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Amanda Cunningham

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Joe Biden Dials It Back In Ukraine

Will Folks


Let's Burn Another Trillion August 21, 2014 at 6:13 pm

Well put, Will.

The Colonel August 21, 2014 at 6:48 pm

They’d actually be yelling “Allahu Akbar”.

If you don’t think radical Islamist are a threat your just stupid, sorry, you just are. If you hide under your bed, you’re equally stupid.

Let’s keep killing the abominations over there via drone and the occasional air strike, combined with keeping the Levant unstable do they’ll kill each other as they strive for supremacy.

euwe max August 21, 2014 at 6:52 pm

If you hide under your bed, you’re equally stupid.

Not me! I’m heading out to Walmart for some plastic and duct tape… you can never be too prepared!

The Colonel August 21, 2014 at 7:07 pm

I already have my plastic and duct tape, from the last time. Believe it or not, offices all over our military bases are designated refuges and they’re each equipped with a box full of plastic and duct tape…

euwe max August 21, 2014 at 7:13 pm


Deo Vindice SC August 21, 2014 at 8:20 pm

Sandbaggers, LOL. Frags work good in that.

CNSYD August 21, 2014 at 8:26 pm

Sic Willie don’t need no stinkin facts!

euwe max August 22, 2014 at 6:10 am

If all you have is a gun, everything looks like a target.

euwe max August 21, 2014 at 6:51 pm

…I just nodded off for a second, and I was shocked awake by visions of scimitars, cutting off the heads of hundreds of thousands of Marines, their sophisticated weapons rendered inert by the presence of oil in the Middle East…. I’m still shaking… cold sweat.. I need a drink.

swervin ervin August 21, 2014 at 11:44 pm

I support oil and need money. Think ISIS would loan me a million?

euwe max August 22, 2014 at 4:38 am

They can’t even afford designer sunglasses.

west_rhino August 22, 2014 at 10:23 am

there’s plenty in Yassir’s bank accounts in Yemen and Switzerland, though designer dunglasses could be a give-away

euwe max August 22, 2014 at 10:35 am

You have to be kidding me. The American Indians were better equipped to throw off the tyranny of the invading white devils than the “terrorists.”

They can’t even act civilized when they kill a person.. don’t they know they’re supposed to be sitting cool and comfortable, tens of thousands of feet in the air listening to music, and chewing gum when their victim passes anonymously and antiseptically into the well of souls far below?

shifty henry August 22, 2014 at 11:39 am

Max, just stop eating cheese, chocolate, popcorn, or pizza within two hours of going to sleep…

Bible Thumper August 21, 2014 at 7:06 pm

I hardly know where to begin. There is not a single point that you made in which I agree.
If you don’t know the difference between an organization’s the top to bottom endorsement of public execution of completely innocent person for political and propaganda purposes in the most brutal and barbaric way and the incidents you cite, then you are beyond the reach of reason.

euwe max August 21, 2014 at 8:39 pm

Wrong topic – this Isis, not ferguson

Bible Thumper August 21, 2014 at 8:45 pm

If only Ferguson has drones.

euwe max August 21, 2014 at 8:58 pm

They call them cops in Mo.

Philip Branton August 21, 2014 at 7:25 pm

Boy, oh boy, stocks are at a high……..oil is tapering lower……and Wil Folks feels “overloaded”..!

We highly wager that a September “wink” will result in a spill of “Big Oil” on a bald head…!!!

Will……….the trap is waiting to be “sprung”……

idcydm August 21, 2014 at 7:40 pm

Thank God you only have a fucked up blog.

euwe max August 21, 2014 at 9:19 pm

Thank God you have only one fucked up blog.

Fixed that for you.

Nölff August 22, 2014 at 8:53 am

There’s plenty fucked up blogs out there. Just pick your flavor.

TontoBubbaGoldstein August 21, 2014 at 7:41 pm

“They’re beyond just a terrorist group,” Hagel said. “They marry ideology with a sophisticated strategic and tactical military prowess and they’re tremendously well-funded. This is way beyond anything we have seen. We must prepare for everything. Get Ready!”

Hey Chuck, call TBG when ISIS’s Navy(?) has the capability to mount an amphibious assault on Charleston’s barrier islands and/or when their Air Force(?) is able to bomb Kansas…
Until then, STFU!

idcydm August 21, 2014 at 7:43 pm

Did they use their own Air Force on 9-11?

TontoBubbaGoldstein August 21, 2014 at 10:36 pm

Did they use their own Air Force on 9-11?


But the “theys” are different.

9-11 was Al Qaeda.

This is ISIS.

Al Qaeda was a non-state actor attempting to bloody America’s nose and then financially break us, so as to get us out of the Middle East.

ISIS is, or, at least, is striving to be, a state actor by becoming the Caliphate. Different groups, different goals. Now, while state actors bloviate a great deal (See North Korea, Iran, etc); the last one to attack us was Japan in ’45. They had a pretty formidable Navy and Air Force, yet it still didn’t work out too hot for them. [Or maybe it did, come to think of it…]

Bible Thumper August 22, 2014 at 12:58 am

There are some troubling similarities between pre-war Japan and the Islamic State. US conflict with both was/is inevitable. Both Japan and IS had/have ambitions of empire.

The USA must block this effort because IS control of oil would cause Europe to lose confidence in the US and undermine the NATO alliance. Because of the US effort to block IS, they must attack the US and its interests.

This is similar to the Japanese invasion of China. Japan was bogged down in China. The US, UK and Netherlands boycotted Japan and supplied China to oppose aggression in China. Japan depended on them for resources to conduct the war in China. To get those resources and to block supplies to China they attacked the Dutch East Indies and, French Indo-China. Believing the US and UK would oppose this action using British and American possessions, the Japanese attacked the US and the UK possions.

idcydm August 22, 2014 at 6:18 am

May point, they don’t need to wait to have a Navy or Air Force to attack us or any other country.

west_rhino August 22, 2014 at 10:25 am

Obama-Nam here we come. It seems, like Roosevelt, the US has needed a war to economically get us out of another great depression, but that’s history leaving a proven modus opperendi

Same ol' Same ol' August 22, 2014 at 10:34 am

They fuck u shimad our asses.

euwe max August 21, 2014 at 9:18 pm

“They’re beyond just a terrorist group,”

They have KNIVES!

Nölff August 22, 2014 at 8:50 am

I’m Navy. They’ll never have shit on us.

Hagel Has Been Lobbyied August 21, 2014 at 8:24 pm

From the Wizard of Oz … “Russia, China, Iran, oh my”! … and now this? Pfft!!! War Machine and their lobbyist … say anything if it will put $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in their pockets. Nobody in their right mind ( if they have one ) will buy this with the border being wide open down south.
Seal the border with Mexico. Reports already coming out that ISIS has paid the Mexican Drug Cartel for assistance crossing it.

euwe max August 21, 2014 at 9:21 pm

The Arabs dastardly plan… they’re going to pump all of the oil to the last drop without telling us there’s almost none left, and THEN tell us there’s no more… so that we won’t take the oil AND their land from them before they sell it all.

Mike at the Beach August 22, 2014 at 12:52 am

FITS has now officially gone off of the deep end. The weird self-loathing and utter lack of understanding regarding the fundamental differences between a civilized nation and the Islamist threat / culture tires me out to the point that I don’t really have the energy to discuss it. It’s just a dumb, immature, ill-informed, and logically / factually flawed position.

euwe max August 22, 2014 at 6:01 am

Creative Destruction dictates that we seem to support unification while forcing events and the general perception that the region is perpetually and unredeemably unstable, and will invevitably lead to “we’re all gonna DIIIIEEEEE!”

Just because Richard Perle isn’t in the slimelight anymore doesn’t mean the deliberate destruction of the Middle East by the West, for oil and Israel, isn’t ongoing.

Just look at what the CIA thinks “an intelligent and mature western actor” looks like:

Caption: US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel says IS “clearly poses a long-term threat”

We care so little, we buy the idea that simply holding one lens lightly between thumb and forefinger will intensify concentration and provide x-ray understanding of everything political – and reduce the totality of reality to a single irrefutable statement…Overcoming stupidity with a single gesture.

How many times will we ignore the bloody lesson that you can’t win a ground war from the air?

…no, the obvious conclusion is that we are doing whatever we can to fuck things up over there so bad, they’ll never, ever, go back to “business as usual,” so that every dumbass without a goal in life will dedicate his life to destroying the “great Satan” with his pen-knife, toothpaste and bottle of spring water.

In the holy grail, once the rabbit ate one of the knights head off, they would believe ANYTHING… even that the holy hand grenade would destroy the rabbit, and eliminate the threat.

Never mind that the entire premise is absurd.

The Colonel August 22, 2014 at 7:22 am

“…How many times will we ignore the bloody lesson that you can’t win a ground war from the air?..”

There is no “war” to win here. With air power we kept Ol’Sadam from screwing with the Kurds and his other neighbors from the end of the First Gulf War until we decided to get rid of him all together. Lots of other issues involved but if you have limited objectives there are lots of things you can accomplish with an F-16 or a Reaper.

euwe max August 22, 2014 at 9:01 am

There is no “war” to win here.
Here we go again… I thought we had decided to skip anxiety and go right to a war on terror. Have the republicans “repurposed” the war on terror to fit some new, and better paradigm for “keeping us safe?” Maybe we could call it the air power on terror.

With air power we kept Ol’Sadam from screwing with the Kurds and his other neighbors from the end of the First Gulf War until we decided to get rid of him all together.
“We have kept his ability to project weapons against his neighbors from him…” 4 months later – “WE’RE ALL GOOINNNA DIEEEE!” (sound familiar?) of course, he had bushy there’s that.

Lots of other issues involved but if you have limited objectives there are lots of things you can accomplish with an F-16 or a Reaper.

Yeah… and those flight suits are ROCKIN’!

west_rhino August 22, 2014 at 10:22 am

expand concealed carry’s reciprocity and include optional training on handling a live suicide bomber..

shifty henry August 22, 2014 at 11:16 am

Is this talk leading up to something that hasn’t been revealed to us citizens? Does the US have the non-existent WMD? Is a nuclear option being discussed? Does Lil’ Benito want to establish the world’s largest golf course (and named after him)?

Insanity Grows Another Head August 22, 2014 at 11:57 am

Hypochondriac Lindsey Grahams must be forming at the mouth right now. But all of this is a dangerous and un-needed psychological reaction. Sealing the border with Mexico is the real world. Going back to Iraq and generating more dead US troops, body bags, more debt, it is motivated entirely by the thirst for $$$$$$$$$$$$$ … and lots of it … Billions of it.
Wide Open Border with Mexico …. Anyone or anything can easily cross. And that can never be refuted.
Graham and these other war mongers will never sell the masses on going back to Iraq, when the biggest threat to our lives here in the homeland is our wide open out of control border with Mexico.
Graham, obviously, has a sickness between his ears. He has done NOTHING for South Carolina … nothing at all. And I challenge his supporters here to post what he has DONE to help South Carolina. If there is no post to show and/or prove what he has done to improve SC, it galvanizes my point.

They Are Here Now In USA August 22, 2014 at 1:02 pm

THANK LINDSEY GRAHAM …. Homeland Security Adviser: ‘Very, Very True’ ISIS May Have Crossed Border …. ISIS inside the USA casing targets, thanks to Lindsey Graham and his love for criminal illegal aliens and keeping the border open so they can waltz right in – daily – by the THOUSANDS.
Question is now, will YOU be killed right here at home because of OPEN BORDERS?

shifty henry August 22, 2014 at 6:39 pm

Hagel is only following the advice as outlined in the book, “The White Flag Principle”…


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