Vincent Sheheen Camp Livid Over Leak Of Nikki Haley “Whore” Story

DEMOCRATS LOOK FOR SOMEONE TO BLAME IN WAKE OF GAFFE By FITSNEWS || S.C. Senator Vincent Sheheen‘s 2014 campaign for governor of South Carolina has been one misstep after another … culminating with an ill-conceived (albeit accurate) Freudian slip last week in which he referred to incumbent “Republican” Nikki Haley as…


By FITSNEWS || S.C. Senator Vincent Sheheen‘s 2014 campaign for governor of South Carolina has been one misstep after another … culminating with an ill-conceived (albeit accurate) Freudian slip last week in which he referred to incumbent “Republican” Nikki Haley as a “whore.”

Yeah … that happened.

The Sheheen gaffe – which went unreported by the local mainstream media – quickly went viral.  Republicans denounced the comment as well as Sheheen’s extended laughter in the wake of the slip, while most Democrats defended it as an honest mistake.

Of course one Democratic candidate for the S.C. House – Vida Miller – called on Sheheen to apologize for the remark.

“I’ve known Vincent Sheheen for many years and have always considered him a friend, but this was simply unacceptable,” Miller said in a statement.  “There’s nothing funny about calling our governor, or any other woman, a whore. I don’t know if his comments were accidental or intentional, but either way, Senator Sheheen owes an apology to Governor Haley, her family, and the people of South Carolina — and he should make that apology without further delay.”

Frustrated Democrats are pinning the blame for the story on one of their own former operatives – John Osborne.

According to several Democratic operatives, Osborne – now working with “Republican” campaigns – is the operative who sent the clip of Sheheen’s gaffe to several national media outlets.

Wait … hold up …

A candidate for statewide office (inadvertently?) calls his female opponent a whore and then laughs about it … and someone else is to blame for it becoming a “thing?”

We don’t know whether Osborne had a role in pushing the story out to a broader audience.  He’s reportedly been involved in several “black ops” on behalf of various candidates or interests during the current election cycle – so it’s entirely possible.

But that’s beside the point …

The only person Vincent Sheheen has to blame for this gaffe is … Vincent Sheheen.  In fact we’re inclined to believe this wasn’t really a Freudian slip, but rather a clumsy attempt on the part of the Sheheen campaign to inject a discussion of Haley’s various, um, “extracurriculars” into the pre-election narrative.


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Tom October 27, 2014 at 10:05 am

He should have stood by his comments. Most Republicans are whores. They sell their vote to the highest bidder. I think that is what they teach in Republican 101.

guest October 27, 2014 at 10:34 am

Obama and the Democrats are “whores” to Islamic radicals, the muslim brotherhood, ISIS, Planned Parenthood and the LGBT community.

They teach that in ALL state controlled schools.

grandtangosuglydog October 27, 2014 at 11:07 am

Ladies and Gentlemen i present the idiot comment of the day award winner. Cheers to you sir, your stupidity knows no bounds.

guest October 27, 2014 at 11:09 am

Always glad to share the truth on here. Not much of it on Fits comment section.

Smirks October 27, 2014 at 11:09 am

Cheers to you sir, your stupidity knows no bounds.

Her stupidity is only bound by what Haley can afford to pay for.

guest October 27, 2014 at 11:14 am

You must have thrown another tantrum on Will and threatened to quit the blog AGAIN if you didn’t get your way?

OK Smirks, Fits has the “like” button again so your fragile persona can get of bed and post.

Smirks October 27, 2014 at 11:27 am


You’re a very entertaining person.

BrigidBernadette October 27, 2014 at 10:38 am

You are delusional if you think democrats aren’t exactly the same.

Smirks October 27, 2014 at 11:04 am

Democrat whores wear blue lingerie, totally different than Republican red.

Dave Chappelle I'm Rick James October 27, 2014 at 12:02 pm

Does that mean independent whores are naked? That could be interesting.

The Colonel October 27, 2014 at 12:03 pm

Damn it – beat me to it!

Don Pendelton October 27, 2014 at 12:39 pm

Yeah,,,.. keep telling yourself that.

Raymond Paltoo October 27, 2014 at 7:51 pm

You are a classless turd just like the Senator. The woman is a fine upstanding wife, mother and governor who has a different political ideology than you and this is your typical Liberal response. You and your colleagues just like to suck on the teats of the government and parasitize society instead of emulating people who work hard and see about their families in what has heretofore been the American Way. Sheen! Hmm Must be related to Charlie Sheen?

nimrata is upstanding?? lol October 28, 2014 at 11:16 am

More dumbassed logic. Her policies don’t work. The largest budget ever in SC’s history. 25.7B dollars, what did we get for it?? She is frequently on the wrong side of the law. She gets sued, and foots us with the bill. She is a standing US governor who has facebook pillow fights with other lawmakers. She campaigns on one thing Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, which can be disputed. If we could pull our heads out of our fox news cavities, long enough we would be asking for her head(politically of course). Instead, she’s up by 20 pts. One thing I can agree with Nikki Haley, and SC go hand in hand.

Fly On Thewall October 28, 2014 at 8:37 pm

So that goes to show you what white trash he is. At least Jake Knotts stood by his words and got kicked out of the GOP. Vinny could have stuck to his words and he would be a rising star in the DNC. Now he’ll just be a foot note on the political graveyard.

Cherrie October 27, 2014 at 10:12 am

It was a slip jesus people. ..if this is all Haleys high school staff can come up with they are lame. Lets talk about all the dead kids at DSS that died under Haleys watch. Lets talk about Haley covering up the data breach until Romney lost the primary here ….and the list goes on.

idcydm October 27, 2014 at 10:18 am

Cherrie, you’re a whor….sorry, that was just a slip…hahaha.

Buz Martin October 27, 2014 at 10:36 am

Uncalled-for response. You said it directly. It was not a slip. In jest, yeah, but a damned lame jest.

If it WAS a slip for Sheeheen, fine. Can’t blame the dude for having it in his mind. The fault, in my opinion, was in how he handled it. A truly centered, focused, disciplined candidate with real integrity would have stopped the speech and offered an immediate apology. A sincere one. Sheheen is not capable of such, because he is nowhere near being that kind of a candiate — that kind of a man.

This is my opinion, and I do think Haley is whore, in too many ways to even mention.

BrigidBernadette October 27, 2014 at 10:41 am

He is not that type of man, you are correct on that.

guest October 27, 2014 at 10:55 am

Good ole Buz. Always has a opinion. Today he calls Haley a “whore”. In the past he has falsely alleged that almost every public servant and/or public official as well as members of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce have engaged in felonious activities and that SLED, the FBI, IRS, CIA, HLS,the NCAA, NFL etc…are ready to swoop into Horry County and shut the damn place down with indictments. The apparent result? The Sun News and a reporter were sued for defamation and lost a judgement for $600,000 even though the former state legislator and lobbyist was deemed a “public figure”.

He also fabricated a story/details about the mayor of MB and a car accident, stormed a city council meeting , stammering,stuttering and drooling while asking the same mayor to resign while they laughed him out of the room and destroyed any political candidates campaign by endorsing them.

Go wipe mommy’s ass Buz-after all, she does pay the bills?

Buz Martin October 27, 2014 at 11:39 am

Fuck you, pogo, you evil creep. 90% of my income goes to the bills here, but none of this is really any of your goddamned business. My mother is almost 90 years old, I am her only care-giver at this time other than an occasional visit from home health care. She is nearly blind and may not live much longer. You are a heartless bastard to make such comments.

AGAIN, all of the shit about local public officials was brought forward by several others before I ever started talking about it. The story about Rhodes was sent to me in messages by nine different people, scanner info online stated there had been a wreck. Sure enough, there was, and it is still my opinion that the public should be made aware, any time such an event happens involving their mayor — no matter how minor. If it makes the scanner, it will raise questions. Address them before it gets out of hand. As to the allegations about it, those came from others, too — and I asked on FB whether or not anyone could confirm them. You know, free speech and all that. Wanna shoot me for that, freak?

I addressed council because John said some things about me on a local radio station, including suggesting he might sue me — and the station did not allow me to call in to respond. I stammered a bit, yes, but I did not stutter. I was nervous, as I had not spoken publicly in more than 10 years. I did not drool. My mouth was too dry.

As I have stated endlessly, that is all behind us, I am friendly with John and support him as Mayor. I’m even becoming a sales rep for his wife’s business. So re-do your files, idiot. A lot of stuff has changed, fairly radically, and you obviously can’t keep up.

Also, AGAIN, the verdict in the Kelley suit is being appealed.

guest October 27, 2014 at 11:49 am

Sorry about your mother.We all have experienced such situations with family members.

Just wondering however. You are real good at accusing people of crimes, being whores,psycho’s etc…even attacking public officials families on public forums/blogs…

Have you ever thought of dialing it back a bit.?

Until you do I would suggest you quit playing a victim-it doesn’t serve you very well.

Just my opinion and again best with your mother.

Buz Martin October 27, 2014 at 1:06 pm

Ah. Back to passive-aggressive pogo mode, I see.
But, no you are not sorry about anything. If you were, you would not keep making remarks such as what you have done where my mother is concerned. I never attacked anyone’s family, ever. Not even TD’s, and he attacked the hell out of mine, again and again, incessantly, for a couple of years.

I have not attacked Nikki Haley’s family, and in fact defended Michael from attacks in the last couple of days.

YOU dial it back. I’m the one with the courage to use my real name, not you. You’ve never had the balls to do that.

As for “playing the victim”, your calling it that does not make it so. I am setting the record straight and standing my ground.

idcydm October 27, 2014 at 3:58 pm

“Fuck you, pogo”…”Uncalled-for response.”

Buz Martin October 27, 2014 at 7:59 pm

Nasty-ass cowardly anonymous full-time trolls deserve no better. pogo has been dogging me for years now.

idcydm October 28, 2014 at 9:04 am

“pogo has been dogging me for years now”…put on your big boy pants.

Buz Martin October 28, 2014 at 2:12 pm


Serious answer: Got ’em on already,sport. Obviously, I have far bigger balls than you, you nameless, faceless, cowardly piece of shit troll. Not afraid to get on my hind legs and speak up, AS myself, rather than hiding behind a fake name the way you do.

idcydm October 28, 2014 at 2:21 pm

ROFLMAO…”Not afraid to get on my hind legs…”, got four legs do you…you dog you.

Buz Martin October 28, 2014 at 5:48 pm

idcydm, I was harsh on you. You’re funny, and we agree on a lot.

idcydm October 28, 2014 at 8:50 pm

There is truth in what you say but I would not consider your comments harsh.

Remember what Thomas Jefferson said, “Nothing gives one
person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances”.

Buz Martin October 28, 2014 at 10:39 pm

Ah. I get ya. The perception is that I’m all worked up when I say this stuff to that guy. Maybe more so than with GT. Nah. It’s become a routine. When I’m truly worked up, I mean in a rage, I am absolutely inarticulate. I’m calm behind this shit. I just like to set the record straight and cuss these assholes, that’s all.

guest October 28, 2014 at 4:15 am

I wouldn’t get to deep with him.A well known weirdo that people befriend because they are scared shitless of what he might do to them or their family.

And he likes to wear dresses.

Buz Martin October 28, 2014 at 2:44 pm

Yeah. I have around 300 Facebook friends that have known me for decades. That’s besides fairly close family. Some of those friends I’ve known since Kindergarden, some since grade school, some since high school, some since college, etc (7 ex-girlfriends are included). About half of them sought me out to add them. Because they were afraid of what I would do to them and their families? Pretty damned hard to make a case for that. Most of them pay no attention to my political posts, at all. Every statement you make is riddled with ignorance and unwarranted malice.

Buz Martin October 28, 2014 at 2:56 pm

btw, probably around 300 others of my FB friends know me from my burlesque, go-go, variety and comedy (open mic) shows at various venues over the past 5 years. Maybe 60 of them, tops, even know about my political involvement, and even most of them ignore my posts about it. Same with the estimated 200 others who know me from the “beach music” scene, and another couple of hundred who know me from the genealogy and native heritage and tribal groups. (Some overlap on some groups).

ONE thing ALL of members of all of these groups of real-life friends and acquaintances have in common: Not a single one of them has EVER seen me in a dress. Not even the gay ones. What do you suppose that means? It means one thing: You’ve bought into Thomas Gordon Davis’ line of total bullshit about me, hook, line and sinker. You fucking feckless feeb.

Cherrie October 27, 2014 at 10:40 am

And your a lame cocksucker.

idcydm October 27, 2014 at 10:45 am


Buz Martin October 27, 2014 at 10:50 am

Now, that’s a low blow …

Smirks October 27, 2014 at 11:12 am


As in you’re a lame cocksucker. :)

Buz Martin October 27, 2014 at 10:14 am

Livid, are they? Shit, what did they expect? The idiot may really have had a Freudian slip. But he was about to crack up after that, when the crowd was laughing and he told them to settle down. Total lack of discipline. Why the hell would forces opposing Sheehen not take advantage of that?

idcydm October 27, 2014 at 10:23 am

Come on Buz, you know it’s only a war on women if Republicans do it.

Buz Martin October 27, 2014 at 10:30 am

Apparently so.

Don Pendelton October 27, 2014 at 12:40 pm

That wasn’t a slip – he told the audience “think about it”. He meant it as he said it.

scotty October 27, 2014 at 10:23 am

Between his negative ads this is a foot note in a piss poor effort to say nothing about what he would want to accomplish. It was quite obvious who he was pitching his story to.

BrigidBernadette October 27, 2014 at 10:43 am

Yes, the negative ads this weekend were a real turn off. Meanwhile, I couldn’t even remember his first name only the last, what does that say about his campaign.

who u foolin October 27, 2014 at 10:47 am

That you were determined to vote for Haley regardless.

Old RC lawyer October 27, 2014 at 10:26 am

Vinny Sheheen is a Jean Toal whore….. which is worse than anything Haley has done.

LD October 27, 2014 at 10:30 am

Who cares? She can f@#up the state, but his word gets more attention than her actions. Really?

Smirks October 27, 2014 at 11:10 am


west_rhino October 27, 2014 at 10:38 am

Lawyer Vincent Sheheen uses words for a living, if he called Governor Haley a whore, it is probably only the kettle calling the pot black…

Tazmaniac October 27, 2014 at 10:40 am

Even a shitty Haley governorship trumps a weinee-fied Sheheen one, sad.

The Colonel October 27, 2014 at 10:41 am

Spot on.

Pffft October 27, 2014 at 10:45 am

No it doesnt, but that dumbass logic is why she’ll win re-election.

Tazmaniac October 27, 2014 at 10:52 am

Instead of whining and calling names, put up a candidate with some leadership skills, I would love to have a choice. Nobody, including me, is going to vote for Obama Lite.

Pffft October 27, 2014 at 10:59 am

Save that shit for somebody in High School. If Vinnie being an “Obama Lite” is enough for you to overlook Haley’s first four years, then that’s on you.

guest October 27, 2014 at 11:07 am

She is untouchable.
Dems, MSM and Fits have tried the economy, DSS, confederate flag, attaching Haley to alleged child molester, disparaging Haley’s husbands military service and the last one by having the lying “traitor” tommy swervin ervin accuse Haley of some kind of money laundering scheme and playing the race card on her.

And her poll numbers just keep going up. :-)

Smirks October 27, 2014 at 11:09 am

This state is going to reelect Graham too, so just goes to show no matter how shitty the politician, SC voters love the status quo.

Tazmaniac October 27, 2014 at 12:08 pm

“This state is going to reelect Graham too, so just goes to show no
matter how shitty the politician, SC voters would love to have viable choices.”

Fixed it for you. Just remember, when your pointing a gun at your foot, turning it around is not a good option.

Guest October 28, 2014 at 12:25 pm

I have a friend that is alive today because of Graham’s relentless push to get better armor on Humvees… for that act alone, I will vote for him in every election in which he choices to run

Pffft October 27, 2014 at 11:10 am

It’s a great day in South Carolina :(

Smirks October 27, 2014 at 11:06 am

How is Vince “Obama Lite” anyways? And before you say anything about the Medicaid expansion, might want to consult with Kasich about that one.

guest October 27, 2014 at 11:16 am

It is already a mess and will bankrupt Ohio in the next several years unless repealed.

Smirks October 27, 2014 at 11:23 am

Cool story bro.

What bankrupts a state is shit fiscal policy, just ask Brownback.

guest October 27, 2014 at 11:28 am

Brownback is gonna win next Tuesday.

Smirks October 27, 2014 at 11:29 am

Brownback is gonna win next Tuesday.

Instead of Kansas?

guest October 27, 2014 at 11:37 am

Any state wins if you elect a Republican. It is essentially a vote to save this country.

Rocky October 27, 2014 at 1:49 pm

Look around at the examples of how well GOP Tea Party policies work. Kansas is a basket case. In some counties in Florida where the Tea Party runs the school boards – the counties rank below South Carolina – and I didn’t that was possible. Yeah, dumber is better, trash on the highways is cool, and nobody needs to go to school. Great policies. Don’t tread on me, I’m retarded.

LD October 27, 2014 at 2:12 pm

“save this country” from whom? A Republican vote is a vote for big oil, big banks and other big corporations. If want them controlling your life– have at it.

Tazmaniac October 27, 2014 at 11:45 am

Have I studied his position on all issues enough to debate them? No. That said, when I go to a car lot and determine I don’t like a car’s bodystyle or color, I don’t have to lift the hood and the trunk, or try out the sound system and take look at the glovebox to know I’m not going to buy the car. The man comes across as weak, incapable of leadership, and hearing him speak and say cliche’ lines just reinforces my initial reaction.

just my opinion October 27, 2014 at 12:12 pm

What you said IMO is the biggest difference between (D) and (R). Democrat policies often have more substance, but they struggle to convey that to the public, and their candidates are often boring, or stuffy. Republicans have more lively candidates who passionately sell you on their policies, problem is their policies end up being shitty. Ex. Vinnie sounds slow when he talks, but he actually has some type of solution to fix some problems. Haley is well-versed, but if you listen to her she says nothing, and usually deflects back to Jobs.

mike black October 28, 2014 at 11:37 am

nutshell :-)

Raymond Paltoo October 28, 2014 at 10:31 pm

Marxist socialist policies are for freshman college students or their inept tenured professors who really are quite content to collect a decent salary at University but suck at jobs in real life. Communism has never been and will never be the answer to social inequality. Remember Animal Farm and the pigs. Yeah everyone will be equal but some will be more equal. That is the Democratic policy. They are just stuck in College Freshman economics and political science.

The Colonel October 27, 2014 at 10:40 am

Gilligan, Gilligan, Gilligan – if you didn’t mean it, just say sorry and move on. But since we all know you did mean it based on the guffaws that came with the comment, just own it and move on.

Tell you what just shut up and lose quietly.

Buz Martin October 27, 2014 at 10:53 am

French and Ervin pulling out today before the evening news would be his only prayer. Cue Dana Carvey’s GHW Bush: “Not ga’ah happen.”

The Colonel October 27, 2014 at 11:00 am Reply
guest October 27, 2014 at 11:01 am

You are fuckin clueless on political matters. If FRench and ERvin pulled out Haley would get 55%-57% of the vote.

Some things never change and in my opinion, I still think you were “Elmer Fudd”, loser

The Colonel October 27, 2014 at 11:03 am

Haley will win by 6 – both French and Ervin are pulling significant support from Gilligan – don’t know that their presence changes the outcome but it would probably be much closer.

guest October 27, 2014 at 11:20 am

I don’t know what poll your looking at however Haley is 51%-53%…Ervin and French are 10%-12%. Do the math.

The Colonel October 27, 2014 at 11:55 am

The issue is where is Ervin and French’s support coming from.

Buz Martin October 27, 2014 at 1:11 pm

I still KNOW you are “pogo” dipshit.

Diogenes October 27, 2014 at 10:45 am

C’mon Willie, give us some real news! How about the latest on Thomas Ravenel giving Kathryn the boot. Inquiring minds are waiting.

Just another guy October 27, 2014 at 10:46 am

He already ran that story

Rachel October 27, 2014 at 10:51 am

Haley its a great day in SC HUH?

After a mother and her baby tested positive for cocaine in 2012, the state Department of Social Services implemented a safety plan that required the maternal grandmother to supervise contact between the mother and child at all times.
Months later, however, the grandmother and her boyfriend were charged with unlawful conduct toward a child, according to the agency, after the child died from “accidental smothering.” According to a summary of the case, the boyfriend placed the child behind him on a loveseat while he slept. Emergency responders and officers reported he smelled of alcohol when they arrived.
The grandmother and boyfriend refused to take drug screens when requested after the death, DSS reported.
That case is one of 14 child fatalities related to abuse and neglect posted recently on the DSS website as a result of efforts by the agency to increase transparency with the way it handles such cases.
Testimony before a Senate oversight panel earlier this year about two Richland County child deaths sparked criticism of the agency’s leadership. Former DSS Director Lillian Koller resigned in June following requests by some lawmakers she step down.
The 14 cases recently posted are the first of the child death reports to be made public by DSS.
The summaries, which exclude names, other identifying information and some details of the cases, offer a glimpse inside the tragedies caseworkers encounter with regularity each year.
Sen. Tom Young, an Aiken Republican who chairs a Senate oversight panel that has spent the year looking at DSS, said he has questions for the agency about the seven cases in which there was prior DSS involvement. He said his panel will likely talk to DSS officials about the reports later this year.
Paige Greene, executive director of Richland County CASA, a guardian ad litem service, said the cases are “heartbreaking” and point to the need to nurture and support caseworkers who must repeatedly face such family nightmares.
“These cases are tragedies, but my heart goes out to the workers,” she said.
The cases are all different, with causes of death ranging from physical abuse to drowning to accidental smothering.
Some of the parents have prior DSS involvement. Others do not.
Some cases result in criminal charges. Others do not.
The following are summaries of the reports in which DSS had prior involvement before the child’s death:
• In 2009, a mother picked up her 2-year-old child from a relative and took the child to the hospital because the child was behaving “in a peculiar manner.”
After the child was transferred to another hospital, a drug screen was given and it was determined the child was experiencing drug withdrawal. According to DSS, the child consumed drugs while at the home of a relative. The child and siblings were temporarily placed with family while the mother underwent parenting education. They were eventually returned.
Almost three years later, in June of 2012, the children were involved in a meth lab explosion, according to the report, and one child died. A caller had alleged the children were neglected. They were dirty, had head lice and often found wandering in the neighborhood, playing in the street and begging for food.
The surviving child was placed with the maternal grandmother, who obtained legal custody, according to the report.
• In June 2010, a mother left two small children in an apartment alone and food cooking on the stove caught fire. DSS implemented a safety plan with the parents and provided a referral to the father for domestic violence batterer’s classes.
The family successfully completed treatment goals, according to DSS, and the children remained with the mother.
Two years later, one of the children was killed by a car. A subsequent investigation by DSS found evidence of domestic violence in the home, unsafe and unsanitary conditions and a “substantial risk of physical abuse.”
The children were placed in emergency protective custody, the mother was eventually deported and the children returned to the father.
• In July 2008, DSS reported, the father of several children was arrested for criminal domestic violence. The mother was injured in an altercation in which an 11-month-old was caught in the middle. According to DSS, the mother tested positive for marijuana.
The mother and children subsequently moved out of state. They eventually returned.
In August 2012, an 18-month-old child of the mother died and her live-in boyfriend was arrested for homicide.
According to DSS, the child had a large amount of blood in her head, bruises on her neck and arms and blood behind her eyes.
Interviews of the surviving siblings indicated the mother was told by the children her boyfriend was hurting them, according to DSS. The mother tested positive for marijuana.
The mother was offered parenting classes, substance abuse treatment and counseling, random drug testing and family and individual counseling, according to DSS. Custody of the siblings was returned to the mother.
• In July 2008, a 17-year-old in foster care delivered a baby, according to DSS. Because the agency said the new mom could not provide adequate food, clothing or shelter, the new child was placed into a foster home along with the mother. The child was subsequently adopted.
In August 2012, the mother, who had other children, ran the water in a bathtub with her kids and did not turn it off, then left the room, according to DSS. By the time she returned, an 11-month-old was submerged in the water and was unresponsive, according to DSS.
The surviving sibling was placed with a relative, according to DSS, which decided due to the “severity of the case,” not to offer a plan for reunifying mother and child.
• In August 2009, DSS received allegations that a mother tested positive for a variety of drugs. The mother, DSS reported, was having trouble bonding with the sibling of a deceased child and had nightmares “about biting off the child’s fingers.”
The mother received substance abuse treatment, mental health services and medication. She graduated from a substance abuse treatment program.
“The mother and father successfully demonstrated capacity to protect their children by ensuring all their needs are met,” DSS reported.
In April 2011, the agency received a report that both parents were using bath salts, a synthetic amphetamine, which DSS said causes hallucinations, addiction, delusions, health problems and strange behavior.
The mother believed she and her children had demons, the agency said. She received substance abuse treatment as well as counseling.
The case was still open when a child was found unresponsive and later died. The mother said a chair collapsed on the child.
According to DSS, the father tested positive for drugs and the mother made suicidal statements and said she heard voices.
“Parents have not complied with treatment services,” DSS reported. A sibling of the dead child was placed with maternal grandparents.
• In April 2010, DSS received a report that a mother was neglecting her daughter. An unannounced visit revealed a home in “deplorable condition.”
“The kitchen was not clean, with dirty dishes, molded and spoiled food on countertops, the stove and the floor,” DSS reported. “The bedrooms and bathroom were unsafe and unsanitary. Thee entire home had a foul odor.”
The child was placed in foster care.
Two years later, a 7-month-old child was found dead in the home.
“The home was cluttered and the room where the child and his sibling were sleeping was unsafe for children,” DSS reported. “The deceased child was sleeping in the bed with his parents. The mother and the father suffer from mental health concerns.”
The surviving sibling was placed in foster care and then adopted, according to DSS.
A 98-page report by the Legislative Audit Council earlier this month found that DSS workers have “excessive” caseloads, the agency uses an inadequate system for handling child abuse and neglect cases, and a changed system for reviewing abuse cases has placed children at “greater risk.”
DSS has announced it will be hiring 50 new caseworkers and eight supervisors next month, as well as the hiring of 67 caseworker assistants. The agency also is handing out 10 percent raises to child welfare workers and supervisors to try and increase employee retention.
The announcement of hirings came after members of Young’s panel voted unanimously last month for DSS to create a plan to begin hiring more child welfare workers right away.
Senators asked for the hiring plan because they said some caseworkers around the state were handling cases totaling more than 100 children.

haley October 27, 2014 at 10:54 am

This kind of stuff doesn’t matter. Because Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

guest October 27, 2014 at 10:58 am

NOBODY cares. The voters blame DSS, not Haley for those tragic events.
Look at the polls.

The Colonel October 27, 2014 at 11:02 am

You know if Haley had gone down and strangled those kids or she or her staff personally put a plan in place that caused their death the public should hold her guilty.

The facts are that deaths are down every year since she’s been in office.

because nikki said so October 27, 2014 at 11:04 am

How do you know? We can’t get a straight number on how many children have died.

The Colonel October 27, 2014 at 11:54 am

Don’t use her numbers. Try CDC or

Smirks October 27, 2014 at 11:21 am

You know if Haley had gone down and strangled those kids or she or her staff personally put a plan in place that caused their death the public should hold her guilty.

“Well, you see, she didn’t murder someone in cold blood with her bare hands, so really, can we blame her?”

This is why whenever someone argues that a “strong mayor” or “strong governor” system will improve accountability, I laugh at them. Out loud. SC doesn’t hold anyone accountable for anything. Incompetence is “accounted for” by shuffling the deck, i.e. “firing” someone who has connections that will just end up being put somewhere else by those connections.

What are your feelings on Benghazi? I mean, Obama didn’t literally fly down there to strangle the life out of the ambassador, right? He didn’t plan with the CIA to get the embassy raided, right?

Dat cognitive dissonance.

The Colonel October 27, 2014 at 11:30 am

I’m of the opinion that we should have gone after Clinton much harder – her policies led directly to the death of the Ambassador. Obama was to busy to be involved in those trivialities – even while his ambassador was being murdered.

Benghazi. October 27, 2014 at 2:39 pm

Why? Your party has continuously tried, only to fail every single time. Even, Trey Gowdy from here in good ol’ SC couldn’t get this to stick to Obama or Clinton.

ScrewedNSC October 27, 2014 at 3:27 pm

It’s a great day in South Carolina for lying on your back. LOL

Crooner October 27, 2014 at 10:54 am

While the truth is a defense, one shouldn’t make that remark in polite company (fine for this website, though). He should certainly and immediately apologize. It won’t change the outcome of this election but it will make it less likely the Democratic women bother to go vote for him.

9" October 27, 2014 at 11:21 am

He didn’t go far enough.He should have said; you no good fucking slut bitch whore.

guest October 27, 2014 at 11:26 am

He did…watch his mannerisms in video…he may not even get 35% of the vote…blacks don’t like it when you call somebody’s “momma” a whore…

Not even swervin ervin can clean up this mess.

blacks dont care about Haley October 27, 2014 at 12:50 pm

Blacks could give a shit about him calling Haley a whore though.

Militarymomof4 October 27, 2014 at 11:35 am

I hope Sheehen will taste his words for many years to come, and rightfully so. We shouldn’t expect anything less of the democrats. Sheheen is an embarrassment to South Carolina. We don’t need anyone as a elected official that would publicly degrade woman like that. His words showed lack of respect for all woman in general. His arrogance and ignorance is sickening. He is a classless example for the youth voters of our state. Millions heard his words. He is wasting alot of money to continue in this election, he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning. He should concede now.

larry October 29, 2014 at 12:28 pm

You were going to vote for this matter what came down for you hate Democrats for you cannot put forth any ethical conduct he’s been involve in or accuse of None but this Gov. from almost day one has been an embarrassment to SC .He’s still a better example for our youth than Gov. Haley has been and no matter what facts are presented to people in this State about Gov.Haley they are in denied of the truth being told to them.

bamberger October 27, 2014 at 11:40 am

What is a whore? A whore is defined as a a promiscuous or immoral woman. That being said………

guest October 27, 2014 at 11:51 am

MIchelle Obama looks like a man…does that make Borock a homo?

shifty henry October 27, 2014 at 11:51 am

Vinny didn’t pay any attention to the sign that Nikki put on the door when he turned his back…..

9" October 27, 2014 at 12:23 pm

A close friend of mine killed himself last year.He sent a very long email about how dumb this country had become,and Haley was the last nail in the coffin.His was not an organic depression,that medication could relieve.He was incredibly distraught over what the U.S.
had become.

ELCID October 27, 2014 at 12:24 pm

Haley had multiple complaints filed against her by the SC Women’s Caucus before she was Governor and while still in the House for her Sexual escapades. Does that make her a whore. Only, if you consider she got money, or power for those actions.

guest October 27, 2014 at 12:34 pm

CBS/NEW YORK TIMES POLL released today has Haley 50%-Sheheen 33%.
Scott is ahead in Florida and Walker in Wisconsin.
Gardner is +7 in Colorado and Cassidy +7 in LA.
Get the brooms out…

ScrewedNSC October 27, 2014 at 3:25 pm

Going to be interesting. If I remember correctly, this same poll had Romney winnig a week out too. We know what happened there. Maybe we can use the same brooms again.

Don Pendelton October 27, 2014 at 12:38 pm

Typical Democratic redneck politician. A bunch of racist, misogynist dimwits.

ScrewedNSC October 27, 2014 at 1:28 pm

Definition of a “whore” —- a venal or unscrupulous person
The definition of “venal” is :
capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration : purchasable; especially : open to corrupt influence and especially bribery : mercenary

It that does not adaquately describe the situation, I do not know what does.

Ern October 27, 2014 at 1:42 pm

I watched his speech, he has no one but himself to blame. If he had been more serious about his mistake, immediately after saying it, he could be forgiven. Desperation has a way of clouding judgment and loosening the tongue.
Now he will be known not only as a doofus, but a not very likable doofus.

Rocky October 27, 2014 at 1:47 pm

See you can’t tell the truth as a politician.

Bryan Wqsc Crabtree October 27, 2014 at 1:50 pm Reply
Terry Ramsey Haskins October 27, 2014 at 3:22 pm

anyone know where i can hear or read the original quote? i mean i would like to hear it in context…..not just “oh, he called her a whore” i mean maybe it wasn’t an indictment on her perceived sexual promiscuity…..i don’t know these people. give me the real story.

Greg Prewitt October 27, 2014 at 8:45 pm

What a slug he is.

win for losing October 27, 2014 at 9:45 pm

People, get off your intellectually lazy collective arses, this is supposed to be a puff piece about the awesomeness of John Osborne, capiche…

Florida Girl October 28, 2014 at 11:14 am

I am fairly new to SC, I dont know who this Sheheen person is or anything about him . And i am not a fan of Nikki Haley, but I do know this, no matter who you are you have no right to call someone a whore.

Darrell October 28, 2014 at 1:21 pm

All Sheheen did was stay good with his solid 30 something percent. Any independent from SC that was unsure will not cast a ballot for a trashy mouthed disrespectful lawyer. He’s poison now, and look for every other Dem in SC in a tight race to run away from this loser.

Fly On Thewall October 28, 2014 at 8:34 pm

ain’t you all the assholes how said y’all slept with her? I would have thought you would agree with ol’ Vinnie that she’s a Whore.

Funny, they mad cause the video was leaked, not that he is an embarrassment to the state on the level of Jake Knotts with his Raghead comment. GOP did the right think with ol’ Jaiky boy, kicked him out. What’s the State DNC going to do with this good ol’ boy, huh?

The Colonel October 28, 2014 at 11:03 pm

While discussing this with a friend, I decided to review the video one more time. It now occurs to me that Vince was clueless as to what he said and was just going with the moment. He thought he had a good line when everybody laughed so he repeated what he thought he said to stretch the moment. When confronted about it he was still clueless so he denied having said it. That’s Vince, clueless…

Amelia October 29, 2014 at 10:51 am

Haha. I am in the “camp” of which you speak and I am not livid. He did not say whore. The southern accent is often times difficult to understand “Escort her out” and “Escort whore out” is something I can understand you wanting to insert the incorrect one.


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