Stacked Decks In Jasper County

MODERN DAY “SLAVE TRADE” ALIVE AND WELL …  By FITSNEWS  ||  When it comes to the failure of government-run education, Jasper County, S.C. is a case study.  It’s the worst school district in the worst statewide system in America – a breeding ground for generational failure. Wanna see the dysfunction for…


By FITSNEWS  ||  When it comes to the failure of government-run education, Jasper County, S.C. is a case study.  It’s the worst school district in the worst statewide system in America – a breeding ground for generational failure.

Wanna see the dysfunction for yourself?  Click HERE.

Anyway, this week one of the primary architects of this dysfunction – S.C. Senator Clementa Pinckney – sent out an email to the Rev. Joseph Darby, an influential Lowcountry religious leader and NAACP official.  The purpose of Pinckney’s missive?  To rally black support behind the redrawing of electoral lines in Jasper County.

“Please pass to all that maybe concerned with this important issue,” Pinckney wrote to Darby. “Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.”

Darby, of course, blasted Pinckney’s email to his list of black religious leaders.

“Please take note of the info below from Senator Pinckney, share it with your membership and urge folks to show up and – for those who are comfortable in doing so – to speak out,” he wrote.  “It’s a sure bet that those who oppose fairness and equity will be there in large numbers, so we need to be there too.”

Really … those who oppose “fairness?”

Last time we checked, Pinckney had a curious definition of “fairness” when it came to such endeavors.  To wit: Earlier this year the veteran Senator – who is no stranger to enabling corrupt black bureaucrats in failing government-run school districts – pushed through legislation that gerrymandered district lines in Colleton County.

These lines, according to a local newspaper, made “unexplained jumps across obvious natural boundaries they had been following.”

Why did Pinckney do it?  Because school board members had the audacity to fire a corrupt local superintendent who was caught red-handed misusing public funds for personal purposes and hiring felons.  This superintendent was also at the center of a massive grade tampering scandal … calling into question the academic gains she and her supporters frequently touted in defending her administration.

The lines were redrawn so that these board member would lose their seats.

Anyway …

In rallying black churches to support Pinckney’s latest assault on electoral integrity, Darby made an interesting comment about the “large numbers” of parishioners who needed to “speak out.”

“This is especially true for the Jasper County Churches, but I’ve sent this to all of you, since those present won’t know whether the black folks sitting in the audience are from Jasper County or not,” he wrote.

Wow … really?  If that’s not “practicing to deceive” we don’t know what is.

And this is coming from a pastor … to a group of pastors!

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again but South Carolina’s government-run school system is nothing but taxpayer-subsidized enslavement – with so-called black “leaders” preserving their positions of power and influence by perpetuating the generational abandonment of their own people.

“Pinckney is consumed with maintaining his power and control over the African-American community and perpetuating the hopelessness of black youth by ensuring their education continues to leave them unprepared to function in the real world,” one local opponent of the redistricting tells FITS.

We concur …

It’s tragic … and no one is doing anything to stop it.   Even so-called “conservative” Gov. Nikki Haley has abandoned the free market reforms needed to turn this system around and embraced the failed status quo.


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Deo Vindice SC October 30, 2014 at 11:01 am

Nikki would get my vote if she would given Georgia Jasper county along with the port deal.

Dave Chappelle I'm Rick James October 30, 2014 at 12:12 pm

Throw Hampton county in too. It’s a package deal. Hooray!

scotty October 30, 2014 at 11:11 am

I had the experience to watch the process at the Court House when General Sessions was being held. Dozens of defendants going trough like cattle in one door and out the other to jail/prison. Doubt if GA. would want the crime infested shit hole.

Just another guy October 30, 2014 at 11:23 am

The funny part of all of this is the membership in black churches is dropping pretty quickly. The 35 and under black person does not go to church any more. It is just the old black people that do and they are dieing off.

Tazmaniac October 30, 2014 at 12:02 pm

Wait………are you saying Pastors, even Black ones aren’t beyond reproach? :-0 Of course they are paying taxes so they can say whatever they want, right?

Kel Champlin November 24, 2014 at 4:24 am

Snorts… Ask me what I’ve been told about a particular pastor ( also a county employee) and a mobile home in a neighboring county. Yep. They’re all such angels…..

Bible Thumper October 30, 2014 at 12:23 pm Reply
Sandi Morals October 30, 2014 at 12:36 pm

and…the Obama Victory Fund , Begich(D) Alaska and Pryor(D) Arkansas…

southmauldin October 30, 2014 at 1:13 pm

Why don’t you two get a room – Big T’s basement, provided you’re not already there.

Sandi Morals October 30, 2014 at 1:36 pm

How much did the self-identified Independent Republican and old lady get you for? :-)

Deo Vindice SC October 30, 2014 at 2:16 pm

I’m horny for you Sandi, the cow last night was good, but not enough, Gomer.

Deo Vindice SC October 30, 2014 at 5:22 pm

Sandi, I’ll show you a gomer, please !!!

Deo Vindice SC October 30, 2014 at 5:16 pm

Romney supported the ATAF fund and contributed 1.0 million, point is ?

Native Ink October 30, 2014 at 1:15 pm

S.C. screwed counties like Jasper when it linked school funding to local property taxes. Like it always does, S.C. steals money from out-of-state taxpayers by using federal Title 1 money, but that only goes so far to help the schools.

Deo Vindice SC October 30, 2014 at 2:14 pm

What is a republican shit state supposed to do ? Work for the people ? Please.

Kel Champlin November 24, 2014 at 4:34 am

The Jasper County School District, with fewer than 3, 000 students, has a budget of more than 26 million. The County, with around 27,000 residents, has a budget of around 24 million. Could be a little higher, but I know that the School District budget far outstrips the entire county budget this year.
You are more than welcome to explain that away – and please realize that Title I funds have NOTHING to do with that, although those funds are involved in the current Federal investigation….

TontoBubbaGoldstein October 30, 2014 at 3:04 pm


First Ebola…now this?
(TBG rushes out to buy pharmaceutical stocks.)

Really? October 30, 2014 at 5:26 pm

“South Carolina’s government-run school system is nothing but taxpayer-subsidized enslavement –”

No it isn’t, you dumbass.

Beartrkkr October 30, 2014 at 5:36 pm

Wonder what wonderful private school in Jasper County is available to teach all these students? The entire leadership in the county is likely corrupt. To think giving money to a “private educational enterprise” in that county will be anything other than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic is ludicrous.

“I’d like to welcome all you new students (and your money) to the new Pinckney – Darby school for academic schoolin’.”

idiotwind October 31, 2014 at 12:27 pm

isn’t this an example of the ‘local control’ that Jindal loudly supports elsewhere on this site?

Lobeco October 31, 2014 at 12:52 pm

Don’t worry! It has been touted that 2 FBI agents have been sentenced to Jasper County to investigate. So far, NOTHING! Who has shut them down? The Democrats are running the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s office and don’t even try to hide it any more.

Kel Champlin November 24, 2014 at 4:21 am

Having just lost a county council bid here in Jasper County by a 432 vote margin – that was strictly black and white? Politics in Jasper County is scary as Hell.
Pinckney admitted to me – on recording, while I was a staff-writer for the local paper – that he did not live in his District. His family -wife and kids, i.e. “domicile”, according to SC law – live in Aiken County in his in-law’s home. The house that he owns with his wife is in Lexington. He “stays” in a room in a mobile home owned by a relative while here in Jasper County.
Yeah, right. A pastor who is THAT concerned with appearances stays in a borrowed room and claims it as his home address?
You MUST be joking. That’s insane!
I have yet to see him, his wife or his kids here on a basis that doesn’t involve a parade or a bill that he has a direct interest in. I have never seen his family, to be honest. Have never seen him in the local grocery stores or gas stations…. We don’t have many!
His children DO NOT attend school here. His wife DOES NOT work here.
Clementa Pinckney DOES NOT live within his own district, and HAS NOT for at least 5 years.
Until the voters here are willing to wake up and clean their own political “house”, NOTHING is going to change.


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