GOP Congressman Assails Iran Deal
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|| By FITSNEWS || U.S. President Barack Obama was right
“They are no ally of the United States.”
Tell that to ISIS Rep. Russell.
Also, it’s a bit rich to ask if Iran can be trusted considering an arm of our gov’t helped overthrow their democratically elected government and then install a brutal dictator that was friendly to BP.
The Shah was a great leader and ally till Jimmy Carter got him out. Just another screwup by a worthless Dim.
It doesn’t matter what we thought of the Shah if his own people thought of him as a dictator…now, does it?
At the time they called him a “benevolent dictator” what ever that means. But he was much better than anything that has followed him.
I had family stationed at the US Embassy when the Shah was overthrown. He was a ruthless dictator, and at the time of the revolution, the middle class fully supported the overthrow of the Shah. So bad had the Shah become, that they were willing to roll the dice with the revolutionaries rather than stay under the Shah and his secret police Using your logic, Republicans are responsible for the loss of South Vietnam, the loss of Iraq (the Shia were elected in 2007), the loss of Cuba, the loss of Somalia, the loss of Egypt in 56 and Syria around the same time. Or, maybe it was the internal populations? Or, the United States was born, and the English lost the colonies not becase of our desire for freedom, but because the British were just failures.
Another lie from a Worthless Rep.
You may want to do a little research on that democratically elected government not to mention the founding of BP.
You may want to specifically tell me where I’m wrong, if you want anyone to take you seriously.
I just find it odd that anyone would think the government of the Persian Empire/Iran has ever been truly democratically elected. It has been ruled by imperial dynasties almost continuously since 550 BC until the Pahlavi dynasty was overthrown in 1979. The fact that BP evolved from the Anglo-Persian Oil Co, of 1908 leads me to believe that all Heads of State were friendly.
” I just find it odd that anyone would think the government of the
Persian Empire/Iran has ever been truly democratically elected.”
Really? You find it “odd”? I guess your argument is with the traditional view then, right? You are claiming some revision?
First sentence on wiki entry:
“The 1953 Iranian coup d’état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup, was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Mosaddegh on 19 August 1953, masterminded by the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project) and backed by the United Kingdom (under the name ‘Operation Boot’).”- wiki
“The fact that BP evolved from the Anglo-Persian Oil Co, of 1908 leads me
to believe that all Iranian Heads of State were friendly.”
Well that just makes you ignorant of history while also drawing the wrong conclusions as result of said ignorance, once again per wiki:
“In late 1951, Iran’s Parliament in a near unanimous vote approved the
oil nationalization agreement. The bill was widely popular among most
Iranians, and generated a huge wave of nationalism, and immediately put
Iran at loggerheads with Britain”-wiki
Anything else you want to blather on about, or are we done now?
You’re pretty good at copy and paste. If you think there are true democratic elections under an Imperial Dynasty we are done.
“You’re pretty good at copy and paste.”
Yeah, which is way more than you’ve done. All you’ve done is spout unbacked opinion that isn’t based on truth, and now you want to run away.
I noticed when you copied and pasted you missed how corrupt the democratic elections were, the corruption came from all sides. You also did not copy the fact that after the election of Mosaddegh he still had to be appointed Prime Minister by the Head of State of Iran Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi.
Look, I’m not disputing that the CIA backed the Coup and the Shah was evil and Mosaddegh got screwed, just that their democratic system was a flawed system because Iran was still an Imperial Dynasty.
If you think my comments haven’t been based on truth so be it.
Did the dear Congressman offer a better alternative? Sort of like ACA – cry foul all day, never offer a solution, Must be nice to have a job where you get to bitch all day, and never doing anything constructive. Congress – a job somewhere between Disablity and Retirement.
As soon as I read Republican and Oklahoma associated with his name. I knew what he would say. If Obama negotiated a deal with Satan to end evil, politicians like Russell would criticize it.
Or announced a cure for cancer.
“We as Americans should be ashamed of our President for the jobs killer that is the “cure for cancer” Cancer treatment and research employs thousands of americans and their jobs will no longer exist if the president’s plan is put into effect. There is no place for government in healthcare.”
Senator Pharmaceutical Corporate Shill
LOL just look at the polio treatment centers dotting the countryside. I have said like forever that the PIC (pharma industrial complex) learned it’s lesson with polio. Nothing has been cured since. But the pain and suffering is prolonged till the patient runs out of money. At least the Military Industrial Complex has given US a degree of safety and world leadership till Obummer threw it away .
“Or announced a cure for cancer.”
Or killed Bin Laden.
“Did the dear Congressman offer a better alternative?”…Obama told Congress to stay out of it.
“Obama told Congress to stay out of it.”
So why didn’t they?
Ask Menendez.
You’re the one who brought it up so I am asking you.
No, I just responded to Rocky with what Obama wanted.
“They are no ally of the United States.” Really? That’s why we had to conduct diplomacy and negotiate an international agreement with them — just like Nixon did with China and Reagan did with the Soviet Union. Nations don’t enter multi-lateral talks to make a deal with their allies.
Aren’t they stupid beyond ALL comprehension?
As far as the right is concerned, there is only one answer. We have to invade. They won’t say it that way, but that is what they want. That is what Netanyahu wants. Look at the logic. No matter what Iran says, no matter what they agree to, no matter how much oversight they offer, they can’t be trusted. The only way for us to know for sure is if we have troops on the ground dismantling their nuclear reactors. So the only acceptable deal is for Iran to voluntarily allow us to take over their country or we do it by force.
“As far as the right is concerned, there is only one answer”
President Obama could shit Febreze and they’d still say it smelled like shit.
He’s made America smell like that…don’t you agree???
“He’s made America smell like that…don’t you agree???”
I smell shit every time you opine.
GT, SCBlues unfairly used a big boy word when responding to you. Opine is not a tree.
Regardless of how ignorant – and myth-based – you are…Giving them a NUKE, w/ carte blanche to eradicate Israel…is pretty F*#king stupid…LMAO…
The only one who ever dropped a nuke was the US – reckless and not necessary as some say
The US also freed the slaves from Democrats, ended The Cold War and Defeated your friend Hitler…
And guess what: if you pull that NAZI S#!* again (like you seem to be trying) …I’d drop it on your STUPID @$$ again…because it saves lives…
When you’re so F*#king STUPID…and morally lost— as you seemed to be…I’m glad we have the bomb…to drop on idiot mother-F*#kers, like you…. When you’re a hateful, RACIST b@$t*d – like you – you need the S#!t slapped out of you..and I’d be glad to do it…
You are a sad specimen ….
You have no words when you are exposed for the ignorant, racist and hateful B@$t@rd you are.
You have to grow up! You will not win a ground war in Iran. The US has not been successful in any military containment efforts globally and no longer has the unopposed military strength to do more than a few weeks of ‘shock and awe’ – see Afghanistan, Irak and Syria. The political and diplomatic losses outweigh the short term military gains. You are a declining Empire no longer the sole superpower and better engage the allies you still have instead of hiding between “American exceptionalism ” which is nothing but a nice word for imperialsm.
The US has no business in telling other sovereign nations if they should have ‘the bomb’ or not. The tacit complicity allowing Israel too have/steal a nuclear bomb has damaged nuclear proliferation efforts in the Middle East.
Is the US senate and congress do not agree to this deal and torpedo it it will be a political failure of historic proportions.
Your president, you so like to make fun of, will be – as you like to say – come out of this “smelling like roses”.
And for the commentators to not have to speculate: I was born in Teheran, half my family has been killed by the Ayatollas, I have lost two sons in the Iran-Irak war, I can no longer legally enter Iran and I received a PhD from one of your universities you now are doing such a good job in trying the bring down….
Wasn’t his party the one selling weapons to Iran not so long ago? Hmmmm.
So you use that myth-based logic to give them a Nuke…now???..
You are one ignorant MoFo…LMAO…
All AMERICA is Assailing the Pro-Iran Nuke Deal…Dumb@$$…
The Senate already told Iran it’s worthless, because the REAL pro-American DEAL will come once Obama (mercifully) exits…
SInce it’s an agreement with the major powers of the world, the Senate cannot do anything. About 60-65% of the meaningful sanction impacts are via executive order for the freezing of assets, which Obama can release without Congressional approval. The remaining 35% of the sanctions, that require Congressional approval, are around forms of trade. But since our Allies will lift their sanctions on those elements, Congress’s failure to act will only hurt those sectors of the US economy – they become self imposed sanctions on ourselves. At that point, corporate America will tell the GOP what the deal is, and the GOP will cave and lift the sanctions. If Jeb were to win in 2016, all he could do is withdraw from the agreement, but the agreement would remain, because the European countries and China are included in the agreement.
Feel free to repond with substance, however, if you feel the need to attack me or my family – then don’t bother.
All you will able to do is B!*ch when we get all 3. And the only chance the GOP has is campaigning on overturning the Obama DISASTER…
We’ll elect a president who will tell you to STFU…and DO IT..
Obama is a JOKE…regardless of what you and the media are telling yourselves…The people are SICK of you…and they know who, and what, you are…
A VAST majority want you GONE…and reversed…
Maybe you’ll turn the gun on yourself after the ’16 election? I’ll sure miss your ignorant musings…
People are sick of me, or Obama? Why must you always say it’s teh poster, not the policy. You just can seem to have an intelligent conversation. Make you a deal, I won’t respond to you, you stay away from any conversations I have.
We are all SICK of you because your policies have ATTACKED Americans…Dumb@$$…It is your policy…Idiot…
You can damn sure bet that if we elect a Republican President we will be in another war, before the end of his first term. That is a given. After all we have to liberate the Holy Land and its holy oil.