
GOP Activist: Immigration Key To 2016 “Republican” Revival

BUT IS IT? By FITSNEWS || An establishment “Republican” activist in South Carolina &#821You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

BUT IS IT? By FITSNEWS || An establishment “Republican” activist in South Carolina ̵
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Smothers December 4, 2014 at 6:11 pm

Shell is just a paid political hack. He doesn’t give a damn about immigration reform but his wallet and Chip’s big head do.

Shell December 5, 2014 at 3:51 pm

You are right about the paid part. Probably the hack part, too. But I really do care about immigration. Our current system really IS broke (does anyone really disagree with that?) and so far Congress has done nothing. That’s not an answer our state, nation, or economy can live with.

9" December 4, 2014 at 6:34 pm

There needs to be an immigrant exchange program.Americans should be given the Citizenship test;unexpectedly,like a pop quiz,and if they fail,they’re deported and an immigrant is allowed in.This will eventually result in a land of immigrants.Same as it ever was.

FastEddy23 December 5, 2014 at 12:28 am

Uh … So that’s what those FEMA camps are for. Holding tanks for the disenfranchised.

“I’m shocked … Shocked …” “… round up the usual suspects.”

Centrist View December 4, 2014 at 8:10 pm

“Of interest, the poll also found that Hispanics chose “jobs and the economy” as the most important issue on their radar – trumping immigration by more than a two-to-one margin (37 percent to 14 percent).

That tells us Hispanics (and blacks, and whites) are ready to embrace a free market agenda…”

A poll by the PewResearch Hispanic Trends Project found that Hispanics favor raising the Federal minimum wage from $7.25/hr. to $10.10/hr. by more than six-to-one (84% Favor/13% Oppose). Government mandating wages doesn’t sound very free market.


FastEddy23 December 4, 2014 at 8:34 pm


Road Apples. “It’s the economy, stupid!”

Bible Thumper December 5, 2014 at 2:26 pm

I didn’t see your comment before I made mine. “It’s the economy, stupid!” JOBS, INCOMES!

Mike at the Beach December 5, 2014 at 12:57 am

See, this is yet another example of some otherwise valid points getting lost in an article because you say something as patently ridiculous as “uber-liberal U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham” in the first freaking sentence. No one thinks he’s some arch-conservative or anything, but to say he’s uber-liberal is just silliness from the political fringe.

Bible Thumper December 5, 2014 at 2:23 pm

I’ve gotten so use to it. I didn’t notice.

Rocky December 5, 2014 at 11:08 am

Here is why Congress WILL pass immigration
reform with a pathway to citizenship.

If the election ends up being Jeb Bush versus Hillary Clinton, and we look at
Blue States, Hillary starts off with 264 electoral votes. Day one, out of the
box. That’s just six electoral votes short of victory. Jeb starts out with 182.
That means he needs to come up with 90 electoral votes, spread out over these
key states – NM, FL, CO, VA, IA, OH and NC.

That’s seven states and he has to sweep them all. Every one of them. He can’t
loss a single one. Hillary needs to carry just one that has more than 5 electoral
votes (that’s NM). Let’s see if common sense tells us how many hispanic voters
are in those states. FL – no brainer. Colorado – already enough to turn the
state, and growing. NC has a large Latino population in both Charlotte and
Raliegh. VA – well – drive out to Herndon. And the present polling suggests
that if Hillary supports the Executive Order – she’ll have 85% support amoung
Latino voters. Even if Bush can double the remaining 15% to 30%, he ends up
short. So you see, it’s decision time for the GOP. Do you want to be
competitive in 2016 or not. If you don’t – keep up this fight. If you do, pass
reform. The gun is now finally at your head. You can select to pull it back and
put it down, or pull the trigger. Choice is Boehners and McConnell’s. What
shall they select?…

Rocky December 5, 2014 at 11:10 am

And let’s be clear – the crazies in the GOP are the ones who put the gun up against their head.

Rocky December 5, 2014 at 12:53 pm

Here is why Congress WILL pass immigration
reform with a pathway to citizenship.

If the election ends up being Jeb Bush versus Hillary Clinton, and we look at
Blue States, Hillary starts off with 264 electoral votes. Day one, out of the
box. That’s just six electoral votes short of victory. Jeb starts out with 182.
That means he needs to come up with 90 electoral votes, spread out over these
key states – NM, FL, CO, VA, IA, OH and NC.

That’s seven states and he has to sweep them all. Every one of them. He can’t
loss a single one. Hillary needs to carry just one that has more than 5 electoral
votes (that’s NM). Let’s see if common sense tells us how many hispanic voters
are in those states. FL – no brainer. Colorado – already enough to turn the
state, and growing. NC has a large Latino population in both Charlotte and
Raliegh. VA – well – drive out to Herndon. And the present polling suggests
that if Hillary supports the Executive Order – she’ll have 85% support amoung
Latino voters. Even if Bush can double the remaining 15% to 30%, he ends up
short. So you see, it’s decision time for the GOP. Do you want to be
competitive in 2016 or not. If you don’t – keep up this fight. If you do, pass
reform. The gun is now finally at your head. You can select to pull it back and
put it down, or pull the trigger. Choice is Boehners and McConnell’s. What
shall they select?

Cyber Units Know Who December 5, 2014 at 2:05 pm

Here is why many in Congress could possibly end up shot by millions of angry voters >>>> Voters this past November sent a very strong message that they are totally opposed to any form of amnesty. This is the sole reason the democrats have lost control of the US Senate. Its been alllllllll over the internet, beginning in the months before the elections – and still all over the internet, even today in recent blogs, media.

Rocky December 5, 2014 at 3:45 pm

Because you can believe everything you read on the Internet. Well, gotta go, have a date with a French model.

Cyber Units Know Who December 5, 2014 at 2:02 pm

Psychiatrist have chimed in, saying politicians like Graham (who are pro illegal) are cuckoo.

Bible Thumper December 5, 2014 at 2:21 pm

It’s the economy, stupid.

More of the same December 5, 2014 at 6:34 pm

The republicans will continue to do nothing. Can anyone name one thing the republicans have done on the national level besides shutdown the government, hold pointless hearings and making toothless threats?

Beartrkkr December 6, 2014 at 12:27 am

Whatever the true issue really is that holds the key to winning the WH, I’m about 95% sure the Republicans will crap the bed on it. Most likely they will concentrate on some other issue to successfully alienate a vast segment of the population, leaving us with Chankles as the next President.


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