Shouldn’t there be some kind of BS attempt at protecting his former client in the least? Doesn’t lawyering require something at all along those lines?

Ya know, something like, “Well, I feel like Saul Goodman is better suited to defend my former client given the nature of the case and his expertise in high profile murdering assholes cases.” Or maybe the lawyer just cleans it up a little more and finished with “his expertise in high profile cases”…ya know?

I mean, basically dropping him like he did is almost like strapping him into the ole Electric massage chair himself.

Now, I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve it, I’m just saying it seems kinda unlawyerly. (word?)

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 11:16 am


Daniel Boome April 9, 2015 at 11:20 am

Brilliant post. How long did it take you to think of this one?

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 11:22 am

Yet, It has more wisdom than your whole miserable F*#king life…

Daniel Boome April 9, 2015 at 11:23 am

Great comeback. That’s the type of lowlife comeback I would expect from the miserable malcontents protesting in Ferguson. Thank you for revealing who, and what, you are.

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 11:27 am

I rather you sit around s#!tt!ing all over yourself, than hold back…LMAO…

Daniel Boome April 9, 2015 at 11:32 am

I love it when you don’t respond to what I even said. I call you out for what you are and you run from it. That means I’m right and you’re still a menace. The only conversation you know how to have is one of juvenile and profane bantering. You can go to your home at the Daily Kos for that.

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 11:36 am

I don’t respond because I don’t GIVE A F*#K…you’re nothing but an echo chamber of the liberal idiot, knee-jerk, cliche, pop culture. Read FITS, and I’ve read you…You are common, pack-think personified…

You are irrelevant except for the fact that very bad and corrupt people can puppet-master your stupid-a$$ into empowering them, so they can F*#k up more things…

Does that help clear it up?

Daniel Boome April 9, 2015 at 11:41 am

Nope, because it’s the same thing you say every time in responding to me. You never point out any examples of my “liberal idiot”, “common pack-think”, or “puppet-master” thinking. All you do is spew out the accusations. You haven’t ever even read what I wrote, you’ve even admitted as much before. I, meanwhile, show you every single time the examples of your closet liberalism and you never once have responded or refuted them. So, nice try once again trying to project your idiocy on to me, but I’ve merely exposed you once again. You are nothing more than a menace who doesn’t have a clue how to communicate rational thoughts. All you know how to do is make a mockery of yourself.
Does that help clear it up?

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 12:08 pm

If it’s true…and you ignore it – to where you make a total fool of yourself over and over….am I not obligated to keep imparting it upon you?????

Daniel Boome April 9, 2015 at 12:12 pm

That’s the point, it isn’t true. You keep imparting and projecting lies like liberals always do. But thanks again for skirting around the point. Keep up the menacing gig and working on your two imaginary blogs.

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 12:23 pm


Rocky April 9, 2015 at 11:57 am

You treat people in real life like this? God! You must be the most unpopular guy on your street.

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 12:06 pm

You god is Obama…how many people has he REALLY hurt….idiot…

And you’re whining because someone uses words that are not in line w/ your hateful ideology…You are a true Dumb@$$…aren’t you?

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 12:23 pm

Talk to hand.

Squishy123 April 9, 2015 at 12:10 pm

Of course he doesn’t, if he did he’d be a regular in the Emergency Room.

Squishy123 April 9, 2015 at 12:08 pm

Anyone else think it’s ironic for GT to talk about someone having a “miserable F*#king life”?

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 12:24 pm

Ding ding, today’s winner. Yeah, that is really Ironic.

mamatiger92 April 9, 2015 at 11:17 am Reply
GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 11:21 am

Yet when Muslim Jihadist blew up children in Boston…FITS pleaded for their Due process rights..imploring us stupid South Carolina rednecks that they MUST be INNOCENT until proven guilty…

You are one FILTHY and NASTY piece of $#!t…to HATE one side w/ such ferocity…while kneeling and sucking off the monsters because they hate America, like you do…..

John April 9, 2015 at 11:37 am

Fuck off.

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 12:09 pm

Hit you right between the eyes….didn’t I? ….LMAO…

Squishy123 April 9, 2015 at 12:10 pm

You jerking off to pictures of men again?

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 12:15 pm

I love it when I P!$$ you off. You impress me as such a limited – intellectually – person…and I love kickin’ @$$ on Dumb@$$ people…who run their mouths, based on stupidity and hate (like you)…

I know that when you get mad, it is because I have defined you PERFECTLY…and you don’t think I should have the right to call you out for the anti-American B@$t@*d, you are..LMAO…

Think again…@$$hole…You play your Bull-S#!t around me…and I’ll bust you…Hahahaha…Sucks to be YOU…

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 4:30 pm


Daniel Boome April 9, 2015 at 12:13 pm

No, he’s just getting down on your level. From one profane menace to another. I guess you didn’t like what you saw in the mirror.

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 12:22 pm


Daniel Boome April 9, 2015 at 12:29 pm

“I love it when I P!$$ you off. I know that when you get mad, it is because I have defined you PERFECTLY.”
Amazing how I can use your own words to describe this. Thank you for another brilliant response, you closeted liberal. Predictable, robotic, and simpleminded. Keep em coming.

Squishy123 April 9, 2015 at 11:59 am

I really don’t understand why Will puts up with your shit, if this were my blog I’d have you blocked. You don’t bring anything to the discussion other than personal attacks and the same meaningless drivel you spout off in every topic.

Native Ink April 9, 2015 at 12:02 pm

GrandTango is an blithering idiot you can make fun of and not feel bad about it later. He’s kept around for that reason only.

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 12:03 pm

That and his blog failed, so he needs a free place to rant.

shifty henry April 9, 2015 at 4:21 pm

Even a mangy dog gets a pan of water and a scratch behind the ear every now and then……

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 12:03 pm

He drives more traffic to the site. It’s universal that you just let assholes run wild, and look like assholes. It’s almost entertaining and it drives up revenue for Wil. So good on ya’ GT – baby needs new shoes.

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 12:05 pm

Typical F*#king Communist. Hitler would be proud of you, too.

When I slap the S#!t out of your STUPID @$$ w/ reality , and define you for WHO and WHAT, you are…you can’t tolerate open though. You want to SILENCE me…

As long as your ignorant Bull-$#!t is the only thing out there…you think you can push it on idiots, like you…

Competition of thought, and you S#!t all over yourself…

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 12:19 pm

You’ve used that one before. What do you do, write this stuff up in word, and then randomly cut and paste?

rdj April 9, 2015 at 12:13 pm

I have a friend like him, the only way to handle the situation is put on ignore. Lets all agree to ignore gtango maybe he’ll go away.

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 12:32 pm

I committed to it last week. Trying my best to do so.

nitrat April 9, 2015 at 12:39 pm

Ignoring him/her/it is ALL that’s needed.

sparklecity April 9, 2015 at 1:56 pm

You stole my “him/her/it” handle as it relates to GT (“GT” = “Generic Turd”)
Not Fair!!!!!!!
But I absloutely agree with ignoring “him/her/it”

InnocentUntilProvenGuilty April 9, 2015 at 11:22 am

It was moved to IndieGoGo. They have raised 393 dollars since yesterday.

John April 9, 2015 at 11:43 am

Why is Wilson handling the prosecution? She has a potential conflict since her office regularly prosecutes cases brought by North Chuck PD. She needs to hand off to the AG or another circuit solicitor.

well-i-am into it April 9, 2015 at 12:30 pm

The case is high profile…National and International exposure. Who would not love/want THAT kind of exposure and that level of fame. Plus a great opportunity for Wilson’s office to lobby for increased funding, explore issues with body cam at trial and all that goes with being in the national news handling the case. It will be quite a show. A tragedy will be used by everyone for their own benefit FIRST, and then a little bit for what the case actually is. There will be a whole lot of backroom deals much before the case actually gets underway, IMO, mostly to preserve reputations of people and offices. In the end, some level of justice will be done, I hope to dear God. Like me, most white people I know really want to see justice done after seeing the video of gunning down of a decent man.

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 12:35 pm

LMAO…all of the sudden you become LAW AND ORDER…You ALWAYS DEMAND Criminal RIGHTS…until now…

Not very EQUAL RIGHTS-minded, under the law…are you???…

Does the term ‘BIGOT-Hypocrite’ mean anything to you?

You Are My Bitch April 9, 2015 at 6:59 pm

I know where you live. Be sure to look out your window after 2 am tomorrow morning and every other morning thereafter. Look for the 2015 Tahoe with dark tinted windows and all black rims.

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 7:29 pm

A waste…

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 12:33 pm

Has the family ALREADY filed a lawsuit to get money from this???….Wow…that was quick. He has not even been buried yet…

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 12:33 pm

I dunno. Do you think maybe the guy who took the picture was an illegal alien? He is from Latin America you know.

GrandTango April 9, 2015 at 12:36 pm

You get the ‘PERTINENT Comment’ Award, today….NOT…Dumb@$$…

Of course w/ bigot-hypocrite liberals…you have A LOT of competition for that award….Hahahaha..

SCBlues April 9, 2015 at 4:05 pm

“Do you think maybe the guy who took the picture was an illegal alien?”
What a stupid question! All non-white folks are illegal aliens!

shifty henry April 9, 2015 at 12:47 pm

Excerpts from “Mississippi” (Bob Dylan)

Every step of the way, we walk the line
Your days are numbered, so are mine

Time is piling up, we struggle and we stray
We’re all boxed in, nowhere to escape

City’s just a jungle, more games to play
Trapped in the heart of it, tryin’ to get away

Got nothing for you, I had nothing before
Don’t even have anything for myself anymore

Walking through the leaves, falling from the trees
Feeling like a stranger nobody sees

So many things that we never will undo
I know you’re sorry, I’m sorry too

Some people will offer you their hand and some won’t
Last night I knew you, tonight I don’t

Well my ship’s been split to splinters and it’s sinking fast
I’m drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past

But my heart is not weary, it’s light and it’s free
I’ve got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me

Everybody’s moving, if they ain’t already there
Everybody’s got to move somewhere

Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now

Well, the emptiness is endless, cold as the clay
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way

Only one thing I did wrong
Stayed in Mississippi a day too long.

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 4:41 pm

I LOVE his lyrics, while not necessarily ALL his music style, he uses a lot of idioms, with hints of sarcasm and sometimes even hyperbole (trying to remember the song…).

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 5:23 pm

How ‘Bout Summer Days


Where do you come from, where do you go?
Sorry, that is nothing you would need to know
Well, my back’s been to the wall so long it seems like it’s stuck
Why don’t you break my heart one more time, just for good luck

I got eight carburators and boys I’m usin’ ’em all
well, I got eight carburators and boys I’m usin’ ’em all
I’m short on gas, my motor’s startin’ to stall

My dogs are barking, there must be someone around
My dogs are barking, there must be someone around
I got my hammer ringin’ pretty baby, but the nails ain’t goin’ down

If you got something to say, speak or hold your peace
Well, if you got something to say, speak now or hold your peace
If it’s information you want, you can get it from the police

Politician’s got on his joggin’ shoes
he must be runnin’ for office, got no time to lose
suckin’ the blood out of the genius of generosity
you been rollin’ your eyes, you been teasin’ me

Standin’ by God’s river my soul’s beginning to shake
Standin’ by God’s river my soul’s beginning to shake
I’m countin’ on you, love, to gimme a break

I’m leaving in the morning, as soon as the dark clouds lift
I’m leaving in the morning, as soon as the dark clouds lift
I’m breakin’ the roof, set fire to the place as a partin’ gift

Summer days, summer nights are gone
Summer days, summer nights are gone
I know a place where there’s still something goin’ on.

shifty henry April 9, 2015 at 5:35 pm

— also from “Love and Theft” (great driving music) I consider him a poet first, but I like the melodies he applies them to. And they are ballads I can actually understand the words to!

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 5:38 pm

I cannot disagree with you there.

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 5:49 pm

Funny thing about music, in my youth I loved ACDC. It wasn’t until my 30’s I realized his song “She’s got the Jack” was actually a reference to a STD. LOL

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 6:47 pm

Found the lyrics for the song on that album :)

BrigidBernadette April 9, 2015 at 10:19 pm

100% Stones fan here, as were my parents. I listen every day, especially Beggar’s Banquet when I am in pain, which has been a lot lately. But Sympathy for the Devil is my all time favorite, although it is hard to choose from the Stones catalogue. Through the years, the message of the song has changed for me personally, but this bit seems to be more relevant lately than it has ever been before. Just pray your better angels prevail in every circumstance.

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
‘Cause I’m in need of some restraint
So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I’ll lay your soul to waste
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 10:29 pm

Just when I want to dislike you Brigid, you go and do something like this! Sympathy for the Devil is one of my favs. Though I would likely quote different vs. hmmm…. ;)

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 10:48 pm

There are a couple songs that come to mind, but one is Kenny Rogers – saw him in Concert as a kid. He was a jerk, but I like this song (The Gambler), and it certainly applies to politics and pain (know when to walk away):

BrigidBernadette April 10, 2015 at 8:27 am

Loved hearing this again, it’s been a while. Dangit, now it is stuck in my head! It’s one of those songs that does that. Aaannnddd it’s going to be one of those Beggar’s Banquet kind of days today. Booo! But I will get through it, ouch.

euwe max April 9, 2015 at 10:53 pm Reply
Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 11:07 pm

Similar to The Jack, but I gather a deeper meaning, a much deeper sadness.

euwe max April 9, 2015 at 11:14 pm
Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 11:17 pm

I know that song by heart – I could sing it to you. You probably wouldn’t like it though….lol. I sing horribly ;). There are many definitions of Cotton Eye, the most common seems to be STD.

I’m still looking at the lyrics based on ’94 time frame, song was redone a number of times. So I assume ’94 was important?

I know you don’t like ‘splaining much and I don’t mind digging much.

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 11:19 pm

There is also the reference to black picking cotton? I’m sorry if I am not politically correct, but I assume if I am called white, then it’s ok to say black. If that is offensive, I really want someone to tell me.

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 12:59 pm

Interesting statements by Mr. Santana, the videographer:

“…Santana told NBC that he was walking to work when he noticed a scuffle taking place between the officer and Scott.

“I was on a phone call and I decide to walk over there and see what was going on,” Santana said. “They were down on the floor before I started recording.”

He continued, “I remember police had control of the situation, he (Slager) had control of Scott and Scott was trying to get away from the Taser.

Again, you don’t shoot a fleeing “kind of sort of possible felon” who presented no threat in the back eight times – but he story will continue to evolve. word now is that none of the dash cams from cars that responded, including Slager’s show any of the actual events leading to the shooting.

Rocky April 9, 2015 at 1:52 pm

Yeah I noticed the part about the cop had the taser. Like maybe Mr. Scott was defending himself against the taser. Could be the taser came out back at the autoparts store parking lot, and Mr. Scott was trying to get away. Just speculation. Doesn’t matter now. I suspect the dashboard cam will be telling.

SCBlues April 9, 2015 at 4:04 pm

“You’re getting both Ms Scott.”
Interesting the statements of Mr. Santana that you cherry-picked. Certainly not surprising though.
Without that video there would be nothing but a cover-up and you would have bought the officer’s “story” hook, line and sinker.

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 4:33 pm

What’s interesting about it? Mr. Slager didn’t just hop out of the police car, yell “…run nigger…” and start shooting. What caused the interaction between Slager and Scott to escalate to the point where the Taser was drawn. What happened that allowed Mr. Scott to get away from the Taser, I’ve been “tased” before in training, it ain’t fun and I’m certain I could not have run away if I had been hit with a combat loaded Taser X2. What led to Scott’s criminally stupid decision (IMNTBHO) to draw his .45 caliber service pistol and shoot a fleeing suspect who he should have known was unarmed.

I sincerely doubt that Slager just decided to shoot someone last Saturday. There are lessons to be learned in every one of these circumstances. I know I’ve posted this before but I’m 50+, 6+, 240+- and I address the most green rookie police officer as “yes sir and no sir”, not because I’m scared on him but because I prefer keeping my troubles to the absolute minimum. I’ve never been asked to “…step out of the car…” as a result.

How did this go from a broken tail light to a prototypical case of excessive use of deadly force? Mr.Scott wasn’t “fresh as the driven snow” but neither was he a violent felon, he didn’t deserve to be shot in the back -or the front.

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 4:38 pm

Now Colonel I have read a little of your blog, more when I get the time. While I do the same thing, much of this is military training “yes sir and no sir” – not everyone goes through bootcamp or are raised that way. I certainly wasn’t, and I have never been asked to step out of the car either. Due to military training I believe.

According to what I read, this is not the first complaint against Slager.

Agree, “How did this go from a broken tail light to a prototypical case of excessive use of deadly force? Mr.Scott wasn’t “fresh as the driven snow” but neither was he a violent felon, he didn’t deserve to be shot in the back -or the front.”

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 4:45 pm

I have several police officers who work for me as reservists, every last one of them has at least one complaint against them. One of my RCSD senior officers has twenty three and she’s about five got two, she has been a deputy for twenty years. Another, who is a FBI agent has six and was answering questions about one on our last deployment. Slager has two according to the paper, only one for a force issue.

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 4:53 pm

Slager is only 33 and based on what I read only has 5 years experience.

As a reservist, I don’t know of a single officer who had a complaint, other than petty stuff – how they talked to them, ego, that kind of thing. Not brute force.

FBI, well, I am sure they have a lot of questions to answer, but most of them are far better educated and the populace does not understand their role. That is my opinion.

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 4:56 pm

My fibby threw a suspect through a door – with out opening it first. He’s a LARGE black man, played college football and can bench press the moon, I feel like a girly man when I lift with him.

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 4:59 pm

What is a fibby?

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 5:03 pm

F B I agent. He’s on a task force that gets involved in violent crimes. We were doing combatives in preparation for deployment and he choked the instructor out, he’s a “bad” dude in the good sense.

My deputy serves warrants and frequently has to “interact with ignorant people” as she describes it. Got a city policeman from Florence and couple of other deputies and SCHP types

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 5:11 pm

I haven’t heard that term, I’ll have to save that one for later use ;).

SCBlues April 9, 2015 at 5:01 pm

“What’s interesting about it?”

Interesting that you left this out:
But Scott never got the Taser or used it on the officer, Santana told NBC.

“He never grabbed the Taser of the police. He never got the Taser,” Santana told NBC’s Matt Lauer on Thursday on “Today.”

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 5:17 pm

And now we know a lot more about how we went from a traffic stop to a shooting. The worst thing that would have happened to Mr.Scott had he sat in the seat as he was instructed to do was a ticket or maybe a free ride in a police car if he couldn’t clear up ownership of the car or his child support payments.

Still don’t see anything that justifies Slager’s actions but the whole thing is now cast in a new and very different light.

Santana also said he didn’t see anything until he heard the scuffle and turned that way. Don’t know exactly what happened between the end of the dash cam and Mr. Santana’s video.

shifty henry April 9, 2015 at 9:46 pm

‘ Don’t know exactly what happened between the end of the dash cam and Mr. Santana’s video.’ — Exactly!

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 5:20 pm

I pulled my quote from a different source, what you posted isn’t in it.

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 5:34 pm

I saw the video supposedly released by SLED, it only shows the front of the police officers car. The guy ran. I am sure he was guilty of something, but nothing shows he took the taser, at least not initially. If he is running, why chase him? He had the license plate, maybe it was a stolen car since Scott said he was buying it, he could have return the stolen property, assuming it was stolen? No need to chase the man down and shoot him. He had his picture. He could have found him, likely in a database.

The story just doesn’t add in any favorable way to the police officer.

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 5:43 pm

No but it starts to make a little more sense now. I heard a policeman say this once “One sure way to get an ass whipping is to make me chase you.” I’ve told my Soldiers any number of times that “…if it has to be him or you, make it him…”

We heard Scott deploy the Taser and Mr.Scott was relatively close to Mr Slager at the beginning of the Santana video. What’s obviously missing is what happened after they left the dash cam view and got noticed by Mr Santana.

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 5:52 pm

If it comes to a choice of my life or someone else’s, obviously I would fight for my life. But I don’t think I would chase someone down to bring it to a head.

We heard a taser deployed, but we don’t know who tasered who at this point. At least I don’t. Based on what I read Scott was tasered. Well heck if I am tasered enough, even your “yes sir, no sir” has it in them to fight back.

It is probably best to let the justice system figure it out, but SLED really didn’t do any favors by releasing that video of him running away….

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 5:58 pm

I think that releasing the video was absolutely the right thing to do. It’s sort of an inoculation against “he wasn’t doing anything” crowd.

I’m actually impressed that our little podunky state seems to be handling this correctly. I predict the indictment will not be murder one

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 6:08 pm

I agree it was the right thing to do, but there sure is going to be a lot of hate going on between the video’s. Hard not to see someone fleeing on foot, gap, and then several shots fired.

Even the mayor is apologizing. Several public apologies as of now. I can’t recall that being the case in the past.

BTW, those police officers that gave me the impression that most are dirty cops, were reservists. Both in SC and FL

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 6:12 pm

Lots of USAR and Army National Guard Soldiers are also law enforcement officers. Mine all appear to be above board and forthright. We had a dinner (and a lot of drinks) pre deployment where the subject of “complaints” came up.

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 6:26 pm

Most of my information comes from Navy and Coast Guard. I strongly believe they are better trained than your average police officer.

My sister YEARS ago wanted to be a police officer. The pay was horrible and training was minimal. Now they may have changed that for your average police officer since that time, but….

I do not think the average cop goes by the same rules your military branches do. Military has different laws. You break them – not as easy to get by as civilian, you have a government contract.

During my time in the Navy (I was also married to an Air Force Lt. Colonel who made ranks fast, 30’s). Anyways, during my time in the Navy, I knew someone who falsified ID’s to show age to be appropriate for drinking age. Bear in mind, when I joined military, I was one of those that barely met the age cut off – it was legal to drink at 18.
This person who falsified ID’s, not sure what happened to him. Last I saw, he was shackled, military confinement with bread and water for 30 days. The outcome was not roses. His life was pretty much ruined at a very young age.

In the civilian world, that would be outrageous at that time. Not sure how the military operates outside defense (I later worked for defense contractors). However, the rules you might apply to reservists are not the same based on my experience to civilian.

If they are, please explain.

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 6:30 pm

Ooops made a correction, applying Navy rank to Air Force ;)

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 5:52 pm

Who is the passenger?!?

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 6:04 pm

I wondered the EXACT same thing. But I kept watching it and thought maybe the camera was moving. I do think there was a passenger?

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 7:44 pm

What SCBlues says is what I read yesterday? I am sure the truth is out there somewhere in the (gap). I did read that Scott was tasered, at least his body showed evidence, but by this time there is so much information and misinformation, it would be difficult to grab a source.

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 7:47 pm

Proving the Tasing is easy, they have tagenets that will show exactly where it was fired.

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 7:56 pm

why don’t they come out with that information, based on what I read early morning yesterday Scott had taser marks. Yes, the news changed over the day, I think the video did too, but it was REALLY early and I was tired.

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 7:42 pm

I think you meant Slager? “What led to Scott’s criminally stupid decision (IMNTBHO) to draw his .45 caliber service pistol and shoot a fleeing suspect who he should have known was unarmed.”

The Colonel April 9, 2015 at 7:45 pm

Yes, Slager

shifty henry April 9, 2015 at 10:01 pm

‘ I address the most green rookie police officer as “yes sir and no sir”, not because I’m scared on him but because I prefer keeping my troubles to the absolute minimum’
When I took the course at the Lexington County Sheriff’s Citizen Academy one thing I now remember was a discussion from the deputy I was riding with. He told me that when a driver is pulled over he may not know, as an example, that the deputy has just left the scene of a child killed by a drunk or speeding or reckless driver. This would still be on his mind. Just being polite and quiet and letting the deputy do what he needs to do will get you on your way much faster. He doesn’t need any lip or attitude. Most traffic stops last for only a few minutes.

Pineapple Twist April 9, 2015 at 10:27 pm

Yes, and while I have learned that, how many people go through that training?

I know they have bad days, we all do. If they can’t handle the stress, they need to find another job. I for one know I would not want the stress, so I never even contemplated being a police officer.

If having a bad day means you shoot the next person you cross, well – ummm….arrgh.

I personally favor a smaller force, better trained, with higher pay. And no quota (even if it is unofficial) on the number of tickets they write.

We would all have a healthier respect for law enforcement.

jethro bodine April 10, 2015 at 7:45 am

It also helps to be white

shifty henry April 10, 2015 at 9:36 am

Not always. While on a consulting assignment at a state agency in Columbia, I was brought into a discussion by some black employees about a black cop who patrolled Broad River Road. They said he targeted blacks for traffic stops with his favorite times being when they were going home. The cop mostly gave them lectures and berated them. I lived in that area and was curious about finding him on a stop, but after a couple of weeks I forgot about it. But it was curious because the employees really hated the guy mainly for harassing them.

guest April 9, 2015 at 1:11 pm

What is up with Charleston area LE this week? Ongoing…….

Charleston Police Officer armed and barricaded in Grand Oaks home

UPDATE: CCSO is handling the investigation and the CPD is assisting since it is involving a CPD officer.

According to initial reports, the officer is home by himself and there is a weapon in the home with him following a domestic dispute.

The Sheriff’s Office Negotiators and SWAT team are on scene. CCSO is trying to make contact with the officer.

Lowcountry_Gamecock April 9, 2015 at 2:00 pm

Supposedly the coroner is on scene and the CPD officer was previously threatening to commit suicide. So sad.

Mickey Mouse 9th Circuit April 9, 2015 at 6:57 pm

Dirty clique and conflict of interest. Mark my word, with Wilson behind the prosecution, the cop will not get more than 8 to 10 years – suspended to 5 years of stupid probation by a stupid piss poorly run probation and parole department that is as worthless as a two dollar bill.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 9, 2015 at 11:24 pm


Perhaps your client accidentally overdosed on Benzonatate.


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