Our Dependent State
PALMETTO STATE RELIES DISPROPORTIONATELY ON THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT By FITSNEWS || South CarolinaYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
By FITSNEWS || South Carolina
How interesting that the most liberal states are the least dependent on the federal government.
Yes, you’d think they’d be all for cheering on secession. I don’t understand why they aren’t.
That would require effort. These idiots couldn’t muster enough effort to secede themselves from the buffet at Golden Corral.
LMAO!!! They just rape the taxpayers for their lawless and perverted adventures.
California is spending over $150 Million of taxpayer $$$’s for additional DMV services so ILLEGALS can get driver licence’s.
again you ignore facts and just sprout total shit..stay on topic simple one..the facts are that SC takes far more than it gives which is the same for every red state and yet..the hypocrisy is mind blowing and you are the perfect example..probably never left the state of SC but you know everything about everywhere else because you so smart..
Nikki has BLOWN 150 mill just on lawsuits in 4 years. LYAO stupid.
Liberal states do pay higher taxes, but every measure of well-being is better than most southern states. Schools, healthcare, innovation, infrastructure, job creation. I’d pay taxes for a state government that works for the people. Instead of this dictatorship shit here in SC.
Schools, healthcare, innovation, infrastructure, job creation.
So, what is South Carolina’s ranking on those things?
Oh. Right.
Somewhere near the bottom, on the flipside we are near the top of violent crime, obesity rates, domestic violence, child abuse, and corruption
Fatness means we’re not starving.
Hey, don’t forget we set the bar for venereal disease.
Hire a ” Rocket Scientist ” he should have a answer in 150 years !
How interesting that the states with the highest percentage of minorities are the most dependent.
Black people didn’t ruin the south, the south ruined black people.
Ever been to the continent of Africa?
We love to tell the Feds to fuck off while we take much more than we give. We also love to assail the welfare queens and free phone craving thugs who won’t get a job. All this while we are, in essence, a complete welfare state.
I couldn’t say it better than Jeb Bartlett. Fast forward to about the 2:00 minute mark.
We would have to start from scratch to completely revamp our society. We would have to force black men to acknowledge and care for their kids, and actually raise them with money they get from a steady job. When will this happen? Whites are just as guilty. And if we tried to do this on a mass scale, everyone would scream that their “freedom” and “liberty” were being taken away. Go figure.
Sic Willie says SC is dumb. I guess in his book taking in more dollars from the federal government than we send them must be dumb.
No. I think he’s pointing out the hypocrisy of the Palmetto State, in which, not only are the residents dependent on the feds(despite rallying against it), but more than most otger states.
Apparently you have never seen the scene in Casablanca when Capt Renault collects his winnings while shutting down Rick’s for gambling. Its all about positive cash flow.
I’ve always thought that states (like ours) who oppose any federal intervention should not receive any. By way of federal funding, military bases, and the like. If you wanna go it alone, then do it. Watch how fast attitudes change, when you have to pay back any, and all monies to the Feds. Have to pay tolls to fly in US airspace, have a passport to go to Georgia. This would be funny.
After visiting the WalletHub Best and Worst sites, I find it interesting that of their 48 experts only one is not from Academia and he is form the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Those that can do, those that can’t are experts in the bastion of liberalism, Academia.
All you experts keep sucking up those tax dollars because on the outside you would have to produce something of value.
So, your argument is that any study by people who are measurably intelligent or have expertise in the subject matter is not to be trusted?
I didn’t say it shouldn’t be trusted, trust what ever you wish, I just stated some facts.
Thermometers are no the only thing with degrees and no brains.
Trust a one way view, no matter what. That is the Idoitcam way.
That can’t beeeeee! Fox News says Librulz are the takers in society not conservatives.
Can we just break SC off and send it floating into the Atlantic? No one would ever notice it was missing.
Lets make sure that you are on the part floating out to sea.
I truly welcome stories like this. It is good to see these statistics pointed out because we often ignore them. SC has way too many people getting government checks, and yet these same people rail against the government and bitch about “handouts.” Duhhhhh. Don’t forget–we are first in violence against women–I think.
They are called the “Tea Party” base. Wannabe rebels, without a clue.
Where’s GrandTango? He’s awfully quiet on this one. Wonder why???
He’s right by the mailbox…looking for a hand from the man!
A couple of factors to consider:
SC has a disproportionate amount of military bases and facilities. These attract a large number of federal dollars, but one could argue that they provide a service and benefit (defense) to the entire country.
SC has a disproportionate number of retirees–many of whom moved here from northern and/or ‘blue’ states to escape the high cost of living and nasty winters. These retirees tend to pay less (in some cases, none) federal taxes and receive more federal benefits in the form of social security and Medicare.
There is a lot more to it than just what’s in the click bait article or in the probably heavily biased study. All factors, as you say, have not been considered. You do have to look at demographics along with the industrial landscape to get a true picture. I’ll take the article and study with a grain of salt.
It is difficult to say that numbers of military bases and facilities are “disproportionate”. Based on what? There are a lot of navy bases in states bordering the oceans, In the midwest, not so much.
And those retirees vote every chance they get!!!
And it ain’t for anything that will cost a penny more all the while using government services at a high rate plus getting every ‘senior citizen” discount they can get their gray panther paws on!!!
Someone else has to make up the difference!!!!
That pic is gotta be coming from NC on US 25 into Greenville County
Where’s the “Nikki Haley – Governor” part??????
The highway dept took it down after being assured by the nuts on this board that she would be soundly defeated and not be reelected.
We really started going downhill when South of the Border billboards stopped using the Pedro image with the broken Mexican/English dialect. Take about a cave in to political correctness!