
Rick Manning: Maryland’s “Tax Man” Is Democrats Fresh Face?

MARTIN O’MALLEY EXPOSES DECREPIT DEMOCRATS’ WEAK BENCH || By RICK MANNING || The Republican Party has an impressive group of presidential aspirants to choose from in 2016 ranging from Wisconsin’s accomplished Governor Scott Walker and Louisiana’s one man think tank Governor Bobby Jindal to freedom fighter Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Marco…


rick manning|| By RICK MANNING || The Republican Party has an impressive group of presidential aspirants to choose from in 2016 ranging from Wisconsin’s accomplished Governor Scott Walker and Louisiana’s one man think tank Governor Bobby Jindal to freedom fighter Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Marco Rubio, and even former Governors Jeb Bush, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and potentially Maryland’s Robert Ehrlich.

With as many as fifteen qualified, energetic candidates to choose from, Republican voters will have a range of ideas, visions, and solutions to consider as our nation faces a decision of what to do about the regulatory state, mandatory spending explosion, and repairing a foreign policy that has gone flaccid under the current Administration.

The Democrats on the other hand have past retirement age alternatives Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and Vice President Joe Biden as their leading contenders. While Hillary and Warren were flower children of the 1960s, Biden was in his twenties when the Beatles invaded our shores changing music forever.

Once the province of youthful leadership, suddenly the Democratic Party looks like a Grey Panther convention with entertainment by Judy Collins, Grace Slick and Keith Richards.

In lieu of this support hose wearing Washington, D.C. sewing circle, Democrats are beginning to search for a fresh face to revive their cool with the hipster Millennials upon whom they rely for unthinking allegiance.

Their weak bench of second-tier contenders exposed, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley is beginning to receive ovations on the campaign trail as he explores a run.

To those unfamiliar with O’Malley’s tenure running the bluest of blue states, his swagger gained as a vocalist, guitarist and songwriter for his Celtic rock band “O’Malley’s March” has set some hearts aflutter with thoughts of Bill Clinton playing saxophone on the Arsenio Hall show running amok in their minds.

However, the dirty little secret of the bicep flexing wannabe is that his policies were soundly rejected by the Maryland voters who he governed for eight years in 2014, as Republican Larry Hogan was elected to replace him and clean up his mess.

Among the first items on the agenda has been Hogan’s determination to eliminate O’Malley’s rain tax, which caused the “free state” to be heaped with nationwide scorn. For the uninitiated, you read it correctly, Martin O’Malley along with his overwhelming Democrat legislative majorities in the statehouse, taxed rainfall in the state under the guise of run-off’s environmental impact.

But O’Malley didn’t just tax the rainfall, no, he raised the income tax, sales tax, gas tax and virtually anything and everything that moved in his never sated desire for more money to spend …

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Rick Manning is president of Americans for Limited Government.  Follow him on Twitter @RManning957.  This piece (reprinted with permission) originally appeared on NetRightDaily.

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RogueElephant March 11, 2015 at 12:56 pm

A tax and waste Dim. Imagine that .

LD March 11, 2015 at 12:58 pm

So maybe that has something to with Maryland being a better place to live and raise a family as opposed to SC. At least Gov. O’Malley and his legislature understood it costs money to have roads, law enforcement, fire protection, education, etc. Cutting taxes isn’t the answer to every question.

richardthelong March 11, 2015 at 2:31 pm

He is the reason western Maryland wants to succeed from the remainder of the state. The Western part of the state has to keep up the liberals in the east without any help from their state government. Western Maryland is a great place, the east, with the exception of the shore, not so much. The parallels with South Carolina are very similar as far as where state funds are spent. I have many Maryland friends on both sides of the political spectrum. They all pretty much had enough of this guy. I personally don’t think he would be someone I could cast a vote for president. Just my opinion.

Western WD Wants To Succeed March 11, 2015 at 2:34 pm

If that is what they want then a Republican is definitely not the way to go.

richardthelong March 11, 2015 at 2:44 pm

I will not disagree with that.

richardthelong March 11, 2015 at 2:35 pm

oops, sucede not succeed.

SCBlues March 11, 2015 at 4:11 pm

“oops, sucede not succeed”
Ooops, Rick Perry from Texas is that you???
Were you going for “secede” maybe??

rtl March 11, 2015 at 4:41 pm

yeah, I did have a typing mess.

richardthelong March 11, 2015 at 2:42 pm

oops, sucede

LD March 11, 2015 at 3:10 pm

Sounds like “Tea Party” BS. Basically, 15% of the state’s population doesn’t like sharing with the other 85%. (But I’m certain the 15% don’t mind receiving benefits from the other 85%). Could those five counties succeed by leaving– probably, but if an area of any state doesn’t like what the majority in the state has decided– is succession the answer? Should Beaufort County leave SC? Then should the southern portion of Beaufort County (Hilton Head/Bluffton)? Then where does the insanity stop? Bottom line– someone/ some part of a state/ some state is going to end up paying more than it receives– just like insurance.

richardthelong March 11, 2015 at 3:54 pm

Sorry no, I don’t care for the “tea Party” either, nor do I agree with the counties involved splitting from the state. Maryland has issues like any other state.

Weak Benches March 11, 2015 at 2:00 pm

It sounds like he is trying to tell us quantity beats quality. Who cares if the Democrats have two or three losers if the Republicans have ten or fifteen, a loser is a loser and having more losers is not something to brag about.

Pissed yourself March 11, 2015 at 4:11 pm

The amount of hilarious bullshit in the first paragraph alone lets you know how delusional these people are.

SCBlues March 11, 2015 at 4:13 pm

“The amount of hilarious bullshit in the first paragraph alone lets you know how delusional these people are.”
Rick Manning = Delusional but he is also Will’s current Man-Crush.

Pissed yourself March 11, 2015 at 4:35 pm

After, TRav ditched his ass, I guess he’ll take what he can get.

Not Republicans, No Way, Nope! March 12, 2015 at 8:47 am

It also clues you in to the fact that these guys are die hard Republicans. He talks about Huckabee, Bush, and Palin which no self respecting libertarian would ever mention as qualified, energetic candidates. Even smarter conservatives would know that those three are an embarrassment to their party and would want to hide their face at their mention but not Rick, no, he mentions them specifically by name. Really these guys pretend to support conservative or libertarian values but will unhesitatingly throw their support behind any Republican who is up to bat even if that person is a complete polar opposite of their values. They know their place and it is under the heel of the party, like a well trained dog that knows to obey its master.

erneba March 13, 2015 at 3:25 pm

People are having a tendency to forget how badly the Democrats got skunked in the 2014 election. Hopefully, there will be a carry-over to the 2016 Presidential election. The Democrats are weak, even though it looks like the Democrats have an advantage for taking some Senate seats back. But, with weak senatorial candidates and Hillary Clinton out of the race, the results for the Democrats could be disastrous. The possibility that Hillary Clinton sustains enough damage to not be in the race and drags the Democrat party down is very real.

O's Fan March 31, 2015 at 10:35 am

It is not a tax on the rain. A bill does not come to your door every time it rains. It is to replace run-off infrastructure. There are thousands of counties that already have this, but they hide the fee in your property tax. It is Maryland HB 987 2012 if you want to read it.


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