Kirkman Finlay Fires Back

ETHICS REFORM ADVOCATE RESPONDS TO FALSE CLAIMS … By FITSNEWS || Tired of seeing his record misrepresented, GOP S.C. House candidate Kirkman Finlay is firing back at his liberal trial lawyer opponent Joe McCulloch in their race for S.C. House District 75. Finlay’s campaign has launched a new television advertisement not only…


By FITSNEWS || Tired of seeing his record misrepresented, GOP S.C. House candidate Kirkman Finlay is firing back at his liberal trial lawyer opponent Joe McCulloch in their race for S.C. House District 75.

Finlay’s campaign has launched a new television advertisement not only responding to McCulloch’s demonstrably false claims … but also recalling the liberal challenger’s own ethical problems.

“Some people will do anything to get elected,” the ad’s narrator says in the spot.  “Trial lawyer and former lobbyist Joe McCulloch is used to distorting the facts to get what he and his clients want.  Now he is using false attacks to deceive the voters of House District 75 and distort the record of Representative Kirkman Finlay.”

That’s true … in fact we’ve documented McCulloch’s false claims (and those helping him make them) repeatedly.  Yet for reasons surpassing understand, McCulloch keeps making them – apparently hoping that sufficient quantities of mud will depress Finlay’s turnout.

Really?  This guy couldn’t even win two years ago when Democratic candidates benefited from perhaps the most egregious example of election fraud we’ve ever seen.

Anyway, here’s Finlay’s spot …

(Click to play)

(Vid: Via)

First of all, nice voice …

We need to hire that woman to read our copy!

As we’ve stated from the beginning of this race McCulloch has been running the typical “Finlay is a Republican, therefore Finlay is unethical” playbook – which Palmetto State Democrats have pegged as their best chance to pick up some seats this election cycle.

And usually they’re right … “Republicans” in South Carolina are typically corrupt as hell (just look at the current governor and now-former Speaker of the House).

The only problem?  Since his election two years ago Finlay has done more to advance big ticket ethics reform in the Palmetto State than any other lawmaker.  He’s been a longtime supporter of expanded income disclosure – as well as a leader in the push to end the General Assembly’s corrupt self-policing policy.  In fact we wrote a column two months ago discussing how ridiculous McCulloch’s line of attack was given Finlay’s advocacy on behalf of these two critical reforms – neither of which was embraced by Gov. Nikki Haley and her allies.


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Smirks October 28, 2014 at 3:33 pm

Kirkman should’ve sent him the leftovers from the other day. You know, in case any of his other campaign workers are hungry.

Employee October 28, 2014 at 3:58 pm

Will, you are a terrific employee of Mr. Finlay. Really. If I ever run for office, I am totally paying you.

Pawley Want a Cracker? October 28, 2014 at 4:17 pm

Joe is counting on his constituency to be good little parrots. Say it long enough and as many times as it takes for the little parrots to start repeating it. Joe is an amateur, following the dummocrat strategy, play by play.

Guero October 29, 2014 at 8:12 am

Kirkman is counting on his angry bubbas low-information Faux News cracker brigade.

Pawley Want a Cracker? October 29, 2014 at 10:50 am

Low Information > Erroneous Information > No Information. Back around 2008 and again in 2012 there were videos on YouTube of Benedict and Allen students bragging about community organizers buying them alcohol in exchange for their registering to vote. Wonderful political party the dems have there.

My Left Shoe October 28, 2014 at 4:53 pm

Does anyone know when Joe might be dropping another mailer? I seem to have stepped in dogshit and need something rigid, yet disposable to scrape it off the bottom of my shoe.

BrigidBernadette October 28, 2014 at 8:15 pm

Every day they come, and now I am getting two of each mailer. I’m getting really tired of Joe McCulloch’s hair.

Wavy Gravy October 28, 2014 at 11:12 pm

Joe’s hair is out of control, he looks like some sort of dipshit that got lost at a Grateful Dead concert back in the 80s and has resurfaced, still high on LSD, to run for a house seat.

Toyota Kawaski October 29, 2014 at 8:46 am

Weir Everwhere

9" October 28, 2014 at 5:24 pm

I would love to corrupt Kirkman Finlay…

Guero October 29, 2014 at 8:06 am

That alone makes Joe more useful than Kirkman. Besides the odious personality, he’s an unapologetic welfare queen. He lies about being Bobby Harrell’s butt-boy but that’s just Kirkman being embarrassed at being found on his knees….

i know October 29, 2014 at 5:10 pm

finlay is a toxic combination of obnoxious asswipe of arrogance with a look-down-your-nose at everyone demeanor. when he was on city council, i called, wrote and emailed him about an issue. never got a single response. went to a neighborhood meeting with him and there was not enough room in the building for his head and the people.

chapinmom October 29, 2014 at 8:36 pm

I was planning to vote for Finlay until I saw Kim Murphy front and center in his television ads. She cost us too much out here in the Irmo/Chapin area.


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