SC Needs A “Deep Throat”

FOR A START … By FITSNEWS  ||  On May 31, 2005 one of the greatest mysteries in American political history was solved when W. Mark Felt – a former associate director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) – was identified as “Deep Throat.” Who was “Deep Throat?” Named after…


By FITSNEWS  ||  On May 31, 2005 one of the greatest mysteries in American political history was solved when W. Mark Felt – a former associate director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) – was identified as “Deep Throat.”

Who was “Deep Throat?” Named after a hugely controversial 1972 porno flic, he was the secret informant who leaked confidential information to reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of The Washington Post during the Watergate scandal – helping bring down the administration of Richard M. Nixon.

There’s no shortage of controversy regarding what may have motivated “Deep Throat” – but there’s also no denying the information he (and others) provided to Woodward and Bernstein helped unmask a corrupt administration bent on persecuting its enemies.

You know … like the current administration.

Times have changed, though.  Government has expanded exponentially since the 1970s, and so has the corruption associated with it.  However the mainstream media – while still breaking “scandals” – seems sadly content to continue enabling our nation’s failed “bipartisan” status quo in Washington, D.C.

America has become largely immune to the public corruption epitomized by Watergate – while here in South Carolina, the mainstream media exists as little more than a propaganda arm of the state government.

Or worse …

This website doesn’t play that way.

Sure, we have an agenda … that government at all levels should be confined to a few core functions which it discharges efficiently, fairly and transparently … but we admit our bias.  We don’t hide behind some faux veneer of “impartiality.”

In the unapologetic pursuit of our agenda, this website has been fortunate enough to develop an impressive network of sources as we work to expose corruption in state government – and hold those who perpetrate and profit from it accountable.

These sources have helped us break big stories before the rest of the press … and kept us on the cusp of the latest developments in the ongoing federal-state investigation of corruption at the S.C. State House.

But we don’t have a “Deep Throat.”  We don’t have the sort of high-level informant necessary in order to keep pressure not only on the corrupt politicians … but also the agencies tasked with bringing them down.

And we need one … well, more to the point you need one.

Corruption in South Carolina is out of control.  Powerful lawmakers and the special interests purchasing their loyalty are engaging in the daily, deliberate, systematic plunder of the public treasury.  In the name of “economic development,” “education” and “infrastructure,” they perpetuate economic imbalances, government monopolies and abysmal outcomes that have turned the Palmetto State into the equivalent of a third world country.

And it’s getting worse … every day.

What else happens every day in South Carolina, though?  Hundreds of rank-and-file government employees risk their jobs to send us information about what’s really  going on behind the scenes – efforts we honor by publishing as much of the information as we are able to independently confirm while at the same time religiously keeping their confidences (even when it means ridicule from the MSM).

Here’s the thing, though: The Indians (no, not that kind) who are risking their necks to provide us with this information need a chief – a “Deep Throat” who is high enough in government food chain to put all of the pieces together.  And not only that, in addition to having the sort of access and intelligence required to connect all the dots … someone is needed with the power to investigate, prosecute and bring to justice those who habitually rape the public trust (and rob the public blind).

Someone who is beholden to … no one.

This week the U.S. Attorney for South Carolina, Bill Nettles – a guy who has failed to act on the most egregious example of election fraud we’ve ever seen – attempted to offer a sweetheart plea deal to a county Sheriff who stands accused of abusing his office for personal gain.

A federal judge blocked this deal, but the fact it was offered in the first place is a sad commentary on the current state of affairs in South Carolina.  Not only that, it should raise serious red flags regarding the current probe at the S.C. State House.

Bottom line?  There is no one at the U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ) who is going to ride in on a white horse to save the day.

Which means it’s time for someone here to step up …


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Native Ink December 18, 2014 at 1:47 pm

[Insert Nikki Haley joke here.]

Deo Vindice SC December 18, 2014 at 1:57 pm

Tried, mine would not fit, had a big D shape on the end after 10 inches.

shifty henry December 18, 2014 at 1:59 pm

Do you mean like: “Sanford has already dumped her!” Also the photo on Sanford’s article seems to be a popular one.

deep throat & neck-ed December 18, 2014 at 3:21 pm

Well if her neck as represented in that outdated (?) picture is any indication…then again, he has been associated with more than one swan-like neck-ed female. However the comparison stops there…the faithful swan mates for life.

SamAdams2010 December 22, 2014 at 4:25 pm

{Insert Holder joke here}

Gregory Geddings December 18, 2014 at 1:59 pm

Does the job pay as good as Howard Rich pays for his flunkies?

grandtangosuglidog December 18, 2014 at 2:14 pm

stay out of it…i have a deep throat and can do a job…

Deo Vindice SC December 18, 2014 at 2:15 pm

when can I deposit ?

Will Folks aka Sic December 18, 2014 at 2:56 pm

I think you should put your Photoshop, um, “skills” to use there … I’m sure someone would pay good money.

Gregory Geddings December 18, 2014 at 8:04 pm

Where is there?

I enjoy posting my photoshops over at Alex Jones, crazed as he is…has a great, self-deprecating sense of humor. He is not a thin-skinned, self-righteous prick like…Will Folks…no end to Will’s dishing it out but he whines like a two year old when somebody strikes back.
Let’s not forget his juvenile revelations about his alleged sexual exploits. What a greasy little tattle-tale.

Will freaked out a year or so ago and stopped allowing photo posting. He knew I was poised to tear him a new one and opted for censorship.

Tom k December 18, 2014 at 2:58 pm

South Carolina has multiple “deep throats”. You can start with the infamous “gold diggers” who’s names frequent posts here.
Politics is awash with them.

9" December 18, 2014 at 3:10 pm

I prefer,Deep Butt

Manray9 December 18, 2014 at 3:21 pm

Sic, “SC Needs a “Deep Throat!” That’s something we have a plenty.

GrandTango December 18, 2014 at 3:46 pm

The Irony….I thought FITS pledged us his throat, down to his intestines….to ferret out corruption, filth and malfeasance….LMAO…he’s about as ethical as the leftwing pieces of $#!t who sold Watergate as scandal, but now bend for reaming from the dirtiest, most-dangerous freedom-hating and tyrannical president America has ever had….

FITS is not only their Deep Throat…every orifice in his body is filed with some anatomy of the Liberal Political Complex….Again: LMAO…..Are you people this STUPID???…Hahahaha…

Come on baby... December 18, 2014 at 4:15 pm

If someone in the AG’s office had the balls to come forward they could open this whole thing up by unraveling everything. You know the AG knows a lot but has to cover for his people to protect his political future…

Scooter December 18, 2014 at 8:12 pm

I have, absolutely, no faith in him.

nitrat December 19, 2014 at 2:20 pm

You realize that means that he is corrupt himself, right?

Nope December 18, 2014 at 5:02 pm

Nice thought but corruption has climbed all the way to the top. Even investigated, indicted and arrested politicians skate and are back in business in no time. They just ain’t skeered

Scooter December 18, 2014 at 8:14 pm

Why should they be?

James Fleming Jr December 18, 2014 at 5:14 pm

Nettles doesn’t want this to get out of hand. He is trying to protect Democrats! I say get em all!

nitrat December 19, 2014 at 2:17 pm

I learned going into court with a lot of different lawyers and watching some of them turn from defense to prosecutors and vice versa, some lawyers are natural defense attorneys and some natural prosecutors; they do their best work on only one of the sides.
I remember one case where our agency lawyer, we were basically doing prosecution, was just incompetent. She resigned and started defending clients and was fantastically effective. It was astonishing to observe.
Maybe, Nettles is a natural defense lawyer and simply cannot get into that prosecutorial mindset and that’s a factor in his apparent disinterest, too. I assume he must have some decent career people on his staff, but is just not able to give them the support they need because he’s not interested in what they do.

Dan Ruck December 18, 2014 at 5:30 pm

There never was a real Deep Throat, as Ben Bradley and others have admitted. It was all tips and old-fashioned reporting. There still are some investigative reporters around but I doubt FITS could fund dirt digging the way daily newspapers used to be able to.

nitrat December 19, 2014 at 2:10 pm

Then, why did Woodward and Bernstein introduce Mark Felt to the world as ‘Deep Throat’ a few months before he died ?

well-i-am into it December 18, 2014 at 5:40 pm

We get it, Will……what you are saying is that you got a few ‘sources’ that can reach quarter way down the throat, lets call them “quarter throats”. Hate to break it to you Will….there are not a lot of people who go that deep….seems like God don’t make them anymore…not at least in America these days, it seems. It needs some heavy balls to go with it. Its a sad situation for our citizens.

nitrat December 19, 2014 at 2:08 pm

I think some of the problem is that Folks doesn’t understand any particular agency well enough to fully grasp some of the information that the agency peons get to him.
Sometimes, the peons don’t understand enough of how their own state office operate to really put the 2 and 2 together either.
Both situations inhibit the ability to learn what questions need to be asked.

sparklecity December 18, 2014 at 6:27 pm

Obviously, I check “FITS” every day and appreciate what Sic does but not necessairly what Sic BELIEVES
That being said, it ain’t just the MSM that poo-poo’s FITs but right-wingnut talk radio as well because they see this site as a threat to their little slice of the pie and are hoggish as hell about keeping their slice from shrinking.

9" December 19, 2014 at 5:32 pm

Speaking of Christmas,everybody have a merry one-this was only released on a 45.One of the few bearable Christmas songs…

tally ho December 20, 2014 at 2:16 am

It’s 2am on Saturday morning and I need a deep throat also


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