More Trouble For Michael Phelps
DECORATED OLYMPIAN POPPED FOR DUI By FITSNEWS || Michael Phelps – the most decorated OlympYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
By FITSNEWS || Michael Phelps – the most decorated Olymp
95 MPH. Please, he ain’t got nothing on Andre. He should stick to driving in the Palmetto state, provided he can shed the paparazzi when taking a toke.
Highway 95… he was doing 84.
Here’s how we extend Phelps career and get another gold medal in swimming for the US:
We fill the pool with beer.
We here at FITS see nothing wrong with this behavior. Seeing as no one got hurt, and all. We should all be free to drive 84 in a 45, drive while intoxicated, and take hits from a bong.
Better, if you are actually able to do 84/45 while intoxicated and take hits from a bong, DUI doesn’t really apply to you. You’re already better than 80% of moms driving mini vans and texting.
Don’t forget the makeup too.
Leon Lett on line 1…
So the incident on Blossom Street with him and weed was not an “isolated incident.” He’s officially an alcoholic stoner.