
DC: Cut The Power … Permanently

FOR ONCE … A REAL “SHUTDOWN” || By FITSNEWS || Washington, D.C. experienced widespread power outages on Tuesday, fueling (unfounded) fears of a terrorist attack. Turns out the outages – which impacted the White House, the U.S. State Department, multiple museums and the city’s Metro rail service – were actually…


|| By FITSNEWS || Washington, D.C. experienced widespread power outages on Tuesday, fueling (unfounded) fears of a terrorist attack.

Turns out the outages – which impacted the White House, the U.S. State Department, multiple museums and the city’s Metro rail service – were actually the result of an explosion and “small fire” at a power substation in southern Maryland. The substation is operated by PEPCO, which is Washington, D.C.’s public utility.

Officials at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) moved quickly to reassure bureaucrats that the outages were not “malicious” in nature.  Which was probably appreciated seeing as everybody is afraid of everything all of a sudden (wonder why).

Frankly, we can think of several federal bureaucracies which ought to be powered down … permanently.

Among them?  The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) … which continues to hold our liberties in contempt.  Or the National Security Agency (NSA), which continues to spy on us.  Or the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) – which continues to preside over a frightening decline in academic achievement.  Hell, DHS – the agency which calmed everyone’s nerves – ought to be shut down, too, seeing as we already have a U.S. Department of Defense that’s ostensibly responsible for “defending the homeland.”

Seriously … what good is accomplished by any of these agencies remaining open?


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TroubleBaby April 7, 2015 at 4:29 pm

Huh, I thought Obama morphed into Electro and sucked all the power out of the sub-station.

My favorite DC saying is “taxation without representation”, on their license plates.

It’s amazing they have the audacity to bitch considering it’s the same for everyone else too, the only difference is they don’t have to waste their time to find out voting in ineffective. If anything, they should be thankful for that, and all the tax payer dollars that the “Money Electro” sucks out of the nation to enrich the DC area.

Hurts April 7, 2015 at 4:36 pm

Rome can’t keep the lights on – a metaphor for decline and marginalization. The US infrastructure once the envy of the world is now at best second world. But keep on cutting taxes, allow corporate tax evasion and promote crony capitalism.

Grover April 7, 2015 at 4:50 pm

Soon we can drown the US government in a bathtub

idcydm April 7, 2015 at 6:07 pm

If no one had told us the power went we never would have known. It’s got to be a good thing…the only way DC can save a little money.


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