Petty. Little. Lawmakers.

“TAXPAYER-FUNDED ADULT DAY CARE” IN FULL SWING …  || By FITSNEWS ||  In years past, we’ve referred to the annual convening of the S.C. General Assembly as taxpayer-funded adult day care.  How come?  Well, because it works like this: Taxpayers give 170 thin-skinned, intellectually incurious, ethically challenged, special interest-fed lawmakers…


|| By FITSNEWS ||  In years past, we’ve referred to the annual convening of the S.C. General Assembly as taxpayer-funded adult day care.  How come?  Well, because it works like this: Taxpayers give 170 thin-skinned, intellectually incurious, ethically challenged, special interest-fed lawmakers roughly $25 billion to spend each year – and in return they receive a shrinking workforce, anemic incomes, abysmal roads and the worst government-run school system in America.

What a deal!

Anyway, last month we wrote about the open rebellion against one of the day care’s ringleaders – S.C. Rep. Bill Sandifer.  A liberal “Republican,” Sandifer is widely ridiculed by his colleagues for his short fuse and over-inflated sense of self.

“This guy has the thinnest skin, biggest ego and shortest temper of any lawmaker in Columbia, which is saying something if you’ve spent any time around the S.C. State House,” we wrote recently.

Unfortunately, Sandifer is the head of the House’s labor, commerce and industry (LCI) committee – which is responsible for approving all business-related bills.  In other words he’s got some clout.

But Sandifer has also been rocked by scandal … (past and present) … and is reportedly one of the top targets of an ongoing federal and state investigation into corruption at the S.C. State House.

For these reasons, Sandifer was challenged for the chairmanship of the powerful LCI committee last month – and was forced to rely on votes from Democrats and liberal “Republicans” to maintain his increasingly tenuous grip on power.

At the time, Sandifer vowed to work with those who challenged him – telling them “there will not be retribution.”

And there wasn’t retribution … although it apparently wasn’t for Sandifer’s lack of trying.

According to S.C. Rep. Ralph Norman (as quoted by The Nerve), “Sandifer went to new House Speaker Jay Lucas … and demanded that Norman and five others who opposed Sandifer’s chairmanship be removed from the committee.”

Sandifer denied the charge …

“Mr. Norman, let me stop you for a second,” Sandifer said. “That conversation never occurred.”

“You deny it took place?” Norman asked.

“Exactly,” Sandifer said. “I am denying it, and I told you in this room in our earliest meeting that there would be no retribution toward any member.”

The exchange went on, but … we honestly lost interest.  And so should you.  Because it’s ridiculous.

We’re not sure what’s more pathetic: On the one hand we have a state lawmaker trying (and failing) to take revenge against his opponents – and then lying about it when he’s confronted.  On the other hand we have a lawmaker bitching and moaning about the attempted retribution.

Seriously, guys … and you wonder why people are so fed up with politics? 

Both of these lawmakers need to grow up … although we realize that’s probably asking too much at this stage of the game.

Sandifer, especially, needs a refresher in humility – although judging by his parting quote in The Nerve‘s article we’re guessing that’s not going to happen.

“I can look in the mirror every day, and the guy looking back at me agrees with me every day,” he said.

Wow … good to know that’s the guy entrusted with such an influential post.


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Look in the mirror January 15, 2015 at 12:23 pm

You guys keep re-electing and re-electing these people. Stupid is, as stupid does.

Just another guy January 15, 2015 at 12:44 pm

Why would anyone want to run for the house or senate. It doesn’t pay crap and unless you are an attorney, who can take that much time off of work? So no one steps up, and if they do, they are normally just as bad.

aikencounty January 15, 2015 at 1:18 pm

Need to revolt against these crooks. New state law mandating EVERY elected official to be a “blue collar’ worker, and the State treasurer to make them whole for lost wages.

Term limits.

Timmy January 15, 2015 at 1:40 pm

according to the article in The State the other day it pays between 30-40K once you add in “all” the money. Not bad for a part-time job.

Peter O. January 15, 2015 at 5:08 pm

The ones with no scruples get paid that much. If you’re honest about your reimbursements, it’s probably closer to $20-25K.

Problem is, there’s no way to make sure they’re using the money legitimately.

Elfego January 15, 2015 at 5:27 pm

That is why so many attorneys are elected. On top of that the ability to direct money brings money in in many ways. They also have very good expense accounts.

Scooter January 15, 2015 at 6:52 pm

For the side money. Paid in cash. Can’t beat it.

Grrr_native January 16, 2015 at 10:52 am

When decent people step up to challenge these asshats, the “machine” does everything it can to squash the newcomer. I’ve seen it happen several times. Happened to a good friend of mine that would have been great at the job…

grandtangosuglydog January 15, 2015 at 12:26 pm

but..but…but they mention God and America every few sentences..they cant be that bad..can they? Please don’t tell me its just a ploy to get the stupidest lowest common denominator voters.

bluegum January 15, 2015 at 12:31 pm

What group could possibly be dumber that the “lower” 85% of Democrat voters? If you know what I mean.

nitrat January 15, 2015 at 4:56 pm

You people elected and re-elected Nikk Haley and you can ask that?

bluegum January 16, 2015 at 10:40 am

She was better than the alternative.

Splitting Hairs January 17, 2015 at 7:30 am

Better than the alternative, yes.

But only by a cunt hair.

truthmonger January 17, 2015 at 10:50 pm

Only if you were getting paid or laid….

GrandTango January 15, 2015 at 12:35 pm

LMAO…To hear FITS tell it, all Republicans are LIBERAL, and he hates them…yet he has never met a Democrat that he didn’t LIKE…

Not saying you’re wrong, but until you are more “diverse” in your contempt, you come across like a partisan fool….

jimlewisowb January 15, 2015 at 12:46 pm

….“I can look in the mirror every day, and the guy looking back at me agrees with me every day”…. bill sandifer

Damn, learn something everyday by visiting this website

I always thought when a Fucking Lying Yellow Bellied Sapsucker Cockroach looked in a mirror a Fucking Lying Yellow Bellied Sapsucker Cockroach looked back

Soft Sigh from Hell January 15, 2015 at 5:44 pm

Bipedal bloodsuckers have the reputation of not casting a reflection.

B Gentry January 15, 2015 at 12:51 pm

When is this guy gonna get indicted by a grand jury??

Queen Jean January 15, 2015 at 1:31 pm

Sandifer voted for me. He will not be indicted. He’s in the protected class. Thank you for commenting.

CNSYD January 15, 2015 at 1:11 pm

“I can look in the mirror every day, and the guy looking back at me agrees with me every day,” he said.
Sounds like this is what happens at the Will Folks’ house everyday also.

Haha January 15, 2015 at 2:51 pm

Ralph Norman is such a little bitch!

Manray9 January 16, 2015 at 9:02 am

How about calling a Constitutional Convention and abolishing the state legislature? Could we be any worse off?

RogueElephant January 16, 2015 at 3:59 pm

It is past time to rid SC of these old moss back Demublicans.

9" January 16, 2015 at 6:30 pm

‘intellectually incurious, ethically challenged, special interest-fed’ Fits is working on his autobiography?

Gregory Geddings January 19, 2015 at 8:17 am

I will be ghostwriting his book as he is way too muddle-headed to concentrate and tends to lick his pencil when he gets tongue tied. He has opted to tell his story via video. Just uploaded first installment last night:

willblogformoney January 16, 2015 at 9:07 pm

God bless Ralph Norman.


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