#FITSPick: Clemson 33 Georgia 30 (OT)
TIGERS WILL PULL UPSET IN ATHENS The 2014 season isn’t off to the best start when it comes to You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
The 2014 season isn’t off to the best start when it comes to
Georgia will win the East. Georgia 42 Clemson 17
Well done…
******2014 UPSET SPECIAL #2*******
Clemson 49
UGA 27
*Go big or go home!*
I like!
FITS picks Clemson…Uh Oh…unless Clemson cheats, like Obama, don’t expect a win.
9 of 9 of SC’s Constitutional officers are Republican, and the state’s House and Senate are controlled by the GOP. All the while FITS has been picking against the Republicans, telling us how well the democrats’ chances are…He’s told us Ravenel has 15% of the vote, and Ervin is a Republican….
FITS picked USC to run away with it, versus A&M…Truth: About the only SURE thing is: If FITS says it…it’s most likely Bull S#!*….
It’s time to play FITSNews readers’ favorite game. TANGO. Every time our illustrious poster BigT/GrandTango/SC Political Digest posts mark the correct spots on your card. Get your card at the link below. New cards available weekly.
Coming soon Wheel of Bullshit, SandiJeopardy and FiTS Feud
But you do admit, I’m right. Or are you that stupid?
“9 of 9 of SC’s Constitutional officers are Republican, and the state’s House and Senate are controlled by the GOP.”
I think I see your problem, SC.
SC’s unemployment rate – which was higher than the national avg. four years ago- is now lower than the national rate. You see that as a problem, Dumb@$$????
Yeah, when people take themselves out of the workforce…
Also: — Construction, down 2,500 jobs for a total of 22,000 fewer than a year ago.
— Manufacturing, down 1,200 jobs, 9,500 fewer than a year ago. Manufacturing jobs were lost in 12 of the last 13 months.
— Trade, transportation, utilities, up 1,100 because of the addition of mostly retail jobs but still down 11,200 from a year ago.
— Professional and business services, down 4,200, for a total of 9,000 from a year ago. Most of the jobs were temporary help.
— Leisure and hospitality, down 7,800 for the month and 6,400 for the year. The recent surge is attributed in large part to a decline in restaurant business.
I guess everybody’s now working part time at Wal-Mart and McDonalds. Speaking of those Wal-Mart jobs Nikki promised…where they at, Hoss?
Again: Obama is doing the same thing to manipulate his numbers, in addition to just plain out lying. But she is doing better than Obama…yet the media attacks her, and plays like a gaggle of ignorant MoFos, covering for Obama…
Can’t have it both ways Dumb@$$…she is either beating Obama, or numbers don’t matter. If Obama could not lie about jobs..he’s an even bigger disaster, than we already know he is…
IOW: It’s Obama’s world, she is taking it, and slapping the S#!* out of you w/ your own lies….
BINGO! What did I win? …Emily was cheating using her witchcraft…which is basically a Magic Eight Ball, but rules are rules…
Even money you want to win TBG’s second place price. Then again, that is probably getting boring for you. Shoot for first prize!
Georgia by 21.
Pretty damn good job, dude.
Maybe Will should get Tomocchio to do his football picks for now on. Will hasn’t been close.
TBG thinks a season long FITSNEWS PICK ‘EM CONTEST would be a blast.
Winner could receive a Charleston Harbor cruise with T-Rav, hookers, blow and CATO Inst. CDs.
Second place: Dinner at Tango’s mom’s. Ramen noodles, meth and Bud Lite, culminating with body shots of off brand tequila on GT’s mom…
Third Place: Signed, first edition of Will’s book.
The Magik Round Dice took a ride around the Top Paw Bone Dog Bowl (stainless steel) and barked out—–
Clemson……….33 (41 — my gut call)
Georgia………..26 (45 — my gut call)
Next time…go with your gut, Leroy Jethro.
“Winner could receive . . . .”
The prizes you mentioned for the PICK ‘EM contest might lead folks to not want to place first, second or third . . . are there any lower tier prizes that folks could take a look at?
Will’s picking Clemson by three? Yikes! Considering his SC pick, I’m betting the house on UGA and the Dawgs…
Fits is going further out on the limb, predicting overtime (OT). You know what GrandTango’s going say if the score is CLEMSON 33 GEORGIA 30 in regulation.
“If FITS says it…it’s most likely Bull S#!*….”
In the pic, it doesn’t look like the red ACC hat guy is very happy. Must be a Maryland fan.
Connor Shaw and Taj Boyd have been cut from the Browns and Jets, respectively.
Doesn’t the world have enough Sociology/General Studies graduates? Let’s see some of these free riders get an Accounting, Engineering, or any hard science degree rather than some buillshit degree that isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
Wrong– again! UGA 45, Clemson 21. Go Dawgs!!!
At least both SC teams lost by the same margin, so maybe that will tamp down at least some of the crazy, mouthbreathing, hyperventilation types with the loud “who sucks worse” arguments.
Suffice it to say,
Two mediocre teams that will make no impact nationally this year.
Oh well back to what a sonuvabitch Lindsay Graham is!
Great screen name, by the way…
You’re diagnosis is probably correct, unfortunately. You dog LG and I’ll keep covering the TR show, then after 4 NOV we’ll give it it a rest for a bit and start all over again.
…the crazy, mouthbreathing, hyperventilation types…
Chew talkin’ bow me, Mang?
Nunca, mi amigo! You’ve always been very tasteful in your crazy, mouthbreathing, hyperventilation! ;-)
Thanks FITS. You do not fail us in your erroneous ways. And the more wrong you are, it just makes those who worship you, that much more faithful. That is the kind they are. (:
Boy were you WAY off!!!!!!!
Boy were you WAY off!!!!!!!
FITS was looking good after three quarters.
Then the wheels fell off.
You shouldn’t make predictions after partying with T Rav.