my friend’s step-mother makes $73 every hour on the computer. She has
been out of a job for 7 months but last month her pay was $7220 just
working on the computer for a few hours. Read more on this web
False! The Israelis have been stealing Palestinian land for the last 60 years. Thanks due mainly to the the Brits, Germans & yours truly ( USA ). It’s an economic proposition, pure & simple. The Palestinian people were not involved in the horrors faced by the Jews in WWII. Yet they have had to pay reparations with their very lives. Please witness the genocide that the criminal Jews is inflicting upon them today. Religion has nothing to do with it, that’s a sham argument.
Don’t the Jews in Israel also provide welfare to them in the form of food and other necessities? Seems I saw an article a few years ago with pictures of Palestinian markets with fresh, attractive, fruits and vegetables offered. As I recall, the article indicated that Israel provided a lot of this produce to the Palestinians.
The Palestinians are perfectly capable of providing for themselves and do not need the Israelis’ handouts. And they only do this at times because they hold the Palestinians in an open air prisons, Gaza & the West Bank. Many of these Arabs have the deeds & titles to their property in so-called Israel but have been surreptitiously evicted by their Jewish invaders.
It is very easy to look back in history and only see the negative impact of religion. History tends to dwell on wars and conflicts and not see the slow progress.
“differences in beliefs (none of which can be proven)”
Much of human progress is based on ideas that can’t be proven.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”
Putting aside a creator, that statement is ludicrous. We all have different abilities and potential and are not equal. But if you factor in the eternal life, you have a sound basis for the belief that we are. This central belief made possible the development of the modern democracy.
Christianity specifically made possible the development of modern science. History records persecution of scientists for their beliefs, but the preponderance of evidence is of Christians founding universities and sponsoring scientific discoveries and making many discoveries that we benefit from now.
“Shiites are fighting Sunnis. They have been fighting for over 2000 years.”
Shiite, Sunni, Christian and Jewish communities lived in peace for much of their history and only recently have communities that have existed for thousands of years been uprooted and destroyed. It is a complex issue that I can’t fully discuss here, but I will say that these conflicts have as much to do with modern ideas as they do ancient religious beliefs. Otherwise why the rise of conflicts among people’s who have lived in peace for most of the last millennium.
Christianity is nothing but a re-packaging of many ancient religions from Egypt to the Near & Middle East.
bobbyfischer August 4, 2014 at 12:24 pm
For thousands of years prior to your contention, Egyptians, Chinese, Summerians, etc. were at the forefront of everything. Those you mention are Johnny-come- latelies.
True but those discoveries led to few technological improvement to the lives of people. Agriculture, irrigation, architecture, dams, plumbing and warfare; little else.
bobbyfischer August 4, 2014 at 12:31 pm
There are many pastors who would sprinkle holy water on nuclear weapons.
We don’t support Israel because you hate God. We support Israel because they are the force of peace in a region where evil, hate and murder run rampant, and it will come to us, if it’s not squelched. We support Israel because they are RIGHT, vs people who are wrong, criminally racist, evil and deadly.
And not supporting them will eventually cost American lives and trillions in defense.
The left is expert at using the words of the people they hate, to set up their ignorant arguments. You are Full of $#!t, and represent the stupid and narrow-minded like you.
Israel has many of it’s nuclear weapons targeted on the capitals of Europe, the Middle East & the good ole, USA. Commonly referred to as the Samson Option.
Is that why Obama Crapped his pants when Bibi (verbally) slapped the S#!* out of his Dumb @$$ over the weekend…???
If your Nazi-level conspiracy theory is correct, you are more of a Stupid MotherF*#ker than I thought to hate them. Hamas has Scuds, modified bottle rockets, we shoot down like skeets, yet you jump to, when those evil B@*t@rd$ tell you to. If Israel can actually hurt us, your lord–god Obama sure is a F*#k up to be *#king with them, is he not?
Everyone knows that Bibi is a ” notorious liar.” The Jews have every weapon under the sky, nuclear armed subs, ballistic missiles with nuclear and chemical weapons, tanks, F-15 & 16 jets among many other weapon systems. Yet the brave people of Palestine demonstrate daily more bravura & the fighting spirit so common among oppress people. The Jews are cowards who control American politicians like Lindsay Graham with blackmail & financial funding.
LMAO…Thanks, bobby, I needed a laugh.
PS: I thought you were dead. Or is that just your brain…Hahahahaha…
Norma Scok August 4, 2014 at 2:19 pm
Why don’t we do the same thing in Africa and South America? Or any where that we feel there is oppression? I guess those places don’t have a huge lobby fighting for their billions each year.
And I bet this dude has a theology degree from an accredited and affiliated seminary. Kinda makes ya wonder about religious education these days.. that and kindergartens.
A thoughtful and respectful essay. Thank you.
Admittedly an agnostic….but doesn’t the New Testament kind of nix the whole “Chosen People” schtick?
my friend’s step-mother makes $73 every hour on the computer. She has
been out of a job for 7 months but last month her pay was $7220 just
working on the computer for a few hours. Read more on this web
The “red letters” nix a lot of the Old testament shtick in toto, one Bible-thumping preacher notwithstanding…
You’re too hung up on the the words. You have to argue using emotion to be successful with the general population.
Good essay Len. Will these are good. Keep it up.
False! The Israelis have been stealing Palestinian land for the last 60 years. Thanks due mainly to the the Brits, Germans & yours truly ( USA ). It’s an economic proposition, pure & simple. The Palestinian people were not involved in the horrors faced by the Jews in WWII. Yet they have had to pay reparations with their very lives. Please witness the genocide that the criminal Jews is inflicting upon them today. Religion has nothing to do with it, that’s a sham argument.
Don’t the Jews in Israel also provide welfare to them in the form of food and other necessities? Seems I saw an article a few years ago with pictures of Palestinian markets with fresh, attractive, fruits and vegetables offered. As I recall, the article indicated that Israel provided a lot of this produce to the Palestinians.
The Palestinians are perfectly capable of providing for themselves and do not need the Israelis’ handouts. And they only do this at times because they hold the Palestinians in an open air prisons, Gaza & the West Bank. Many of these Arabs have the deeds & titles to their property in so-called Israel but have been surreptitiously evicted by their Jewish invaders.
It is very easy to look back in history and only see the negative impact of religion. History tends to dwell on wars and conflicts and not see the slow progress.
“differences in beliefs (none of which can be proven)”
Much of human progress is based on ideas that can’t be proven.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”
Putting aside a creator, that statement is ludicrous. We all have different abilities and potential and are not equal. But if you factor in the eternal life, you have a sound basis for the belief that we are. This central belief made possible the development of the modern democracy.
Christianity specifically made possible the development of modern science. History records persecution of scientists for their beliefs, but the preponderance of evidence is of Christians founding universities and sponsoring scientific discoveries and making many discoveries that we benefit from now.
“Shiites are fighting Sunnis. They have been fighting for over 2000 years.”
Shiite, Sunni, Christian and Jewish communities lived in peace for much of their history and only recently have communities that have existed for thousands of years been uprooted and destroyed. It is a complex issue that I can’t fully discuss here, but I will say that these conflicts have as much to do with modern ideas as they do ancient religious beliefs. Otherwise why the rise of conflicts among people’s who have lived in peace for most of the last millennium.
So you don’t consider Catholics Christians? Wasn’t it the Catholic church that did much of the science hating persecution?
The people they persecuted were mostly Catholics (yes Christians) themselves. The ideas that the church was defending were pagan not biblical.
“Christianity specifically made possible the development of modern science”
Cupernicous, Galileo, Da Vinci (and untold dozens more) would probably argue with you on that one.
Tell me…how old are the dinosaurs and the cave paintings?
Copernicus was deeply religious and had no heretical intent in espousing his heliocentric theory. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Sorry, gotta go. I would like to discuss further.
Christianity is nothing but a re-packaging of many ancient religions from Egypt to the Near & Middle East.
For thousands of years prior to your contention, Egyptians, Chinese, Summerians, etc. were at the forefront of everything. Those you mention are Johnny-come- latelies.
True but those discoveries led to few technological improvement to the lives of people. Agriculture, irrigation, architecture, dams, plumbing and warfare; little else.
There are many pastors who would sprinkle holy water on nuclear weapons.
Your ignorance personifies the left.
We don’t support Israel because you hate God. We support Israel because they are the force of peace in a region where evil, hate and murder run rampant, and it will come to us, if it’s not squelched. We support Israel because they are RIGHT, vs people who are wrong, criminally racist, evil and deadly.
And not supporting them will eventually cost American lives and trillions in defense.
The left is expert at using the words of the people they hate, to set up their ignorant arguments. You are Full of $#!t, and represent the stupid and narrow-minded like you.
Israel has many of it’s nuclear weapons targeted on the capitals of Europe, the Middle East & the good ole, USA. Commonly referred to as the Samson Option.
Is that why Obama Crapped his pants when Bibi (verbally) slapped the S#!* out of his Dumb @$$ over the weekend…???
If your Nazi-level conspiracy theory is correct, you are more of a Stupid MotherF*#ker than I thought to hate them. Hamas has Scuds, modified bottle rockets, we shoot down like skeets, yet you jump to, when those evil B@*t@rd$ tell you to. If Israel can actually hurt us, your lord–god Obama sure is a F*#k up to be *#king with them, is he not?
Everyone knows that Bibi is a ” notorious liar.” The Jews have every weapon under the sky, nuclear armed subs, ballistic missiles with nuclear and chemical weapons, tanks, F-15 & 16 jets among many other weapon systems. Yet the brave people of Palestine demonstrate daily more bravura & the fighting spirit so common among oppress people. The Jews are cowards who control American politicians like Lindsay Graham with blackmail & financial funding.
LMAO…Thanks, bobby, I needed a laugh.
PS: I thought you were dead. Or is that just your brain…Hahahahaha…
Why don’t we do the same thing in Africa and South America? Or any where that we feel there is oppression? I guess those places don’t have a huge lobby fighting for their billions each year.
You may be the MOST IGNORANT Mother-F*#k#r to EVER draw breath. We spend Billions and Billions in Africa and S.A. Always have.
And those hateful F*#kers spit in our face, while Israel is an ally.
You have to a Dumb@$$ MoFo to be a liberal. I swear. Where do they get you Fools from?
I think the pastor’s views reflect the deeply-held and ill-considered beliefs of a wide swath of Republicans.
Sunnis fighting Shiites for over 2000 years? Their hatred is truly ahead of its time.
And I bet this dude has a theology degree from an accredited and affiliated seminary. Kinda makes ya wonder about religious education these days.. that and kindergartens.