Stephen Goldfinch Has A Problem

NOTABLY, HIMSELF … This website has written extensively about the legal and ethical troubles of S.C. Rep. Stephen Goldfinch – a fiscal liberal who is running for reelection as a “Republican” in Georgetown County. Wanna catch yourself up on Goldfinch’s various shenanigans (including his role in an illegal stem cell network…


This website has written extensively about the legal and ethical troubles of S.C. Rep. Stephen Goldfinch – a fiscal liberal who is running for reelection as a “Republican” in Georgetown County.

Wanna catch yourself up on Goldfinch’s various shenanigans (including his role in an illegal stem cell network and the influence peddling he attempted related to a treasure hunting scheme gone awry?) Click HERE.

It’s not just that Goldfinch votes the wrong way (he does).  Or is a shady character (he is).  Goldfinch tops off the trifecta of mega-douchebaggery by being totally insufferable.

Seriously … he’s one of those guys that just can’t leave it alone.  And who always has to be right.

Anyway … this week Goldfinch’s opponent in Georgetown County, former S.C. Rep. Vida Miller, announced the formation of a “Republicans for Miller” group.  This otherwise forgettable event was touted on social media by Miller’s consultant, Tyler Jones.

Why are you reading about it now?  Easy: Goldfinch’s over-the-top response …

(Click to enlarge)


(Pic: Twitter)

After being called out by Jones for voting to raise his own pay – and the federal charges related to his stem cell gig – Goldfinch threatened to sue the Democratic operative.

“You know this isn’t true and this is definitely malicious,” Goldfinch wrote to Jones. “You’re treading on legally actionable ground Tyler. Careful.”

Ummmm … what?

Here’s our reporting on Goldfinch’s pay raise vote.  And here’s our reporting on the stem cell scandal (which led to his guilty plea).  We’re curious … what about either of these stories is “not true?”  Or “legally actionable?”

“Is it just me, or did a sitting member of the State House just threaten to sue a citizen for mentioning facts that have been reported in the media for months now?” one of our readers noted. “Geez. Maybe this state does need a tough new anti-bullying law … for legislators.”

We agree …

Goldfinch can threaten lawsuits all he wants, but those threats don’t change the fact that he voted to increase his own pay and pleaded guilty to federal charges related to his role in the stem cell scandal.

We understand why Goldfinch doesn’t want these two issues mentioned, though.  According to polling we’ve seen in his district, his race with Miller moves from the “dead heat” category to the “blowout loss” category when voters are informed of those two bits of information.


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Mike at the Beach September 3, 2014 at 9:39 pm

Sooooooo…where does one sign up for this “Anybody but Goldfinch” club thingie? I am in!

This clown must have slept through Torts class in law school (evidently when you’re going on Daddy’s coin you don’t study as hard). First of all, for any type of defamation to have occurred, the statements must be provably false. Problematic for Goldfinch, that is. Plus, he is the textbook definition of a “public figure,” which means he has even less cover- the courts have steadfastly supported our right to stand up and talk smack about our idiot elected officials. For Goldfinch to prevail in a defamation suit, he would not only have to prove all of the basic elements (including that pesky falseness piece), but the burden would be upon him to prove malice on the part of the other guy. Since all of this has been widely covered in the media, that would seem to present a pretty high hurdle for ol’ Goldfinch. I hope this buffoon gets trounced…

Deo Vindice SC September 3, 2014 at 10:10 pm

Must be a pub ?

Mike at the Beach September 3, 2014 at 10:28 pm

Think he’ll sue me if I join?

Deo Vindice SC September 3, 2014 at 10:35 pm

yes, I would.

Buz Martin September 4, 2014 at 12:36 am

This could be the cue for Sandi Morals (“pogo” of the old TSN’s SNOB) or one of those similar tools to prattle on about Mark Kelley and David Wren and blablabla. Except that it actually point to the utter bullshit of the Kelley lawsuit and the ignorant jury verdict in his favor, which should give them second thoughts. Kelley = public figure. What was reported by Wren = provably true information. Malice against Kelly by Wren = bullshit idea totally disproven by Wren’s repeated statements that Kelley had nothing to do with the envelope hand-off between Dean and Barrett.

16-3-1700 September 4, 2014 at 12:57 am

Hey Buz. Beautiful evening in Flagstaff, AZ. Munching on a Papa John’s “monster works” pizza with my handicapped wife. Stayed in Tucumcari last night at the ” Americana Hotel” on Route 66. Of course the “hackers” at Fits and you already know that.

Anyway (this is just my opinion), why in the fuck are you picking a fight with Mark Kelley? To my knowledge nobody has been a bigger supporter or advocate for Horry County than Mark.

Goodnight Buz. Vegas tomorrow.

Buz Martin September 4, 2014 at 2:48 am

“POGO ON THE GO” — New reality show coming soon to the RFD Network.

Too bad you and the Wife On Wheels and the Mulatto Grands are gonna knock that hot babe with the polka fests outta the box, but that’s show biz, huh?

Buz Martin September 4, 2014 at 2:55 am

Can’t wait for the episode where Garden City Tom Davis, having fallen on hard times, accepts your fine offer to let him drive your RV on the cross-country jaunts, in return for free-flowing top-shelf booze every mile of the way. Back-up driver: West Virginia Sheep-shanker Bob Hall. Featuring a guest appearance by the ever-popular Jaws Of Life.

Mike at the Beach September 4, 2014 at 12:57 am

True enough. Another angle there is the utter disdain which many folks have for the Sun News down here (and deservedly so, I think). Media groups “don’t make good victims” as they say in the prosecution game.

16-3-1700 September 4, 2014 at 1:05 am

Martin has destroyed their reputation (TSN) as the editorial staff and Wren apparently hitched its wagon to the slanderous lies and falsehoods he inflicted on common folks and innocent people.

Buz Martin September 4, 2014 at 2:44 am

Exactly right, pogo. I’m busted now. TSN editorial staff has always hung on my every word and treated it as gospel. So I gleefully took those suckers down the primrose path to litigious Hell.

It’s a gift. FITS is next.

Buz Martin September 4, 2014 at 9:42 am

I had far less respect for TSN back when they had crawled way up the ass of the MB Area Chamber of Commerce and set up light housekeeping. At least now they don’t let those guys push ’em around.

The Colonel September 3, 2014 at 10:51 pm

If no one reads Fits, why are you worried about whether Fits is a “democrat operative”?

“…You know this isn’t true and this is definitely malicious…You’re treading on legally actionable ground Tyler. Careful…” Really, “actionable”, good luck with that, maybe you ought to go after CBS and Sixty Minutes since they’ve reported on your criminal behavior. When you’re done with them, go after “The State” as well cause they’be lied about you as well, oh wait, it isn’t a lie…
Once you get done with The State, better go after Project Votesmart cause they’ve ratted you out too…

Calling you a douche bag is malicious only if it isn’t true, in your case, it’s just a simple statement of fact.

Deo Vindice SC September 3, 2014 at 11:08 pm

Colonel, say nothing. enjoy the pin.

Mike at the Beach September 4, 2014 at 12:05 am

He’ll find out just how many folks “read this garbage” when election day rolls around, one hopes.

Buz Martin September 4, 2014 at 12:39 am

Not feeling the love for Goldfinch on this site.

Philip Branton September 4, 2014 at 12:40 am

LOL………we wonder if Mr Goldfinch’s wife understands that when Stephen asks ” Does anyone actually read this garbage?…” that he is indirectly accusing The Colonel and Mike at the Beach and Smirks and Grand Tango of being “garbage”…!? We hope the little misses gets in Stephen’s face and reminds him that he represents ALL voters of South Carolina…!!

As far as Garbage…..we hope Mrs Goldfinch can do a search on Burn pits and Plasma waste to energy converters and ask her husband where their trash is trucked too. When she finds out that her trash is energy and then looks at her Santee Cooper bill…..she may just start to look in her husband’s eyes real …”deep”…!!! We wonder if she is going to give birth to a SON who is going to go DIE for fossil OIL and be exposed to burn pits…!!! While her husband plays patty cake with Nikki and Bobby Harrell…!!

Buz Martin September 4, 2014 at 12:43 am

He’s a Goldfinch. So he should know when his further political aspirations are dead as fuck, embalmed and ready to be put in the dirt.

It’s Miller’s to lose now. Contemplate that. A Dem gonna beat the Repub like a rented mule in the Carolina Lowcountry. How fucking bad does he have to be for that to happen?

Philip Branton September 4, 2014 at 12:52 am

Dear Stephen Goldfinch…………

Ya know……….considering that you are a representative of the citizens who VOTED for you, do you not think that it is wise to keep abreast of all the political information across our state..? Well, do you not think that since Fitsnews does offer nuggets of info that are not found in the Post and Courier or The State or the Herald-Journal that you may just need to actually read this website on a daily basis..?

Jenny Sanford reads this website……she is NOT stupid.

Nancy Mace reads this website….she is not stupid.

Lindsey Graham reads this website….she is not stupid.

We feel certain that Vida Miller thumbs through here from time to time…!!

Stephen, dare to wonder how Vida could use this very webpage in a TV advertisement…!?

TontoBubbaGoldstein September 4, 2014 at 10:27 pm

Lindsey Graham reads this website….she is not stupid.


Philip Branton September 4, 2014 at 10:50 pm

Tonto…….wise horse understands a snake can shed its “skin”…..

SC Political Digest September 4, 2014 at 5:07 am

Does anybody really care about this small-time politician?…Check out a REAL story on our site:
Harvest Hope Food Bank has had to FIRE a substantial portion of its staff. Starving people are lining up to the road, and The State newspaper, and the liberal idiot running the food bank – that us producers fund – is still trying to claim we’re in a RECOVERY….That’s a NEWS story!!!!!…especially with a US Senate election coming up…along w/ an Obama-party candidate trying to run for Gov. in SC….

Tango Repairman September 4, 2014 at 8:24 am

Back to sleep Tango. Back to sleep.

Buz Martin September 4, 2014 at 9:47 am

What the hell have you ever produced besides a shitty blog and the spunk you rub out when you look at pix of Nikki in her tight blue dress?

Boning Mrs. Goldfinch September 4, 2014 at 7:05 am

Dear Mrs. Goldfinch,

When you are ready to procreate, please consider the ramifications of mixing your genes with a functional retard(your husband).

Best Regards,

Your Secret Admirer

nitrat September 4, 2014 at 8:01 am

So, Goldfinch is calling Jones a liar over something he knows is true.
Does that mean Jones has something actionable against Goldfinch?

Toyota Kawaski September 4, 2014 at 8:30 am

meagdouchebaggery=Fits,Goldpinch,Jones. Triple only because u forgot to work in Man-D in the POS Piece.

Smirks September 4, 2014 at 8:49 am

Wow, this guy sounds like GrandTango.

Dave Chappelle September 4, 2014 at 9:11 am

You might be on to something!

SC Political Digest September 4, 2014 at 8:55 am

We’ve got a new one up about The Sanford’s. Pretty funny. And not bought and paid for.

The sky is purple September 4, 2014 at 10:00 am

“We’ve got a new one up about The Sanford’s.”

Who’s “we’ve”? You and the voices in your head?

Rosie O'Martin September 4, 2014 at 10:08 am

Good stuff. Google “Boz Martin burlesque shows” and you got your next story. Holding off on his/her stage name. :-)

SC Political Digest September 4, 2014 at 12:08 pm

You mean that e-mail about learning to play an instrument? Or is there something else?

Alec September 4, 2014 at 8:59 am

The silver lining in this episode is that a Charleston Law graduate has demonstrated the ability to correctly spell “legally actionable” and use it appropriately in a sentence.

Dave Chappelle September 4, 2014 at 9:06 am

Wow. He really does sound like a cry baby. That is rather fascinating that he was elected in the first place.

While I am not positive of state law with respect to defamation (nor did I feel like racking up a Westlaw charge)….I do specifically remember that my torts class never covered libel, slander, etc. We were content with the main intentional torts.

tomstickler September 4, 2014 at 10:02 am

Well, Goldfinch was never “elected” in the first place.

The Georgetown County Republicans busted their bank account to elect some twerp (what was his name?) that was living with his folks to defeat Vida Miller four years ago. It was a vicious campaign, and Vida may have been distracted caring for her husband suffering from terminal cancer.

The twerp did virtually nothing in Columbia, and decided he really didn’t want to be a state representative after all, so Goldfinch filed as the only Republican, and no one filed for the Democrats, giving Goldfinch a “walkover” two years ago.

Rocky September 4, 2014 at 9:50 am

Sweet ride though.

Philip Branton September 4, 2014 at 10:26 am

****…..meanwhile, over at the Vida Miller muffler shop…..***

Vida: “Wow, look at all the cars, I knew a muffler biz would do just fine in these parts..”

Anita Zucker: “I never thought mufflers that sounded like a diesel truck would be so profitable……or wanted”

Vida: “Yep, I just wish I could get a muffler to fit Bobby Harrell and dare Mr. Goldfinch to install it before the election in November….”


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