Palmetto State Donkeys Get Punched Out
DEMOCRATS ENDURE MAJOR “ASS” WHOOPING IN SOUTH CAROLINA … By FITSNEWS || Twenty You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
By FITSNEWS || Twenty
FITS BENT OVER and REAMED….Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…
Where are all the DUMB@$$#$….???..LMAO….Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha….Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…
“Where are all the DUMB@$$#$….???”
Over at SCPD.
And the owner is over here because nobody gives a shit about her blog.
What do you mean “all”. Grand Tango is only dumbass over there.
“All” can mean one or many.
GT, did your mom cranking up her vibrator cause the site outage at Fits?
I think Sheheen got donkey punched.
You got the S#!t kicked out of you too, you stupid son of a B!t*h….Why dis-own yours now?…LMAO…
Shut up before I come over, bitch slap your husband and donkey punch you in front of your kids and parents.
Typical stupid liberal Dumb@$$. Run your mouth, and when you get the p!$$ slapped out of you- like I told you was coming – …you want to fight…HAHAHAHA…Priceless…LMAO…Thank you so much for playing…
Why aren’t you updating your blog? Because nobody cares?
Speaking of coming, your old man should have pulled out and shot you on your mother’s curtains.
Gilligan ran a truly awful campaign but his margin of loss is beyond even the most optimistic projections. His “whore” comment likely cost him votes but 20%!?!
Bull$#!t Dumb@$$. Sheheen had $100,000 a day in free media given to him by the establishment media…and that MoFo still gets the shit kicked out of him. Yall are just sorry S#!t at governing…Why do you have to lie about who, and what you are, when the people slap the S#!t out of you w/ reality…
I’m puzzled, since I have made no bones about the fact that I was supporting Haley, albeit as the least bad candidate, how did I become a “Democrat complaining about losing” in your addled mind?
Why do you insist on trying to have rational conversation with crazy people?
Truthfully, I’m at a remote training base in Wisconsin with nothing better to do.
Wow, that’s really sad. Can’t you engage rocks in conversation or something?
Hopefully cranking up an A-10B squadron for that base west of the Bag.
Best of luck, keep in touch.
Nothing that cool, just getting ready for a big exercise in May.
You’re a Joe Scarborough chameleon. You stand in the middle and jump to the side that looks like it’s going to win, acting like you’re the strongest supporter in the bunch, after the fact.
You’re an idiot. I’ve been calling this for Haley since the campaign really got started. The same for Graham and Scott. You really need to get back on the meds. The only issue I have is that Gilligan should have done 10-15% better than he did. I didn’t think the whore comment was that big a deal but that’s the only reason I can find for his abysmal showing.
Col..don’t waste your typing breath. I’m beginning to think Big T is a bot.
You could have picked Democrats to lose even w/ a minimal amount of sense. So that’s not such a big deal. To be lukewarm, when the alternative is Obama policy, is the better window to your level of “intelligence.” To me you are the epitome of a pack-think media led dolt.
If you are reluctant to leave the Ds after all the damage they’ve done, it does not speak well of you.
This whole “whore-gate” BS is just that, Bull Shit … I’ve never been more disgusted by media pundits (w/ the exception of The State, and a couple of other ‘semi’-respected outlets) on this issue (as if it was one in the first place) in my life … As someone who has done countless public (and private) speeches, (but probably 50% less than VS) I, as I’m sure a good # of your readers can attest to, have, “fumbled my words” more than
once … I guarantee 99% of voters NEVER heard the fucking audio … NOT that it would have mattered in the whole scheme of things as VS prob would have lost by 10-12 on a good day …#NOTAGOODDAYINSC
You’ve touched on the quandary. If Haley was as bad as everyone on Fits claims (she’s not) then as bad as Gilligan’s campaign was it should have still been much closer. Haley has had a ton of bad press, some of it hyped, some of it bovine excreta and some of it deserved but Vince hasn’t had any bad press except for the whore thing. His decision to come out on the flag cost him votes as well but damn!
Clearly, deserved or not, “whoregate” cost Vinny, as did his position on the flag. Being painted with the democrat brush cost him as well but do all of those things account for the trouncing he took?
It was a slip of the tongue, could of happened to anyone. It was his reaction, laughing like a drunk hillbilly, that put his true character to the test.
LMAO!!! You commented a few weeks ago that you might NOT vote for Haley?
You also predicted a 4-6% Haley victory. How does Sheheen under performing by 10% get you to the 17% Haley victory?
You’re clearly right Zirconium Jim, I did predict a much closer race and have mea culpa’ed about it all night while looking for some good reason for the disparity. So in your political genius, why did Haley wind up so far ahead – please begin what I’m sure will be an enlightening post.
Given that what likely threw the 2010 race to Haley was Folks’ sex claims, it’s not much of a stretch to think ‘whore’ would motivate the same bunch that fell for that…she’s their girl and they have to defend her.
Why the hell did the dems run Vince again? It never works to run again against the person who beat you before.
Shouldn’t you be over updating your blog?
Must be more action over here!
He wants someone to read his bullshit for a change, I suppose.
Democrats don’t mind being donkey punched. It just means they’re sexually progressive.
They’ll be able to marry their donkeys, and get government bennies, if you give Barack two more years…LMAO…
This might come as a surprise to you, but “donkey punch” isn’t literal.
yeah.. no difference between the parties…
bullies need love too.
Time to pick out another whine.
Evil blossoms when good men don’t whine.
“… attributed to Plato, that said “The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” …” – WikiQuote
It’s a conundrum.
Evil blossoms when good men don’t whine.
Senator Scott by 66+%!
Now He is the Magic Man! Congrat’s all around.
There has to be more than the power of incumbency here.
A good decent man as well as a great conservative Republican. What more could you want in a senator. Pitty we only have one.
I don’t get the American party running someone against Scott. She seemed pretty reasonable and well spoken in the debate. She should’ve run against Graham.
The Dims are perfectly happy with Graham.
I’m glad I didn’t waste my time voting.
Stephen Goldfinch! Screw you nasty Vida Miller!
The fact that McMaster is a member of a whites only country club makes him the perfect republican.
And to think Harry Reid and the Democrats out spent the evil Koch brothers.
That’s nonsense. The Koch Brothers have ties to so many dark money PACs there is no way to determine how much the spent. Not to mention organization affiliated with them. Needless to say the GOP benefited heavily from PACs and Dark Money. But that is the new way. We will simply have to live with it until the public gets tired of the corruption.
I’m not sure the Dems have “officially ceased to exist.” I think it is that the party has just had terrible leadership. We ran Sheheen for lack of a better choice. If a really charismatic Dem candidate appeared on the scene I think you’d see a real pick-up in Dem party enthusiasm. Remember how the Obama crowd outshone the party in 2008? That can happen again.
I foresee Haley running the state into a ditch before she bails out Palin-like. And I, as a senior, am scared to death of what McMaster is going to do, or try to do, to make life miserable for seniors.
We’re in for a tough two years with bitterness and backbiting being the hallmarks. Good luck and God bless, everyone!
I’m sorry, but if Jesus himself ran as a Democrat in SC, he would be trounced. Probably labeled a socialist, Christian hating liberal.
I think the members of Legislative Black Caucus should all join the GOP.
They have worked together with the Republicans (including the first ‘no’ vote for the Amazon tax break with the SC TEA Party wing of the GOP) for the last 20+ years to draw districts through 2 Census cycles which are beneficial to white Republicans and black Democrats while decimating the white Democratic districts.
I think the Black Legislative Caucus deserve to be in the majority party. When they stop and think about it, they will realize they will have even more leverage than they had and showed with Amazon.
And, they all need to join ALEC and get some of those goodies that, per SC law, they don’t even have to report as the ill-gotten gains from lobbyists, just like their GOP buddies.
Backs don’t vote. Enough said. Why cater to them?
Full of sound and fury signifying nothing, as Shakespeare said.
Where were the blacks, Miss Dickerson? Mr. Sheheen?
How is it that in 2014 you do not have blacks coming to the polls to exercise the rights they won in 1965 under Prez. Johnson??? Two generations have grown up since the 60s and they are no better off today.
Why have a massive civil rights movement if blacks will not exercise their voting rights?
Why “give” rights to people if they take it for granted, if they do not give a damn? if they do not care? is this not why blood was shed in the 50s and 60s in the South? blacks were Jim Crowed for decades.
If every eligible black voted yesterday, the Dems would have swept the state, perhaps.
For years, Jesse Jackson ran his big mouth in Greenville bitching about civil rights. To what effect? to whose gain? Cui bono? the Republicans, that’s who. The GOP knows that if it wants to stop a liberal agenda, it needs to get its ass to the polls and vote against the party of liberalism. They do it over and over successfully.
Where was the black vote? where was the Dem vote to stop the conservative march into the future, which is now a Juggernaut? WHERE?
I am pissed off.
The Dems deserve to be the minority and I am tired of supporting them.
What do you expect with a party being dominated by Jean Toal (old inherited money), Sam Tenenbaum,(old inherited money) and Jim Clyburn (token)?
Stupid is as stupid does, i.e. Forrest Gump!
South Carolina #1 in Stupid, and does it all the time.
Amazing how dumb ass and completely ill informed our voters really are.
Haley will probably be Indicted by the Feds in a few months, along with a bunch of her henchman/gals. Just Amazing stupidity, only exceeded by the complete ineptness of the Democrats. Criminals or Bobble heads what choices are these?
There effectively is no Democratic Party in South Carolina and there hasn’t been for a very long time. That’s why our state has so prospered and advanced. South Carolina is a veritable Republican garden of eden.
I don’t know if anyone noticed, but house district 90 was almost won by a republican. Anyone from around there knows how incredible that would have been. But I really think that is is a result of the voter id law. A lot of the dead voters just never showed up yesterday.