Nikki Haley Addressing Columbia Junior League

WILL SHE WEAR HER HOOKER BOOTS? Prior to entering the bonds of Holy Matrimony, this website’s founding editor was quite the man about town … however his exploits never really extended to the ladies of the Junior League. Well … almost never. Anyway, worlds will collide this week when S.C….


Prior to entering the bonds of Holy Matrimony, this website’s founding editor was quite the man about town … however his exploits never really extended to the ladies of the Junior League.

Well … almost never.

Anyway, worlds will collide this week when S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley – perhaps Will Folks (a.k.a. “Sic Willie”)’s most infamous conquest – addresses the Junior League of Columbia.  Hold on to your Talbots’ receipts ladies, because this one could be a barnburner.

The official invite for the event refers to Haley’s time in Columbia, S.C. as having “been marked by conservative leadership and an unwavering commitment to the taxpayer.”

Um, really?

“She has fought wasteful spending at every turn, pushed for smaller, more efficient government and led the fight for accountability and transparency that, before her arrival, was sorely lacking in the Legislature,” the invite continues.

Wait … what?

Do these ladies just swallow anything they’re given?  

Errr … sorry.  That’s probably a bad analogy under the circumstances (clearly we’re referring to the speaker, not the audience).

Haley’s speech will take place on Thursday, September 4 at 6:00 p.m. EDT at the Greater Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center (here).  No word yet on whether she’ll wear her famous hooker boots.


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SC Political Digest September 2, 2014 at 1:06 pm

800 lb. gorilla, named Sanford, in the room…and FITS is ignoring it. FITS, your worshipers are pretty intellectually challenged, but even they are going to see through you, if you don’t stop shilling for the creeps that pay you off….Isn’t that what all you, and your gaggle of Dumb@$$#$ complain about…dishonesty, being bought and paid for?

blow-off that steam September 2, 2014 at 2:32 pm

Psyche eval and Anger Management training? Drugs, alcohol, and cohabitation with your mistress- girlfriend along with Smack talk about your ex in the presence of your minor kid? Said kid requesting limited visitation?
Say it ain’t so…

SC Political Digest September 2, 2014 at 3:04 pm

I know, right. An EXTREMELY compelling inside story, and you KNOW FITS is in the loop…yet that sorry S.O.B. is consumed w/ boring and tired Conservative-bashing Bull-$#!* that he is flat-footed and trite in analyzing.
It goes to show, the low-brow idiots of liberalism will never push for quality content. Just slam the people they hate, and shill for hand-outs and Bliss is king…

PS: Thanks for providing more insight about the Sanfords, than FITS could on his best day…

PSS: What kind of drugs?

Rx September 2, 2014 at 5:23 pm

Republican? Most likely cocaine and Oxy.

SC Political Digest September 2, 2014 at 2:54 pm

I could eat Jenny out if she was on the rag. Her lovely leathery skin makes my little beanie weenie turgid. She turns me on almost as much as some men I know.

Soft Sigh from Hell September 2, 2014 at 5:28 pm

Is Junior League as, or more, drivelous than Rotary?

Rocky September 3, 2014 at 10:32 am

Jr. League members wear leather skirts so they smell like a BMW.

Phil A. Tillo September 3, 2014 at 11:43 am

The JL ain’t what it used to be. Thank God. Lots of minority members and community work and you can cut a fart at the Sustainer’s Tea without being socially ostracized for three generations.


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