Jeff Duncan: France’s Terror Problem Is An Immigration Problem
REALLY? || By FITSNEWS || U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan says the recent terror attacks in France are the rYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
|| By FITSNEWS || U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan says the recent terror attacks in France are the r
And why there will be NO immigration reform OR path to citizenship for illegals.
That’s it, I’m not telling any more wetback jokes. I value my life.
You’re cool, amigo! You can dog the shit out of Roman Catholics (all Christians, really), Jews, the right, white folks, males, people over 50, people 50 and under, and, increasingly, even black folks and the LGBT community (both formerly sacred cows). Talk some shit about Mohammed and/or his enlightened followers, though, and you just may get your ass blown up or shot. You’ve been fairly warned…
Seems like a good reason to kill all 1.6 billion of them to me.
Bring out the boogie men. Gotta keep those old white bigots on edge.
I hear an old witch tale that if you put salt around your border, it’ll keep the slugs away.
Also, if they see your momma’s combat boots, they’ll hide and go get ice cream later.
What an idiot.
Who is this imposter and what has he done with the real “Do Nothing Duncan “?
no Jeff you are wrong, their problem is a religion problem. They have literal fundamentalists of the Koran seeking martyrdom who are doing this. I just heard on the radio that the 2 French brothers were killed. Too bad. They are now martyrs for their cause in the eyes of other fundamentalists of Islam. I think they should have been tortured and waterboarded.
I’m sure most of us are willing to help as many of them to maryterdom as they see fit to put out there.
At the end of WWII the Europeans needed laborers to do “the jobs Europeans wouldn’t do “(sound familiar ?) So they opened up the borders to everyone that came. As the middle easterners pored in they were nice , good neighbors till they got near a majority. Now they are taking over. By bringing all the troubles of the middle east to Europe , they are living examples of what lies ahead for the USA. The present direction of our once great country is not by accident.
Episode One of Ken Burns’ show on Prohibition showed that the movement grew out of a feeling of dislike for immigrants – and the people that rushed to their cause to save the “real” America and – on a map – looked exactly like the current Red State map. Prohibition failed. So will the current nuts.
Other than that I’m guessing your policy recommendation is don’t let Middle Eastern people immigrate to the US.
I have no problem with anyone who wants to come here, as long as they come through the front door. What part of illegal needs defining ?
What you just described sounds like something that happened to the Native Americans.(Sound familiar?)
Factually untrue. In fact, in France, which has one of the largest Islamic populations in all of Europe thanks to their MENA colonial holdings (Algeria, Morocco, etc), Muslims make up well below 10% of the population. That is nowhere “near a majority” like you claim.
There are 2 ways to get to Heaven if you Muslim. One, you molder in the grave for thousands of years after you die until Angels of Erath interrogate you and give you the 9th degree about the crap you did and then let you into Heaven.
Second, martyrdom. You die while blowing up the Twin Towers. Straight to heaven. Land of milk and honey. Nubile boys and girls to caress you. Palm trees. and 70 of your closest friends and family.
Why can’t there be a religion where there’s only one way to get to heaven?
1) Don’t be a horrible human being.
It’s called the Catholic Church (past lapses of the creed not withstanding).
Dog Whistle!
Dog Whistle!
How much does that lard ass weigh? Anybody know?
I won’t defend the conservatives today, but I do want to know why people think Jeff is fat! Compared to many, he has a normal figure. Honestly. Compare him to the “average American” fatass who writes this terrible “one-click-away from never having to see it again” website.
He is way fatter than the average 21st century politician.
He’s a throwback to the Boss Hawg era of Southern politician.
Maybe, he needs to purchase Rev. Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan video diet plan…which does not appear to have worked particularly well with gluttonous Rev. Rick.
Does Jeff know the House has a free gym?
Well did you see that picture of him from yesterday having devoured a huge J Peters lunch? I’m guessing 280. Paid with your tax dollars.
Bush and Cheney will burn in hell for lying this country into the Iraq War and the subsequent damage it has caused.
We hope.
I’ve got my eye on the Mexican yardmen in my neighborhood. They pretend to be just blowing leaves but Jeff Duncan and I know better. They’re really Tijuana jihadis.
Yeah, but have you seen his wife?
——-“But let’s be clear: America’s 2003 invasion of Iraq – and the subsequent torture of prisoners by American soliders at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad – is the root cause of this latest round of violence.”——
In 2003, Ron Paul predicted that French cartoonists would be killed in 2015 a result of Abu Ghraib. The man is a genius.
Johnny McCain says it’s all Obama’s fault. Well let’s see. How many Americans died in France today John? How many Americans died with your war in Iraq? How many died on 9/11 after your Party’s National Security Advisor was off taking a nap?
Why would we care about the French people. The GOP was telling us just 10 years ago they were queers and traitors. Remember Liberty Fries?
The 2 terrorists were born and raised in France.
This was reported several times per hour during the news coverage.
Duncan needs a new schtick. Perhaps blaming the attacks on Islamic extremism would work better for him. No matter the mouth breathers in this state don’t have a clue anyway. if they are brown they are terists!
When the hell is this BOZO, jeffy duncan, going keep his uneducated mouth shut. This guy doesn’t have clue about politics, economics, social issues or the law. If one looks at his very brief resume anyone can come to this conclusion. He has been in congress a vey short and all he is doing is pandering to his base, which is the tea party. He is a complete and total embarrassment. Keep in mind that his only experience is a bank clerk at some small town bank and an owner of a small business that forecloses on houses.
Actually, Islamists have been invading Europe for more than a thousand years; thus, I don’t buy the article’s premise that Bush started all of this mess. Yes, I believe in withdrawing troops from the Middle East and leaving that part of the world alone and letting them implode on their own. However, Jeff is also right. These folks – once they reach a critical mass – are the antithesis of what we think of when we think of historically Western Civilization freedom loving people. What I find ironic is how when the Nazi’s were essentially shutting down freedoms and creating havoc all over Europe – much like the Muslim population is doing now – we in America were naturally concerned and openly talked about the threat (and of course, eventually went to war with them). Now, we seem afraid to openly discuss the threats of the growing Muslim population out of fear of being branded as racists. But seriously, is this not yet another example of a double standard whereby we beat up the white folks (Nazis) for their evil deeds, meanwhile ignoring the equal threats of other ethnicities?
Once, these Moors kept western civilization alive while Europe wallowed in the Dark Ages. And, at around the same time, the European Catholic Church was as intolerant and violent against non-believers as the jihadis are today.
There needs to be some way for people other than ignorant Muslim preachers ( I use the term ‘preachers’, rather than iman, because they are not much different from some of our own crazy preacher class) to get through to these misguided kids that the way to return to Arab glory is via the kind of intellectual contributions to the world Arabs made in the past – like the numbers 1,2,3, etc and algebra – and not killing for the sake of killing… to terrorize.
And, that is really difficult when Arab kids see the Palestinians treated the way they have been treated by the Israeli right wing governments that have been in place for the last 25 years, with the full complicity of the US and most of Europe.
Talk about coincidence, I am listening to a J.J Goldberg on Melissa Harris-Perry right this second talking about the anti-Semitism from Muslims in France and how it is connected to what happens to Palestinians in Israel and Gaza. We continue to deny the connection of jihadism to the Palestinian issue at risk of our own deaths.
Now, if we can just get past the fundamentalist Christians who control, with the neo-cons, our policy towards Israel. Those Christians WANT the End of Days, they WANT the Rapture and they want it NOW.
Well, I think the good Lord can do his own thing without their help. We sure don’t need foreign policy based on hastening the end of the world theology. And, that’s what we got.
This guy really doesn’t get it.
I would venture a guess the Duncan knows just about ZERO about France.