SC Lawmakers Choose Nepotism … Rebuke Nikki Haley

LEGISLATOR’S SPOUSE WINS HEATED JUDICIAL ELECTION || By FITSNEWS || Members of the S.C. GeneraYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

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Clarendonian February 4, 2015 at 2:04 pm

It appears the Empress has no clothes (no pun intended).

1) When the business community wraps its approval around increased road taxes
2) When the GA regulars backhand the Empress in Judicial elections
3) When her most high profile appointment meets with rounding disapproval
4) When one of her most ardent newspaper supporters reverse a 6 day old endorsement

When those things happen an incumbent Governor is about to be stripped of what power she might otherwise have and left stranded on a personally constructed island of uselessness.This woman, SC’s Queen, is about to be rendered powerless for the balance of her term.

I say good enough for the sad imposter.

Buz Martin February 4, 2015 at 3:50 pm

The other crooked nepotists are hanging her out to dry, in other words.So she’ll be a lame duck early in her second term. Good. Now, all we have to do is neutralize most of them, too, an start voting their asses out.

It's a Great Day in SC February 4, 2015 at 4:10 pm


That’s a good one.

Vote them out?

The people of SC LOVE this type government.Its WAY past time To end this kind of talk and put the blame where the blame belongs.


Hell 99% of these legislators will be ReElected ,most without opposition and statewide?When was the last time an incumbent lost?

These bastards are just symptoms of the disease.

And the disease is that the people of SC are CONSTANTLY sucked in by the total BS these goomers blow off.

Besides that ?Well,


Nölff February 4, 2015 at 4:15 pm

I think Haley’s trying her luck at National politics. She probably won’t do diddly squat when that second term comes around.

Clarendonian February 4, 2015 at 4:18 pm

You’ll only see posturing from her for the next 2 years if she’s lucky enough to back a winner in 2016. Otherwise, you’ll see nothing but posturing for the next 4 years.

screwed again February 4, 2015 at 2:06 pm

So what’s new?
Same old BS, same song, same dance, only the faces have changed!
The joke is on the voters again!!!!!

Torch February 5, 2015 at 8:18 am

No joke on the voters as they elected this group.

Victorious Secret February 4, 2015 at 2:14 pm

This picture of all the ass-clowns having a grand ‘ole time sums it all up. What a bunch of pompous, arrogant, and out-of-touch frauds.

It's a Great Day in SC February 4, 2015 at 2:23 pm

All elected by the voters of South Carolina!

snickering February 5, 2015 at 8:39 am

Republican voters.

prayer rug in WH February 5, 2015 at 9:56 am

Damn right.Can’t vote Democrat as they have become the party of Radical Islam and perversion.

vicupstate February 5, 2015 at 1:05 pm

Only in your demented mind, not in reality.

John February 4, 2015 at 2:50 pm

Bill Sandifer appears to be awake and sober in that photo. That can’t be right!

CJ Rocky February 4, 2015 at 4:56 pm

My paw JT Rocky, was a member of the General Assumbly, and his paw, my grand daddy, EW Rocky, was a member of the General Assumbly, and his daddy, my great grand daddy, JW Rocky was a member of the General Assumbly and the local brotherhood of rightousness. Nows, we are entitled to our positions. And my paw is gonna make sure I get a new position up in Columbia – because we run this state. Runnin’ a state like South Carolina is family business, and we intends to keep it in the family. The rest of you carpet baggers can just pack up and go back up to Ohio.

Crooner February 4, 2015 at 5:05 pm

If by “crazy liberal person” he means one who will follow precedent without considering the effect of that on the litigants then I’m all for it.

Rocky February 4, 2015 at 5:20 pm

I love that photo –
Old guy – “Son, if I was a younger man like you I’d be over there trying to get me some of that fine blonde woman.”
Younger Guy – “But Daddy, ain’t we supposed to be Legislatin’?”
Old Guy – “Hell boy, if all I ever did was come up here’z to legislate I’d be dead. Why back in the day…… anyway….. you go over there and see if you can’t get you a threesome, and leave the legislatin’ to me.”
Younger Guy – “You don’t think Mama will mind?”
Old Guy – “Son, how do you think I met your Mama.”

my two cents February 4, 2015 at 6:12 pm

When Sheheen Lost the governor’s race I think Funderburk realized her shot at a Senate seat was done. I guess she thought it’s time to spend some political capital and start reaping the rewards.

dumb and dumber February 5, 2015 at 9:59 am

‘when Sheheen lost the governor’s race’?…are you kidding? He lost that race when he filed.He had ZERO chance of winning.

Bend Over, Grab Your Ankles February 4, 2015 at 7:31 pm

Payback is a mother fucker. The General Assembly will be cleaned out with dozens of them sent to prison. Be sure to stay tuned into FitsNews with what cometh.

swampland February 5, 2015 at 9:00 am

Nothing the FBI and a dozen sets of handcuffs can’t fix, not for this, which is apparently legal, but for countless crimes of the past.

Slartibartfast February 5, 2015 at 7:36 pm

I’ll have to remember that the next time I hear someone saying that a bribe-induced vote was to “get back at” some other political person. Cudos to those on this board who said, years ago, that so many Republicans are merely Democrat wolves in wolves clothing.

Paco Sanchez February 6, 2015 at 8:28 pm

You DO realize the headline compliments Haley, right?


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