
Taylor Brown: Defending Greek Life

IGNORE BLANKET CONDEMNATIONS IN THE AFTERMATH OF TRAGEDIES … || By TAYLOR BROWN ||  I would like to start off by saying there is absolutely no excuse for what the members of Kappa Delta Rho at Penn State did … or what the Sigma Alpha Epsilon members at the University…


Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset|| By TAYLOR BROWN ||  I would like to start off by saying there is absolutely no excuse for what the members of Kappa Delta Rho at Penn State did … or what the Sigma Alpha Epsilon members at the University of Oklahoma did.

Sexual assault is always wrong – anytime, every time – it’s disgusting and abhorrent.  Same goes for racism – it is universally repugnant and should have no place in today’s society.  Fraternity members (or members of any organization) who mock or condone either sexual assault or racism deserve our condemnation.  And within the Greek universe, we must stand united against physical violence on pledges – or any activities that can lead to the death of a human being just because they’re part of an organization.

That being said, Greek life does have some amazing qualities.  Which is why making blanket statements like “end Greek Life,” etc. in the aftermath of tragedies does absolutely nothing to change the current system.  In fact such blanket statements punish those who are trying to help.

As a Zeta Tau Alpha at Wofford College (Theta Zeta Chapter), my sorority raised over $30,000 my senior year.  In the 2012 fiscal year, Zeta, as a whole, donated $384,039 to Breast Cancer Awareness and Education.  This past month, the Theta Zeta chapter raised over $2,000 in pennies to support special needs.  In just the top ten national sororities, the amount donated to important philanthropical pursuits over the last year totals $5,077,427.

That’s over five million raised by young women between the ages of 18-22 – women who are fighting an unfriendly job market, student loans and a host of other brutal economic realities.  So if you scrap Greek life, many extremely important causes would lose money that helps them continue doing good.

You’d also be discouraging academics, as members of the Greek life system typically boast higher grade point averages (GPAs) than non-Greeks.  Why?  Because members are put on academic probation if they fall below the required GPA.  This makes the school look better, as well as helps Greeks find jobs after graduation.

At the University of South Carolina, the average Fraternity GPA was 3.10 compared to the “all male GPA” of 2.99.  The average Sorority GPA was 3.43 compared to the “all female GPA” of 3.26 last fall semester.

Carolina also has 66 percent of Greek life members involved in other organizations on campus.  At Wofford, ZTA had 100 percent of its members involved in other organizations on campus – involvement which fosters a spirit of being dedicated to campus life and making students do more than “just being Greek.”  This shows up in the freshman to sophomore retention rate of all Greeks (94.2 percent) compared to non-Greeks (83.5 percent).

Many Greek life organizations offer scholarships to outstanding members that exemplify the traits of their organization—cutting down on their student loans and making college more affordable.

Being involved in Greek life teaches members how to work with people (even if you may not like every person in your organization) for a common goal. Being Greek teaches a devotion to high ideals: “to prepare for service and learn the nobility of serving, thereby earning the right to be served; to seek understanding that we might gain true wisdom; to look for the good in everyone; to see beauty, with its enriching influence; to be humble in success, and without bitterness in defeat.”

I do think reforming the ugly and disgraceful parts of Greek life is necessary in order to make the organizations live up to their full potential.  Furthermore, I believe if you have a group of anyone, you’ll always find that bad people will do bad things.

Well guess what: You need to blame the individual – not the group.

The truth is fraternities and sororities breed leaders.

“Fraternity men make up 85 percent of U.S. Supreme Court justices since 1910, 63 percent of all U.S. presidential cabinet members since 1900, and, historically, 76 percent of U.S. Senators, 85 percent of Fortune 500 executives, and 71 percent of the men in ‘Who’s Who in America,'” according to a recent report in The Atlantic.  “And that’s not counting the 18 ex-frat U.S. presidents since 1877 (that’s 69 percent) and the 120 Forbes 500 CEOs (24 percent) from the 2003 list, including 10—or one-third—of the top 30. In the 113th Congress alone, 38 of the hundred Senate members come from fraternity (and, now, sorority) backgrounds, as does a full quarter of the House.”

Let me repeat myself: There is absolutely no justification for sexual assault, racism, physical violence against pledges, etc. – and pretending one exists is not my goal in this column.  I truly believe, however, there are compelling reasons to keep the Greek system in place.  I also believe we should give the organizations the tools they need to improve and resolve outstanding problems rather than cutting them out of the college experience altogether.

Taylor Brown is a 20-something Wofford College graduate who somehow got sucked into politics at an early age.  She is easily won over with Rush’s fast food, wine, and spirited political arguments.


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Buz Martin March 23, 2015 at 2:40 pm

How do actual Greeks feel about the cultural appropriation of their identity as a nationality? I’ll bet a lot of them are downright pissed about it these days.

Just a little provocation to get the conversation going.

No Greek for me please March 23, 2015 at 2:51 pm

“How do actual Greeks feel about the cultural appropriation of their identity as a nationality?”

Who knows, but how can you resist the characterization when every time these Greek bred “leaders” end up doing their Greek thing on your rear every year around tax time?

Buz Martin March 23, 2015 at 3:37 pm

I was not going to go there …

I have nothing but admiration for the Greek people.

No Greek for me please March 23, 2015 at 3:53 pm

Their ancient art is something to behold:

Fecal Matters March 23, 2015 at 10:49 pm

I once bedded a greek gal named Vasliki, pretty sure that’s about as common in Greece as Donna is here. She had naturally blond hair on her head, but dark eyebrows and landing strip. Yet another fascinating thing about Greeks #rugdontalwaysmatchthecurtains

shifty henry March 23, 2015 at 4:00 pm

My daughter and her boyfriend had plans to buy a resort in the Greek islands. I volunteered to quit my raucous lifestyle and become the maintenance guy. Both plans went bust….

sparklecity March 23, 2015 at 3:00 pm

But they’re damn good cooks and the Mediterranean Diet is touted as the best way to go for healthy eating!!!!!!!!!!

shifty henry March 23, 2015 at 3:57 pm

When I was stationed on a Greek island we did not fool around with any of their women or daughters. The culture did not allow for it. Foreigners such as British, Spanish, etc was our playground.

Nölff March 23, 2015 at 4:10 pm

I got stationed there too. Real Greek are cool until you try to get some pooty.

1954 Sex Appeal Expert (SC GAM March 23, 2015 at 5:39 pm

Old Joke:

Turn her over, stupid….

shifty henry March 23, 2015 at 6:00 pm

Short story– Met Vasoula, a girl scout leader, hot body, beautiful face. Finally got an invite to home where family met. Talk, eat delicacies, gab, chit-chat. Real date to go to a movie– two taxis, entire family, me at one end and Vasoula at other. Love could not blossom…

Toyota Kawaski March 24, 2015 at 7:46 am

ha ha that is great 2 taxis? After one date your dam broke because of family.

shifty henry March 24, 2015 at 8:11 am

A dowry was important to the family. One of the girls at the embassy invited me to her wedding. It was held in the most important orthodox church and was presided over by the church leader (like a pope?). The reception was held at her parents home — many high level folks such as ambassadors and folks such as that. I was a Petty Officer 2nd, but I was invited to her wedding because she and I joked around at the US Embassy where she worked. Here’s the kicker– do you know the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”? ( I thought you would. ) Her dowry was a new home, completely furnished, a new VW Bug for her husband, and an undisclosed amount of cash. Her new home was next door to her parents on their lot! Just think about it — no mortgage or car payments! All her husband had to worry about was teaching during the day and producing grand-kiddies at night. I loved it..!!

Toyota Kawaski March 23, 2015 at 4:20 pm

edit: when i worked at the jack shack as a booth cleaner, these Spanish Migrate Camps would come in and….. well it was a playground for me.

Bizarro World March 23, 2015 at 2:43 pm

“Sexual assault is always wrong” “Same goes for racism”

This is the kind of nuanced, hard hitting journalism I come here for.

“The truth is fraternities and sororities breed leaders.”

“Fraternity men make up 85 percent of U.S. Supreme Court justices since 1910, 63 percent of all U.S. presidential cabinet members since 1900, and, historically, 76 percent of U.S. Senators”

…and look how well they’ve done for the country!

Fecal Matters March 23, 2015 at 2:57 pm

“Fraternity men make up 85 percent of U.S. Supreme Court justices since 1910, 63 percent of all U.S. presidential cabinet members since 1900, and, historically, 76 percent of U.S. Senators”

Not exactly a feather in the Greek Life cap. Our courts and political system is a fucking mess. Thanks Greek Life.

Frat Boyz March 23, 2015 at 3:09 pm

SCOTUS may fuck up from time to time but at least they never lose at beer pong.

GrandTango March 23, 2015 at 3:16 pm

I bet Darth Vader Ginsberg, Keegan and Sotomayor…were some of the biggest tools in their fraternities…LMAO…

Bitter Kitty March 23, 2015 at 3:38 pm

Says Flounder.

GrandTango March 23, 2015 at 4:45 pm

Your depth of reference so identifies your level of intelligence….

Saluda Rapids March 23, 2015 at 9:59 pm

Yeah, and yours was so witty. We already know what kind of partier Clarence Thomas was…and here’s a tip…he wouldn’t want you as a wing man. You couldn’t fit in then and you can’t now, failed “blogger.”

GrandTango March 24, 2015 at 9:05 am


Mom March 23, 2015 at 7:06 pm

Fraternities and Sororities don’t breed leaders. Young people with a political bent are attracted to the organizations by nature.

Fecal Matters March 23, 2015 at 8:01 pm

Let’s not fool ourselves, young people with a political “bent” are typically from families up to their necks in politics. So they’re legacy stock in both the Greek Life and the political arena.

Mom March 24, 2015 at 10:57 am

That does tend to be true. However the majority of pp in the SC politics are not from Political families. ie: Mia McLeod, Nikki Haley, Jay Lucas, Jim Clyburn, Lindsay Graham, Tim Scott…
So stop it with the class envy- it makes you sound like a girl!

Fecal Matters March 24, 2015 at 1:47 pm

LOL, class envy, if you only knew what you were talking about. You start by agreeing with what I said and then call me names at the end. Have you taken your “Mommy’s little helper” today? You sound a little unstable.

Greek Death March 23, 2015 at 2:52 pm

Can’t the respectable men and women who want to raise money for charity do so without associating themselves with racist, drunken redneck teenagers blowing daddy’s money? I’m sure they can. People who have never stepped foot in a university raise money for charities all the time.

GreekFever March 24, 2015 at 9:27 am

By that same token, won’t the racist, drunken redneck teenagers still be in college and drinking themselves unconscious?

I think the answer is that people make subcultures and groups within groups. That’s what the Masons were about and that’s where Greek life came from. Universities are too big for everyone to be part of one big group. You can’t make exclusive sects go away; but you can bring them into the light and regulate them. Now, as to whether Universities should create a giant subdivision in downtown Columbia for Greek life and exclude the rest of the campus? I think that’s a little weird.

Fecal Matters March 23, 2015 at 2:55 pm


Bleak Life March 23, 2015 at 2:56 pm


The Colonel March 23, 2015 at 5:09 pm


shifty henry March 23, 2015 at 9:36 pm

Did you hear they came out with a new shoes for lesbians ?
They’re called Dikes. They have an extra long tongue and only take one finger to get off!

Fecal Matters March 23, 2015 at 10:39 pm

Is that pronounced Dike-ease?

GrandTango March 23, 2015 at 3:14 pm

You do know that Liberals don’t care at all about logic, reality or your opinion…

They ATTACK all that is normal, and all that they hate…based on their politics of race-hate, gender, sexuality and class…

And their level of success is determined by the number of idiots they can get to blindly follow them…And the population where liberals are most successful, is on the college campus, where inexperienced dolts are made to feel unique and special by following the common ignorance and tired clichés of the American leftist movement…

Buz Martin March 23, 2015 at 3:41 pm

What could you possibly know about what is normal?

GrandTango March 23, 2015 at 4:44 pm

Quit trying to piggy-back on an original and insightful thought…

Squishy123 March 23, 2015 at 3:53 pm

“As a Zeta Tau Alpha at Wofford College (Theta Zeta Chapter), my sorority raised over $30,000 my senior year.”

I remember that… wasn’t that $1 blowjob week at the ZTA house?

vicupstate March 23, 2015 at 4:03 pm

For every chapter that grabs negative headlines, there are many more that don’t and that do positive things that aren’t sensational enough to make headlines.

Hazing, racism, sexual assault, etc. are not just restricted to Greek college students. Many non-Greek students engage in those same negative behaviors. But they don’t have a specific name or label they can be broad-stroked with.

It really is quite simple. If you find a bad apple, toss it out. Don’t penalize the ones that aren’t.

mamatiger92 March 23, 2015 at 4:04 pm

The tie in with politicians is no big surprise. Greeks life & politics are both exclusive clubs for the privileged.

Nölff March 23, 2015 at 4:11 pm

Rich daddy network.

Mom March 24, 2015 at 10:59 am

College, in and of itself, is also for the privileged.

mamatiger92 March 24, 2015 at 11:07 am

I respectfully disagree.

Mom March 24, 2015 at 12:27 pm

Well, first of all, only those with good grades and SAT scores can get in. That separates the smart kids from the dumb kids. Next, if your ‘rents don’t have the money for tuition, you must qualify for a loan. Oh, and how are you going to pay for basic necessities in addition to tuition.

mamatiger92 March 24, 2015 at 12:31 pm

Student loans, scholarships & jobs cover basic necessities. I went to college with a lot of kids from lower income families.

There’s no comparison. Your average college student is no where NEAR as privileged as your average Greek. Not even close.

Mark M. March 24, 2015 at 2:05 pm

You work. I know…a foreign concept to some. A lot of people WORK to get through school. And people who are forced to work during college, generally, have better grades, and take it more seriously.
I know I did.

Fecal Matters March 24, 2015 at 2:16 pm

Most ridiculous post of the day.

Nölff March 23, 2015 at 4:08 pm

Greek life is for people who don’t want unique personalty traits and act like dorks. It may help them get into the good ol’ boy network, but that’s the only benefit I can see.

These crackers look like they come off an assembly line:×225.jpg

Toyota Kawaski March 23, 2015 at 4:23 pm

Greek in the ear hole would be good for u and your boss!!!

Guest March 23, 2015 at 4:29 pm

I too was a greek when in college. Look, some do a lot of good for the community. But, just being honest. I did it for the fun and to party. Sororities are not bad for the most part. But, there are a lot of fraternities that are just out of control. Not all, but if they say they do not haze, that is bs! Some worse than others. Anytime you get a group of 18 – 22 year old young men, drinking, you are asking for trouble, for the most part.

Mom March 23, 2015 at 7:02 pm

Let’s note we are not hearing about hazing, racism and sexual assault in the sororities. Being in a fraternity, by nature, gives access to plenty of alcohol which is nothing new. What IS new is the drugs – pills and cocaine – not just weed. The National Fraternal Council needs to get a handle on this NOW.

student March 24, 2015 at 2:45 am

Perhaps you can explain why the young man was found dead under the bridge last semester here in Clemson. How could this young lad, one who was well loved by friends and family, get suckered into joining an organization whose members very likely left him dead in the water?

Yelsewh March 24, 2015 at 7:59 am

I hadn’t planned to send any of my children to Wofford and if the critical thinking displayed in this piece is representative of Wofford grads it seems I’ve made a smart decision.

shifty henry March 24, 2015 at 8:19 am

Two fellows who hadn’t seen in other in months met on the street. One asks, “By the way, where is your wife?”
The other says, “Right now she is in bed with laryngitis.”
His friend replies, ” Damn! Is that Greek back in town?”

Andreas had arrived in America and on his first day was walking down Main Street seeing the sights when two men approached him and asked, “Would you like to become a Jehovah’s Witness?”
Andreas replied, “I am sorry, but I really can’t. I didn’t see the accident.”

. March 24, 2015 at 10:18 am

I am sick of hearing about all the good things for charity that the Greeks do, because to me that is part of the problem. It is like they do the charity stuff seeing it as a get out of jail free card. I don’t care how much money you raise for charity as a group, that doesn’t have anything to do with the horrible things.

goaway March 24, 2015 at 12:14 pm

Ten sororities (one of whom has over 150 chapters) and they only raised $5 million? Not that impressive.

Ed March 24, 2015 at 1:08 pm

Are we trying to figure out how much charity money needs to be raised to offset the life of a dead person? Because if people are dying at your sorority/fraternity, there is something terribly wrong that needs to be fixed that good deeds cannot undo.

RHood2 March 24, 2015 at 8:26 pm

Let’s break this down three ways.

“… members of the Greek life system typically boast higher grade point
averages (GPAs) than non-Greeks. Why? Because members are put on
academic probation if they fall below the required GPA. This makes the
school look better, as well as helps Greeks find jobs after graduation.”
First, it leaves out the test and report files greek orgs keep on tap to “help” members pass tests and “write” reports. Not all do it, but some certainly do.
Second, in the last sentence, the word “this” takes as an antecedent the phrase immediately preceding it.
So your argument, to recast, is that to make the school look better and to help greeks find work, members are put on academic probation.
I don’t think that is what you meant.
Or what you might have been taught.

Little Stan Lovelace March 24, 2015 at 9:05 pm

It is stunning that all of the deaths, rapes, and drunken misconduct is only relevant when it happens in a fraternity. Do people not realize that these problems are no worse in the Greek world than in the general population? They are just publicized more.

Pretty convinced that someone in the Bilderberg group has recently decided to outlaw Greek life. This is how it starts…with completely disproportionate media coverage. Kind of like ten years ago when they decided we need more homosexuals. Since 2005 it seems a television show cannot be financed unless it has a comedi, flaming homosexual character.

ITK March 25, 2015 at 6:57 am

this anti greek movement is an attack on “1%ers.”

Gamecocks GT March 25, 2015 at 9:19 am

There’s a lot of sour grapes on this comment thread. Some folks still upset they didn’t get a bid?!

E Norma Scok August 18, 2015 at 2:02 pm

And their mixers are just the BOMB!


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