
Cell Phone Campaigning

THE ELECTION HAS BEEN “MOBILIZED …” By FITSNEWS || Since the 2014 midterm election cycle appears to be a “done deal” at both the national and state level, we might as well amuse ourselves with the peripherals of the race – including lessons to be learned from the race that’s…


By FITSNEWS || Since the 2014 midterm election cycle appears to be a “done deal” at both the national and state level, we might as well amuse ourselves with the peripherals of the race – including lessons to be learned from the race that’s about to enter the history books.

One item worth considering?  The rise of mobile electioneering …

We’re referring to the “increasingly prominent role” cell phones and social media platforms play in disseminating information about candidates.

“The proportion of Americans who use their cell phones to track political news or campaign coverage has doubled compared with the most recent midterm election: 28 percent of registered voters have used their cell phone in this way during the 2014 campaign, up from 13 percent in 2010,” a new report from the Pew Center reveals. “Further, the number of Americans who follow candidates or other political figures on social media has also risen sharply: 16 percent of registered voters now do this, up from 6 percent in 2010.”

Among voters aged 30-49, the percentage who use their cell phone to follow the election jumped from 15 percent to 40 percent – while the percentage who followed candidates on social media climbed from 6 percent to 21 percent.

Data like that is literally changing the way campaigns are run in the future …

Breaking down the psychology of this rise in mobile news consumption, 41 percent of respondents said finding out about news before other people was a “major factor” in their use of the technology – up from 22 percent in 2010.

Interesting stuff in what is otherwise shaping up to be a real yawner of an election night …


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tomstickler November 3, 2014 at 4:25 pm

Goldfinch has paid more than $10,000 for web services in this election cycle. We’ll know in a couple of days whether that was well spent.

ScrewedNSC November 3, 2014 at 8:19 pm

According to Goldfinch’s federal case docket, it is still listed as a felony! How is he even running. Only thing he should be running for the soap on a rope.


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