
Alabama Pride …

U.S. SUPREME COURT TIPS ITS HAND AGAIN ON GAY MARRIAGE || By FITSNEWS ||  Gay marriage is coming to the “Heart of Dixie.” Whether Alabama’s leaders like it or not … In a reprise of the battle that played out in South Carolina late last year, U.S. district judge Callie Granade…



|| By FITSNEWS ||  Gay marriage is coming to the “Heart of Dixie.” Whether Alabama’s leaders like it or not …

In a reprise of the battle that played out in South Carolina late last year, U.S. district judge Callie Granade ruled last month that Alabama’s ban on gay marriage was unconstitutional.  Granade’s ruling sparked an uproar – with social conservative “Republican” leaders expressing outrage and one Democrat threatening to expose her GOP rivals (literally) for their hypocrisy on the issue.

Drama, drama, drama …

Anyway, Alabama attorney general “Big” Luther Strange  sought to block the implementation of Granade’s ruling – arguing that the U.S. Supreme Court would soon be ruling on the constitutionality of state marriage bans (seeking to resolve a dispute between the fourth and sixth district courts of appeal).

Which it is …

But the court – as it did in the South Carolina case – said “nope,” once again signaling its likely inclination to rule against gay marriage bans at the state level.

Last July, the U.S. fourth circuit court of appeals in Richmond, Virginia struck down Virginia’s gay marriage ban – a decision the U.S. Supreme Court refused to overturn.  However a sixth circuit ruling has upheld a state’s right to define marriage as it sees fit.

That’s the position adopted by Roy Moore – chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court – who moved to block the issuance of gay marriage licenses in the aftermath of the ruling.

“It’s my duty to speak up when I see the jurisdiction of our courts being intruded by unlawful federal authority,” Moore said this week.

The high court doesn’t see it that way, though … and for that matter, neither do we.

This website’s views on marriage have been made abundantly clear: No government – local, state or federal – should be able to ban (or compel) marriage: Gay, straight or plural.  That’s because marriage isn’t a government institution, it’s a religious one – meaning the question should be left to individual congregations.  As for civil unions, we believe the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment compels government to acknowledge homosexual, heterosexual or plural unions.

Government needs to do everybody a favor and just get out of the marriage debate …


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grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 10:16 am

Governor Wallace would be proud.

don't compare blacks/gays February 10, 2015 at 11:02 am

Blacks in the 1960’s wouldn’t have put up with perverted marriage for a minute.
It would have made MLK sic.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 11:04 am

Aren’t there rumors about MLK being a pervert himself, i.e. infidelities?

smirkkks February 10, 2015 at 11:13 am

What a racist comment.Shame on you.This is Black History Month.

Limbaughsaphatkhunt February 10, 2015 at 10:03 pm

Incidentally the shortest month of the year. Go figure.

dunce February 11, 2015 at 5:57 am

Add in MLK weekend and Kwanza and it evens out.

Jonny Logic February 10, 2015 at 10:17 am

Alabama … Making South Carolina look smart since 1819.

More like SC logic, dumbass February 10, 2015 at 10:20 am

What? I don’t see any community of rocket scientists anywhere in SC. Shall we discuss college football? SC wishes it had half the academic accomplishments of Alabama. lol

CNSYD February 10, 2015 at 10:33 am

Did any of those “rocket scientists” play college football in AL?

AL February 10, 2015 at 10:41 am

We could talk about what Gamecock’s football has accomplished………………………………..
OK, done.

Tigercock February 10, 2015 at 7:55 pm

Gee, last time I checked, Clemson was a higher ranked public college than any public college in Alabama. And, I’m pretty sure our top private school outranks their top private school.

Limbaughsaphatkhunt February 10, 2015 at 10:02 pm


Fred February 10, 2015 at 10:18 am

Marriage is strictly a governmental institution. You can go get married in every church in the state, but you are not officially married until you have a official and governmentally approved marriage license. Plus, marriage contracts predate any western religion practiced in South Carolina. In any case, glad you bumpkins in the south are getting dragged into the present, once again. Doesn’t that shit get tired?

The Great Googily Moogily February 10, 2015 at 10:33 am

what if i wanted to get married, so were not living in sin in the eyes of god, but i didnt actually want to be legally married because if things dont work out i dont want to lose my hosue

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 10:39 am

Then you might want to advocate against common law marriages.

I believe marriage requires neither government nor religion, it is an individual right. That being said, unless you have government recognition you can be denied rights and privileges guaranteed by law to married persons. If you’re cool with that, though, go for it.

God February 10, 2015 at 10:39 am

You are too stupid to marry. Don’t reproduce, please.

Jack February 10, 2015 at 1:57 pm

You would go to a lawyer and get a prenuptial agreement.

Fran February 10, 2015 at 10:34 am

I always wondered how those homophobes could be against marriage equality when they don’t even understand how marriage works legally. Are they trying to be a walking, talking knuckle dragging stereotype?

the freak show has arrived February 10, 2015 at 10:44 am

Yeah. Can’t wait until it is legal to marry your dog ,daughter or father.
It is coming, don’t worry.

the dipshit has arrived February 10, 2015 at 10:46 am

Oh lord, the stupid is very strong with this one.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 10:49 am

marry your dog

Dogs can’t consent.

daughter or father.

There are plenty of grounds government has to reject incestuous marriages. Note, however, that Alabama rednecks still bump uglies with their family members in absence of marriage.

Bizarro World February 10, 2015 at 11:01 am

“Dogs can’t consent.”

Smirks, the champion of a dog’s right to consent, but people…well…meh, only now & then when he thinks it’s subject appropriate.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 11:03 am

the champion of a dog’s right to consent

I pretty much stated quite the opposite. Did you pass the 3rd grade?

Bizarro World February 10, 2015 at 11:07 am

I’m talking the bigger picture genius. You’re the one always ranting on about gov’t removal of consent on a variety of topics.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 11:10 am

Wow, some things require consent, others don’t. What a hard concept.

Bizarro World February 10, 2015 at 11:12 am

lol…as smart as you are sometime you are incredibly dumb others.

“Consistency” my friend, try it sometime.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 11:21 am

Marriage is a construct built entirely around consent. Many things require consent of some form, and to varying degrees. Others don’t. Some things one cannot even consent to.

Consistency? The world isn’t black and white, absent of nuance. That would be an actual “bizarro world.”

Bizarro World February 10, 2015 at 1:31 pm

“Consistency? The world isn’t black and white, absent of nuance. ”

The world doesn’t have to be “black & white” for you to have consistent principles. It only requires a commitment to being principled.

I’m not referring to “marriage” btw, I’m referring your inability to be consistent across all topics.

Jack February 10, 2015 at 1:55 pm

So why don’t you give us a specific example of this inconsistency, so we can judge for ourselves..

Bizarro World February 10, 2015 at 2:22 pm

Oh Christ, go back through thousands of pages of Smirks commentary and its here. I’m not doing your work for you.

But hang out, I’m going to start pointing it out for while.

TyroneMamaCollards February 11, 2015 at 12:59 pm

look at common law marriage. these folks consent to hold themselves out as man and woman. after a certain number of years, this de facto arrangement becomes a “legal” or arrangement.

grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 12:02 pm

No, no he did not.

Torch February 10, 2015 at 12:39 pm

In Alabama you can divorce your wife but she is still your sister.

Tazmaniac February 10, 2015 at 11:48 am

I agree !00%. What are your views on a Gay couple going to a Southern Baptist minister and wanting his services?

Limbaughsaphatkhunt February 10, 2015 at 10:00 pm

Friend…the word upon the avenue is that we may be receivin’ ‘lectricity and the horse drawn cart afore too long. Maybe even gas lit street lamps and some new fangled thing the apothecaries are calling a measle tonic elixer that is sure to cure what ails ya.

Progress sho nuff.

Bible Thumper February 10, 2015 at 10:20 am

Plural marriage?
I wish Mr. & Mrs. Folks and T-Rav a happy and fruitful life together.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 10:26 am

Plural marriage should require consent from all parties, if everyone consents there shouldn’t be a problem. People have had multiple spouses throughout history, even in the context of Biblical times. What’s the problem?

I will say that our current laws are not structured to deal with plural marriages, though, that would have to be addressed. The government most certainly shouldn’t be busting down doors and arresting people for it though, unless something shady was going on.

Bible Thumper February 10, 2015 at 11:37 am

We had slavery throughout time, also. Like polygamy it was not consensual.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 11:46 am

Like polygamy it was not consensual.

lol wut?

Bible Thumper February 10, 2015 at 11:54 am

Marriages were often arranged by the families. The bride often had no say. There a strong correlation between societies that have polygamy and the oppression of women, child marriages and sexual abuse of women and children.
Even in the United States.
Google Warren Jeffs.

grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 12:01 pm

Thats exactly why every religion needs to be taken with a grain of salt, the women that had been forced into these atrocities called marriages did it for one reason..religion.

Bible Thumper February 10, 2015 at 12:18 pm

Polygamy and marriage is older than religion. No where in the Bible is marriage a religious ceremony. Never did a priest or rabbi perform a wedding and there are many weddings in the Bible. That was a Catholic invention.
That is one of the flaws in Fits argument.

praying 4 u! February 10, 2015 at 2:07 pm

That is just the crack pipe talking to ya. Mix in an ice cold 40 of malt liquor and Jesus will save ya!

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 12:05 pm

Arranged marriages and plural marriages are two different things, man. Arranged marriages I do believe are wrong.

However, polygamy is not in and of itself non-consensual. Not even in the Bible. Genesis 16:1-3? Pretty sure the bride had a say in that one, bro. Also, are we to assume the women who served as various kings’ wives or concubines didn’t consent? Because that would tarnish some of the biggest Biblical figures for sure.

Chi February 10, 2015 at 10:45 am

Plural marriage? Marriages. Not too hard.

Bible Thumper February 10, 2015 at 11:44 am

If you google it, you will see they are both in use. If three or more marry in one ceremony, singular is use. In other cases both are used. Of course, if you researched, you could have discovered this yourself.

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 11:28 am

Exactly…If the people are forced by a leftwing government to recognize anyone calling themselves married…I cannot wait to see where the liberal creeps and weirdos go with it…

LMAO…get ready for some freaks to come out the woodwork…LMAO…

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 10:24 am

I like gay sex, but only after gay marriage. My anal virginity means too much to just give it away without commitment.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 10:34 am

You can always find the closeted homophobes by walking into a discussion about gay marriage, because they’ll be the first ones talking about gay sex. They can’t not talk about it, like it’s the only thing on their minds.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 10:38 am

Is that why you’re here?

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 10:40 am

I’m here because pissing you off amuses me. :)

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 10:43 am

I’m very upset. How could you tell?

Smirks mom February 10, 2015 at 10:54 am

Gay marriage is all about sexual deviance.

euwe max February 10, 2015 at 12:51 pm

Damned Tango is a case in point – continually talking about blowing and sucking off Obama, getting fucked in the ass… he’s explored every homosexual position, every exchange of bodily fluids, every anal penetration, every perspective that he can manipulate in text…

Someone should compile a contiguous list of his messages, and see what percentage contains some reference to dicks, ass, and homosexuals. (including those obscured with $pec!al ch@r@cters).

mamatiger92 February 10, 2015 at 12:08 pm

Morning, Flip.

Nölff February 10, 2015 at 10:31 am

This is where the homophobes come out and have internet fights. Right here.

shaggin n draggin freak show February 10, 2015 at 10:49 am

No.This is where the supporters of perverted marriage come out and show why Christian and moral families lock their doors and hide their children when the LGBT freak show comes to a town near you.

Nölff February 10, 2015 at 11:04 am

You’re afraid gays and lesbians are going to fuck your Christian family?

barnyard mania! February 10, 2015 at 11:10 am

No.The dog and my cow in the backyard.

Torch February 10, 2015 at 12:37 pm

No, your cousin Billy Bob has the cow trained to back up to the stump next to your house.

a face in the crowd February 10, 2015 at 12:47 pm

Did they ever happen to reveal the political party of the fellow who repeatedly had sex with a horse? May have been clergy. Just sayin’

a face of dem party February 10, 2015 at 12:53 pm

lol…difference is Republicans think that is perversion and Democrats believe such behavior should be considered normal.

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 10:41 am

You dance in the street w/ glee when you are allowed to change the definition of marriage for a small leftwing special interest group, whose identity rests in its sex habits…

Why do you cower when one of yours, like Jerry Sandusky or the homosexuals who posed as priests, manifest?

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 10:43 am

You dance in the street w/ glee when you are allowed to change the definition of marriage

No, that’s what you did when your types changed the definition of marriage by amending the state constitution to say something it didn’t before.

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 11:26 am

We INVENTED it…and WE own it…it’s your Leftwing, Corrupt Judges stealing our institutions, so you can make them all as FILTHY as you are…

Rocky February 10, 2015 at 11:27 am

Actually, it’s Federal Courts that are enforcing the US Constitution and it’s protections to individual rights – something I would think you support. But I guess not.

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 11:31 am

They are interpreting the Constitution based on the pop culture whim of Leftwing political lobbyists who heavily contribute to the Democrat Party……

You may get it passed, but we’ll figure out a way to thwart you – and the the degenerates you dance for – in the end…We always do… (: …

Rocky February 10, 2015 at 11:45 am

No, they’re interpreting the Constitution based on equal protection under the Bill of Rights. It has nothing to do with pop culture – if that were the case than civil rights and inter-racial marriage were just fads of the 60s. That’s not the case. Look, I’m busy today, I gotta go. I don’t have time to kick your @$$ again today like yesterday. But if I get done early I’ll check back.

grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 11:59 am

How many times a day can you kick his ass and he just keeps coming back for more, although you know its getting to him as he now has to sign in as others to agree with his own comments. Hes Tina and you are Ike.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 11:33 am

We INVENTED it…and WE own it…

lol… Sure thing dude.

mamatiger92 February 10, 2015 at 12:11 pm

He sounds rather like a toddler pitching a fit when he didn’t get his way, doesn’t he?

euwe max February 10, 2015 at 12:45 pm

The thing you have to remember is, the bell curve of intelligence is real.

Half of the population is in the double digits.

Among those, arranged by height, Damned Tango is bringing up the rear.

He doesn’t possess the mental energy to meet the challenge of perceiving what’s in his own best interest.

mamatiger92 February 10, 2015 at 12:12 pm

Grandpa GT said the same thing about interracial marriage.

Tom February 10, 2015 at 1:43 pm

Who is we? What did you invent, and What do you own?

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 2:25 pm

STFU you ignorant, leftwing lemming Dumb@$$…you would not know if I told your Stupid @$$…

Tom February 10, 2015 at 5:55 pm

Fact challenged (i.e. liar) as usual.

Rocky February 10, 2015 at 10:55 am

This really isn’t about marriage. It’s about Alabama (and SC, GA, MS, LA and AR) wanting to say that the citizens of the State, can pass laws based on what they want, and that those laws cannot be trumped by the US Constitution. It’s the same backwards argument that we had to settle by burning Columbia and Atlanta to the ground over slavery, had to settle with the deployment of the 101st to Arkansas, the US Army to MS and AL for civil rights, and who knows, maybe we’ll need to deploy the 4th Infantry out of Savannah. It’s a complete BS argument. According to the “states rights” argument, if 51% of SC residents voted to re-institute slavery – the US Constiution could not override that. If SC wanted to vote to outlaw inter-racial marriage – they could. If they voted to re-institute school segregation, separate bathrooms for African Americans and Hispanics, they could. The truth is the residents of states cannot, through state-wide referrendum, overright the liberties and freedoms of the individual that are protected by the US Constitution. That has been the corner stone of our Constitution since day one. Oddly. the Tea Party of Alabama, who professes to want to protect the Constitution from the evel black boggyman in the White House, suddenly want to usurpe the Constitution because they don’t like it being for everyone. I say – Nuke ‘Em. We shouldn’t have to back there again. Just Nuke ‘Em.

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 11:22 am

You’re Full of S#!t…you want to redefine an institution that others established based on your bedroom habits.

You can MARRY anyone you want, w/o the government sanctioning it…this is just an Bully attempt by a leftwing political lobby for the transition of a tradition that is too wholesome to fit w/ your corrupt and decadent lifestyle…..

Rocky February 10, 2015 at 11:31 am

Apparently you cannot MARRY anyone you want in Alabama, unless it’s someone of the opposite sex. So if you’re a same-sex couple, in Alabama (and of course you wish it was still true in SC) – you’re not afforded that universal right. That’s against the US Constitution. Period. Marriage is a civil union that impacts legal standing in a variety of venues. Therefore, it does require sanction by the government in order to be afforded access to those civil rights and protections under the law.

katy bar the door! February 10, 2015 at 11:34 am

Slippery slope.What stops perverted leftist judges from allowing people to marry their pets,children or their cell phone?

Rocky February 10, 2015 at 11:43 am

Pets are not afforded protection under the constitution, nor are cell phones. WV has been marrying children and parents for years.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 11:47 am

What stops perverted leftist judges from allowing people to marry their pets,children or their cell phone?

Inability to consent.

mamatiger92 February 10, 2015 at 12:35 pm

And, there it is. The inevitable moronic “marrying pets” argument. So predictable.

no comparison February 10, 2015 at 11:28 am

Comparing the struggles of blacks and the sins of slavery with the willful and perverted,sexually deviant lifestyles of 1% of our population, a majority with mental illness, is really hilarious.

Wasn’t too long ago they were spreading AIDS like the common cold.

Let em get married however please don’t compare the tragedy’s inflicted on the American Indian and blacks with the LGBT movement.

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 11:33 am

African-Americans should be P!$$#d off as H#!!, if they have any pride…

For Gays to compare themselves w/ the long-ago struggles of poor people in this country…is ludicrous…

LD February 10, 2015 at 11:51 am

I know I’m going insane– but I actually agree with GT on this one issue. I’ll start taking my meds again– I promise.

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 11:56 am

No offense…But I don’t really give a S#!t if you agree w/ me or not.

But you take big risk by not attacking me w/ viscous hatred… FITS, and his readers march in lockstep w/ the winds of pop culture…and the penalty is HARSH for those not in-line w/ the state’s thought dictates…

Promoting gay marriage is just another way to say “How Liberal Can I Be, because everyone will like me for it” ….And failing to march like a lemming is dangerous under the rule of Obama…

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 10, 2015 at 1:29 pm

 viscous hatred…

Does this have something to do with that “slippery slope” you’re always talking about?

Asian Massage February 10, 2015 at 4:01 pm

“slippery slope”

I’m shocked that you’ve resorted to such foul, racial slurs.

LD February 10, 2015 at 3:43 pm

That is the only thing I agree with you on– is that you can’t compare the struggles of African-Americans with those of the Gays/Lesbians or whatever. On all other issues I think you an idiot. I do have a question –If you were stranded on a desert island with Nancy Pelosi and Ted Cruz– which one do you “pair up” with?

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 11:35 am


“No comparison.”

Rocky February 10, 2015 at 11:36 am

Yes there is a comparison. Slavery, the segretation laws – violated the civil rights of a particular subset of the population. Denial of same-sex couples the right to marry also violates the civil rights of a particular subset of the population. Sorry, you are wrong. No soup for you.

george February 10, 2015 at 4:14 pm

False analogy…one cannot change ones color but one certainly can decide where to insert one’ s genitalia…The most persecuted Americans today are ex-gays who receive merciless abuse from the so-called “gay” community. ..I was told this by an acquaintance who sadly experienced this personally…

Rocky February 10, 2015 at 4:21 pm

Tell it to Michael Jackson – he changed his color.

george February 10, 2015 at 5:50 pm

Not really.

Saluda Rapids February 10, 2015 at 3:44 pm

Oh, so that’s why you wanted to fire Lorenzo Ward. You wanted a great Republican and faithful Methodist like Jerry Sandusky to coach SC’s defense. Now we get it. Why didn’t you say so?
P.S. Have you packed your bags for Bama yet? LOL!

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 5:15 pm

I’m like MOST of Gamecock Nation. I want what is BEST for SC…I want Ward GONE…and his assts.

You’re the Dumb@$$ who will not admit you want him, and them, to stay….

Saluda Rapids February 10, 2015 at 11:22 pm

He ain’t leaving. And let’s pass some more on 3rd down when we are up double digits with less than 7 minutes to go.

GrandTango February 11, 2015 at 4:45 am

so you’re blaming Spurrier. I KNEW it. All liberals think EXACTLY like, no matter how ignorant. LMAO.

You think the D is fine. Hahahaha…Just like MoRon and The State newspaper.

No wonder you don’t express much sentiment. It reveals who, and what, you are.

Manray9 February 10, 2015 at 11:04 am

Sic: I hate to burst your bubble, but your statement that “marriage isn’t a government institution, it’s a religious one…” is patently false. Marriage is a legal contract entered into under conditions defined by the state. My wife and I have been married for 37 years and never set foot in a church and belong to no religious denomination. We were married by a judge at City Hall after obtaining a license from the state. We have a certificate from the state verifying our marriage. Religion had nothing to do with it.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 11:05 am

Religion had nothing to do with it.

It never has, which is why even notary publics can marry people.

playing with Ouija board? February 10, 2015 at 11:09 am

How did you become a Christ denier and church hater? Mommy run off with the preacher?

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 11:11 am

I reached the age of reason, much like George Carlin.

say what? February 10, 2015 at 11:15 am

Try *reasoning* without drugs or a dick up your ass.Might change your mind.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 11:22 am

Try *reasoning* without drugs or a dick up your ass.

Did that help you?

grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 11:48 am

That settles it..it must be grandasshatliarcowardwithnobog T. The anal sex obsession gives it away. Poor t has to sign in as others to get any attention he can..dude you need a life, or to end yours..i can bet what choice most hope that you make.

mamatiger92 February 10, 2015 at 12:15 pm

You sound like you speak from experience.

grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 11:46 am

How did you become such an attention starved imbecile? Did your momma drop you from the top step of the mobile home?

enjoy these 80 yrs of eternity February 10, 2015 at 11:07 am

Congratulations-sounds like living a ’souless’ life has been good to you.

grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 11:12 am

who is this dick that keeps changing his name and throwing out troll comments…is it grandasshatwithnoblogandaliar, is it fits? or just a troll who needs attention like our little liar and coward T?

Rocky February 10, 2015 at 11:26 am

It’s Flip. He got pissed because FITS banned him for inappropriate comments, so now he comes on and steals peoples handles or makes up new dumb ones. He’s been a little quiet because he was up in Ohio last week for union meetings.

r.i.p flip February 10, 2015 at 11:30 am

Flip died.He was in the car Bruce Jenner hit from behind.

Rocky February 10, 2015 at 11:32 am

Or something from behind. But Flip lives in Ohio – he can marry Bruce Jenner there.

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 11:38 am

He got pissed because FITS banned him for inappropriate comments

Was he actually banned? Doesn’t seem like something FITS would do. I figured it’s just him learning how to troll better, even if he still completely sucks at it.

Rocky February 10, 2015 at 1:43 pm

I dunno – he was all bent I recall – saying he couldn’t post – got gigged for something. Then he started the fake Smirks and Rocky’s Gay Lover.

Manray9 February 10, 2015 at 11:33 am

Has religion has been good for you? Congratulations to you, but It didn’t help your spelling.

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 11:41 am

Let’s be honest: Most homosexuals don’t get into the lifestyle for a monogamous (would-be married) secure realtionship…

When you consider that the gays make up less than 3%…and a small fraction will “marry” from that group…this will have very little practical effect.

It is merely a power play to tear down the institutions that make us strong and allow us to express our morality, separate from the degenerate ….

And like most character-flawed (leftwing) people…their actions will screw them in the end…The homosexual community will likely be hit w/ some unexpected consequence (like alimony or child support) as all ill-intentioned people are….that they are ill-equipped to answer to…

Just give it some time, and gays’ll be trying to rescind this order from their leftwing judiciary..and they will likely claim some sort of discrimination because they got their way….

Most of them, like a majority of the liberal community, will not be able to handle the responsibility of marriage and family…

Rocky February 10, 2015 at 11:47 am

Your an idiot. I’ve know same-sex couples my whole life. The most certainly do enter into long-term monogamous relationships. Get your head out of your @$$ and grow up. Whether they make up 3% of the population, or 30%, it doesn’t matter. You cannot deny them civil rights that others have. Now I’ve got to go.

see ya February 10, 2015 at 11:54 am

…right to hell

Rocky February 10, 2015 at 11:57 am

I’ll keep your seat for ya’ – Flip.

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 12:04 pm

Conventional, and lasting marriage among homosexuals is VERY rare.

The numbers demonstrate you’re a fairly insignificant portion of the population…and your behavior patterns render you even less a factor, as far a conformity….

That’s just the truth…and even the courts cannot overturn that reality… (;

Smirks February 10, 2015 at 12:09 pm

Conventional, and lasting marriage among homosexuals is VERY rare.

So are straight marriages anymore. We should ban those marriages too. We could protect the sanctity of marriage by not letting anyone get married, that way there would be no more failed marriages. Brilliant idea!

mamatiger92 February 10, 2015 at 12:10 pm

“Conventional, and lasting marriage among heterosexuals is VERY rare”
Fixed that for you.

euwe max February 10, 2015 at 12:42 pm

if the marriage is rare and doesn’t last, what is your complaint?

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 12:49 pm

This is grandstanding for the Democrat Party…READ my comment, Dumb@$$…

euwe max February 10, 2015 at 12:53 pm

why not answer the question?

grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 1:00 pm

He cant..pretty simple but the Gods honest answer he can’t.

Newt February 10, 2015 at 1:27 pm

I love being in long lasting relationships.

save the children February 10, 2015 at 12:50 pm

State controlled schools using this perverted gay marriage agenda to break down other moral cultural ‘norms’ that keep our children mentally and physically healthy-like teaching in elementary school that polygamy, pedophilia and beastiality is the NEW ‘norm.

That slippey slope-abortion/infanticide/euthenasia….alcohol/pot/crack/heroin etc….

euwe max February 10, 2015 at 12:53 pm

how could it be the NEW ‘norm if it’s so rare and doesn’t last?

eddie February 10, 2015 at 1:00 pm

State controlled schools already brainwash children that abortion is fun and America is evil. Gives em another social topic to destroy their little minds and hide the act that they are failing to educate this generation of children.

euwe max February 10, 2015 at 1:05 pm

America might be evil, but where does it say that abortion is fun?

mamatiger92 February 10, 2015 at 1:23 pm


grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 1:32 pm

Hahahaha its like asking my dog to work on an algebra question..you will be waiting a long time..oh wait i meant forever for that “source”

grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 12:59 pm

I challenge you to prove just ONE instance where any school is teaching that polygamy, pedophilia or bestiality is ok. Just ONE example or if you are a true christian you will
1: show proof
2: admit you lied, cannot be trusted to speak the truth and are actually a life size asshole.

really? February 10, 2015 at 1:04 pm

Who would have thunk we would have state controlled schools having children recite Muslim prayers? It is happening.

Won’t be long before the liberal DOE pushes its agenda of perversion into the public schools-it already has.

grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 1:31 pm

So i guess you cant prove even one instance ….Go figure. Im shocked, shocked i say. Guess the answer is….#2!

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 6:58 pm

Moral relativism demands that we have no moral imperatives…other than welfare, Affirmative Action and Global Warming belief…

Anything else, especially perversion, goes…Are you brain dead or or just an extreme Dumb@$$???

grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 7:10 pm

You prove my point daily..being a PROVEN liar and coward is all you really got.

GrandTango February 10, 2015 at 8:13 pm

STFU you Vapid cretin. You NEVER contribute anything but the same old Stupid and trite Bull-S#!t…If the DNC and MSNBC did not feed you…you’d starve to death…

You would not know an original thought if it they aborted it from your @$$hole…

Now have a Blessed Day…. (:

grandtangosuglydog February 11, 2015 at 11:16 am

All you do daily is prove my points asshat. Thanks.

Saluda Rapids February 10, 2015 at 11:22 pm

Great post. +10

just a shame February 10, 2015 at 11:52 am

You are correct. Perverted marriage is being used to eliminate the moral and cultural foundations that this country was founded on and which for a couple of centuries has been the ‘glue’ that has shaped and held together our families and communities.

The children/grandchildren will suffer from being indoctrinated with the evil of same- sex marriage.

mamatiger92 February 10, 2015 at 12:40 pm

Like slavery & segregation, marriage bans are a part of our “cultural foundation” that needed to be eliminated.

grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 12:56 pm


Smirks February 10, 2015 at 1:06 pm

Kiss me!

mamatiger92 February 10, 2015 at 12:10 pm


george February 10, 2015 at 12:34 pm

Thus the criminalization of Christianity in America continues…mark my words…government minders will soon infiltrate worship services and sanction and prosecute pastors who preach traditional biblical views of marriage…..jail time to pastors who refuse to “marry” homosexuals…

grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 12:56 pm

Amazing you can type while wearing a straight jacket..how do you do it?

george February 10, 2015 at 2:45 pm

Heard of the Houston mayor who demanded sermon notes? No so crazy…

grandtangosuglydog February 10, 2015 at 7:12 pm

with that logic i guess because Mark Foley liked sex with kids in bathrooms all members of the GOP are gay pedophiles? yeah great logic

New God February 10, 2015 at 5:13 pm

Christianity will disappear into history like thousands of other past religions. Somebody will come up with something stupider for a future generation of ignorant marks.

george February 10, 2015 at 5:49 pm

Ignorant much?

euwe max February 10, 2015 at 10:48 pm

words marked.

Now, how long before I can come back and tell you that you were full of shit?


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