Mark Sanford: From “Citizen Legislator” To Corporate Whore

“FREE MARKET” CONGRESSMAN BACKS CRONY CAPITALIST SLUSH FUND …  || By FITSNEWS || Looks like crony capitalist kingpin Boeing was right … it “got” Mark Sanford after all.  Hook, line and sinker. The so-called free market “conservative” – who built his reputation taking principled stands on behalf of taxpayers – said…


|| By FITSNEWS || Looks like crony capitalist kingpin Boeing was right … it “gotMark Sanford after all.  Hook, line and sinker.

The so-called free market “conservative” – who built his reputation taking principled stands on behalf of taxpayers – said this week he would vote in favor of reauthorizing a crony capitalist slush fund even though he didn’t agree with it.

How come?  Because according to Sanford, his “constituents” benefit from the cronyism …

Pardon us, but isn’t this precisely the sort of politics Sanford was supposed to be against?

More to the point, Sanford’s constituents don’t benefit from the U.S. Export-Import Bank – which doles out billions of dollars in low interest, taxpayer-guaranteed loans to a select few foreign corporations (the vast majority of which turn around and buy airplanes from Boeing).

Who does benefit?  Boeing’s top executives – including a CEO who made $30 million last year.

“In the case of Ex-Im Bank, the route of subsidy capture is crystal clear: it goes overwhelmingly to the shareholders of Boeing … and to the respective bonus and stock option pools of their top executives,” David Stockman of the website Contra Corner wrote last summer.

Does that sound fair to you?

In addition to “one percenters” pocketing the proceeds of this “bank,” Boeing receives billions of dollars in government subsidies each year.  In fact South Carolina taxpayers have shelled out more than $1 billion to the company over the last five years.

What have they gotten in return?  A chronically mismanaged manufacturing facility – one that’s about to unionize.

But this column isn’t about the folly of “Boeing’s Bank” (which hurts the competitiveness of U.S. airlines and raises ticket prices for consumers).  Nor is it about the utter failure of South Carolina’s efforts to build an economy by bribing big corporations to come here with “incentives.”

No, this post is about Mark Sanford … the guy who told us he was a “leader, not a politician.” The guy who called himself a “citizen-legislator” in his 2000 book The Trust Committed To Me.

“When I ran for office the first time, I said I would vote against any piece of legislation – regardless of the good it had for the District – if it was bad for the country as a whole,” Sanford wrote in his book.

Yeah …

That’s precisely the sort of “leadership” America needs if it is ever going to become great again … but rather than providing it, Sanford has decided to sell us out.

Again …

After betraying the trust of South Carolinians during his tenure as governor, we reluctantly gave Mark Sanford another chance – thinking his pro-freedom, pro-free market voting record during his first stint in the U.S. Congress would carry over to his second stint.

How has he responded?  By embarrassing us … and himself.

This “citizen legislator” has turned into nothing but a corporate whore.  The only question?  How much he cost.


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Jeb For President March 31, 2015 at 10:39 pm

Fits simply refuses to realize that Republicans basically buy into trickle down economics hook,line and sinker.

Anything for big corporations because maybe,just maybe ,a few crumbs will work their way on down the ladder.

That’s the simple reality of their economic view.

So a Republican is acting like a Republican?

So what?

Torch April 1, 2015 at 7:24 am

They do trickle down. On the politicians that give them the big buck.

Trickling Down Our Faces April 1, 2015 at 8:43 am

I did not think anyone honestly believed that Sanford ran for office because he wanted to help his constituents rather than himself. Still can’t believe it either. You guys had to know right? The guy wiped his ass on this state so many times before. Just like Haley. Every four years we take a shower and line up to be the governor’s toilet paper again.

Dan Ruck April 2, 2015 at 1:01 pm

Ha! Ha!

Trickle Trickle April 1, 2015 at 8:57 am

Looks like Will ain’t getting many crumbs these days.

TroubleBaby March 31, 2015 at 10:56 pm

Sanford has nothing to lose now. This perpetual loser in the game of life might as well cash out.

His life is a wreck and no one respects him anymore, rightfully…so being elected by idiots there really is nothing left for him.

He might as well ass fuck everyone, many deserve it anyways(specifically, those who voted for him).

He is a Leaching Lecher April 1, 2015 at 10:01 am

Sanford is personality disordered. He can justify anything in his mind. His conservative, small government spiel works in his district. It is an easy sell and greases his way into office. He is talking his constituents language. They think he has integrity but his crap life skills and his actions speak louder than his words. It is all about him. If he can lie and cheat on his then-wife and family, then lie and cheat on his “soul-mate/mistress/gf/fiancee?” No surprises here.
While opponents see his behavior as emblematic of Conservatism, he is a poor representative of any values and why many have wished he would depart from public life.

huh? April 2, 2015 at 8:31 am

Sanford states his position is indefensible. RUExperienced in the Washington Examiner said:

“Didn’t he say the same thing about adultery?

“My adultery is indefensible. But I support it anyway!””

BrigidBernadette March 31, 2015 at 11:40 pm

He is the right wing version of Elizabeth Fauxcahontas Warren. Same oligarchy, different schtick. Looters in high and low places, it’s the new American way. While we in the middle get stuck with picking up the check.

M2000 April 1, 2015 at 11:26 am

And Dr. Paul was a sound endorser of the man:

Never hear anything that a Paul could be a fraud on this website…

GrandTango April 1, 2015 at 11:42 am

Do as a TELL you…not as I do…is FITS motto…LMAO…

GrandTango April 1, 2015 at 11:46 am

Difference is: Sanford is GREEDY, unappreciative and just wants to figure out a way to keep all the wealth his Daddy bestowed upon him…and make you think he is a noble man – doing it for you – in doing so…

Warren wants to take your wealth, claim SHE earned it…enrich herself to ungodly levels…then pay off those idiots who vote for her…to keep them from wanting any cut of what she has scored in the Democrat Party scheming system…

Reality April 1, 2015 at 1:06 am

And if he hadn’t fired you after you beat the crap out of your fiancee, you’d still be working for him. You’re a pathetic individual to cast stones at someone that made you who you are. We’re pathetic for reading your crap.

right April 1, 2015 at 7:37 am

No doubt Will would be working for Haley under the scenario and telling us how great she is.

Made Men April 1, 2015 at 8:44 am

Sanford is how Howie met Will.

GrandTango April 1, 2015 at 6:08 am

Duh…why is it the wife is the last one to figure it out?

Buz Martin April 1, 2015 at 10:01 am

Ask your wife.

Speaking of whom, where is the pogo flipper these days?

GrandTango April 1, 2015 at 10:40 am

Ol’ Boz…thanks for letting us know you’re alive…

PS: Who is ripping off the fine, upstanding citizens of MB…the chamber…????

PSS: Did Myrtle Manor get cancelled???

Buz Martin April 1, 2015 at 2:48 pm

It is not beyond the realm of possibility that it will yet be shown that the chamber has, indeed, ripped off the people of MB.

Myrtle Manor is going strong, in its 3rd season. Havey Weinstein, the producer, likes it a great deal, and is endeavoring to build it into a franchise of “Trailer Park: ________” shows set in various locales. It has made my cousins, who own the park and part of the show, quite wealthy. It has been a great economic boon to Myrtle Beach. Especially to the south end, which sure needs all the help it can get. They’ve also spread the wealth around, as philanthropists supporting many worthy causes in the area.

All that done DESPITE the fact that Brad Dean and the chamber hate the show, and want it gone, like yesterday.

GrandTango April 1, 2015 at 3:17 pm

I didn’t think they made that much money from those shows…something like $1,000-to-$3,000 per episode, I seemed to have read somewhere…

Not that much, if accurate???…So many make the money from endorsements or side deals offered because of the show…
Honey Boo-Boo was in MB – meeting the public – last summer, wasn’t she?

Buz Martin April 1, 2015 at 6:36 pm

I have no idea. I never followed that stupid now-cancelled show.

When I write about what the show has made for those who produce it and have a stake in it, etc., and the economic impact on the community, I’m not talking about what any individuals in the cast are paid. I don’t know anything about who gets what from advertising revenues, etc. They do a substantial business in catering to tourists, this I do know — as the set for the show (in the back of the actual trailer park) is a popular attraction. They sell a lot of merchandise, cast members are involved in that and make money.

It may seem wierd, but fans of the show actually go to MB just to visit Myrtle Manor. But unless things have changed a great deal recently, when anyone goes to the chamber office to ask about how to get there, they get sent to “Myrtle Beach Manor” — a assisted-living care facility for the elderly, clear on the other side of town.

M2000 April 1, 2015 at 11:25 am

Dr. Paul endorsed this creep who ran for office…why isn’t that being mentioned here?

GrandTango April 1, 2015 at 11:55 am

Wonder if Sanford – not needing FITS anymore – stopped sending the checks???

M2000 April 1, 2015 at 2:34 pm

Paulbots always like to state how “Republican” they are whenever they write their FITNews articles on a Republican turn crony…but if it’s someone endorsed by a Paul they would not omit it.

GrandTango April 1, 2015 at 3:24 pm

You’re EXACTLY right about that…FITS did the same thing. He even started off calling this a “Conservative” website on SCIWay….but I pointed it out a few times, and ridiculed FITS for trying to pass himself off as a Conservative…then moderate Nancy Mace (his savior) decided to run vs Graham…and they took it down…
FITS is a lot like RonPaul and Sanford…they are ID-ed as Republicans when the media wants to point out how low-life – or moderate -Republicans are…to hurt the GOP…
FITS brings nothing to the table for the GOP…but he makes it easy to attack Republicans, because he worked for a dirt-bag (Sanford) who duped SC voters as a Republicans (and still is)….
The GOP will struggle until it openly and definitively disavows the FITS-RonPaul types…

LD April 1, 2015 at 7:03 am

Most elected officials (all Republicans) are corporate whores.

Fed Up Republican April 1, 2015 at 7:25 am

You were warned about Mark Sanford…Richard Eckstrom…Barak Obama…Bob Peeler…Thomas Ravenel…Bill Clinton…Nikki Haley and you elected and re-elected ALL!!!
At least, Bobby Harrell…Ken Ard…James Metts…Danny Frazier all got theirs in the judicial system. If not for the legal system, you would have elected and continued to re-elect all also!
People, what are you thinking?
Do you have ANY consideration for your Country? State? Future generations? Or, are you just derelict, apathetic and asleep at the wheel?

Stating the Obvious April 1, 2015 at 8:26 am

Conservatives are always conservative until it doesn’t benefit them anymore. They are just scam artists waiting for the inevitable payout.

Soft Sigh from Hell April 1, 2015 at 7:05 pm

Too true!

JerryOrbach April 1, 2015 at 8:30 am

OMG!! Not only is Boeing “mismanaged” they are also (wait for it: sound from Law and Order intro: “Bum Bum”) about to go Union. Auntie Em Auntie Em, it’s a twister!! Guess you picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue, Wil

Liz Taylor April 1, 2015 at 8:56 am

“By embarrassing us….” Uh, you guys embarrass yourselves constantly without Sanford’s help.

Dan Ruck April 1, 2015 at 9:09 am

We didn’t give him a second chance. Only the voters in his district did.

SCBlueWoman April 1, 2015 at 10:45 am

Don’t look now but he’s always been a man whore.

M2000 April 1, 2015 at 11:24 am Reply
M2000 April 1, 2015 at 11:47 am

How come you never included Dr. Paul in the article? He backed him for Congress….come on author…

Dan Ruck April 2, 2015 at 12:57 pm

Is that Sanford in the picture, or some homeless bum who just crawled out from beneath a bridge? Unshaven, bleary-eyed, this is the image SC likes to portray on the national stage? What is he doing? Bumming a cigarette? I love that hobo jacket!

Beware April 2, 2015 at 3:40 pm

All part of his “mystique” is how Sanford puts it. Look the part of the beleaguered, divorced Dad, overworked, “citizen” legislator, humbled, imperfect soul, principled, Jesus cheater….


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