Hey Palmetto School Children! Smile!

YOU ARE BEING WATCHED … By FITSNEWS  ||  A Midlands, S.C. school district will soon be using a “covert observation vehicle” to spy on its students and teachers, sources familiar with the plan tell FITS.  The vehicle will be used by Lexington-Richland School District 5 – a bureaucracy this website…


By FITSNEWS  ||  A Midlands, S.C. school district will soon be using a “covert observation vehicle” to spy on its students and teachers, sources familiar with the plan tell FITS.  The vehicle will be used by Lexington-Richland School District 5 – a bureaucracy this website has repeatedly exposed in the past for its fiscal mismanagement.

Details regarding the vehicle are sketchy, but we’re told a pair of district employees debuted it at a recent gathering of first responders.

In fact, we’re told a city councilman from Columbia, S.C. who attended the “demonstration” of the vehicle was jealous his local district didn’t have one.

Great … so these things are going to be popping up all over the state now …

Lexington-Richland is ostensibly one of the Palmetto State’s best government-run education bureaucracies (you know, as opposed to one of its worst).  Of course its leaders have a long history of misleading the public … and its bureaucracy has run into trouble for its alleged mistreatment of students with disabilities.

The district also has a long history of maintaining massive stockpiles of surplus cash … which we’re presuming they are tapping to pay for this new “covert observation vehicle.”

Anyway, needless to say this is the very last think our government-run schools need to be wasting money on given their chronic failure to educate our children with steadily increasing piles of taxpayer cash.


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ELCID December 12, 2014 at 2:00 pm

Lexington District 5 is an out of control Money Pit!
The voters are complete fools for allowing it to continue unchecked!

Rocky's Watching the Kids December 12, 2014 at 2:29 pm

You mean GOP voters?

jimlewisowb December 12, 2014 at 2:00 pm

Paying bureaucrats to spy on fellow bureaucrats

Kinda like paying someone to fuck those who are fucking you

Wonder how long it will take for those being fucked to hire someone to fuck the fuckers fucking them

Of course when that happens the fuckers who got fucked for fucking the fuckers who were fucking off will hire legal fuckers to fuck the fuckers who hired the fuckers in the first place to fuck the unsuspecting fuckers

Classic Case of a Cluster Fuck if there was ever one

We are tax cattle December 12, 2014 at 2:02 pm

“Wonder how long it will take for those being fucked to hire someone to fuck the fuckers fucking them”

As long as it takes to appropriate more tax money, so not that long.

FastEddy23 December 12, 2014 at 3:21 pm

Ah, yes: The snake eating its own tail as a metaphor for checked and balanced g’ment … If only!

How much fucking... December 12, 2014 at 3:10 pm

you are one funny fucker, fucker.

DooHickey December 12, 2014 at 3:11 pm

It must be fucking Friday

Gregory Geddings December 12, 2014 at 5:13 pm

Fuckin’ A

Centrist View December 12, 2014 at 2:25 pm

Cue up Pink Floyd.

Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
All in all you’re just another brick in the wall.

FastEddy23 December 12, 2014 at 3:29 pm

Best version in this case or any other:

Cyndi Lauper vocals, Snowy White lead git-fiddle in Roger Waters’ “The Wall” concert in Berlin, several months after the Berlin Wall came down … set in “no man’s land” … more than a million in attendance, broadcast live world wide.

Fecal Matters December 12, 2014 at 2:49 pm

“In fact, we’re told a city councilman from Columbia, S.C. who attended the “demonstration” of the vehicle was jealous his local district didn’t have one.”

No doubt it was that wormy bastard, Runyan.

FastEddy23 December 12, 2014 at 3:19 pm

“… The district also has a long history of maintaining massive stockpiles of surplus cash … which we’re presuming they are tapping to pay for this new “covert observation vehicle.” …”

Uh, that would be the taxpayers’ money. One would think several taxpayers would question this outlay.

(Here in Taxifornia the cameras are pointed at the streets around the schools, looking for pervs, pedophiles and pushers … And finding them too.)

nitrat December 12, 2014 at 3:21 pm

” A Midlands, S.C. school district will soon be using a “covert observation vehicle” to spy on its students and teachers, sources familiar with the plan tell FITS. ”

You mean they put a camera on their activity bus?
What would they do with a “covert observation vehicle” except ride around the block?

Iftheyonlyknew December 12, 2014 at 7:14 pm

SCDHHS at 1801 Main St is fully miked and has cameras through out. Word is that Tony Keck and/or John Supra could zoom on whatever there was to be heard or seen inside Jefferson Square whenever they wanted. Of course, they’re both gone now…

Sic, if you want to dig into what could be a great story, you need to dig into the degree State Medicaid has pursued “privatization.”. The degree of what could appear too be kickbacks that happened under Keck’s regime is a nightmare. Perception is reality.

Town Crier December 13, 2014 at 6:09 am

So are the offices of a certain constitutional officer. All done in the name of “security.” Employees are aware of the cams, but only a handful know the cams are miked and that the feed is recorded. Those cams live-feed to monitors on the desks of highly-paid staff. Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gents.

nitrat December 13, 2014 at 9:29 am

Does no one ever wonder how and why private ambulance companies started popping up on every corner during the Sanford Administration? …While a concerted effort began to destroy the Regional Transportation Authorities that used to take Medicaid patients to MD appointments began?
Does no one wonder why Targeted Case Management Medicaid money to fund front line worker positions in DSS Foster Care and Adult Protective Services went away from DSS during the Sanford administration?
Where was the Medicaid money diverted to starting during the Sanford Administration?

Shifty Henry December 14, 2014 at 10:42 pm


BIN News Editorial Staff December 12, 2014 at 8:24 pm

This wacko post is from the same sic(k) willie Voucher Clown who brought us claims that a Midlands’ elected official has a “Strom problem.”

Still waiting for proof and facts, sic(k) willie.

And, claims of a mysterious Sanfraud laptop that sic(k) wiliie said had a map to a “holy grail” of corruption, Then sic(k) said the laptop was probably dropped in a river.

Still waiting for proof and facts, sic(k) willie.

And, claims of Sanfraud digging holes at his family plantation in the Low Country. Sic(k) never gave details of his veiled comments about a “poor little black girl” and something he characterized as a mystery settlement.

Still waiting sic(k) willie.

Still waiting for proof and facts sic(k) willie.

Sic(k) willie has never produced on his willie scams.

He just slings mud and hopes people will believe him.

Thankfully, everyone knows he is fully of shit(ake) mushrooms.

FOIA NUT December 12, 2014 at 8:47 pm

That is so funny! They won’t even livestream their own school board meetings! Their football games are but not school board meetings!

snickering December 13, 2014 at 9:46 am

I’m coming late to this party (Also I hate talking about education) What are these camera buffs looking for if anything. Just call it my ignorance questioning the ignorant.

Huh? December 13, 2014 at 11:23 am

If this school district is so bad, why do you send your kids there?


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