Chester County Sheriff Accused Of Threatening Council

ARGUMENT OVER LAW ENFORCEMENT FUNDING RILES UP LOCAL LEADERS …  By FITSNEWS  ||  So there’s a big dispute up in Chester County, S.C. over the budget for local law enforcement – which is reportedly struggling to contain a growing gang problem.  In fact a recent gang shooting there actually killed a…


By FITSNEWS  ||  So there’s a big dispute up in Chester County, S.C. over the budget for local law enforcement – which is reportedly struggling to contain a growing gang problem.  In fact a recent gang shooting there actually killed a member of the local county council.

That shooting leads us to a video clip of a recent council meeting … one in which the local Sheriff, Alex Underwood, was accused of making threats against other council members.

What happened?

Well Underwood – who claims he and his deputies are receiving death threats from gang members – was trying to get more money to combat the local gang problem, despite telling The Rock Hill Herald that county council has “never given us anything.”

Anyway, after telling the county council that “we need to set some dates, some deadlines” for getting new funding approved, a council member responded that the next budget session would begin in April.

“Really …” a frustrated Underwood responded.

That’s when one of his subordinates demanded to know “how many officers are going to die between now and April?”

Underwood later reiterated the remark, adding “how many more citizens are going to die?”  And then “how many more council members are going to die?”

That remark prompted council manager Carlisle Roddey to accuse Underwood of behaving like a “bully” and threatening council members.

Here’s the exchange (which begins at around the 10:30 mark) …

(Click to play)

(Pic: Via)

Yeah …

Just another day in the life of local government here in the Palmetto State, if you ask us.

Here’s the bottom line on all this: State and local governments in South Carolina spend billions of dollars each year on stuff they have absolutely no business being involved in.  Yet when it comes time to address the things they’re supposed to do, the debate devolves into a goat show over funding (like the display above).

Or put numerically, budgets at all levels of government in the Palmetto State continue to grow beyond the bounds of population and inflation growth – yet the handful of core functions government ought to be performing (i.e. cops, courts and roads) continue to be shortchanged.

And the worst part?  Even if we give these municipal law enforcement agencies the money they demand, there’s no guarantee they’re going to spend it correctly.

Or that their leaders aren’t themselves criminally inclined!

Hell, Sheriffs get indicted practically every week in this state …


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Stanky Legg December 4, 2014 at 2:42 pm

That doesn’t sound like a threat. It sounds like a valid question.

Keltictim December 4, 2014 at 2:45 pm

Yea def not a threat, a serious question.

Batteries Not Included December 4, 2014 at 2:50 pm

Carlisle Roddey needs a hearing aid.

Smirks December 4, 2014 at 2:57 pm

Gee golly gosh, I wonder if this is what would become of road maintenance if we pushed state-maintained roads down to the local government level.

euwe max December 4, 2014 at 6:36 pm

you’d have people walking to work, and paying path tolls to the cops.

Boo December 4, 2014 at 3:00 pm

That’s what people in SC respond to…fear. Works all the time on you rubes.

Only in SC December 4, 2014 at 3:01 pm

Maybe Chester Co. can follow Kershaw Co’s. lead and try to pass an ordinance to strip the sheriff of his authority because he doesn’t fall in line.

Mike at the Beach December 5, 2014 at 12:30 am

That’s one of the reasons county councils dislike the notion of a sheriff’s office- they generally want sheriffs to behave and toe the good ol’ boy line, but sheriffs are county-level State Constitutional officers and enjoy a certain amount of autonomy, even in basic budgetary matters.

Old Black Guy Rocky December 4, 2014 at 3:34 pm

Oh, it a threat be comin’ from a black man Sheriff. If it be whitey askin’ for some gang-bangin’ fight cash, day be all ober dat with a open check book. I can’ts believe it.

Guest December 4, 2014 at 4:49 pm

Didn’t think it was pertinent to mention that a sitting Councilman had been assassinated recently? Might put that comment about how many Council members have to die in its proper perspective, amirite?

Jackie Chiles December 4, 2014 at 4:52 pm

That’s not a threat. That’s just trying to get the point across in a way that would personalize it for the council. The council manager sounds like a crybaby.

idcydm December 4, 2014 at 8:28 pm

Why is it that many times council members act like home owner association board members? I’ve got some power and I’m gonna use it as I see fit and to hell with the people that elected me.

shifty henry December 4, 2014 at 10:32 pm

” home owner association board members”
Very familiar with that since I’ve been involved in a few — they are like throwing cats and dogs into the same cage.

Thugs in black & blue December 4, 2014 at 5:11 pm

The police there don’t look much different than a gang of thugs to me. Many of them in black with tatoo’s on their arms, with a sense of entitlement, demanding more money en force.

Just a gang of thieves writ large.

RHood2 December 4, 2014 at 6:26 pm

Umm, to clarify, a Chester CITY Councilman was shot and killed in a gang-related shooting, apparently he was by-standing, on Election Day. View the sheriff’s remarks in THAT context. It is absolutely not a threat.
The County also tried to yank control of the 911 center back from the Sheriff and lost in a lawsuit that just absolutely wasted the citizens’ money.
Anything here that paints the county supervisor as being right to perceive a threat is ludicrous. Sheriff Underwood can be a bit of a hot head and is not cow-towing to the Good ol’ boy network in Chester County. But he’s not threatening. Stating facts.

Dan Ruck December 4, 2014 at 6:48 pm

“Hell, Sheriffs get indicted practically every week in this state …”
That’s a lie. Retract it.

Local boy December 4, 2014 at 11:52 pm

“local governments in South Carolina spend billions of dollars each year on stuff they have absolutely no business being involved in”
Please more than just words on a page FITS, put numbers to this statement or you are just puffing up for headlines.

Terry Wagar December 5, 2014 at 5:26 am

My wife Joan Wagar was having an affair with a Portland cop named Eric Carlson and he was acting as a double to set me up as a pedophile!

When I found out my wife Joan Wagar was hooking our daughters up with a cop that was acting as a double I tried to warn people about it, and that’s when I was severely poisoned by Joan Wagar!

All of my wife’s coworkers at East Port Walmart were calling officer Eric Carlson by the nickname Doubleclick because they knew he was acting as a double, and after my wife Joan Wagar poisoned me everyone at East Port Walmart started calling my wife by the nickname Mrs Dash!

Police used their power of influence to cover up the poisonings at the hospital and I was repeatedly denied emergency services because of police influence and interference at the hospital!

Shawna Wagar admits in writing to making false pedophile accusations about me and this occurred when my mother and father were poisoned and murdered by local police and by my wife Joan Wagar!

April 2005 officer Eric Carlson and Joan Wagar adopted and actively used the nicknames Doubleclick and Mrs Dash in love letters and in their cellphones and it was East Port Walmart employees that first coined their nicknames!

December 2005 I confronted my wife Joan Wagar with a audio recorder over that love letter Doubleclick the body double wrote my wife and she admits it’s her love letter but refuses to admit to her nickname because she is trying to hide the fact she is a poisoner and that it is open knowledge at East Port Walmart, she still also is trying to hide the fact Eric Carlson is a cop and a look-a-like to me!

2006 because of police influence Joan Wagar aced a lie detector test I payed for!

2006 Two months later Joan Wagar A,K,A, Mrs Dash admits in her diary she lied on that lie detector test and admits to her affair with officer Eric Carlson and admits to using pills and antifreeze in her diary and admits to mixing drinks with poisons and admits she is a liar and a psycho and admits to poisoning a plasma donor and admits I was ill at the time and admits I cannot get help from police!

Near the end of Joan Wagar’s diary she admits she is a plasma donor intending to DONATE PLASMA!

A day or two later she outright admits she is a

poisoner at the end of her diary!

2006 A week later Joan Wagar writes her infamous denial letter denying her ongoing affair with officer Eric Carlson and denying she is a poisoner, everything in her denial letter is a lie and even her daughters were sleeping around with officer Eric Carlson and his partners, one of her daughters got pregnant at the time of Joan Wagar writing this by Eric Carlson’s partner David!

2006 By the time of Joan Wagar writing this written confession that she uses antifreeze as poison I was so debilitated at this time I was bedridden, Joan Wagar tossed this at me like it was a Frisbee because she wanted to see if I could get out of bed to try and find help or not, I could not!

2007 the hospital admits I had abominable pain and internal bleeding but fakes not knowing what’s wrong and once again refuses to take a toxicology test and ignores my complaints and covers up Joan Wagar’s written confessions she is a poisoner!

2007 Officer Eric Carlson brags to Clackamas Walmart employees he’s a twin and an alter ego and Walmart employee makes it known it is open knowledge at Clackamas Walmart he is a look-a-like to me and is using my wife Joan Wagar’s locker where my audio recorder was!

2008 Portland police and OHSU hospital admitting to covering up my calls for help and threatening me telling me I am not welcome to help at a hospital!

2008 Multnomah county sheriff’s covering up my calls for help and emails for help and are taunting me via their personal Blackberry emails!

2009 Police made sure I could not get help from any other hospital as well and no one will take a toxicology test! Officer Eric Carlson is one of the first responders to respond to my 911 call and he was NOT there to help!

2009 officer Eric Carlson and his bros in the Portland police and Joan Wagar made a audio death threat and broke into my home and put it on the computer, their using sound boards to say goodbye in multiple ways!
The same day I found their audio death threat the police parked a black car with the Oregon license plate “SAYLVU” on it in front of my apartment!

2009 Another Portland police officer caught on video acting as a double of me outside my apartment and he is with a female that is acting as a double of my daughter Megan Wagar, here is a picture of Megan Wagar with officer Eric Carlson’s partner David!

And here is video of a police officer acting as a double of me and he is with a female acting as a double to my daughter Megan Wagar!

07-10-2009 Officer Eric Carlson caught on video paying children TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to frame me as a pedophile outside my apartment and children admitted I will be killed and admitted my family members were involved!

2009 Two weeks later Officer Eric Carlson and his partners and my wife Joan Wagar are caught outside my apartment building trespassing and waiting in ambush to shoot me, they are armed with guns, recording devices, and flashlights,their car with the license plate “SAYLVU” is in the parking lot!

06-01-2014 Female sting operatives renting apartment below mine are deliberately placing small children in my path and then falsely labeling me as a pedophile!
They continue to frame me as a pedo with intent of opening fire on me!

Terry Wagar December 5, 2014 at 5:26 am

Pedophile rapist cops that committed a early morning break in and rape and murder of a child/teen in 2007 are gang-stalking and harassing and terrorizing me for being a witness and for catching them in the act of their crimes with a audio recorder and their currently using their police powers to rent apartments surrounding mine to further frame and terrorize me while they poison my tap water!
The apartment manager is helping them and is renting the apartment next door to the apartment the cops/sting operatives are using!

More evidence along with audio explanations by me!

Shawna Wagar stabbing/cutting me while I was asleep in the living room!

Portland police sting operatives renting apartments surrounding mine and they are caught on video wearing plan cloths and wearing a Portland police jacket!

Portland cop repeatedly hangs around my apartment and after I catch these cops stalking me on video they try hiding their red pickup truck behind some trees and have their vehicle in the visitor’s parking area proving they do not live here!

I am disabled from being poisoned by my wife while she was having sexual affairs with these officer’s and I am surrounded by gyuilty people that are sting operatives that are staging/committing crimes around my area and they are using officer’s as PHOTO DOUBLES to impersonate me and one of my daughters and I caught them on video using DOUBLES in front of my apartment!

These cops and their civilian sting operative girlfriends were putting death threats in my home along with planting paraphernalia in my home!

My wife Joan Wagar brags in writing to her affair with a Portland cop and brags I cannot get help from police and flaunts the fact she use’s antifreeze and pills as poison and admits she wants life insurance money’s and at the time Joan Wagar wrote this her daughter Megan Wagar was pregnant by Joan Wagar’s lovers partner David!

Terry Wagar December 5, 2014 at 5:27 am

My wife Joan Wagar was having an affair with a Portland cop named Eric Carlson and he was acting as a double to set me up as a pedophile!

When I found out my wife Joan Wagar was hooking our daughters up with a cop that was acting as a double I tried to warn people about it, and that’s when I was severely poisoned by Joan Wagar!

All of my wife’s coworkers at East Port Walmart were calling officer Eric Carlson by the nickname Doubleclick because they knew he was acting as a double, and after my wife Joan Wagar poisoned me everyone at East Port Walmart started calling my wife by the nickname Mrs Dash!

Police used their power of influence to cover up the poisonings at the hospital and I was repeatedly denied emergency services because of police influence and interference at the hospital!

Shawna Wagar admits in writing to making false pedophile accusations about me and this occurred when my mother and father were poisoned and murdered by local police and by my wife Joan Wagar!

April 2005 officer Eric Carlson and Joan Wagar adopted and actively used the nicknames Doubleclick and Mrs Dash in love letters and in their cellphones and it was East Port Walmart employees that first coined their nicknames!

December 2005 I confronted my wife Joan Wagar with a audio recorder over that love letter Doubleclick the body double wrote my wife and she admits it’s her love letter but refuses to admit to her nickname because she is trying to hide the fact she is a poisoner and that it is open knowledge at East Port Walmart, she still also is trying to hide the fact Eric Carlson is a cop and a look-a-like to me!

2006 because of police influence Joan Wagar aced a lie detector test I payed for!

2006 Two months later Joan Wagar A,K,A, Mrs Dash admits in her diary she lied on that lie detector test and admits to her affair with officer Eric Carlson and admits to using pills and antifreeze in her diary and admits to mixing drinks with poisons and admits she is a liar and a psycho and admits to poisoning a plasma donor and admits I was ill at the time and admits I cannot get help from police!

Near the end of Joan Wagar’s diary she admits she is a plasma donor intending to DONATE PLASMA!

A day or two later she outright admits she is a

poisoner at the end of her diary!

2006 A week later Joan Wagar writes her infamous denial letter denying her ongoing affair with officer Eric Carlson and denying she is a poisoner, everything in her denial letter is a lie and even her daughters were sleeping around with officer Eric Carlson and his partners, one of her daughters got pregnant at the time of Joan Wagar writing this by Eric Carlson’s partner David!

2006 By the time of Joan Wagar writing this written confession that she uses antifreeze as poison I was so debilitated at this time I was bedridden, Joan Wagar tossed this at me like it was a Frisbee because she wanted to see if I could get out of bed to try and find help or not, I could not!

2007 the hospital admits I had abominable pain and internal bleeding but fakes not knowing what’s wrong and once again refuses to take a toxicology test and ignores my complaints and covers up Joan Wagar’s written confessions she is a poisoner!

2007 Officer Eric Carlson brags to Clackamas Walmart employees he’s a twin and an alter ego and Walmart employee makes it known it is open knowledge at Clackamas Walmart he is a look-a-like to me and is using my wife Joan Wagar’s locker where my audio recorder was!

2008 Portland police and OHSU hospital admitting to covering up my calls for help and threatening me telling me I am not welcome to help at a hospital!

2008 Multnomah county sheriff’s covering up my calls for help and emails for help and are taunting me via their personal Blackberry emails!

2009 Police made sure I could not get help from any other hospital as well and no one will take a toxicology test! Officer Eric Carlson is one of the first responders to respond to my 911 call and he was NOT there to help!

2009 officer Eric Carlson and his bros in the Portland police and Joan Wagar made a audio death threat and broke into my home and put it on the computer, their using sound boards to say goodbye in multiple ways!
The same day I found their audio death threat the police parked a black car with the Oregon license plate “SAYLVU” on it in front of my apartment!

2009 Another Portland police officer caught on video acting as a double of me outside my apartment and he is with a female that is acting as a double of my daughter Megan Wagar, here is a picture of Megan Wagar with officer Eric Carlson’s partner David!

And here is video of a police officer acting as a double of me and he is with a female acting as a double to my daughter Megan Wagar!

07-10-2009 Officer Eric Carlson caught on video paying children TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to frame me as a pedophile outside my apartment and children admitted I will be killed and admitted my family members were involved!

2009 Two weeks later Officer Eric Carlson and his partners and my wife Joan Wagar are caught outside my apartment building trespassing and waiting in ambush to shoot me, they are armed with guns, recording devices, and flashlights,their car with the license plate “SAYLVU” is in the parking lot!

06-01-2014 Female sting operatives renting apartment below mine are deliberately placing small children in my path and then falsely labeling me as a pedophile!
They continue to frame me as a pedo with intent of opening fire on me!

hum_dinger December 5, 2014 at 8:01 am

A couple suggestions – 1) where’s all the money going in chester county? What is not said is all the new fire stations, ambulance stations and new “gateway” center. Chester county needs an independent audit very very badly. The same folks on that council just recently granted themselves not only a large increase in property taxes, they also lobbied for (and got) a 1c county wide sales tax. Spending is out of control – the things people actually need are brushed off. 2) Perhaps chester should just follow Detroit’s model – just dont patrol certain areas. Let people know up front that certain areas will not be patrolled, certain areas will have no police response, and reduce staff. Then those remaining on force can be equipped with bullitproof vests and military equipment. 3) There is nothing wrong with hand-me-downs. Chester could buy some computer equipment 2nd hand – i buy second hand equipment for my business all the time and its worked out fine. Not everything needs to be brand new.


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