Good Stuff

Programming Note

ANTIQUING AND LEAF-PEEPING …  By FITSNEWS  ||  Just a heads up that posting will be light this weekend as our founding editor travels to North Carolina for some antiquing and leaf peeping with his wife, the lovely Mrs. Sic Willie. Wait … what?  “Antiquing and leaf-peeping?”  On a weekend with…


By FITSNEWS  ||  Just a heads up that posting will be light this weekend as our founding editor travels to North Carolina for some antiquing and leaf peeping with his wife, the lovely Mrs. Sic Willie.

Wait … what?  “Antiquing and leaf-peeping?”  On a weekend with multiple Top Ten college football match-ups?

Um … yeah.  Man card revocation in full effect.

Where will they be?  That’s for the two lovebirds to know … although it’s a safe bet they’ll be fastidiously following the unfurling fall foliage found in the region.  And yes – that may be the most ridiculous sentence ever posted to this website.

“The best fall color now is in lower elevations and valleys, including Lake Lure and Chimney Rock areas,” the website Romantic Asheville reports.  “Plus, Lake James and South Mountains State Parks will be great places for fall hikes this week.

Word …


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CorruptionInColumbia November 7, 2014 at 8:57 am

Enjoy yourselves. Sounds like a great trip. It will be interesting to see what kind of hell breaks loose while you are gone. In the past, some of the biggest news stories seem to have broken when Will left town.

“When the cat’s away…”

shifty henry November 7, 2014 at 9:13 am

be not concerned – the ladies will fill in……

diamond jim November 7, 2014 at 9:37 am

Be good for Will to get his mind off Nikki-think she could slip an article in while he is gone? :-)

davisandrew884 November 7, 2014 at 9:48 am

A site is giving 950$ on completing a task in a week from home and have more time with family & friends. My friend has been averaging 100$ daily now. I can’t believe how simple it was once I tried it out. This is what I do now

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sparklecity November 7, 2014 at 9:47 am

I thought South Carolina had everything anyone would want to do or see……………
Surely FITS is not admitting by his actual TRAVELING and VISITING the mountains of the Tarheel State that there are other places prettier (and definately with less trash on the roadside) than the be all and end all that is the “Palmetto State”???
But then again everyone knows that God is a Tarheel because the skies today (and for most of this weekend) are CAROLINA BLUE!!!!!
One aded note: that road in the picture is scarier than hell if you are on a motorcycle, You take a curve like that on a bike at an unsafe speed and you will come down with a sudden and acute case of “road rash”
Anyhoo, enjoy the beauty of the mountains of the great state of North Carolina!!!!!!!

Bible Thumper November 7, 2014 at 9:49 am

Fill up on cheap gas in Spartanburg. Enjoy those North Carolina roads paid for with higher NC gas tax.

Not A 20 Something Dipshit November 7, 2014 at 10:04 am

“… And yes – that may be the most ridiculous sentence ever posted to this website.”

Fear not, Sic. The airhead Taylor Brown has it all rolled up.

GaryJR November 7, 2014 at 10:24 am

You have missed peak leaves up there by 2 weeks.

RogueElephant November 7, 2014 at 10:37 am

It’s hard to believe I have been out of NC for fifty years. I started out in the mountains squirrell hunting in the fall and ended up on the outer banks fishing. Then along came life. My old home state has gone from conservative Democrat to liberal Democrat and is now trending back to conservative Republican. My only question is , what is it about progressivism that lures otherwise right thinking people to fall for it ? The liberal lie has failed everywhere it has been tried and free market capitalism has succeeded everywhere it has been tried. How many times dose one system get to fail before politicians get a clue ? Oh well. Have a great weekend , the higher in the mountains you go the closer to God you are.

sparklecity November 7, 2014 at 1:01 pm

“The higher in the mountains you go the closer to God you are”
yeah, till you go further north to eastern Kentucky,southwest Virginia and southern to middle West Virginia (my home state) and witness the rape of the land know as strip mining. You can thank those same free market types who don’t give a shit about envrionmental responsibility and gaze out over the flattened and naked mountaintops that are changed forever.
Not to mention the coal ash spill along the Dan River earlier this year due to a fuck up by those free market loving folks at Duke Power who didn’t want to properly maintain a coal ash pond.
i will be happy to take your rouge elephant ass to my home town where there hasen’t been a healthy population of squirrel or deer in ages due to strip mining (I’m a hunter too).
If there WERE coal in the mountains of North and South Carolina you can bet that would have been the same situation (probably much worse here in South Carolina because some of these folks would sell their mother’s grave to make a buck and then go on and on about their “heritage” being destroyed).
Sure is a funny thing about your type, you find an excuse to slide in a slice of self-righteous conservatism into every subject.
Your type is no different than whiney liberals who do the same fucking thing.
I’m sick of both sides myself.

BTW, the last time I visited the Outer Banks it sure as hell did not appear to be a bastion of Republican conservatism.
Let BP put up a string of oil derricks from Buxton to Nags Head and see how that “free market” song goes back in Raleigh let alone the Outer Banks!!!!!

John Grisham November 7, 2014 at 1:18 pm

Surface mining is the truly bad act

RogueElephant November 7, 2014 at 6:35 pm

I remember back in 69 when I went to my last duty assignment in Denver. We went through that area as I had to go to Moline , Ill. on the way. It was really a mess. Here is one of the few times when the environmental wackos got it right. Clean up your own mess. A good idea then and now. In Europe they make a plant on a river have it’s intake down stream from it’s exhaust. Another good idea. A little forethought and planning could save vast amounts of money and messes to clean up. But that is no reason to be down on all business. Most business people also live in their communities and interact with their workers and fellow residents. Please don’t color all business people with the same brush. My wife’s family is from WVA so I have seen the other side of mining. There was a mountain near where her mother was from that the coal company cut the entire top off of and made building lots on the flat area when they finished. Some of the highest priced building lots in the entire area. They were flat. As bad as it was years ago things tend to level out, no pun intended , with time.

Surface Mines suck November 8, 2014 at 7:28 am

some of the coal companies take the top off of the mine, take the coal, bankrupt the corporation and fail to pay the landowners, then leave a mess behind that no individual could ever afford to remedy on their own. Just for starters. And if you think that the regulatory issues are overkill just take a peak at any Charleston, WV newspaper where they list the most recent violations. One company recently had 147 violations AT ONE SITE for blasting on state holidays.

On first glance I thought what’s the big deal about blasting on holidays. Then it occurred to me, these are the days when the regulators are not working. So the mining companies do their dirty work on those days and take the little tickets and pay them. The gubment is off the hook and the mining conglomerates send boulders down the mountain that may end up killing someone. Coal may keep me warm down here but it is destroying peoples lives elsewhere. As Americans we get all worked up about an African killing an elephant for the ivory and a payday but we don’t give two thoughts to the widespread harm and damage that coal is doing now, here at home.

RogueElephant November 8, 2014 at 8:07 am

So I should peel off my “Friend of Coal” bumper sticker ?

SCPSD November 7, 2014 at 1:57 pm

C’mon on over the SCPSD. We respect you. And we’re not always going on Vacay. We don’t pander to corrupt, pay-off politicians or racists and liberals..and we’re ALMOST always right… :)

Fuck You November 7, 2014 at 3:28 pm

Go suck on a tailpipe.

SCPSD November 7, 2014 at 4:52 pm

That you FITS..or is it your “genius” Karl Marx, who you hired to combat me? LMAO…

SC Top Commenter November 7, 2014 at 5:22 pm

You have plenty of lube? You’re comments seem to always be ” on the bottom.”

Brudda From Another Mother November 7, 2014 at 2:05 pm

Happy Trails To You Both …… Please drive safely. We want to see you back here next week ~

SC Political Digest November 7, 2014 at 3:28 pm

Mr Folks, I have been meaning to extend the olive branch to you since the overwhelming victory of Republicans over liberal tarians this past Tuesday night.
In as much as you are going on vacay to a nice part of the world, I was thinking I would offer to ride along with you and the Mrs and we could talk politics and how we might be able to cement an alliance with your journalistic resources and abilities and mine.

Don’t worry about extra expense. I could sleep on the usual second bed that comes with most motel rooms these days or at the foot of the king size bed if that is the only thing the room has. Don’t get upset if I critique any romantic moves you have with the wife while staying in the room on your dime. I won’t be any more intrusive with that than I am using your blog to promote my own. I would just tell you how you are doing it wrong and how I would do it if it were me.

I hope you take me up on my offer and contact me before you leave town. My bag is packed.

SCPSD November 7, 2014 at 4:32 pm

Some cliches are true…but the one regarding imitation and flattery is way overblown…or at least w/ the imitators is so pathetically inept… (:

Two birds, etc. November 8, 2014 at 7:32 am

If I were Will I would take you up on your offer. However, when we got to mile marker 371 on the Blue Ridge Parkway you would need wings. Understand?

FastEddy23 November 7, 2014 at 8:50 pm

FITs: U R under attack (again). … Slow loading Final Fantasy XIV fan blog software/graphics/interactive messaging now susceptible … new version available?

9" November 8, 2014 at 5:16 am

Man?! Like,man,I ain’t calling you a man,man,cause like,man,you ain’t a man,man.


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