
2014: The Year Spin Won

“PUT THE NEEDLE ON THE RECORD …” By FITSNEWS  ||  Did you know race was a “thing” again?  Or that America’s economy was roaring back to life?  Or that evil-doers from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) were hiding under your bed?  Or that North Korea hacked Sony?…


By FITSNEWS  ||  Did you know race was a “thing” again?  Or that America’s economy was roaring back to life?  Or that evil-doers from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) were hiding under your bed?  Or that North Korea hacked Sony?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, chances are you were alive during 2014: The year spin won.

Seriously … truth didn’t stand a chance this year, as America’s ruling class fashioned its own version of history out of questionable martyrs, debatable data and convenient enemies.

Writing for The Automatic Earth, author Raúl Ilargi Meijer said 2014 provided “a level of propaganda I don’t recognize, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.”

“I don’t think (Nazi propagandist) Joseph Goebbels had anything on US and European media today,” he wrote.  “That propaganda as a strategic and political instrument has been refined to a huge extent over the past 70-odd years since Goebbels first picked up on Freud’s lessons on how to influence the unconscious mind, and the ‘mass-mind’, as a way to ‘steer’ an entire people, not just as a means to make them buy detergent.  These days, the media can make people believe just about anything, and they have the added benefit that they can pose as friends of the people, not the enemy.”

Indeed …

Only in the fertile, false dichotomizing minds of the U.S. mass media elite was there anything resembling a “Decision 2014” this election year.  Yet as they always have, Americans bought it – believing this time those “Republicans” will turn things around in Washington, D.C.

(Ummmm …)

To be fair, Americans are having to work so hard to make ends meet they simply don’t have time to dig for the truth … which makes the ongoing spoon-feeding of lies all the more reprehensible.

“It’s a democracy, isn’t it?” Meijer continued.  “If a majority believes something, it becomes true.  If you can get more than 50 percent of people to believe whatever you say, that’s case closed.”

For example, Meijer zeroed in on the dubious claim that the U.S. economy grew at a five percent clip in the third quarter of 2014 ….

“With well over 90 million working age Americans counted as being out of the labor force, and with 43 million on food stamps, you can still present a 5 percent GDP growth number, if only you can get a sufficiently large number of people to ‘believe,'” Meijer wrote.

But that’s just the thing: They did get a sufficiently large number of people to “believe,” leading Meijer to conclude that “as far as the media goes, we have achieved the change we can believe in.”

In other words we faked it until we made it … (errrr).

Not everyone is buying it, though.  As Meijer noted in his piece, the existence of the blogosphere is proof that a “few people who escape the sheep mentality” still exist.

“If we had functioning media, there’d be no need for (the) blogosphere,” he wrote.

That’s especially true in South Carolina … where the mainstream media is little more than a tool of the state, perpetuating the same false narratives (even receiving its own special interest tax credit to do so).  Think about it … if the mainstream media in the Palmetto State was doing its job, this website wouldn’t exist.

Anyway … if you’re here, “congratulations.”  Your eyes are open.  Now forward us on to your family and friends – along with other truth-telling websites like ZeroHedge.com, NetRightDaily.com and Reason.com.

Together, we can make 2015 the year truth made a comeback.


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Bible Thumper December 28, 2014 at 4:29 pm

Fits does not to believe MSM good news about the economy or foreign affairs news that might lead the US involvement. Doesn’t that indicate biases.

Nah December 28, 2014 at 10:00 pm

“Doesn’t that indicate biases.”

No. The question is “why”, Answer that and then you have an answer on whether there is bias or not.

Bible Thumper December 28, 2014 at 10:11 pm

Why biases? Read banner at the top. “UNFAIR. IMBALANCED.” Emphasis is Fitsnews.

euwe max December 29, 2014 at 12:38 am

…all your bias belong to us

Bible Thumper December 29, 2014 at 12:47 am

Your comments always make me think…… Then I realize they don’t make any sense.

euwe max December 29, 2014 at 1:27 am Reply
Uh huh December 29, 2014 at 8:35 am

“that might lead the US involvement”

I think you meant to say “US gov’t involvement”….

erneba December 28, 2014 at 6:04 pm

People want everything to be doing well, the economy, race relations, foreign relations, and their own personal well-being. We are living in a society where many have been pampered and can not tolerate mental pain or other inconveniences. If they perceive that it is not going well, they look for simple answers, coupled with an emotional context. It drives people to make quicker decisions especially if they can blame it on other people, most notably, the ones who seem to think and look differently. We don’t discuss our differences these days, we just yell back and forth at each other. The spirit of Joseph Goebbels is alive and doing well these days in our media and government.

SBHU December 28, 2014 at 6:12 pm

“…..along with other truth-telling websites like ZeroHedge.com, NetRightDaily.com and Reason.com”

Those who read and believe those publications wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them between the effing eyes.

And those who don’t feel the increasingly strengthening economic activity in this state and this nation are:

1) Less than 30 years old
2) Not in positions of responsibility that require a sense of feel for economic engines
3) Those who’s glass is not just empty, but instead who “don’t have a glass.”
4) Economic illiterates.

FastEddy23 December 28, 2014 at 7:42 pm

Pretty close to correct. Young upwardly mobile g’ment/vote manipulator wannabes … with little sense of history.

Smirks December 29, 2014 at 8:41 am

B-but the heavily-biased sites I like aren’t spin!

jimlewisowb December 28, 2014 at 6:54 pm

Fucking Cockroaches

My bad, let me put some spin on it

Cockroaches Fucking

FastEddy23 December 28, 2014 at 7:36 pm

Goebbels … Gietner … Gruber … Grief … Gulags … Graves … Go figure …
Its all a part of the “progressives’” Fascists plans … Oh Bummer. http://www.democrats.org/about/our_leaders

Propaganda 101 December 28, 2014 at 10:01 pm

Edward Bernays & Ivy Lee.

Reason.com=Beltway Libertarian December 28, 2014 at 10:02 pm


lulz….sure, if you like batting 50%.. you can get that almost anywhere

Oh, please! December 29, 2014 at 12:26 am

“Seriously … truth didn’t stand a chance this year, as America’s ruling class fashioned its own version of history out of questionable martyrs, debatable data and convenient enemies.” …and FitNews try to play the part well. If only the ruling class would take notice and send some cash these groupies’ way.

Flip Coscoe December 29, 2014 at 7:21 am

Good article. Kinda like the MSM predicting the Dems to hold senate this year and Tom Ervin defeating Nikki Haley.

FastEddy23 December 29, 2014 at 5:52 am

“Seed Libraries Struggle With State Laws Limiting Exchanges – December 28, 2014 –
Gardeners at hundreds of spots around the country are sharing seeds as part of an increasing interest in locally grown food, but some agriculture officials say the well-meaning effort violates state laws. …” – http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2014/12/28/seed-libraries-struggle-with-state-laws-limiting-exchanges/

“That propaganda as a strategic and political instrument has been refined to a huge extent over the past 70-odd years since Goebbels first picked up on Freud’s lessons on how to influence the unconscious mind, and the ‘mass-mind’, as a way to ‘steer’ an entire people, not just as a means to make them buy detergent. These days, the media can make people believe just about anything, and they have the added benefit that they can pose as friends of the people, not the enemy.” – FITSNews above

And you all thought the Gruberization of “progressive” Fascist thinking was only a national issue … All politics is local: Does South Carolina have “rules” and laws about which seeds are legal and which are “forbidden”? … Wanna Bet?

Mike at the Beach December 29, 2014 at 2:30 pm

ZeroHedge.com as “truthtellers?!” Holy cow…check out any of the good statistical analyses on their tired gloom-and-doom act. They don’t even approach .500 ball.

FastEddy23 December 31, 2014 at 1:27 pm

Joe Cocker (Randy Newman) as truth teller: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5Y3hmV23k8

Mike at the Beach December 31, 2014 at 2:47 pm

One of Randy Newman’s best (and most underrated) songs! Often misinterpreted by morons, much like the Boss’ “Born in the USA.”


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