
Grady Jarrett Is Not Very Original …

… BUT HIS HEART SEEMS TO BE IN THE RIGHT PLACE || By FITSNEWS || Former Clemson University defensive lineman Grady Jarrett had a letter to the editor published last week in The Tiger – Clemson’s student newspaper. Missed it?  You can read it HERE.  Or, you can read an…


|| By FITSNEWS || Former Clemson University defensive lineman Grady Jarrett had a letter to the editor published last week in The Tiger – Clemson’s student newspaper.

Missed it?  You can read it HERE.  Or, you can read an almost identical letter to the editor published a month ago in The (Michigan) State News – this one “written” by Michigan State defensive back Trae Waynes.

(Waynes’ letter is HERE).

The two letters are disturbingly similar.  In fact they’re so similar many jumped to the conclusion that Jarrett had plagiarized Waynes.  Especially after the website Reddit noted the “uncanny similarities” between the two documents.

Turns out there was no plagiarism.

Jarrett and Waynes are represented by Athletes First, a sports agency which basically gave both players the same letter to sign off on – with minor modifications.

Oops …

Shakin’ the Southland – a pro-Clemson blog affiliated with SB Nation – defended Jarrett (and Waynes).

“The important thing is that both players had the desire to thank the people that made their college playing days memorable and they actually acted on that,” the website’s authors wrote.  “Plenty of players just disappear from college without a second thought, never to return to the place that first put them on the road to success in the NFL, a place where they will always be remembered fondly despite what may occur in the harsh world of the NFL.”

“Instead of worrying about these players we should be celebrating them and thanking them for what they’ve done, they are an unusual breed in this day and age,” the author concluded.

That’s true … Jarrett and Waynes do deserve credit for their sentiments.

But let’s be honest: How embarrassing is it that these athletes (who presumably had some English and/ or literature courses during their collegiate careers) couldn’t write their own letters in support of those commendable impulses?

We’re not saying either player is illiterate … or even a bad writer … but come on.  Both Jarrett and Waynes spent four years in high school and four years at their respective college campuses.  Seems as though they should have been able to express their thanks without copying and pasting a form letter from their agency.

Also, Athletes First clearly needs to read Jerry Maguire’s memo … errr Mission Statement … about being a better sports agency.

Here’s the link.  It’s called “The Things We Think But Do Not Say.”  And it goes out to just the sort of corporate sellout who sends the same form letter to two different clients in the hope nobody notices.

Pic: Travis Bell Photography


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DontBbutthurt March 8, 2015 at 6:36 pm


Gator HC Dabo Swinney March 8, 2015 at 8:38 pm

Hah…figured at least one of you thin-skinned orange dolts would write something like that. Just try and read one article about your school without bringing up the Gamecocks. It might make you feel better and limit the amount of people who think you are a total ahole. Guess that 5 in a row really shattered your fragile psyche. Now be sure to respond and talk about history. You necks love that history!

E Norma Scok March 8, 2015 at 10:56 pm

Yet..UCS fans DON’T, unless its between 2009 and 2013.

Weird, huh?

Mike at the Beach March 8, 2015 at 9:43 pm

Since it’s obviously your pooter that’s hurting a little, rub this on it and see if it helps:


That’s an entire class (even the “fifth year seniors”) who have no idea what it’s like to whip Spurrier and Co. That being said… now, don’t obsess! I had a girlfriend like you once- I would say something like, “You know, it creeped me out just a tad today when you broke down crying for no reason in the middle of the restaurant.” She would invariably reply, “Yeah, well, three months ago when your old girlfriend called I didn’t like the tone of your voice when you told her you were seeing someone.” This was a story (and not that big of a deal, really) about some Clemson guy. Let it be…

E Norma Scok March 8, 2015 at 10:55 pm

Arent you cock fans always talking about people living in the past? Yet..there you go.

I mean if you want to talk history, I could go into the multiple game Clemson win streaks in the series (USC historically has had very few), or even the overall series beat down.

But not-so-oddly, I find UCS fans rarely want to talk about history prior to 2009, or after 2013.

Mike at the Beach March 8, 2015 at 11:08 pm

I couldn’t care a whole lot less than I do…I just went to school there and moved on. You thoroughly missed my point (although you demonstrated it, in a roundabout way), which was that the post was displaying behavior common to nitwits on both sides of the USC – Klempsun thing who can’t seem to get past their college years (probably peaked there, I’m guessing). They obsess to the point that any article, mention, or reference to one school brings a fast and predictable retort, even if no nexus existed. Re-read my girlfriend story and see if it makes sense the second time…

CNSYD March 9, 2015 at 9:28 am

That’s UofSC to you!

Really? March 9, 2015 at 11:32 am

You must care a whole bunch. I take notice of your spelling of Clemson.

yeah really! March 9, 2015 at 11:53 am

Would you prefer Clemtech? Or just Clemsux? Silly Tater

Mike at the Beach March 9, 2015 at 12:33 pm

Wow. Making a joke about the rural nature of Klempsun doesn’t quiiiiiiiiite qualify as obsession.

euwe max March 9, 2015 at 3:10 am

you… you…. CAD!

Jurisdoc March 9, 2015 at 7:21 am


Kim Jong-un March 8, 2015 at 6:43 pm

Smoke and mirrors, just like everything that goes on up there in them hills. This state’s own little North Korea.

Frank Howard March 8, 2015 at 7:38 pm

Why it’s almost as embarrassing as a President, Senator, or Governor having a press person writing propaganda for them or a spokesperson spinning lies from facts.

Hell, it’s almost as embarrassing as Will Folks writing bullshit for Mark Sanford or Ari Fleischer blowing smoke for “Shrub” Bush.

GrandTango March 8, 2015 at 7:52 pm

When I was just beginning in journalism, I wanted to work in the sports dept. The editor who hired me said: “You’re too smart to be a sports writer. That’s where I put all the Dumb@$$#$, until they grow up.”

It made me mad at the time, because I really wanted to write sports, and I was REAL good at penning columns, that were unique. But I found to a large degree, the editor was right. (See MoRon.)

Frank Howard March 8, 2015 at 8:03 pm

Your editor lied to you. He was trying to make you feel better.

Bob Bradley was better than you and not nearly as obnoxious.

GrandTango March 8, 2015 at 8:10 pm

You don’t know if I was good at it or not.

But it is obvious that you are simply speaking out of hate….and ignorance.

Saluda Rapids March 8, 2015 at 8:33 pm

No, no, we know. We read the trash you wrote in your failed blog. Worst decision ever was putting the word “sports” in your name. We need wackos like you on the political side, so we have someone to laugh at. So you were good there. But your sports writing…so poor that we pitied you. It was full of 1. hero worship and 2. hate toward those who dare point out the Gamecocks deficiencies. It made you sound like the liberals you denounce, thus rendering you even less credible (which didn’t seem possible). Kudos for giving it a try.

GrandTango March 8, 2015 at 8:44 pm

One thing that I have learned as well as anything…idiots will attack you based on nothing but THEIR insecurities and demons…

You certainly fit that description… (:

But when you KNOW your abilities and talent, you also KNOW exactly where people like you come from…

Now: Have a Blessed Day…

Jurisdoc March 9, 2015 at 7:20 am

Can’t even get a frown emoticon correct. The mouth ( comes after the eyes :

You make me : (

And you call yourself a journalist.

GrandTango March 9, 2015 at 8:15 am

No, I call you a Dumb@$$… (: ….

Scooter March 12, 2015 at 12:07 am

One thing that I know is that idiots tend to brag about themselves

TankMcNamara March 8, 2015 at 9:43 pm

hope he paid Trae Waynes a royalty fee for using his letter.

once a cheater March 9, 2015 at 7:51 am

Its not the first thing a “student athlete” from Clemtech plagiarized something. If you ever listened to how stupid Smoking Sammy Potkins was, you know he didn’t do one thing in class on his own. Hell over half of them are on the UNC course plan and don’t even go. Its funny how instead of trying to defend this cheater, the tater nation immediately tries to change the subject to that 1 win in 6 years, or Frank Howard trying to talk politics. you know who does stupid shit like that? Guilty people, or Tango. LMAO!!!!

Haterade March 9, 2015 at 8:41 am

You must still be butthurt from that 35-17 beatdown a one legged man put on your cocks.

Toyota Kawaski March 9, 2015 at 9:01 am

no but Rocco Mediate is….

Haterade March 9, 2015 at 8:43 am

Also, its funny how gamecock fans are the only people I know who arbitrarily pick six years as a point of reference. If we’re playing that game, I’ll pick 1896 as a point of reference: 66-42-4.

Toyota Kawaski March 9, 2015 at 8:55 am

ah yes the ole History buff is back….
Clempson Football: Where history is all we have left

this one time at band camp March 9, 2015 at 11:29 am

Actually most people would use as a point of reference the current coaches tenure. Clemson has what 7 years of the same coach? wow. he is just 2-5 against his rival and claims “we own this” when talking about it. Um hey Dabo. reality check assclown YOU own nothing in fact YOU are owned!!! Back to you though, keep trying tater boy. You are proving a point. You actually sound like those “rednecks” from South Park screaming “They took or jobs” You tube if you don’t get it.

Frank and Beans Howard March 9, 2015 at 1:31 pm

Dabo might not own the series, but Clemson does. Not that it matters at the moment because Clemson also has bragging rights for the year.
Clemson owns UofSC historically and currently. There’s no way they will ever even the series.
Only UofSC fans use “the current coaches tenure” as a historical point of reference. Do you think Texas fans are using their current coaches tenure as the point of reference for quality of their program? I guess when all you’ve got is a handful of really good years, then you’ll cling to any convoluted argument. HTH.

Dinosaurs walked the earth March 9, 2015 at 1:53 pm

I guess when all you have was this “long time ago in a galaxy far far away”, cheating to win it too, thing I guess you need to keep bringing up shit that happened way back when. But back into the reality of the now, good job on 1 year lately but I hate to burst your ego bubble. No one outside of your Tater nation even really thinks the kittens are a national power team. You had 1 weak ass conference title in the last 20+ years and even that year you got spanked by a better in state team and embarrassed on nation TV by the anchors of SportsCenter laughing at WV scoring again. By your title standards Boise St is a better team than you are. Keep telling them that way back when you had a title that is forever tainted like the breath of you mom, and see how much they laugh. You are making me laugh right now.

Frank and Beans Howard March 9, 2015 at 3:28 pm

Keep clucking. I was talking about our history with UofSC, nothing else,…try to keep up. Just remember that you will never live to see the day that your chickens even the series with Clemson. That must hurt.

Once upon a time March 10, 2015 at 7:59 am

not at all, because minus one year of late, we own you and I would rather win now than way back when. that hurts you and that’s why you bring up the past. now sit back down on that rocking chain and remember those good old days.

Scooter March 12, 2015 at 12:11 am

That is NEVER.

Apple orchards far as the eyes March 12, 2015 at 8:28 am

And Dabo wont be coaching long enough to even his part either. When it is found he cant win with out Morris as a OC for a whole year it will all come crumbling down. And after another 5 in a row it will be a lot closer, then even closer after the next run. Keep living in them days before you were even born little boy

CNSYD March 9, 2015 at 3:33 pm

Oklahoma, Ohio State and LSU say Hi.

what??? March 10, 2015 at 7:57 am

what does that have to do with anything? If you want to go there Michigan, Nebraska, Wisconsin, all say hi, they are nationally considered much more historic and traditional programs than Clemtech

Scrappy March 9, 2015 at 10:09 am

Clemson “student athletes” are not fortunate enough to have “African American Studies” as a major. They should all aspire to be the scholars that USC produces.

Go research how many seniors Clemson has graduated the past 4 years Vs. USuC and get back to me. Check the team GPA’s while you are at it. We will be waiting.

snickering March 9, 2015 at 10:39 am

Even more unfortunate Clemson (and all other schools with football teams) can’t read. But they’re given Social Promotions. Sounds Communist.

frannk howards fart March 9, 2015 at 10:29 am

Alas poor “boiler plate”, thou needest a thesaurus function shouldst one transgresseth and cutteth and pasteth.

Speech Writer March 9, 2015 at 11:03 am

So, the President doesn’t write his own speeches…does that put him in the same category as these athletes? He did 4 years of HS and 4 years of college too. To be fair though, the Prez also went to law school. Lame attempt to jab at Clemson and generate hits.

Po Po Pitiful Me March 9, 2015 at 11:26 am

Sadly Mr. Jarrett will have a football career that will pay him handsomely, while Mr. Fits will have to publish his own unfair and unbalanced work and get by on the $ from his parents and kindness of others. But it is mostly his own swill.

a face in the crowd March 9, 2015 at 12:20 pm

Shouldn’t that be “Happily Mr. Jarrett will have a football career that will pay him handsomely . . .”?


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