SC State University Drama Ratchets Up

THE LATEST ON “HISTORICALLY MISMANAGED” SCHOOL …  || By FITSNEWS || This week’s drama at the S.C. State House has lawmakers focusing their gaze – and anger – a half-hour southeast down Interstate 26 to Orangeburg, S.C.  That’s where S.C. State University (SCSU) – a government-run, historically black institution of…


|| By FITSNEWS || This week’s drama at the S.C. State House has lawmakers focusing their gaze – and anger – a half-hour southeast down Interstate 26 to Orangeburg, S.C.  That’s where S.C. State University (SCSU) – a government-run, historically black institution of “higher learning” – has been struggling to settle its outstanding debts.

Wait a minute … before we go any further … South Carolina lawmakers are actually taking a closer look at wasteful spending? 

Yeah … stop the presses.  We have a hard time believing it ourselves in this “Republican-controlled” state.

Anyway, in an effort to get SCSU back on sound fiscal footing – one lawmaker, S.C. Rep. Jimmy Merrill, has proposed shutting down the campus for a year.  The idea is unlikely to make its way through the legislative process, but it’s sparked a furious debate.

Our view?  All “higher education” institutions in South Carolina should be shut down … permanently.  Seriously … let them keep their land and buildings (and give them a ten-year moratorium on paying property taxes), but after that … it’s time to sink or swim, baby.

Unless of course you think taxpayers should continue subsidizing both sides of the higher ed bubble …

Is this a radical view?  No … government should provide cops, courts, roads and bridges.  And we’re not heartless, so we believe there ought to be a limited taxpayer-funded investment in education and health care for those who need it.

But that’s not what America has – at the local, state or federal level.  And SCSU- with its rampant corruption, shady boondoggles, overblown bureaucracy and questionable expenses – is a poster child for taxpayers chasing good money after bad.

The latest developments in the SCSU saga?

The S.C. Legislative Black Caucus – obviously no oasis of merit-based decision-making – has taken a vote of no confidence in current SCSU president Thomas Elzey.  In response, Elzey vowed to solider on.

“I will not resign,” he said in a statement.

Meanwhile one white lawmaker – who spoke with FITS on condition of anonymity – said he was sick and tired of being called a racist for targeting the school’s financial issues.

“It’s not historically black to me it’s historically mismanaged,” the lawmaker said. “If it was historically white it would still be historically broke.”

Exactly …

When SCSU received its first taxpayer-funded “loan” for $6 million last May (on top of the tens of millions it is appropriated annually), this website railed against the institution – exposing how the payment wasn’t what University officials claimed it was and how the school’s financial situation was much worse than they were letting on.  And when it got a $12 million bailout last December, we exclusively reported on how this expenditure was unconstitutional.

Complicating matters?  Different lawmakers keep getting different estimates on how much cash is needed to make the school whole again.

Apparently SCSU officials are not only inept at handling money … they can’t keep their stories straight regarding how it vanished.  Or how much is needed to fill the kitty.

Sheesh …

All this, of course, is grist for our contention that SCSU’s “vacation” needs to be permanent … not just a one-year deal.  But there’s a bigger question to ask: Whether an institution of “higher” learning manages its investment wisely or poorly – is it performing a core function of government? 

That’s an especially important question to ponder in South Carolina, which has a disproportionately large number of state-subsidized colleges and universities … and spends a disproportionate chunk of its budget on them.

Is that really a worthwhile investment?  Especially when compared to other needs?


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Tazmaniac February 11, 2015 at 2:19 pm

You know what is sad is the majority in that picture are most likely good people but they keep their mouths shut and let the corrupt rule out of a misplaced loyalty to their race and the school. I refuse to believe that there aren’t people capable of providing true leadership to that school. It just will involve a lot of pain and embarrassment on the front end.

Fecal Matters February 11, 2015 at 3:45 pm

That would require Thomas Elzey to do the right thing and step down.

who February 11, 2015 at 2:22 pm

And beyond all this who is going to step up and hold them accountable for their abysmal graduation rate – Less than 34%?

BrigidBernadette February 11, 2015 at 3:07 pm

It’s %13.7.

Jackie Chiles February 11, 2015 at 3:31 pm

13.7% is less than 34%

GrandTango February 11, 2015 at 3:38 pm attorney and a mathematician… (:

GrandTango February 11, 2015 at 2:23 pm

Just last year the GA stopped C of C and USC U from using taxpayer funds for homosexual and radical femenist propaganda…you ignorant F*#k..

Youre trying to preach and don’t know what the F*#k you’re talking about…

mamatiger92 February 11, 2015 at 2:33 pm

Hitler made frequent, random nonsensical rants too.

Hitler By Another Name February 11, 2015 at 3:03 pm

If you switch out all the names of Democrats with Jews in some of his posts you really can’t tell the difference.

Guest February 11, 2015 at 3:06 pm

Thanks for the input, Flip. Always so insightful.

Not Flip February 11, 2015 at 3:07 pm

I was actually comparing GrandTango to Hitler.

jews no friend of barry February 11, 2015 at 3:19 pm

Muslim Obama is the one trying to exterminate Israel. Ask Bibi.

GrandTango February 11, 2015 at 3:37 pm

A Dumb@$$ F*#king a Dumb@$$…LMAO…

You people are so obsessed w/ me… you’re S#!tt!*g all over each other…Hahahahaha…

GrandTango February 11, 2015 at 3:42 pm

Is that the best you can do…Dumb@$$???

LD February 11, 2015 at 3:06 pm

It is spelled “feminist”.. you stupid f*#k.

GrandTango February 11, 2015 at 3:35 pm

WTF are you talking about Dumb@$$???

PS: Is that you FITS???…you seem especially P!$$#d that I showed you up…LMAO…

LD February 11, 2015 at 9:28 pm

Good to see you corrected your spelling.

BrigidBernadette February 11, 2015 at 3:45 pm

Um, I think GT was referring to Femen, the radical protest group.

Bible Thumper February 11, 2015 at 5:50 pm

FEMEN! How come they only allow new members that are women 18-20 years old?

Tunes'n'News February 11, 2015 at 2:25 pm

The budget proviso subcommittee of the way and means committee has an incredible amount of power. The things that get inserted as “provisos” are wide ranging and powerful. Not subject to a lot of scrutiny as separate bills. A way for a legislator with a bug up his ass about something to slip something by. Strange state, SC is.

Big Daddy February 11, 2015 at 2:30 pm

Why not go ahead and shut SC State down, sell off what can be sold, if not everything, and pay off the creditors that are owed money by SC State. I read that there are creditors to State that need to be paid. I also read that they only have a 14% graduation rate. How can the State of SC justify keeping it open with such a bad gradation rate, if that’s true?

The Colonel February 11, 2015 at 3:51 pm

Graduation rates: 14% in four years and 38% in six years both rates are abysmal. (USC’s rate by comparison is 54% and 73%. 73% in six years is a very good rate nationally)

southmauldin February 11, 2015 at 4:24 pm

This is one of the biggest problems – what kind of loser takes six years to complete college, and why does said loser then complain about his/her student loans? Then again, most of that $$ is federal money, so they really don’t give a shit.

Elfego February 11, 2015 at 5:25 pm

Check the competency of the Graduates!

Bible Thumper February 11, 2015 at 5:47 pm

Now now. Some co-op, some have jobs.

Squishy123 February 12, 2015 at 12:44 pm

You obviously don’t know how demanding an African-American Studies or Sports Management or Potential Rap Artist degrees are. Plus reading is hard.

BillBrasky February 12, 2015 at 10:05 am

What gets me is that the Black Caucus, which is a racially self-segregated group, is making this about race. Why should we care if the Black Caucus, Freshman Caucus, or Sportsman’s Caucus gives an opinion? The trustees of SCSU, the leadership of the general assembly, and the governor are the only only ones that should be making demands. This is about a state entity that can’t function and who is more obsessed with keeping its racial “culture” than of carrying out its mission of educating young people. The bottom line is that it’s been funded and given more money than most colleges in this state in order to educate students and it has wasted that money and only 14% of its students graduate in 4 years and only a little over a 1/3 in less than 6 years. Shut it down at the end of this year, graduate the seniors who qualify for graduation, and move on. Hell, I’d rather that money be given to state employees for raises than give another dime to that “school.” At least state employees will go spend their money and support businesses in the process.

jimlewisowb February 11, 2015 at 2:31 pm

Dear Senator Leatherman

Since it is well known that nothing in the Senate goes public unless it has your blessing, I feel that my remarks directed to you are founded in fact not fiction

I fail to understand why after decades of giving us money to throw away, you now all of a sudden have decided to rip Mother Carolina’s tit out of our mouths

May I remind you of Custer’s last stand:

Custer was a great leader of men, you are a great leader of men

Custer took on a battle with people of color, we are a people of color

Custer lost his battle, you will lose your battle

Crazy Horse fucked Custer up his ass, I will fuck you up your ass

Crazy Horse fucked Custer’s horse up his ass, I will fuck your sheep up her ass


Thomas Elzey, SCSU President for Life

Centrist View February 11, 2015 at 2:38 pm

“Is this a radical view? No … government should provide cops, courts, roads and bridges. And we’re not heartless, so we believe there ought to be a limited taxpayer-funded investment in education and health care for those who need it.”

You have written often about higher ed not being a core function of govt. What a about K-12 public education. Should the legislature abolish the SCDE and turn all public schools over to the counties or municipalities?

The Great Googily Moogily February 11, 2015 at 3:06 pm

So who should be on the Blue Ribbon Committee to restructure the college? Jim Clyburne and Gilda Cobb-Hunter would have to be on it as a show of good faith, otherwise people will say it was a witch hunt from the start. USC President Pastsides and Clemson President Barker (or at least a former president) because both schools are well run, nationally respected organizations. Darla Moore as a public figure, independent of any branch of government who is well respected by the state at large. An appointment from the Gov’s office and an appointment from Orangeburg County because they will demand to be part of it anyways.

BrigidBernadette February 11, 2015 at 3:11 pm

Herman Cain would be a great clean up man, but they wouldn’t have him. Their alumni have already threatened to burn down Columbia–great way to rally support from the taxpayers that are being forced to foot their bills, over 100 million is what the proviso said that the legislature will assume if they are to close for a fiscal year.

Tazmaniac February 11, 2015 at 5:44 pm

I thought Herman was a great Candidate, especially in domestic policy. It was criminal what the left, the right, and the media did to him. Makes me wonder if there will ever be another President capable of bringing this country back together.

RogueElephant February 12, 2015 at 9:33 am

Cain was the best candidate in 2012. A main street businessman as opposed to a Wall streeter. Common sense approach to govt. is what is needed to fix this country.

SomedaySoon February 11, 2015 at 7:21 pm

BB, you said, “Their alumni have already threatened to burn down Columbia.” What’s your source on that?

Peter O. February 12, 2015 at 12:30 am

I think it’s a reference to the quote in this article. Not a direct threat to burn Columbia, but the comparison was made.

BrigidBernadette February 12, 2015 at 9:59 am

“I want to serve notice to the General Assembly in Columbia,” SCSU Orangeburg alumni chapter member Willie B. Owens said. “You thought it was hell when Sherman hit Columbia, but just wait. Within a few days, we’re going to file a lawsuit of $500 million on behalf of South Carolina State University.” This quote was picked up everywhere, too many links to post.

Krazy Kat February 11, 2015 at 3:08 pm

State run “Historically Black” colleges are as much an artifact of Jim Crow segregation as the confederate flag or the Ben Tillman statue.
They just reenforce negative stereotypes–especially when they fail due to fraud and mismanagement.

Jackie Chiles February 11, 2015 at 3:30 pm

Clearly the solution is to put Glenn McConnell in charge of SC State.

Pondering February 11, 2015 at 3:48 pm

Wonder how much of that missing money could be found around Steve Benjamin?

The Colonel February 11, 2015 at 4:13 pm

Almost seventy percent of the kiss who start at SCSU will fail to graduate after six years. Of those that do, a majority will be saddled with debt after attending one of the cheapest for year schools in South Carolina.

USC’s freshman class will be almost twice the size of the total undergraduate student body at SCSU with roughly 2,700 students. Benedict College is almost as big as SCSU with 2,500 students and their finances, while not great, are on a far more solid footing.

The university is already in a death spiral. Cutting athletic programs would hasten it. Cutting programs would hasten it. Cutting degree programs would hasten it. In fact, there isn’t much you could do to right the sinking ship that won’t take it closer to the point of death before possibly (just possibly) saving it.

Hilarious Typo February 11, 2015 at 4:46 pm

70% of the kiss huh? What happens to the other 30%?

The Colonel February 11, 2015 at 4:47 pm

Effing autocorrect…

Squishy123 February 11, 2015 at 5:39 pm

Isn’t 5% of SCSU’s student population white? Throw in another 5% Hispanic, Asian, etc.. and that means only 20% of blacks graduate.

Squishy123 February 11, 2015 at 5:37 pm

70%… that’s the same rate of illegitimacy for black babies. Coincidence?

Maybe graduation rates would increase if SCSU used Benedict’s grading policy. Come to class, we’ll give you a “C”. If SCSU doesn’t hold classes before 10:00 they can increase graduation rates up to above 50%.

ELCID February 11, 2015 at 4:20 pm

Exactly the same dumb reasoning that created the massive Student Loan debts we have today.
Get real, it has always been governments job to make sure its citizens are educated.
Education is not for the rich!
Because when it was, the rich had their heads cut off regularly at the chopping blocks of Europe.

Torch February 11, 2015 at 4:22 pm

Wonder if they will vote to shut down SCDOT. They have to be bailed out by the Feds after Nikki goes begging.

Krazy Kat February 11, 2015 at 4:25 pm

PS- Is that Robert Ford in the back of that picture?!
Nice touch–nice touch

MurryLaker February 11, 2015 at 5:55 pm

nope. thats Brian Williams

Find the Facts First February 11, 2015 at 7:17 pm

With all the blather now about SCSU here, there, and everywhere, where is any emphasis on the problems that were festering before the present fiscal hubbub, ones which will weaken any surviving school. Talk to the faculty and ask about the institutional impediments to running a decent non-research educational institution, say on a par with Coastal Carolina, College of Charleston, Francis Marion, the Citadel, and the several four-year USC branch campuses.

An honest, focused, non-wimpy involved person with some real influence should contact Dr. Kenneth Lewis, former Dean of Science and director of the nuclear engineering program (geared toward power-plant operations, not reactor design, a task much needed in this nuclear state). He probably can be found through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory where he worked and retired from. Ask him what SCSU needs to serve its students and its state. Ask him why he left. Ask someone who knows. Then maybe ask the sharp students in the engineering program what they thought of him and his loss. Find out all what needs fixing; don’t just assume you know.

nitrat February 11, 2015 at 9:47 pm

“Whether an institution of “higher” learning manages its investment wisely or poorly – is it performing a core function of government? ”
What do you Libertarian nitwits care about ‘core function of government’ if you don’t want to maintain the roads?
talking points….dog whistles….Mark Sanford with his shitting piglets…you people are mentally deficient hypocrites.

Little Rocky from Arkansas February 11, 2015 at 10:30 pm

The seven words that would have completely changed America—–
“We should have picked our own cotton”

euwe max February 12, 2015 at 12:12 am

WTF? was it a white holiday?

Norm February 12, 2015 at 7:15 am

Good for the Black Caucus. I applaud what was a difficult decision, and encourage them to step forward with the leadership needed to turn SC state around.

Queen Jean February 12, 2015 at 7:29 am

Jim Clyburn: Don’t worry. Bill will let me keep the possible indictments in state court and I will keep you covered.

Rocky February 12, 2015 at 10:21 am

I was going to make some snide comment but seriously, why not have it become a satelite of USC – Columbia?

scotty February 12, 2015 at 10:41 am

It is amazing that this place is still around $100 million in debt and a 14% graduation rate. One has to wonder were does all of the money go? Don’t hear a peep from Jimbo Claptrap on his transportation center. Money pit of epic proportions!!!

Wait, That's Racist! February 12, 2015 at 6:39 pm

When asked “to resign” that is typically a civilized way of saying if you don’t quit, we is gonna fire yo ass. So when are they going to fire him?

off my back February 13, 2015 at 9:26 am

ROADS AND BRIDGES ARE NOT CORE FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT! I am not sure if you are just copying and pasting or just came to this wonderful epiphany. what is wrong with you fits? ill ride a bike and you can pay a toll but don’t tax me so you can drive an SUV on a 40 mile commute at 70mph. arrogant jerk

ron March 5, 2015 at 11:01 am

I am a graduate of SCSU and I hate to see all of the hateful comments towards my institution, there are many factors contributing to the problems at SCSU but the students are not one of them. We get great and wonderful students from all over the country who choose to come here, we get a great education and go on to do great things. The problem with SCSU is financial point blank, yes there was mismanagement but there is a lot of blame to go around. There were ppl on the board of trustees who were not half as qualified to be there but the ppl who put them there were the state senators. They said this themselves, so if you have a incompetent board (not everyone by the way) they gonna pick a president who is not of the university and not qualified. Add that to the loss of pell grant money on which about 70% of the students are on, they don’t have the money anymore so they are forced to leave (drop in enrollment). Add the negative publicity, parents are afraid to send their kids now (drop in enrollment), add the bad leadership as I stated, add that SCSU has been underfunded at least $7mill a year in money they are rightly owned from the govn’t just as USC and Clemson. How can a school survive with all of these factors, it cannot. State senators refuse to pick/hire qualified alumni who care and have the expertise to do the job, believe me, we alumni care but its difficult for us to get key positions like BOT and President to right the ship, Things are changing, we are rallying and uniting in support for our school, we are launching nationwide campaign for fundraising, recruiting, marketing, PR, ect.. to our alumni, we care for our institution just as you guys care for yours. SCSU is a place where we can study freely from our perspective, just like any race or ethnicity of ppl should have the freedom to do. Don’t bash us, help us, at least help the students, support them, they are just trying to get an education as any other American kid.


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